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JioPhon 2 : जिओ का 4G फीचर्ड फोन या स्मार्टफोन?


जिओ का सबसे नया फोन जो है जिओ फोन २ पहली बार १६ अगस्त २०१८ के दिन फ्लैश सेल पर उपलब्ध किया गया था। अगर आप उन खुशनसीब ग्राहकों में से है जिसे यह फोन उस सेल में प्राप्त हुआ तो मेरी बात मानो आपका नसीब बोहोत ही अच्छा है। यह बात मैं इसलिए बोल रहा हूँ क्योंकि सेल चालु होनेके कुछ ही मिनटों में सारे फ़ोन्स बिक चुके थे। तो चलो एक नज़र दाल लेते है जिओ फोन २ के सारे फीचर्स पर और जानते है इस फोन में आपको क्या क्या मिलेगा और क्या क्या नहीं मिलेगा।

नया जिओ फोन २ बुक करने के बाद कितने दिनों में वह आपके घर पहुँचेगा?

जिओ तोह यह दावा करता है की ५-७ दिनों के अंदर आपका जिओ फोन २ आपको मिल जाएगा पर मेरी मानो तो ये शायद ही मुमकिन हो सकता है। इस शंका का यह कारण है की जिओ को इस फोन के लिए काफी ज्यादा बुकिंग्स मिले है तो शायद ही वह सारे ग्राहकों को सही समय के पहले उनका फोन भेजेगा। यदि आप फोन प्राप्त कर लेते हो पर तुरंत उसे इस्तमाल नहीं कर सकते। उसके अंदर जो सिम कार्ड आपको मिलता है उसे एक्टिवटे करने के लिए आपको पास में मौजूद किसी भी जिओ स्टोर में जाके चालु करवाना पडेगा। इसके बाद ही आप ४ जी डाटा और मुफ्त कॉल का लाभ उठा सकते है।


भारत में जिओ फोन २ की कीमत क्या होगी?

जिओ फोन २ भारत में करीब ३००० रुपये की कीमत में उपलब्ध होगा। आपको इस फोन का अगला सेल ६ सितम्बर २०१८ को दुपहर १२ बजे से शुरू होगा। इसके बारे में और जानकारी चाहिए हो तोह आप जिओ.कॉम पर जा सकते है। दोनों फ्लैश सेल के दौरान काफी भगदड़ मची हुई थी तो अगले सेल के वक़्त आपको सतर्क रहना होगा तब जाके आपकी बुकिंग सफल होगी।

जिओ फ़ोन और जिओ फोन २ में कौनसी विभिन्नता है?

सबसे पहले तोह मैं आपको वाकिफ करना चाहूँगा जिओ फोन २ के नए डिज़ाइन के बारे में । जिओ फोन २ के साथ आपको मिलेगा नया क्वर्टी कीपैड जिसके कारण जिओ फोन २ पुराने जिओ फोन की तुलना में काफी अलग दिखता है। जिओ फोन २ का जो डिस्प्ले है वह २.४ इंच का है जो हमे जिओ फोन में भी मिलता था।


जिओ फोन २ में कौनसे फीचर्स हमे मिल रहे है?

आपको इस फोन में मिलेगा ४ जीबी की इंटरनल मेमरी पर इसका आधे से ज्यादा इस्तेमाल ओएस कर लेता है। इसके कारण आपको माइक्रो एसडी कार्ड डालना आवश्यक होता है और जिओ फोन 2 सपोर्ट करेगा १२८ जीबी तक का एसडी कार्ड। इसके साथ आपको मिलेगा ५१२ एमबी का रेम, २ एमपी रियर कैमरा, वीजीए फ्रंट कैमरा, वाईफाई, ब्लूटूथ, एनएफसी, २००० एमएएच बैटरी, काय ओएस, क्वाड कोर प्रोसेसर और ड्यूल सिम स्लॉट्स।

कौनसी कौनसी भाषाएँ जिओ फोन २ सपोर्ट करेगा?

कुल मिलाके २२ भाषाएँ यह फोन सपोर्ट करेगा: मराठी, नेपाली, ओरिया, पंजाबी, संस्कृत, संथाली, सिंधी, तमिल, तेलुगु, असामीज, बंगाली, बोडो, डोगरी, गुजराती, कोंकणी, मैथिलि, मलयालम, मणिपुरी और उर्दू.

क्या आपको जिओ फोन २ से हॉटस्पॉट दे सकते है?

जी नहीं, जिओ फोन २ हॉटस्पॉट नहीं दे सकता। इसमें वाईफाई तो है जिससे आपको वीओवाईफाई इस्तेमाल कर सकते है जो जल्द ही आपके घर तक पहुँचेगा।


कौनसे अनोखे फीचर्स हैं जो आपको जिओ फोन २ में मिलेंगे?

