Home Tech Technology 8 Features of the Windows 10 You Must Use

8 Features of the Windows 10 You Must Use

8 Features of the Windows 10 You Must Use

Windows 10 is out in the market & more than 50% of the professionals are already using this new version of Windows. The Windows 8, which was the previous version failed to impress people with its overall usability but Windows 10 update surely takes care of this particular Concern. Let us look at some of the other significant features which take the Windows 10 to a completely next level Operating System.

1. Cortana – Your Personal Digital Assistant

The Virtual Assistant ‘Cortana’, is there at user’s disposal to help them with anything & everything. Using Cortana, you can set up reminders for various tasks, trace interests, flights,  Manage calendar and keep you updated.

Features of the Windows 10

2. Universal Share Functionality

Sharing of images, files & links has become easier than before. The ‘Share’ function in the new Windows 10 makes it easy to share links, files & images which was a bit time consuming earlier. For using this, you need to keep your wifi and Bluetooth turned on. Just select the file or link and right click over it and select the share option and mail it or send it visible devices as shown below. Usually, this was done by sharing the above items via mail or applications but now you can do it within few seconds with Windows 10.

Features of the Windows 10

3. The mighty Microsoft Edge Browser

Next comes the Microsoft’s ‘Edge’ browser which is somewhat similar to the Chrome, but has a lot more features to offer than Chrome. You can find more about this Edge Browser in detail here. The only thing I feel about this browser is its logo which makes naive users feel like its Internet Explorer.

Features of the Windows 10

4. Night Light to curb Bright Light

If you use Computer for long hours every day, probably you’ll end up stressed at the end of the day. This is due to the blue light emitted by the display during the day which keeps you awake. But the ‘Night Light’ settings on the new Windows 10 replaces this blue light with warmer colours when turned on so that it doesn’t cause any strain on your eyes. You can schedule this setting as per your convenience.

Features of the Windows 10

5. Multitasking with ease

To facilitate Multi-tasking, Windows 10 comes with a function to ‘Snap’ various apps into tiles and users and work simultaneously on them. This improves the accessibility and efficiency while you are working on multiple apps at a given instance of time as shown below.

Features of the Windows 10

6. Virtual Desktop – Make you feel nothing less than a Mac User

In addition to this feature, Windows 10 comes with ‘Virtual Desktop’ option which is similar to the Mac OS. This feature is useful when you are doing a task with multiple windows open before you & then you have to start with some other thing while keeping the existing work in the background. In this scenario, you can use the Virtual Desktop and start afresh on the new one.

7. Gamers Paradise – The Gaming Mode

When we consider various uses of Computer, we discover its either for the Professional use or for the purpose of Gaming. You guessed it right, the Windows 10 has something to offer for the Gamers too, its the ‘Game Bar’. Also, Windows 10 comes with a gaming mode which disables the notifications while the gaming session is going on. Apart from that, users can take snapshots & record the gameplay using the Recording tool in the Game Bar.

Features of the Windows 10

8. Dynamic Lock – For Security Concern

Last but not the least, the Windows 10 comes with a ‘Dynamic Lock’ facility to make your system more secure while you are away. For this, you need to pair your Machine with your phone via Bluetooth. If you leave the computer with your credentials logged in to attend a call maybe, as soon as your phone goes out of the proximity of the Bluetooth, the Dynamic lock will automatically lock your Computer & deny an unauthorised user from accessing the machine.

Features of the Windows 10

Windows has already declared that from here on Windows is going to exist, only as a Service to its user. So, these were few significant features offered by the Windows 10 Update which is rapidly gaining popularity amongst the Windows users. I’ll keep a track of all updates that may be released by Microsoft in future and let you know about them in upcoming blogs.


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