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Famous Food Joints And Restaurants In Udaipur You Can’t Miss.


Famous Food Joints And Restaurants In Udaipur

Are you looking for the best food joints and restaurants in Udaipur? 

Good food is what elevates a place. I mean, you can be at the most picturesque place but if the food doesn’t match the view, the vibe’s already dead. I cannot emphasise upon how painful it is when you come back from your trip and find out that you missed out on that one place which is probably famous in the entire galaxy for its amazing dishes. Not sure about you, but if you care about food, even half as much as I do, you would know how disappointing it is. The best thing to do to avoid such heartbreaks is to do your research well in advance and know the places where you must visit. Plus, why would you want to risk missing out on something which might turn out to be the highlight of your trip? 

India is blessed with different cultures. What makes it better is that each culture has a  special dish. Now, it would be a disgrace if you study all about the culture in museums but do not get to experience the beautiful part of their culture, which could be present just down the street. If you are planning to visit Udaipur, then here are a few food joints and restaurants in Udaipur that serve dishes which are delicacies for its residents. The best part is that it will cost between Rs 10-300, allowing you to grab more and more. So this article will help to find out food stops in Udaipur.

Places To Eat In Udaipur

Udaipur is one of the most loved tourist’s destinations in India. The city advocates many historical and traditional evidence. If you are new in the town, you may get confused in deciding what to eat and where to eat. Then given below is the list of eateries present in the city

Paliwal Restaurant

Famous Food Joints And Restaurants In Udaipur

Rajasthan is known for its kachoris, so is Udaipur. The most special item is the fantastic hing ki kachauri which you can grab from Paliwal Restaurant. It is located on Jagdish Temple road, which is quite easy to get to. They are quite reasonably priced at Rs10, which in itself is an incentive to eat more. 

Santosh Daal Baati

Famous Food Joints And Restaurants In Udaipur

Santoshi Daal Baati, Surajpol, is known for making people addicted to its lovely Daal Baati. You mustn’t take its mouth-watering Daal Baati Choorma lightly. It’s a crowd-pleaser and will compliment your taste buds.

Jai Bholey Mishtan

Famous Food Joints And Restaurants In Udaipur

You will not be able to stop gulping down those curvy, soft, sweet and juicy jalebis which are absolutely delicious. You can find some at Jai Bholey Mishtan which is near the Dilli Gate Circle. These sweets are delicious and memorable.

The Egg World

Famous Food Joints And Restaurants In Udaipur

The Egg World, Chetak Circle, is rightly located near the HDFC bank. Its lovely egg bhurji will make you want to spend all your money until you can no longer consume a serving. The delicious combination of sautéed vegetables and softness of the egg is just amazing.

Sai Baba Nashta Center

Famous Food Joints And Restaurants In Udaipur

Paranthas, which will make your mouth water and tummy happy can be found at Sai Baba Nashta Center, near Gulab Bagh. Paranthas are loved all over India, but Udaipur has a special touch to this yummy item.

Chirag Rooftop Restaurant

Famous Food Joints And Restaurants In Udaipur

You can never be fully satisfied without trying Chirag Rooftop Restaurant’s Tandoori Gobhi and butter naan. This staple Indian dish has been elevated to another level. Every person who has been here has gone back with positive feedback.

Natraj Dining Hall

Famous Food Joints And Restaurants In Udaipur

This place has terrific Traditional Thal food. You will be served authentic Rajasthani food which will summarise your trip in one meal. The place is situated near the City Railway Station. 

Traditional Khanna Restaurant

Famous Food Joints And Restaurants In Udaipur

This is another place which you must visit to get a true picture of what Rajasthan is. It has everything from thalis to quick appetisers. You can enjoy unlimited food if you get yourself a Rajasthani thali in here. 

Jheel Rooftop Café

Famous Food Joints And Restaurants In Udaipur

This café is a tourist favourite. Its lovely ambience and delicious food will leave you awestruck. The view from this cafe will leave you mesmerised. 


You would assume that these street food items are all there is. Well, there is lots more in store. Udaipur is blessed with fantastic food. If you set out to explore the city’s wonders, these items must find a place on your list. You might have similar products on your city too, but these have a unique touch which makes them stand out. It is worth spending your time and money. 