जिओ फोन २ में आपको मिलेगा एक वौइस् अस्सिस्टेंट जो आपकी सहायता करेगा गूगल पे किसी चीज़ के बारे में जानने में, टॉर्च, कॅल्क्युलेटर, अलार्म और बहुत कुछ। अगर आपको याद होगा जिओ ने कुछ समय पहले यह बात लोगों को बतलायी थी की उनका नया फोन पर यूट्यूब, फेसबुक और व्हाट्सएप्प का भी इस्तेमाल हो सकता हैं। पर ऐसे लग रहा हैं की अभी तक सिर्फ यूट्यूब और फेसबुक का आना ही सफल हुआ हैं। व्हाट्सएप्प को आने में अभी थोड़ी देरी हैं।


क्या जिओ फोन २ सही मायने में खरीदने के लिए एक अच्छा फोन हैं?

मैं बेशक आपको ये बताना चाहूँगा की जिओ फोन २ जिसमे आपको मिलता हैं गूगल मैप्स, वीडियो कॉलिंग, वौइस् अस्सिस्टेंट, दमदार मनोरंजन और सस्ते दामों में ४ जी इंटरनेट, यह फोन वाकई में आम आदमी का फोन हैं। जिओ फोन २ अच्छा ही नहीं बल्कि बहुत ही अच्छा फोन हैं जो आपको इस कीमत पर मिल सकता हैं।

भारत के प्रथम ६ फ़ूड डिलीवरी एप्स: २०१८


तो मेरे सारे फूडी दोस्त आप जरूर अंत तक देखना क्युकी इसमें से आप जरूर बहुत कुछ जान पाओगे। हर बार जब भूक लगती है तब आपको हर बार बाहर जाके खाना मुमकिन नहीं होता है। इसलिए मेरे जैसे आलसी लोग इन फ़ूड डिलीवरी ऍप्स की जयजयकार करते है।

तो चलो आपके लिए मैं एक एक करके सारे ऍप्स रिव्यु करता हूँ।

जो फ़ूड डिलीवरी ऍप पाँचवे क्रमांक पे आता है वह है फ्रेशमेनु:


ज्यादा तर लोग को पता नहीं होगा ये अप्प के बारे में, लेकिन ये अप्प काफी तेज़ी से बाद रहा है आज कल। अप्प आपको इतना इम्प्रेस नहीं करेगा क्युकी इसके मैं स्क्रीन पे ही मील्स जैसे कॉम्बो है जैसे में अगर बर्गर खाना चाहु या फिर सलाद नाश्ते में तो मुझे नैव बार इस्तेमाल करना पड़ता है जो मुश्किल से ही दीखता है। इस अप्प में तो बोहोत सारे ऑफर्स है नयी उज़ैर के लिए लेकिन मुझे लगता है के अगर फ्रेशमेनु ज्यादा केटेगरी ऐड करे फर्स्ट पेज पे तो ज्यादा बेहतर होगा . इस अप्प में रेफरल प्रोग्राम बोहोत ही अच्छा है और फ्रेशमेनु डिलीवरी टाइम ४५ मिनट्स ही है। पक्याकिंग क्वालिटी भी ठीक ठाक है। इसलिए फ्रेशमेनु अप्प छत्ते रैंक पे है इस लिस्ट में।

जो फ़ूड डिलीवरी ऍप पाँचवे क्रमांक पे आता है वह है फासोस:


फासोस पे हर वक्त बोहोत सारी ऑफर्स होती है ।  उनके पास बहु व्यंजन मेनू और बोहोत सारे कोम्बोस होते है। फासोस का जो ऍप है उसका यूआई समझने के लिए काफी कठिन है। एक बात यहाँपे आपको जान लेनी चाहिए की फासोस का हर एक व्यंजन थोड़ा कीमती है। उनका एवरेज डिलीवरी का वक्त ४५ मिनट तक है खाने के लीए। अच्छे कोम्बोस के अलावा ज्यादा महंगा होने के कारण मैं फासोस को पांचवा क्रमांक दूंगा।

जो फ़ूड डिलीवरी ऍप चौथे क्रमांक पे आता है वह है फूडपांडा:


किसी दिन दुपहर के समय मैंने पहली बार फूडपांडा ऍप चलाने की ठान ली। मैंने अपने लीए आइस क्रीम मंगवा ली क्यू की उसपे बहुत डिस्काउंट था। पर ऑर्डर देने के बाद ऑफर लागू नहीं होने के कारण मुझे ऑर्डर कैंसिल करनी थी। अब ये करने के लीए आपको पहले फूडपांडा के एग्जीक्यूटिव से चैट करनी पड़ती है जो बोहोत ही मुश्किल होता है जब आप खाने के समय ऑर्डर देते हो। इनकी मेनू काफी अच्छी दिखती है और काफी आसान है। इनका डिलीवरी टाइम ४५ मिनट के आस पास है। एक और बात पे गौर करना चाहिए की इनके बहुत ही काम रेस्टोरेंट्स पार्टनर्स है।

जो फ़ूड डिलीवरी ऍप तिसरे क्रमांक पे आता है वह है स्विग्गी:


