Home Lifestyle Healthier Alternatives to Milk Tea? Different Types of Tea for Better Health

Healthier Alternatives to Milk Tea? Different Types of Tea for Better Health

Healthier Alternatives to Milk Tea? Different Types of Tea for Better Health

Regardless of the season, time and mood, Tea is one of the most favorite beverages for a lot of people. Some people think of Tea like a hug in a cup. For some, Tea is to the body like music is to the soul. But, do you know that a lot of studies and research prove that Tea can lead to better health? In other words, Tea is a flavourful way of sending enough fluids into your body. Tea can play a crucial role in cleansing and detoxifying the body.

10 Different Types of Tea for Better HealthDifferent Types of Tea for Better Health

Most of us are familiar with the typical conservative Milk Tea, which is a standard beverage in Indian households. But you are going to find about ten different types of Tea which can be a treat to both your body and taste buds. Read on to find out about the ten different types of Tea for better health.

Green Tea

Green Tea is so good for you that some researchers believe it to be the healthiest beverage on the planet. Green Tea is the type of Tea that does not undergo the conservative withering and oxidation process used to make black teas.Green Tea for Better Health The medicinal and healing properties of Green Tea have been praised for centuries globally. The health benefits of Green Tea are as follows:

  • Antioxidants in Green Tea can reduce the risk of breast, prostate and colorectal cancers.
  • Green tea aids in fat-burning and improves the overall metabolism of the body.
  • Green Tea can make you smart! Yes. It improves your brain functioning.

Chamomile Tea

Yes! It’s the same Tea, our cute ‘Kavu’ from ‘Little Things’ likes to drink! The wonders Chamomile Tea can do are still unknown to many. This Tea is ancient, but it is competent enough to manage a multitude of deficiencies and disorders. Chamomile Tea for Better HealthThe good news is that it takes 20 minutes to prepare Chamomile Tea. Here is why Chamomile Tea is special:

  • It has a sedating effect and helps induce sleep and also helps in managing stress and anxiety.
  • This Tea also aids in Glycemic control which is another word for sugar control. This Tea is a boon for all diabetic patients.
  • Chamomile Tea helps in treating bloating, diarrhea and colic.

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint Tea is prepared by inducing peppermint leaves in hot water. This Tea is known for its refreshing minty taste and of course for its health benefits. Peppermint Tea for Better HealthIn different types of tea, Peppermint leaves contain several essential oils that add to its taste and healing properties. Drinking this Tea can do a great deal of help, such as:

  • Studies indicate that Peppermint Tea prevents muscle contraction and thus relieves spasms in our gut. Easy digestion!
  • For all those suffering from migraine, this Tea serves as a pain-killer.
  • Peppermint Tea works wonders for blocked noses. Research demonstrates that menthol in peppermint improves the flow in the nasal cavity.

Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus Tea can be prepared by boiling fresh or dried hibiscus leaves in water. And, let me tell you, it tastes a teeny bit tart.Hibiscus Tea for Better Health But the health benefits of this Tea are amazing! In different types of tea the best part of Hibiscus Tea is, you can have this Tea both hot and cold. What makes this tea special?

  • Hibiscus is believed to treat high blood pressure and cholesterol. A 2014 review proved that consuming Hibiscus Tea significantly reduced cholesterol levels.
  • This Tea is a power-shell of antioxidants and hence is excellent for your skin too.
  • Hibiscus extracts mitigate the growth of stomach cancer cells by up to 52%, says a medical study.

Oolong Tea

It may sound strange, but only 2% of the world population consumes Oolong Tea. This Tea combines the qualities of green and dark teas. Oolong Tea for Better HealthOolong Tea is somewhere between Green and Black Teas. The treats this Tea has to offer are:

  • Recent research observed that drinking 720ml of Oolong Tea every day would lower the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by 16%.
  • Oolong Tea contains antioxidants which promote better tooth and bone health. It also increases bone mineral density.
  • The incredible benefit of this Tea is that it shows long term improvement in people suffering from Eczema.


Here is our all-time favourite, fragrant, spicy Indian Tea- our very own Masala Chai. Masala Chai for Better HealthIn different types of tea Masala chai is known for its fragrant aroma and mind-blowing taste, this Tea is a combination of ginger, cardamom, fennel and other spices. What’s more, Chai Tea has been associated with a variety of health benefits.

  • The spices in this Tea give it anti-bacterial properties, and hence Chai Tea reduces nausea and improves digestion.
  • The powerful blend of spices boosts the immune system and can be especially helpful for people who have arthritis.
  • This Tea is also rich in Vitamin C, potassium and has also demonstrated anti-cancer effects.

Matcha Tea

Matcha Tea is a type of Green Tea and is on the top of the#trending list these days. It is a “super drink” as one cup of Matcha Tea has as many antioxidants as 10 cups of Green Tea. There is more:

  • This Tea provides Vitamin C, Selenium, Chromium, Zinc and Magnesium.
  • This Tea helps in natural and effective detoxification of both the body and the skin.
  • Matcha Tea shuts down those stress hormones, enhances mood and improves concentration.

Black Tea

Black Tea is the most common type of Tea.Black Tea for Better Health The catch here is, Black Tea should be consumed in moderate amounts. Consider the following facts:

  • The Tea Trade Health Research Association says that Black Tea aids oral health by reducing the formation of plaque.
  • Black Tea also helps to stimulate the metabolism and the functioning of the respiratory system.
  • The amino acid L-Theanine in Black Tea also helps you to slow down after a tiring day and cools down your brain.

White Tea

Do not confuse White Tea with our traditional Milk Tea. White Tea is the most superior variety among teas as it is the least processed. The sun-dried buds of the tea plant are used to make White Tea. The buds of the plant have silver-white strings and hence the name- White Tea.

  • White Tea is a blessing to those suffering from Hypothyroidism.
  • White Tea also improves the reproductive health in women.
  • It’s a boon to the skin too, as it works towards anti-ageing

Ginger Tea

Ginger Tea, commonly called as ‘Adrak Chai’ in Hindi can be taken with some lemon juice or honey.

  • Ginger Tea soothes the nerves and hence prevents vomiting and motion sickness.
  • Ginger Tea helps people suffering from Asthma as it loosens the Phlegm and expands the lungs.
  • Ginger Tea gives incredible relief from menstrual discomfort.

All of these ten different types of Tea are officially great for your health. Choose one of them according to your needs, taste or health concerns. So brew up a batch of one of these teas and enjoy the stuff- hot and cold!


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