Home Marketing Digital Marketing How Instagram ‘Influencers’ Are Actually Failing to Influence?

How Instagram ‘Influencers’ Are Actually Failing to Influence?

How Instagram ‘Influencers’ Are Actually Failing to Influence?
How Instagram ‘Influencers’ Are Actually Failing to Influence

The economy of the world depends upon the buying behaviour of the people. Influencers are the one who establishes creditability and audience for brands. They win over others by their genuineness and trustworthiness. But nowadays, Instagram influencer fails to attract an audience.

How Instagram ‘Influencers’ Are Actually Failing to Influence
How Instagram ‘Influencers’ Are Actually Failing to Influence

As an influencer, they are losing their charm. The market is seeing a downfall in the branding not because of the numbers but because of the corruption. The influencerDB in a survey indicates that the glory days are now waning off. Year after year, the number of engagement with influencers is falling. This demise is the cause of many factors of influencers’ negligence.

The economy of the world depends upon the buying behaviour of the people. These persuaders cut the chase for the goose by building a trusted relationship with the audience, and the product they recommend would fly off the shelves in a snap although influencer creates a quite good profile and earns a reasonable sum of money.

Influencer Relation

Influencer Relation
Instagram influencer fails to cultivate a healthy relationship with its spectators; then they cannot ensure the best results.

For a healthy relationship with the audience, interaction is the key that can unlock many doors. If the Instagram influencer fails to cultivate a healthy relationship with its spectators, then they cannot ensure the best results. Influencing is not an easy job as individuals think it is. They have to create their content and have to wait with anxiety for the audience’s reactions which is a persistent and unstable job.

This creates a conflict between brand values who seek sales and appreciation of spectators. An influencer has a bond with the follower, which is quite essential and the more followers you have, the difficult to maintain this bond. Most of the time, influencers are so worked up in building their profile that they forget to monitor their followers.


influencer uses its circle and fake accounts to increase their reach and audience.

The influencing market and trends evolve and change quickly. Without a proper investment of time and efforts into influencer trends, marketers find themselves fragmented at the last moments. According to studies and data around 25 percent of the influencers deceived the brands and audience in a way or other. This came to notice when several cases went viral on social media.

Influencers use fraudulent ways and bots to increase their followers, likes, and comments. Moreover, influencer uses its circle and fake accounts to expand their reach and audience. These methods decrease the authenticity and reliability of the posts.

Not up to standards

Not up to standards
Instagram influencer fails because most of them are not up to the mark.

Instagram influencer fails because most of them are not up to the mark. They sign the deals with the brands but fail to fulfil the instructions and requirements. Furthermore, the influencers fall short in delivering quality. Recently, I read a case where an influencer signed a deal with a company and received a considerable amount upfront and a part of the sum after carrying out the sale.

Still, the individual was unsuccessful to meet most of the requirements mentioned in the contract. That’s why Instagram influencer fails. This is the scenario of most of the influencers who take the deal without reading the contract.


Instagram influencers fails are thinking that it’s just about clicking some snaps and posting it on Instagram.

Another widely spread misconception that causes Instagram influencers fails are thinking that it’s just about clicking some snaps and posting it on Instagram. Many influencers believe that this is the way of influencing. But in reality, influencing is a complicated process that requires research and a complete study of the audience. Also, they have to write-up content, following the audience and many more factors. Sponsored and paid content also hinders the path of success of genuineness of the post. Creating content and post is also a stressful task that requires not only time but also research.

The influencer market is now filled with deceitful and opportunistic ‘actors’. They seek to build their profiles and optimize their revenues. These photogenic youngsters will continue to take advantage until the brands let them be. A possible way to organize them is to set criteria and code of ethics, just like any other field has.


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