स्विग्गी ऍप मैंने आज तक सबसे ज्यादा अपनाया करता था पर अब उसकी जगह उस ऍप ने ले ली है जो पहले क्रमांक पे आता है। स्विग्गी का यूआई बेहतरीन है और इस्पे जो विकल्प है वह भी अच्छे तरीके से डिज़ाइन की गयी है। इसके अलावा स्विग्गी पे आपको जलद डिलीवरी, मुफत डिलीवरी, सस्ते व्यंजन इत्यादि सेवाएं ग्राहकों को देता है। मैंने आज तक करीब ३० बार स्विग्गी से खाना मंगवाया है पर एक भी बार मुझे वक्त से पहले खाना नहीं मिला है। एक बात जरूर आपको बताना चाहूंगा की स्विग्गी के पास सबसे ज्यादा राइडर्स काम करते है। इतना जाना माना होने के बावजूद मैं स्विग्गी को तिसरे क्रमांक पे रखना चाहुँगा।

जो फ़ूड डिलीवरी ऍप दूसरे क्रमांक पे आता है वह है जोमेटो:


मैं जानता हूँ आप सोच रहे होंगे वह पहला ऍप कौनसा है पर उससे पहले हम जोमेटो के बारे में जान लेते है। आपका ये जानना जरूरी है की इंटरनेट पर दूसरा कोई ऍप नही है जो जोमेटो की जितनी जानकारी देता हो। इस ऍप पर आप रेस्टोरेंट्स देख सकते हो, टेबल बुकिंग कर सकते हो और काफी चीज़ें है जो कर सकते हो। जोमेटो पे आपको आपका खाना

३५ मिनट्स तक पोहोच जाएगा। इसका जो यूआई है वह काफी सुलझा हुआ है उनके लीए भी जो इसे पहली बार चला रहे है। जोमेटो बहुत ही अच्छा है जब किसीको जानकारी प्राप्त करनी हो और इसी के कारण जोमेटो दूसरे क्रमांक पे आता है।

जो फ़ूड डिलीवरी ऍप चौथे क्रमांक पे आता है वह है उबेर इतस:

जी हां। उबेर इतस है पहले नंबर पे।https://cnt.mobisium.com/wp-content/uploads/download-4.png

अब आप सोच रहे होंगे की मेने ये अप्प पहले रैंक पे क्यों दिया जब की ये अप्प को पूरे मुंबई में भी नहीं चलता फ़िलहाल तो। एक ये वजह ये है की डिलीवरी टाइम बोहोत ही काम है। ज्यादा तर तो डिलीवरी समय के पहले ही मिल जाता है । में सारे अप्प उसे किये है लेकिन मुझे आज तक मेरी प्रियतम बिरयानी २० मिनट्स के अंदर नहीं मिली। आप ये सोच रहोगे की उबेर इतस के कम कस्टमर है इसलिए वो इतनी जल्दी डिलीवरी देता है। माना की उबेर इट्स काफी छोटी जगह पे डिलीवरी देता है पर मेरे ख़याल में ग्राहक को उनका खाना चाहिए तो होता ही है पर समय से मिलने पे ग्राहक और भी ज्यादा खुश हो जाता है। उबेर इट्स जो है बिलकुल यही सही तरीका आजमा रहा है। इसी एक चीज़ के कारण मैं उबेर इट्स को सबसे पहला क्रमांक दे रहा हूँ। आशा करता हूँ की जब उबेर इट्स अपनी पोहोच बढ़ाएगा तब उसकी सर्विस में अभी के जैसे कोई कमी नहीं होगी।


तोह ये था हमारी और से टॉप ६ फ़ूड डिलीवरी ऍप्स जो हमारे देश में स्थापित है या फिर वह जो उभर के आ रहे है।

Top Food Delivery Apps in 2018 in India


This article is about reviewing top 6 food delivery apps which are established or starting up in India. These apps are available across all the platforms & you can see a lot of competition in the food delivery sector. The apps which I will be reviewing are the ones which have a multi-cuisine menu for their customers who want their food to be delivered to their place.

So all the foodie public make sure that you watch this video till the end because there’s a lot in this video for you to learn. Hunger strikes at any time of the day but you can’t go out each time you feel hungry. So lazy people like me hail these food delivery apps like anything.

Let me rank all of these apps for you according to how good their service is in terms of delivery time, packaging, availability of food items etc.

The Food Delivery App that ranks 6th is ‘Freshmenu’:


Many of you may not have heard of it, but I think they are scaling up fast enough to get ranked higher amongst their competitors. The app is not designed good enough as you have the meals starting on the very first page. So even if I am looking to order burgers or salad for breakfast I have to navigate using the nav bar which is barely visible. There are a lot of offers for the new users but I think they need to figure out on adding more categories on the first page and sort the menu more efficiently. Apart from that, they have done a great work on the referral points and the average delivery time remains 45 mins for meals. The packaging quality is decent enough with good availability of items in the menu. So these points make the Freshmenu app rank 6th in this list.

The Food Delivery App that ranks 5th is ‘Faasos’:


The Faaso’s app has numerous offers all the time. They also have multi-cuisine menu & their combos are surely value for money. The combinations which we get is exclusive and you won’t find it on any other apps. The UI is relatively complex but the food quality & packaging is too good. One thing to notice is the food is slightly expensive compared to other apps. But all the food items are always available for the customers. Their average delivery time is around 45+ minutes for meals. Apart from good combos, due to higher costs for all the eatables, I’d rank Faaso’s in the 5th place.

