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How to Generate Traffic for your Blog Post

How to Generate Traffic for your Blog Post

With a blog, you have the opportunity to capture knowledge, experience and share any practical case that serves as an example to your audience. In other words, the more likely you are to stay in the top of mind of your target audience, the more likely you are to talk about yourself and generate traffic to your blog. Among the objectives for which this resource is created is the possibility of gaining visibility and, above all, of generating traffic to your blog. Since this will result in sales later.

Content marketing is getting more and more momentum. So much so that 70% of companies have doubled their efforts and already spend more than 32% of their total budgets to work on aspects such as the creation of a blog. Nowadays, content marketing is the most effective way to increase the traffic of your blog, get links and interactions on social networks.

Surely you know several strategies and have implemented many of them, but I want to give you a unique vision that also allows you to measure the ROI and know if they are being effective or not.

Techniques to Increase Traffic On Blogs

 1. Attractive Headline


To increase web traffic, it is essential that the posts have an attractive headline, that draws the attention of the audience and encourages them to click and stay tuned.

This will improve the CTR (Click-Through Rate) and allow you to scale positions in the search engines, which will be transformed into an increase in traffic on the site.

2. Content Creation

content creation

A creator of web content analyzes and filters relevant information about a topic in which he is an expert and then shares it in order to improve the user experience. But not everyone can do it, although if you want to generate traffic to your blog with content creation, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must meet the audience.
  • You should always be aware of everything. Trends, initiatives, news, etc.
  • Trend monitoring
  • A content creator is characterized by its ability to distinguish the valuable content from the non-valuable content among all the information available on the Internet.
  • You must be aware of the events. Although this will also give you more than one advantage when it comes to generating traffic to your blog.
  • Intuition is also a requirement. As well as curiosity. Especially for all the issues related to a specific sector.

3. Increase CTR


As mentioned recently, the CTR  is a concept that refers to the number of clicks generated by a link in relation to the times shown. This factor is a priority when it comes to increasing web traffic since, the more CTR available, the more visits on the page will increase. This metric also affects the positioning, therefore, the higher the CTR, the better the search engine results.

4. Create Viral Content

viral content

Most bloggers do the same mistake. They want to increase traffic to their websites or blogs and that content is viral. But most fail in that attempt. This happens because we do not study the blogs of people or companies that are getting it.

5. Understand your audience

know your audience

It is one of the fundamental points of any blogger and company, whether it addresses an online audience as offline. If we do not know who our audience, we will not be able to offer them what they need and solve their problems or meet their needs.

My advice is always to think about who I want to run my website or my blog. What content I want to get to these people and how I’m going to do it. The other option, if you already have a blog is to know who is already visiting. This is useful, but it is always better to direct your content to the audience that you want and that you have previously defined, instead of launching content and waiting to see who reads it.

Once you have characterized your target audience, you need to know their tastes, hobbies and especially what they are looking for on the Internet. Without a doubt, tools like Twitter or Facebook allow you to get a quick idea of the type of profile I want to reach.

6. Master Long Tail Keyword

long tail keywords

If you want your content to really increase the traffic of your website you should think of organic traffic. It is a long term bet but it is an almost safe investment. Nowadays, after the changes in the Google algorithm, the long tail keywords have a lot of relevance.

In case you do not really know what long tail keywords are, I’ll explain it to you with an example:

Imagine that you have developed an email marketing tool for companies and want to launch your first post talking about it. The temptation would be to choose “email marketing” as a keyword.

If we look at the number of searches in Google Ad words (you need to have a free account created, to do so, click here to create it and follow the steps), we see that the number of searches is 1,900 per month. Not bad and get a post for that keyword and for your business would be the pump, but it will also be difficult because the competition is high for that keyword.

My advice is to go for a long tail, that is, along with a keyword, such as; “Software for email marketing”, “email marketing platforms”. Of course, the traffic that you will attract if you get positioned for any of them will be lower, but in return, you will get two very interesting things:

  • Filter the traffic that reaches your website. That is, fewer people will arrive, but those who arrive clearly seek software to develop their email marketing campaigns.
  • It will be easier to position yourself in those long tail keywords, than in more competitive keywords and therefore appear in the top positions of the search engine.

As you can see, the choice of keywords is essential when selecting and achieving an increase in qualified traffic for your website. Also, if you manage to position yourself well for long tail keywords, you will end up positioning well for other keywords and some of them shorter and with more traffic.

6. Writing Guest Blog/ Guest Posting


Generating guest posts in other blogs has several advantages.

  • You generate networking with other professionals in your sector.
  • It allows you to generate quality links for your website.
  • Create a personal brand and recognition if that other blog is recognized.
  • You get to an audience (that blog where you’re going to write) that maybe you did not have access to and that gives you visibility.

To get a guest post on a blog, for example, in this blog you need several things:

  • Know the subject of the blog, that is, it is not worth proposing a post about cars for this blog. Has no sense.
  • Engage a certain relationship with the blogger before. For example, leave a comment, share an article on social networks … I’m not talking about making the ball, but I’m interested in the content of the blog you want to write about.
  • Master the subject you want to write about and the blog you want to participate in.
  • Write quality content, well structured and optimized for SEO.
  • Think about what keyword you can position for.
  • Write an email talking about the post, a summary and if the subject fits, send a second mail with the post.

With this sequence, it is very likely that a large number of blogs allow you to publish content. For the blog is quality content that can publish without much effort and for you, it is a lot of advantages that I have discussed before.

8. Taking Advantages of Google Trends

google trends

An effective method to increase website traffic is to create content that can be associated with current trends. It requires a certain amount of creativity and ingenuity, but the results are quite remarkable. Faced with this, looking at Twitter trends is a way to get new ideas.

9. Share Post With List

These types of content are widely used by all editors. Users like to find concrete examples of a topic. So there’s no better way to do it than through a list

One of the advantages of this content is the little space they occupy and the amount of information that can be included. Not to mention the attractiveness they have in the eyes of the user. But also if you share it with others you can help more people comment and participate in the creation of that specific list.

10. Promoting Content on Social Media Platforms

social media

Assuming that you already have open profiles in the channels in which your audience moves. And especially pay special attention to Twitter, which is the best platform to generate traffic to your blog.

Mentioning other users is a tactic that implies great power.  A simple mention will mean that the mentioned person shares your message with his followers.

10. Google Analytics


To increase website traffic it is essential to know the flow of user behaviour, which pages read more, what they share.

For this, there is Google Analytics, which allows monitoring immediately what happens on the web. In this way, an effective content strategy can be carried out, prioritizing the most successful publications and increasing visits.

For my experience one of the keys to increasing the traffic of your website is to know your audience, for whom you write your content and above all to be constant because the results sometimes take a while to arrive. The techniques that I have mentioned will give you good results and that is why I share them, but they are all based on work and planning. If your goal is to increase the traffic of your blog and you are not afraid to spend hours researching, testing and measuring, you will see how they will give you very good results.


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