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How To Tackle Problems in Life and Become Resilient

How To Tackle Problems in Life and Become Resilient

What is your reaction to the difficulties? Are you one of the people who, in the face of adverse situations get discouraged or depressed? Would you like to be resilient or stronger emotionally?

Resilience is the ability to overcome the difficulties, obstacles or adversities that could happen to us in life, assuming it with a positive attitude, overcoming the situation, coming out graceful and strengthened, without forgetting our goals and dreams. But first let me tell you, how one can solve problems in their life.

How To Solve Your Problems?


Maybe at this moment, you are overwhelmed by personal problems, work, etc. Discovering how to solve a problem can become very difficult if you are not in a position to organize your ideas, change your attitude and decide to do everything possible to solve it.

But do not worry, you just need a little guidance. Follow these steps to solve a problem, they will surely help you a lot.

Step 1: Change Your Focus

Do not focus on all the bad things that are happening to you right now, while you pay more attention to all the negative things, they will expand and then it will be much harder to get out of that problem that you have because what you focus on it expands

Do not look at the problem, keep your attention on how to solve the problem and you will find a way to achieve it.

Step 2: Keep Positive Attitude

Keep a positive attitude to the problem and you will see how everything fades, if you say that you are very bad I assure you that you will continue, but if you say that everything will be perfect then it will be like that. You cannot imagine how much the resolution of a problem depends on this.

It has been proven that positive thoughts are 100 times more powerful than negative thinking.

Now if you are going through one of the worst moments of your life and if you think negatively, it is certain that things will get worse. What you have to do is keep that thought that everything is and will be perfect, you have to go for the positive and not the negative.

Step 3: See Problem As An Opportunity

Another very important point is to see the problem as an opportunity to grow as a person, seeing its positive side of each problem will help you find solutions.

You have to be aware that everything has its solution and you do not have to give up until you find a solution.

If we did not have problems then life would be very boring, that’s why there are obstacles and you have to use them to our advantage to be better every day. Work on this dear reader and show the problem that you are bigger and smarter than him, that your ability is immense and you will not let yourself be defeated. Because you, you can do it all!

Tips For Solving Problem

In addition to how to solve problems in general, it is important that you know how to resolve more specific or specific conflicts. Here you can find some tips to deal with personal and work problems.

1. How to end fights and arguments:

A discussion for a banal topic can become a great conflict if it is not stopped in time. If you are one of those who does not know how to stop or how to limit a fight to prevent it from becoming bigger, it will be very positive to follow these tips.

2. How to take advantage of all situation

One of the keys to success is to capitalize on everything that happens to transform it into something positive. In this way, problems cease to be problems and become opportunities or new challenges.

3. How to overcome fear and worry

Fear in the face of conflict or in the face of change can be very paralyzing. If you are in that state, you should know that you have to leave yes or yes, because it will not take you anywhere. Discover how to get it

4. How to be resilient

If you are a person who has difficulty overcoming failures, you need to develop resilience; that is, the ability to easily recover from problems and move on. Follow these tips to achieve it.

Different Types Of Intelligence According To Psychologist


1. Linguistic intelligence

Among the capabilities involved in this type of intelligence is the ability to understand the order and meaning of words in reading, writing and, also, speaking and listening; it stands out among political or religious leaders, poets, journalists, vendors and writers.

2. Musical intelligence

In this type of intelligence highlights the ability to listen, sing, play instruments; if you develop it, you could become a great musician, composer or music critic.

3. Mathematical logic

Those who possess this type of intelligence are able to identify models, calculate, formulate and verify hypotheses, use the scientific method and the inductive and deductive reasoning. You could become an economist, engineer, scientist or mathematician.

4. Space intelligence

This intelligence has the people who can make a mental model in three dimensions of the world or failing to extract a fragment of it. This intelligence has professions as diverse as engineering, surgery, sculpture, navy, architecture, design and decoration.

5. Intrapersonal intelligence

This type of intelligence allows us to form an accurate image of ourselves; it allows us to understand our needs and characteristics, as well as our qualities and defects. This type of intelligence is functional for any area of life.

6. Interpersonal intelligence

It is based on the ability to handle human relationships, empathy with people and recognize their motives, reasons and emotions that move. It characterizes administrators, teachers, psychologists, therapists.