The Food Delivery App that ranks 4th is ‘Foodpanda’:


On a given afternoon I was trying this app for the first time to explore various offers. So I booked an ice cream which has some huge discount on the banner ad but eventually when I checked out the offer was not applied. I wanted to cancel my order but there was no direct option for the same. You have to set up a chat with Foodpanda executives and then get your order canceled (If they are available which is possible on if you are lucky). So this app is the worst app to cancel your order during peak hours. Apart from that the menu is very neatly categorized and average delivery time is 45+ minutes for meals. They also have very few numbers of restaurants as their partners which is why they are not as popular as other food delivery apps. Availability of items is just decent enough & so the Foodpanda ranks 4th on the list.

The Food Delivery App that ranks 3rd is ‘Swiggy’:


Swiggy is one of the Apps which I used most of the time until the number 1 app arrived a few months ago. The UI is amazing and it has nicely sorted categories. It comes with additional options like discover menu which consists of superfast delivery, free delivery, pocket-friendly & what’s new options. This comes in very handy while booking orders, especially when you are very hungry. I have used Swiggy to place orders like 25-30 times but there has not been a single instance when Swiggy has delivered the food ahead of the estimated time. Free delivery is the best option available on Swiggy. One must make a note that Swiggy has the most number of riders registered to any food delivery app in Mumbai. Even after being so popular, I would rank Swiggy in the third place in this list.

The Food Delivery App that ranks 2nd is ‘Zomato’:


I know you would be wondering which app is the first & the best but first, let’s talk about Zomato which ranks 2nd. I would like to claim that no other app on the Internet can give you genuine in-depth insights of any restaurant like Zomato does. It is very informative & you can look around for restaurants, book a table & do a lot more on Zomato. When it comes to delivery, Zomato delivers food in an average time of 35 minutes & has good packaging quality. The amount of restaurants it has on its list is more than any other app available. The UI looks very neat and it’s easy to use for a new user. Categories are well placed & I would rank Zomato as the second best food delivery app in the list.

So here we arrive at the App that ranks 1st in this list.


Yes, It’s Uber eats!

Now you would think why did I rank this app first when it does not even cover all of Mumbai yet. One reason is that it delivers food way before the estimated time of delivery. I have used all the apps which deliver food but I have never received my Biryani in 20 mins. But when I ordered Biryani’s, Chinese on Uber eats, I got my delivery every time within 20-25 minutes. People would criticise me and say that Uber eats has fewer customers so it delivers early but there it is, ‘It delivers early’. They don’t deliver all over Mumbai but that’s how things should work, you start with something small & become efficient in that small area. Only then you expand your business so that you deliver early and earn more customers like me who really care about getting their food as early as possible. Due to one simple reason, which is the early delivery of food I’d say Uber Eats is the number 1 food delivery app today. Let’s see if it continues to deliver in such a less time when it starts spreading out all over Mumbai & Thane.

So this was our review of top 6 food delivery apps which are established and starting up in & around Mumbai. If you want to write such reviews about anything, you can write it to us on https://writer.mobisium.com. If your review has unique content, up to 1000 words, you can get it published on our website & win cash rewards.

Jio Phone 2: Jio 4G Featured Phone or Smartphone?


Jio’s latest feature phone, the Jio Phone 2 went on a flash sale for the first time on 16th August 2018. If you are one of those customers who were able to book this phone in the first sale, you better consider yourself lucky because the booking slots were full within minutes of launch event which was held online. So let’s look into Jio Phone 2 details by answering a few questions.

When will the Jio Phone 2 arrive at my place after booking?

As per the promise made by Jio, Jio Phone 2 will be delivered to the customers within 5-7 working days. But Jio has received a massive number of orders from all over the country, so there might be a delay in delivering the phone to some customers who live far from metro cities. Once you receive your new Jio Phone 2, you will need to wait a little longer to use it. Since the phone does not come with a pre-activated SIM, you will have to activate it from your nearest Jio store before you can start accessing 4G data and make phone calls from this phone.


What is the Jio Phone 2 price in India?

The Jio Phone costs somewhere around Rs.1500 whereas the Jio Phone 2 price in India is somewhere around Rs.3000. If you have missed out on the first sale, you can buy the Jio Phone 2 in the next flash sale, which is on August 30th, 12 pm onwards. You have to be on toes because Jio phone 2 availability is the race most of the Indian’s are running today. So you have to be really quick when it comes to Jio Phone 2 booking on jio.com.

What is the difference between Jio Phone & Jio Phone 2?

The most significant difference between the Jio Phone and the Jio Phone 2 is the new design & the all-new Jio Phone 2 keypad. Despite having a completely different design, this phone has the same 2.4-inch QVGA display like the one we have on the old Jio Phone.


What are the features of Jio Phone 2?

