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Modi Sarkar Again in 2019?

Modi Sarkar Again in 2019?
narendra-modi-arvind-kejriwal-and-rahul-gandhi : Photo Credits Bb (Beebom)

At the time of Election festival in our Country, One of the most Frequently discussed Topics are, What all the din Modi Ji did in the Past Years or Where are the so-called “Acche Din”?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses a crowd during Independence Day. Photo: IANS

To your surprise, a manufactured conclusion to this comes along with it and it goes on like, we are not having proper substitutes so we need to compromise with whatever we have got. People are so obsessed with this that they do not actually research and then say if not Modi then who?

Which Sarkar in 2019?

So today, before talking about who to vote and how to vote, let us make a study of the ruling party’s report card for the past 4 years.

The Modi Sarkar has brought India to the 77th position out of 190 countries in terms of Ease of Doing Business The success is major because of the introduction of G.S.T and also because of the insolvency and bankruptcy code.

 Ease of Doing Business Chart
India Ranks at 77th position on Ease of Doing Business Chart

In terms of, Human Development Index India positions itself at 130th position out of 189 countries which has been raised from 135th position in 2014.  Here we may say that there has been an average growth in this field. Again if we look at the Global Competitiveness Index India ranks at 58th position out of 137 countries which have been improved from the 71st position out of 144 countries in the year 2014. It was possible because of technology being accessible to a large majority of the population, thanks to Mr. Mukesh Ambani and Jio.

India Environmental Performance Index
India Environmental Performance Index

Now, if we look at Environmental Performance Index we find India at 177th position out of 180 countries. In 2014, it ranked at 155th position out of the same 180 countries. In fact, it has been claimed that the impurity level of drinking water is 180/180 which means a hundred per cent. The contamination of water and air pollution has been the major reason for the downfall of inInd in terms of ecosystem and environment protection.

The Happiness Index which is released by the United Nations positioned India at the 133rd position out of 156 countries. In 2014, it was at 99th position. Ok fine, the happiness index has nothing to do with your personal happiness (neither mine). To your surprise, here countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh have a better position in terms of the index. ( here in ranking, 1 means best and 100 means worst). According to World Press Freedom Index India is at 138th position and has seen a downfall (not that significant) because in the year 2017 it was at the 136th position.

India Democracy Index
India Democracy Index

So if you crucially analyze the last two paragraphs, you will find that India has become a country where setting up a business and expecting profit is easy but it’s difficult to breathe. It’s good that we are having healthy competition in terms of the business arena but then, the happiness of our “mango man” is lost. India is a parliamentary democratic country but the figures say something else. According to the Global Democracy Index India has positioned itself at the 42nd position out of 165 countries. It was at the 27th position which is regarded very strong in the year 2014. So eventually we are witnessing a downfall in terms of democracy as well.

Congress President Rahul Gandhi
Congress President Rahul Gandhi | PTI

Here a question strikes my mind and shall strike yours too and that is to whom shall we vote.? Should it be a political party or a particular candidate? At times I have heard people saying, “agar Modi Ko Nai to kya Rahul Ko P.M bante dekhna chahte ho”?

We find a tussle between Congress and B.J.P anytime and every time we open some social networking sites or our televisions. The main reason being, Narendra Modi Ji has fulfilled a number of promises that Congress had mentioned in its manifesto but had failed to achieve it in 2009. Some of them being the introduction of minimum support price for the farmers, the ease of doing business, the introduction of G.S.T, sanitation, nationwide electricity coverage and the most recent one being economic status based reservation system.

There is a matter of concern for the general public and that is if Modi loses this election campaign, fails to form the government at the centre and if the “Mahagathbandhan” comes into power then what will the situation look like? Well if you ask me, I would say horrific. The outcomes would be instability at its first place, corruption raised to the power infinity, failures in the implementation of existing and new policies and also weak foreign policy management.

Narendra Modi is regarded as a global leader and after visit so many foreign countries and after trying to strengthen the bonds, I personally don’t feel that anyone else has that influential power like him. There will be a fight among the members of the Mahagathbandhan for becoming the prime minister because right now, all of them are looking themselves as the future prime minister of the country. By having a group of ministers like them, I don’t feel that I need to justify my statement that corruption will rise to the power infinity.

Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal.
A file photo of Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal. Photo: HT

It’s not about the “crony capitalism” or the “chappal ki sarkar ” that we are talking about. It’s something serious. It’s serious because we have been given such huge responsibility and so much power of selecting our representatives and if we fail to do our bit then we do not have the right to criticize the future outcomes. So it becomes very essential for a responsible individual of the country to know that to whom shall he give his votes.

Technology comes to our rescue at this point in time. We are having an application for this the “Neta App“. It’s like a database of all the politicians and candidates who have registered themselves for contesting elections.

It gives the user an idea about the assets of the politicians, the criminal charges against them, education qualification of the candidate and in what types of controversies have they been a part of. It was launched by Shri Pranab Mukherjee and Shri Arvind Kejriwal along with some eminent leaders from B.J.P so the app is more or less politically stable. Apart from this, the MPLAD and the MLALAD that are the land area developments fund given by the centre to the MP’s and MLA’s are something that can be checked so as to get an idea that about what percentage of money is actually being used for developmental work.

People and more importantly the candidates should understand that the vote should not be based on religion, minority or majority. It should not be influenced by “cow politics” “wastage of public money on comparatively less useful statues” and “useless renaming of places”

These were a few reasons why I felt that B.J.P saw its downfall in the states of Chattisgarh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh in this election season. It should be very clear in our minds that what qualities do we expect a prime minister to have. If we want an emotionally inclined person, we may elect Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani, if we want a scholar of English, we may elect Shri Shashi Tharoor and if we want some brainy and witty person then we may even elect Shri Amit Shah. So demand qualities matters a lot.

So it’s high time for we as individuals to act wisely and choose our representative because if anyone can bring a change then it is only we the people of our country.


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