Home Health Dos and Dont’s – PCOS

Dos and Dont’s – PCOS

Dos and Dont’s – PCOS

Polycystic ovarian disease or syndrome is an endocrine system disorder and is one of the most common problems found in females today. It creates hormonal imbalance in females and produces a higher amount of male hormones.

Polycystic ovarian disease or syndrome
Polycystic ovarian disease or syndrome

PCOS can create serious complications related to hormones and the reproductive system in females and causes irregular periods or no menstruation that makes it difficult for them to conceive as it can prevent ovulation. It also makes the person over-weight.

PCOS affects females at the age of 15-44 yrs. About 70% of ovulatory fertility issues are linked to PCOS, and most of them have not been diagnosed. Women are having PCOS have higher chances of miscarriage; pregnancy induces high-blood pressure, premature delivery, gestational diabetes, etc.

 Symptoms of PCOS

  • Hair loss
  • Depression
  • Acne
  • Excess hair growth on face and body
  • Irregular periods
  • Weight gain

If the symptoms of PCOS are not managed, the risk of increased heart disease, endometrial cancer, diabetes, and blood pressure rises. Although this disorder has no cure, adopting a healthy diet and lifestyle can reduce or relieve its symptoms.

To make it easier for you, here are few tips to relieve symptoms of PCOS:

  • ExerciseExercise plays a stellar role in reducing insulin resistance when done with a limited intake of unhealthy carbohydrates.

    Yoga Positions
    Yoga Positions

It is advisable to exercise a minimum of 150 minutes a week. In extreme cases, it is advisable to consult a physician.

  • Dash Diet– Highly recommended by doctors to reduce hypertension and risk of heart diseaseDash Diet

It helps in managing PCOS symptoms. It is a complete pack of all healthy foods, excluding the foods rich in high-saturated fats and sugar. Also, it contains a diet rich in fruits, poultry, fish, vegetables, whole grains, and low-dairy products. 

Replacements such as white bread with whole-grain bread and replacing refines with olive oil are some of the minor changes that will add to a healthy lifestyle reducing the chances of any disorders. 

Food items for a healthy diet:

1)  High-fibre foods added in diet can help in insulin resistance by slowing down the digestion process that reduces the impact of sugar on the blood. High fiber foods include broccoli, berries, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, beans and lentils, green and red peppers, etc.

2) Lean protein sources like tofu, chicken, and fish are very beneficial for females having PCOS.

3) Processed meat must be avoided by females having PCOS

4) Foods that reduce inflammation such as fries, margarine, tomatoes, spinach, almonds and walnuts, fatty fish high in Omega-3 fatty acids such as salmons and sardines, olive oil, etc. are good options for females having PCOS disorder.

5) Avoid food having semolina, durum flour, or durum wheat flour as their ingredient should be eliminated from the diet.

6) Food having sugar with different names like sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, and dextrose should be avoided. 

Professional doctors or therapist can help you identify the reason and recommend appropriate measures.


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