The Jio Phone 2 features 4GB of internal memory and 512MB of RAM. We do get microSD card slot, allowing further expansion up to 128GB. The phone also has a 2MP resolution rear camera and a VGA front camera for video calls, supports Wi-Fi 802.11, Bluetooth, NFC, FM radio, 4G VoLTE, VoWiFi. It has 2000mAh battery, runs on KAI OS, a quad-core processor clocked at 1 GHz & has dual sim slots. So this is Jio Phone 2 configuration which we need to know before we buy the phone.


Which languages does the Jio Phone 2 support?

Following are the 22 Indian languages that this phone supports: Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Santhali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri & Urdu.


What is the Jio Phone 2 dual sim reality?

The Jio Phone 2 dual sim supports 2 sim cards but you can use only Jio sim card in the first slot. The second slot is only capable of supporting 2G sim card of any other service provider. So there’s a little to do with the second sim slot as very few people use 2G service in today’s date.

What are the additional features in the Jio Phone 2?

It also comes with a voice assistant with voice-enabled search, browser, Torch, calculator, alarm, calendar, gallery, and much more. You can install additional Jio Phone 2 apps from the Jio Store app. Just in case if you remember, Jio had promised that this phone will support Youtube, Facebook & Whatsapp. But it looks like only Youtube & Facebook has been able to make it & Jio phone 2 Whatsapp onboarding will take some more time.


Is Jio Phone 2 hotspot a truth or myth?

No, the Jio Phone 2 does not have hotspot capability. It has wifi and you can connect it to VoWifi once the service has been rolled out to enjoy surfing at high-speed data.


Is the Jio Phone 2 good enough?

Yes! the Jio Phone 2 which features all the new age apps like Google Maps, Video calling, Voice assistant, Loaded Entertainment & browsing at affordable 4G connectivity is surely a common man’s phone. It’s not only good but it is the best phone available at this price.


You can also check JioPhone 2 review video & Jio Phone 2 all feature in the video.

What Are The Best Resume And Interview Hacks?


If we discuss the most successful hack on the best Resume and Impressive interview then we have to first focus on resume and interview. Why it is necessary and how does it help us in our personality development and also getting in job impression.

Generally, a written compilation of your work experience, education and achievements are known as a Resume. And there are most professional positions that require applicants to submit a resume and also cover letter as a part of the application process.

The main purpose of a resume is to present a little summary of your skills, abilities, and achievements.

In other words, we can say that it is a quick publicity of who you are.

If we mentioned about interview then it is just a screening process in which you are given an opportunity to learn more about the prospect that is your organization while the organization also has the opportunity to evaluate you as a prospective employee.

Basically, the interview process provides you with a face to face chance to prove yourself apart from your competition and elaborate on the information the employer already knows about you through your resume. So, it is a critical step towards the goal of the employment or admission. And it is the key point that the job is often won or lost.

Mostly, an interview lasts from 30 to 60 minutes, so you have to well prepared for that and there is no reason to panic and take stress over it because most of the question arises into standard categories. For the preparation of the interview, writing an effective resume is very important and you must have to learn and enhance your skill.

Starting your resume heading goes to contact information which includes full name, address, phone number, and email. Here one thing that is very important to acknowledge is your email address must look like professional and also away from anything personal like age, date of birth, marital status etc. Then you have to mention your career objective statement in very precise manner, clear and to the point.

After that must give some information on the skills and qualifications. It includes degree, school or university name, year of graduation, basically, all skills and qualification which must be relevant for the job in which you are applying.

There is also an essential use of action of verbs and numbers that avail to demonstrate your accomplishments. But before writing a resume, re-read the job description and write down all buzz words; i.e., a word or phrase, often sounding authoritative or technical, that is a vogue term in a particular profession, field etc. This is because when your resume may be read by a computer, it will pick up keywords and industry jargon related to that profession or job for which you insist. And lastly, don’t forget to prepare a cover letter because it reveals information and skills.

Some of the secret hacks and techniques that help you in during the interview and that is you have to research granularity about the job or also about that person to whom you are meeting. Behave confidently and friendly means while you walk into the establishment being charming to everyone you meet.

Mainly, keep your answer short but concise and the most importantly utilize your body language with eye contact, posture, and gesture etc. Don’t forget to bring a portfolio to keep all interview materials in it.

So, the best hack for both is to know them that you are capable and confident. Sell yourself and shine! Don’t be modest.

Rise in the Legal Tech Market


It is usual for people to put themselves at the center of things and so it is in the enterprise. It is the task of organizational leadership, and the purpose of processes to use the natural predisposition of individuals to create the largest value for the organization as a whole.

Bundling legal competencies in one department create economies of scale, and that contributes to the overall efficiency of the organization simply by being a centrally funded function. After all, it would be much more costly to allow each line of business to have its own fully staffed legal department.

Legal tech incubators are becoming the Starbucks of the legal industry—there’s one popping up on almost every corner. Law firms, law schools, corporates, and State Bars are launching them. Also, many lawyers choose to work in large organizations precisely because these organizations allow them to focus on internal client relationships and on legal subject-matters instead of on revenue and costs. We have heard corporate colleagues say that, if they had wanted to become businessmen and think about numbers more than paragraphs, they would have opened their own law firm.

