Home Lifestyle Lessons We’ve Learnt from Indian Advertisements

Lessons We’ve Learnt from Indian Advertisements

Lessons We’ve Learnt from Indian Advertisements

The basic task of marketing is the delivery of the product(s) to the family as consumers so that their needs are fulfilled and organizational objectives are also achieved. The marketing mix is the process of designing and integrating various elements of marketing in such a way as to ensure the achievement of the enterprise objective of persuading consumers. The elements of the marketing mix are classified under seven heads as a product, price, place promotion, people, process and physical evidence. Thus, the marketing mix is said to be a combination of 7P’s. Decisions relating to the product include designing, packaging and labeling and varieties of a tangible object or an intangible service that is mass produced or manufactured on a large scale with a specific volume of units.

The price is the amount a family pays for the product which is determined by a number of factors including market share, competition, material costs, product identity and the family’s perceived value of the product. Place represents the location where a product can be purchased. It is often referred to as the distribution channel that includes any physical store as well as virtual stores on the Internet. The place is nothing but how the product takes place or create an image in the mind of customers. People refer to the family as customers, employees, management and everybody else involved with are in the people’s hands.

The success of any marketing strategy depends on the extent the families are persuaded towards the product and service which is only successfully possible through effective promotion, which can be termed as Advertising. Hence it is essential to have a thorough knowledge of whether the service is helpful to the customers or not.

In the last 20 years of the diverse impact of advertisement various social issues came due to that, in a survey it come to know that:

Companies use numerous techniques of advertising for manipulating the customers to buy their products. These techniques may sometimes have a negative effect on customers.

For example, advertising manipulates the customers to buy those things which are not even needed. The advertisement of harmful products may lead the customers to indulge in harmful consumptions. It promotes the materialistic approach. It can be sorted out by clarifying the correct use of the products and by following the correct manner of advertisement. The advertisers should make sure that the advertisement is authentic i.e. the product does what it shows. It will help in gaining the public confidence and there will be no social issue regarding the same.

Perhaps the most obvious consequence of making bad advertising decisions is the impact that those decisions will have on your bottom line. Not only does bad advertising waste money on the campaign that you created in the first place, but it can also drive away customers that might have otherwise made purchases, or even contribute to the loss of valuable clients.

Advertising is a multi-billion dollar industry with one main goal which is persuading people to buy products. This is an industry that’s spent an enormous amount of time and effort to figure out the best strategies for getting you to do exactly what they want. Advertisers naturally want to present their products in the most appealing way, and this might mean, for example, using celebrities endorse a product. This can increase children’s liking for a product.

A study also reported that mainly newspapers, cinema, posters, retail shop display were the advertisement media used by more than half of the housewives as a source of information regardless of age, level of education, and the most approved characteristics of the advertisement which have economic appeal, and have clearly written and easily understandable message with some gift offers and bargaining price offer. At the same time, while your bad advertising decisions might simply reduce the number of purchases you experience in a given month, or prevent people from converting on your landing page, it could also lead to damaged trust and unfavorable perceptions of your brand.

After all, advertising and marketing campaigns are used to present your company to the world around you. If you make a mistake with your wording that makes your brand look unprofessional, then your customers might think that you seem more untrustworthy, and therefore choose to avoid purchasing from you in the future.

The study also concluded that the use of advertising media varied with different age groups of the respondents.


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