Home Marketing Digital Marketing Relevancy of Celebrity Endorsements in Digital Era

Relevancy of Celebrity Endorsements in Digital Era

Relevancy of Celebrity Endorsements in Digital Era

Celebrity Endorsements used by companies to sell their products have been prevailing in the idea for a long time. Considering geographically, the Indian region where this trend arrived in the late 80s. This was the same time when the Bollywood industry was making its presence in the general public.

With the steep rise in digital marketing, it becomes difficult for brands to grab their probable customer time and focus.  Other than India there are various countries where people can easily connect with famous personalities like cricketers, film stars, and politicians. These are the people who general public idolize. So seeing famous personalities with a product is a sure shot method to grab people’s eyeballs…Relevancy of Celebrity Endorsements in Digital EraAs per general data adopted, 76% of market share to celebrity endorsement has been occupied by film stars. Social media is another aspect that has revolutionized the game of influencer marketing.

Since the last decade, brands have started adopting online reviews and YouTube to add to their credibility. Influencers with about millions of followers on platforms like Instagram can make revolutionizing sales with just a picture post. These strategies not only enhance their online presence but also attracts more customers.

As the latest reports on brands with the high-value expenditure of Celebrity Endorsements have three motives in their strategy.

Impact of Celebrity Endorsements


This method is utilized to revive your existing brand value in the customer’s mind. Most of the brands adopt celebrity endorsements to maintain their customer base and recall the about heir presence.


This is the phase where brands use the popularity of celebrities to grow them. This also helps brands to pull them out of obscurity from the public.


This step is about making the first impression on the general public and probable customers. It comprises riding upon the endorser’s face which is widely known to the public and hence celebrity endorsements are done.

Influence of Celebrity Endorsement on the Consumer’s Purchase Decision
Above graph highlights the Influence of Celebrity Endorsement on the Consumer’s Purchase Decision

In general, a celebrity is not only a face to the brand but also a social media influencer, a spokesperson and a brand ambassador to them. The brands also chose their celebrity only after dep study. The brands do study risk probability, upcoming events of the star along with star power before choosing them as Brans Ambassador.

  • Credibility and Market View: The knowledge and skills for which celebrity stand for and their image associated object
  • Attractiveness: This aspect is for the familiarity, Likability, and similarity of celebrity along with the brand.
  • Star Power: This is the major judging criteria for brands. It directly affects human buying behaviour.
  • Relatability: consumer to brand face connection is very crucial. The chosen person must be able to connect and relate with the ambassador.
  • Return of Investment: The benefit company can reap out of the celebrity. The question “What’s in it for me?” is important for brands.

In today’s marketing world, brands are shifting their focus from mainstream celebrities to Influencers. The shift has been due to the continuous fragmentation of the media industry. Brands today focus upon choosing differently for the different platforms as a campaign. A celebrity fan following on social media is also a crucial factor, most brands do deep study. An endorsement is all about achieving the desired amount of ROI and “Eyeballs” for your product.


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