Rishabh Gupta, founder of MyAdvo said:

“The opportunity in this space is huge and thanks to the start-up ecosystem, where hundreds of companies are incorporated in a day, this segment is going to boom. The total legal market is $10 billion (67,000 crores), of which litigation alone is 33,000 crore and 10 percent of that market holds huge potential”


The fast development of information technology is both a driver and an enabler for the changing role of legal.IT systems not only automate and streamline work processes, but they also provide the basis for measuring all aspects of the business and balancing the conflicting goals of agility and control. Leveraging information technology creates transparency for governance, improves decision-making and provides the basis for scaling operations.

Like other disruptive innovations, the information-enablement of legal departments will make some legal jobs disappear. Most administrative back-office functions around managing and process data, for example, can be done more efficiently by machines than humans. And separating routine and high volume activities from high-value legal activities improves the allocation of limited legal resources and increases service transparency.

Shared Service Centers (SSC) are a proven way to scale operations and reduce the workload of senior personnel and expensive experts. At the same time, SSC establishes a clear career path for junior staff. Shared service rest on a unified service delivery platform. For each service in the portfolio, a process model must define which activities are strategic and should be kept in the (global or regional-local) legal line function, and which activities are executed by the SSC; client level engagement, service level agreements (SLA) and escalations paths between experts in Legal and the SSC must be defined with clear KPIs: the SSC funding model (e.g. central budget,co-funding above a base load,pay-per-service) need to be decided; roles, responsibilities, and interactions between the SSC front-office(client engagement) and back office(service delivery) must be clarified, and SSC hubs in low-cost countries must be identified. Legal Process Outsourcing(LPO) companies have been entering this market niche quite successfully in the recent decades.

Underlying shared service centers is software which often must be customized to fit specific needs. Yet when it comes to legal software development, many organizations today suffer from a knowing-doing gap. On one side legal experts, considering their work too complex to be executed by a machine, and on the other side are IT teams, unable to gather the required information to build programs that could ease the lawyers’ work. Even if IT and the legal department do jointly define functional blueprints, technical specifications, and programming work, the end result often is not as expected. Traditional software development usually lacks clarity or business formalization, takes too long and consists of too many isolated phases to create value for the clients and the customers.

For example, a specialized legal team at SAP, a global software company, ran their “business” on MS Excel for more than 5 years because their efforts to develop a simple case management solution together with internal IT failed. Using a rapid prototyping approach a specialized team to build such a solution in only 12 men days-from start to finish.

When software is used intelligently, it bridges the gap between those who know and those who do. The software opens up time for lawyers to think, and thinking creates opportunities for new legal services and jobs. While legal knowledge is ready-at-hand and can be searched in databases and shared in communities, lawyers will still be needed to apply this knowledge in varying business contexts and to communicate emphatically with people. Gathering facts to get a holistic understanding of the situation, weighing interests and claims, seeing the general in the specific, and the specific in the general in the specific, and the specific in the general-these legal skills will be more valuable than ever in the agile organization.

The Indian start-up world is growing and so are the legal issues associated with it. However, most of the start-ups can’t afford a team of lawyers and are also quite unaware about issues they have to deal with.

For example, a Bengaluru-based start-up (name withheld) resorted to legal aid after an ex-employee started a similar company with an identical brand name and logo.


The start-up, which was bootstrapped and couldn’t afford high fees of established lawyers, found a solution through Delhi-based start-up LawRato, a legal tech platform providing expert legal advice and counsel to enterprises and individuals. LawRato helped the company sent a cease and desist notice followed by a criminal complaint and FIR. LawRato also ensured that the ex-employee shut operations before causing much damage to clients.


Similarly, it also helped save a start-up’s founders from losing control of their start-up as they were about to sign an investor term sheet which had heavily lopsided terms in favour of the investor.

There are several exciting opportunities emerging in the legal technology industry, and it is clear that the legal services industry is ripe for technological disruption to create efficiencies in an industry that is still fraught with manual workflow processes. Nevertheless, as previously discussed, there are significant barriers that have resulted in a lack of technology adoption by law firms and corporate law departments, resulting in a small number of venture capital-backed legal tech firms achieving significant scale, and to date, zero pure legal tech companies going public.

Lessons We’ve Learnt from Indian Advertisements


The basic task of marketing is the delivery of the product(s) to the family as consumers so that their needs are fulfilled and organizational objectives are also achieved. The marketing mix is the process of designing and integrating various elements of marketing in such a way as to ensure the achievement of the enterprise objective of persuading consumers. The elements of the marketing mix are classified under seven heads as a product, price, place promotion, people, process and physical evidence. Thus, the marketing mix is said to be a combination of 7P’s. Decisions relating to the product include designing, packaging and labeling and varieties of a tangible object or an intangible service that is mass produced or manufactured on a large scale with a specific volume of units.

The price is the amount a family pays for the product which is determined by a number of factors including market share, competition, material costs, product identity and the family’s perceived value of the product. Place represents the location where a product can be purchased. It is often referred to as the distribution channel that includes any physical store as well as virtual stores on the Internet. The place is nothing but how the product takes place or create an image in the mind of customers. People refer to the family as customers, employees, management and everybody else involved with are in the people’s hands.