7. Naturalist intelligence

This type of intelligence is used when observing and studying nature. Biologists are the ones who have developed it the most. The ability to study around us is a way to stimulate this type of intelligence provided by looking at the natural aspects with which we live.

12 Ways to be a Resilient Person in Life


1. Learn from the Difficulties

All human beings go through problems and difficulties and although at the moment they do not seem to have anything positive, if you analyze the situation you will realize that there are qualities that you can develop and improve despite the difficulty you are experiencing. Being positive will motivate you to get up after falling, to be persistent and always have a plan “a, b and z when undertaking a project or solve any difficulty.

2. Assimilate Failure

No one is exempt from failing, but the failure is not definitive, it is not synonymous with loss or death, it just did not work, but you can try it in another way. Sometimes in some cases, you have to learn to leave, accepting what happened. See the failure as an apprenticeship, that will help you to have a positive attitude, when the difficulties come to you, or when we cannot change the circumstances.

3. Accept Changes

Being resilient is related to flexibility, a resilient person adapts to changes, does not remain paralyzed complaining about the difficulty, but continues on. Strong people do not avoid negative emotions, but when they arise, they assimilate and accept them and use them in their favour. The resilient people of each change, of each episode, be negative or positive, extract the best to develop.

4. Focus on the Solution

After going through a difficult circumstance people tend to focus on the problem and not on the solution, on what happened and not on how to solve what happened, if that energy you use in complaining and lamenting and keep thinking about the problem, what you use to find the insurance solutions that will work best for you. To be resilient you must focus on solving problems, on solving.

5. Live in Present

On several occasions I have spoken to you about the importance of living in the “here and now” because when you are aware of what you live in the present you concentrate more on what you feel and do, you enjoy life more and that helps you build a better future, it makes you better and stronger.

6. Exercise

Exercise not only strengthens us physically but mentally and emotionally, when we have control of our body we acquire more security and self-esteem, it is beneficial because it helps us to develop self-control and self-motivation, if you want to be resilient you can start exercising or practising some sport and if you already do it, it continues because the benefits are multiple and you will become stronger emotionally.

7. Control your Emotions

We tend to act impulsively when we feel some negative emotions, a very effective exercise to develop resilience is to control those emotional impulses, control complaints and claims directed at ourselves and others, the idea is to take a deep breath and wait a few seconds for that we can react assertively and develop our strength.

8. Evaluate your Progress

The resilient person evolves with each experience, takes from the negative the best, therefore it develops. I invite you to take some time to evaluate how much progress you have made and in what area you have grown. Nobody better than you to know if you could overcome certain weaknesses and develop others. This activity will help you to know if you grew up in some field, to improve your self-esteem, to develop your strength of will and to be surer that you will get out of difficulties because you have achieved it before.

9. Develop your Creativity

When we go through difficult times have activities that allow us to develop creativity helps us to drain all the frustrations and recover faster and continue with our lives, activities such as painting, writing, playing music, singing etc.

10. Cultivate your Spirituality and Surround Yourself with Good friends

Refuge yourself in your beliefs so that you can grow your faith, carry out spiritual activities since that helps you to stay joyful and busy, it will foster a positive attitude in you, and while a person cultivates his spirituality he develops good qualities that help him to be resilient.

Surround yourself with mature people spiritually and emotionally, so that you evolve and imitate their qualities, the bible says that “iron with iron sharpens”. When you are with people who have your same beliefs and are emotionally strong, it is easier for them to understand you and seek to support you, since you will have them when you need them most.

11. Use your Constructive Approach, Facing Problems

Do not see crises as something insurmountable. What you need to be stronger emotionally, is a total change in your attitude to life, because the important thing is not so much what happens to you but the attitude you assume in those situations that allow you to grow, mature and improve yourself as a person. Remember many of the problems that are presented to you will not last forever, they are temporary situations.

12. Look for mental Referents

Study, analyse those people who have overcome adversity and have come out of those experiences, learn from them, what were their spiritual and emotional strengths, see what you can copy from their example of what served that person not to lose your joy, hope and purpose in life.

By these ways one can help themselves from getting out of problems whether it be family problems or problems at the workplace, you will be able to solve it by being resilient.


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