Home Food 10 Best Fast Food For Curing Hangover

10 Best Fast Food For Curing Hangover

10 Best Fast Food For Curing Hangover

There does come some days when you would just want to run away from the hustle bustle of the fast pace life and would want to relax and have a drink. However, things can go overboard and can lead to hangovers. “Anything in larger quantity is bad”.  Fun nights at parties and rough mornings go hand in hand have you also been in a similar situation? If yes, here we have some best hangover food recipes to soothe you if you have had way many tipples the previous nights:

1. French Fry Pizza

french fry pizza

If you are a pizza and a French fries lover, then this is your go-to go meal. French fry pizza is a combination of both your favourite things. This dish is simply made by throwing the fry on the normally baked pizza. This is a very useful dish during hung overtimes because it is heavy and helps the person to feel normal. Also, why should one compromise on the taste even in a hangover state? This dish adds taste to an all new level.

2. Avocado and Egg Sandwich

 During Hung overtimes, salt can act as a saviour. Avocado and Egg sand which is very easy to make. One just needs to toast bread, chop avocados, add some raw red onions, at the end put the sunny egg on the top and cap the entire thing with ketchup. It hardly takes 5 minutes to make this easy dish. It is one of the quickest dishes which can help the person come out of hung over.

3. Kimchee Ramen

Kimchi Ramen

If you are a spice lover, then this is the dish for you during your rough mornings. The dish is really easy to make. Just have to mix noodles with pork and it’s ready. Kimchee Ramen has capsaicin in it, which helps to take away the mind from the various pains it is going through. Also, it has a salty broth which is very hydrating for the body. The richness which is received from the pork fat and the starch which is received from the noodles is very helpful in absorbing the toxins of the night.

4. The Texas Benedict

Texas Benedict

This Benedict acts as a whole meal which includes salt as well as savoury. It helps in satisfying all the cravings and it is very helpful to get the mind and body back to a normal state. Also, it is super easy to make. It has a French toast which is spiked up with bourbon, poached eggs, and a rich, buttery hollandaise.

5. Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Have you heard of anyone saying that this is more cheese? More cheese does not exist, cheese is always less. A grilled Cheese sandwich is one of the simplest and tastiest hangover dishes. You just need bread, cheese mayonnaise to prepare this delicious dish. The cheese acts as an instant renewal mask which plums up your body to get back to life in the most natural way.

6. Tomato Egg Noodles

This is one of the most popular dishes used for hangovers as it is extremely satisfying. The dish consists of flat and basic rice noodles which are topped up with a unique combination of scrambled eggs and cooked tomatoes. This helps the dish in getting salty, (Which is extremely good to get over the hangover), sweet, chilli (which acts as an anti-toxic). A little cilantro and celery are also added to help the hangover mind feel less pathetic and fresher.

7. Mexicans Hash Browns

Mexicans Hash Browns

As confusing it may sound, Hash browns is one of the most effective dishes to come back hangover. This hangover meal is spicy as well as salty which are both the most important flavours needed to recover from a hangover. It is a fresh dish made with the slices of avocado, added with salsa. It hardly takes a few minutes to make this meal and acts as a saviour during the hungover mornings.

8. Spaghetti


Spaghetti for breakfast maybe not a very generic meal, however, to break this out, it is one of the most effective meal to calm the mind. It contains heavy carbs, smoked bacon and eggs, extra cheese and an abundance amount of fresh black pepper. This combination will make you feel better instantly and help you get back to the normal routine. This meal hardly takes 10 minutes to cook and all the ingredients are very easily found in the fridge.

9. Fried Chicken Sandwich

Fried Chicken Sandwich

Anything fried is very heavy and helps in pulling the mind and body out of the hungover state. The meal is very quick to make, one just needs to make a normal sandwich as per the person likes, and smother it in a honey-Sriracha sauce with extra mayonnaise and lettuce. The Sriracha sauce has some powerful ingredients which help in throwing the toxins away from the body and getting the body in a normal state fairly quickly.

10. Brisket Hash

Brisket Hash

The name may sound to be very uncommon, the dish is regarded as very common for hungover mornings. It is a go-to-go meal for people for years to keep themselves in a normal state of mind after a hangover. It contains the russet potatoes which give a huge carb boost to your body, and poblano peppers are used to wake you up from an illusionary night.

Getting drunk is one of the easiest tasks, what is the difficult part is trying to get over through the entire hangover state and process. The above-mentioned dishes are very effective during a hangover state. These dishes have been used by people across all countries for many years.

Each dish has some ingredient or the other, which helps in removing the toxins from the body and get back the mind and body back to action in a much natural and healthier way.


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