The success of any marketing strategy depends on the extent the families are persuaded towards the product and service which is only successfully possible through effective promotion, which can be termed as Advertising. Hence it is essential to have a thorough knowledge of whether the service is helpful to the customers or not.

In the last 20 years of the diverse impact of advertisement various social issues came due to that, in a survey it come to know that:

Companies use numerous techniques of advertising for manipulating the customers to buy their products. These techniques may sometimes have a negative effect on customers.

For example, advertising manipulates the customers to buy those things which are not even needed. The advertisement of harmful products may lead the customers to indulge in harmful consumptions. It promotes the materialistic approach. It can be sorted out by clarifying the correct use of the products and by following the correct manner of advertisement. The advertisers should make sure that the advertisement is authentic i.e. the product does what it shows. It will help in gaining the public confidence and there will be no social issue regarding the same.

Perhaps the most obvious consequence of making bad advertising decisions is the impact that those decisions will have on your bottom line. Not only does bad advertising waste money on the campaign that you created in the first place, but it can also drive away customers that might have otherwise made purchases, or even contribute to the loss of valuable clients.

Advertising is a multi-billion dollar industry with one main goal which is persuading people to buy products. This is an industry that’s spent an enormous amount of time and effort to figure out the best strategies for getting you to do exactly what they want. Advertisers naturally want to present their products in the most appealing way, and this might mean, for example, using celebrities endorse a product. This can increase children’s liking for a product.

A study also reported that mainly newspapers, cinema, posters, retail shop display were the advertisement media used by more than half of the housewives as a source of information regardless of age, level of education, and the most approved characteristics of the advertisement which have economic appeal, and have clearly written and easily understandable message with some gift offers and bargaining price offer. At the same time, while your bad advertising decisions might simply reduce the number of purchases you experience in a given month, or prevent people from converting on your landing page, it could also lead to damaged trust and unfavorable perceptions of your brand.

After all, advertising and marketing campaigns are used to present your company to the world around you. If you make a mistake with your wording that makes your brand look unprofessional, then your customers might think that you seem more untrustworthy, and therefore choose to avoid purchasing from you in the future.

The study also concluded that the use of advertising media varied with different age groups of the respondents.

Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve Review


Tadoba is the name of a tribal chieftain who fought a tiger and established his bravery. He is revered as God and often referred to as Taru. One among many tiger reserves in India notified under the Project Tiger Program Tadoba is the largest in Maharashtra State. It is also a National Park.

Tadoba is home to Bengal Tigers besides many other life forms. It is a conservation unit where breeding of the big cats is taking place. This biodiversity hub is not home alone for tigers as leopards, wild dogs, wolf, hyena, fox and jackals designated as predators also survive here. Also among the carnivores are numerous crocodiles that are found in the water bodies and rivers like Andhari. Common animals are the deer, langur and rhesus monkies and wild boar. The reserve is home to more than two hundred avian species, hence a large number of tourists arrive here on bird watching tours besides the tiger safari.

Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve is an amalgamation of forests of Tadoba and Andhari Reserve Forests hence it has the similar name. The dry deciduous mixed forests are dominated by precious teak trees and bamboo. A large number of floral species make the National Park a diversity hub. The River Andhari is the lifeline of this ecosystem and intersects the park.

In order to see the tigers and other animals and birds in the wild a permit is required. This permit is available at numerous zones created for tourists. The safaris are organized in morning and evenings and a permit is required for each. The excursions take place on open jeeps and no tracking on foot is allowed.


Tigers, leopards, other animals and birds can be seen on excursions in their natural habitats. This is what makes excursions at Tadoba exciting and enjoyable. Since a stay is required for the safari, there are many resorts which offer luxury accommodations. The wildlife resorts provide modern amenities and also help organise the safari and the travels. For permits, you should contact the accommodation you have chosen to stay. The hotels and resorts usually assist in obtaining the safari permits.

How to reach & when is the best time to visit?

The park is open from mid-October to end of June. It can be reached from Airport at Nagpur. It is 150 km drive to Chandrapur Township from Nagpur. From Chandrapur, the accommodations can be reached with ease. You can find more about the details of the timetable of Tadoba Tiger Reserve here.

Tour Packages for Tadoba Tiger Reserve:

If you want to know the best package for this visit you can visit this link for more information.

This article was originally written by Uday Patel.

Legal Issues Pertaining to E-Commerce Ventures


E-commerce includes any transaction of business made through an electronic medium, including transactions made through mobile devices. Some of the popular e-commerce models are given below:

  • business to business (B2B) such as the one used by Indiamart.
  • business to consumer (B2C) or business to business to consumer (B2B2C)-this is a very popular model. Most e-commerce companies use a B2B2C model, where they facilitate transactions of customers with specific sellers. This structure is also preferable to a direct B2B model to comply with the FDI regulations (relevant for e-commerce business with foreign investment). Most e-commerce companies such as Flipkart, Amazon uses the B2C model.
  • Consumer to consumer (C2C) models such as eBay, which allows buyers and sellers to enter into transactions through its platform.

Consumer to business (C2B) transactions-such as Elance or Freelancer. These models, however, are typically used for services.

Indian e-commerce companies have come up with innovative strategies to overcome the challenges which are specific to India.

One of the earliest companies sites in India was Bazee, which was acquired by eBay. Since then, e-commerce has flourished in India, with the recent sites like Flipkart has developed unique strategies like Cash on Delivery (COD) and Payment on Delivery (POD) system and development of their own logistics chain to increase their customer base. Rapid urbanization and increase in the number of internet users and permeability of cellphones in different parts of the country have contributed to the rapid development of e-commerce.

With the maturity of the market and the complexities of the regulatory mechanisms, an e-commerce company will have to implement a legal strategy to deal with regulatory issues and possible litigation from customers, suppliers and other partners.

Online contracts and terms of service

Online contracts in India are governed under the Indian Contract Act and validated under the Section 10A of the Information Technology Act. The relationship between the customers and the e-commerce entities are governed by the Terms of Service(TOS) for websites and End-User License Agreement (EULA) for downloadable or packaged software. In India, we do not have case laws pertaining to the enforceability of online contracts but in other countries, typical problem areas pertaining to the terms of service have surrounded the following:

  1. Arbitration clause which exclusively determines the arbitration forum and the courts which have jurisdiction in case of any dispute. This can place an undue cost on other parties. Courts may reject this choice and allow the customers to sue in another location also.
  2. A choice of law clause which decides the law of the country that will apply. For example, a clause which states laws of Singapore will be applicable.
  3. Limitation of liability clause which absolves or limits liability to an artificially low extent. On this point, Indian courts have case law with respect to the provision of goods and services on a brick-and-mortar based model. As long as 1966, the Madras High Court had struck down a clause in a laundry service contract which restricted the liability of the service provider to 50% of the cost of the goods.

An e-commerce site may be liable for the defects in the product sold on the platform-depending on how it represents itself to the customers. Even though they may merely provide a platform, e-commerce stores tend to place their brand name on the product packages. Therefore, they will respond under consumer protection law to repair or replace products-they should ideally have necessary contractual arrangements with suppliers which permit that.

How Blockchain will help Technology Evolve in Future


If we talk about Blockchain Technology definition, then we first find out that nowadays it is incredibly popular and most of the people want to know about Blockchain and how the Technology will benefit them as an individual.

Basically, Blockchain is a chain of blocks which contains information and this technique was generally described by the group of researchers in the year 1991. After that in the year 2008, Blockchain was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto and the main purpose behind this is to serve as the public transaction ledger of cryptocurrency bitcoin. This invention took place to solve the double spending problem without the need of a trusted authority or central server and the Blockchain for Bitcoin made it first digital currency to solve all this problem which is discussed above.

A blockchain is a distributed ledger that is completely open to anyone. It is very interesting to know that it has an amazing property once if they have recorded in a Blockchain then it becomes very difficult to modify or delete it.

If we want to know about how does it work then we have to focus on the working system of an individual block. So, basically, each block contains some data, the hash of the block and the hash of the previous block. They store data inside the block and it depends on the type of blockchain. For example, Bitcoin block stores the details about the transaction here so that the sender receives a certain number of coins. A Block also has hash associated it. For understanding you can compare the hash to a fingerprint, it identifies a block and all of its contents and mainly it is just as unique as that of fingerprints. Once a block is created its hash has been calculated and if something changes inside, the block will cause the hash to change. So, in other words, the hash is very useful when it comes to detecting changes in the blocks. If the hash code of the block changes, it no longer has any association with the same block and also the hash of the previous block and this is reflected in the whole chain. This is the technique that builds the Blockchain Technology & makes it very secure.

Here, the best Blockchain Technology application is for being the key mechanism behind the Cryptocurrencies. For example, Bitcoin and Ether which is the currency of Ethereum. It serves as a bookkeeping platform or ledger that is incorruptible, enforces transparency and bypasses censorship.

If we mentioned about what exactly the Blockchain is then, in reality, it is a ledger that stores transaction Data which are distributed across many nodes and it is secure to use. It can be mostly used for a wide variety of applications like tracking ownership or the provenance of documents, digital assets etc. As we all know that through the bitcoin digital currency, the Blockchain Technology was popularized.

If we talk about Blockchain Technology benefits then it is very effective in managing the challenges in business operations in far-flung locations and the need for precision and accuracy is paramount.

Blockchain also helps in connecting human resources professional plans, direct and coordinating the recruiting, interviewing and hiring of new staff. If we notice there is a great deal of technology behind hiring, retaining, evaluating, compensating and even terminating employees.

The Blockchain technology helps in Supply Chain Management through which it offers the benefits of traceability and cost-effectiveness. It can also be used to track the movement of goods, their origin, quantity and so forth. It makes it easier for a business to carry out investigations and execute necessary actions. If any kind of disparity is detected somewhere along the supply chain then a blockchain system can lead you all the way to reach in its origin.

This was all about the Blockchain Technology which is going to transform the future of Money Transfer, Currency Exchange & other transactions & make it secure than ever before.

This article was originally written by Shristi Rupam.