The Realm of Mental or Psychiatric Disorders


Psychiatry is a Greek word meaning ‘’ mind’’ and ‘’ medical treatment’’ is the branch of science devoted to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental ill-health. There is no clear dividing line between physical medicine and psychiatry.

The Realm of Psychiatry or Disorders.
The Realm of Psychiatry or Mental Disorders.

Psychiatry, alone cannot safely ignore the relationship between the bodily condition and mental state, and medicine is becoming increasingly attentive to the manner in which a person’s emotional state can precipitate and aggravate physical ill-health.

The Many Causes of Mental Illness

There is never a single or simple cause for mental illness. In practice, a distinction is drawn between predominantly intrinsic or endogenous causes, such as inherited factors, and predominantly extrinsic or exogenous causes, such as physical injury or disease, and mental stress such as bereavement, unexpected financial reverses or the loss of a job.

Mental Illness / Disorders.
Mental Illness / Disorders.

The interaction between a person’s basic personality and any physical or emotional stress affects the extent of any subsequent mental reaction. One man or woman may be able to cope with massive stress quite adequately, whereas other individuals may be overwhelmed by what seems a minor setback.

Disorders of the Mind

The symptoms and signs of mental illness can be grouped differently under various sections such as – disorders of perception: of thought and speech: of memory: of emotion: of the experience of the self: of consciousness; and motor disorders.

The Perception of Hallucination

Hallucination is a sensory perception without any external, objective stimulus and is a common perceptual disturbance in psychotic illnesses and brain disorders. Symptoms of thought psychiatric disorders include a flight of ideas, in which the thought processes are speeded up, perseveration, whereby the patient, ‘’perseveres’’ with a particular response long after a change in his immediate environment has demanded a different response. Also, thought to block in which there is a sudden arrest of the train of thought and the start of an entirely new one.


In certain psychiatric disorders [obsessional states for example], the patient recognizes that he is compelled to think about certain things, despite his every effort to rid his mind of them. Such compulsion is understood by the patient to originate within him and not as a consequence of some alien activity.

In thought alienation, however, the patient experiences his thoughts as being under the control of some external agency. He may believe that others are participating in his thinking or that thoughts are being inserted into or extracted from his head, or that others think his thoughts in unison with him, and are aware of his most intimate contemplations.

The Theory of Delusion

A delusion is defined as a false belief of morbid origins, and which is an absolute conviction unamenable to reasons or contradictions, although, usually absurd or even impossible.

Thought Disorder.
Thought Disorder.

Disorders in the form of thinking are characterized by a fragmentation of the links connecting successive thoughts, and the phenomenon of over-inclusiveness, in which the patient is unable to maintain the boundaries of a concept.

Memory disorders

Disorders of the memory include disturbances in the registration of information, [such as by lack of concentration], and in the retention and recall of materials. Where there is a pathological memory loss, the gap may be filled with elaborate fabrications, as in alcoholic psychosis.

Emotional disorders

Disorders of the emotional kind consist of variations in the intensity or duration of the emotional response, which may also be inappropriate to the particular situation. In this, there is one class of psychiatric disorder called the ‘’affective disorder’’ which refers to a sustained psychiatric disorder of mood, in which there are sudden mood swings as well as ‘’ depression’’ and ‘’ mania’’, rather than to a transient emotional reaction.

The Disorder of Depersonalization

In this mental disorder, a disturbance in the experience of the self occurs when the individual feels changed in comparison with his former state. He starts feeling like automation and watches his own actions ‘’ from outside’’.

Mental Derealization Disorder

Whereas in mental derealization, the individual perceives the outer world as strange and altered in some significant way. Both these disturbances of depersonalization and derealization are experienced on occasions by perfectly healthy people.

The Mental Disorder of Consciousness

Disorder of consciousness is mainly due to physical causes and include alterations in attention and concentration, a slow down in the thinking patterns, and a lack of direction in the thoughts and actions of the individual. The patient may be disoriented, may manifest disconnection and incomprehensible behaviour or may become delirious.

Motor disorders

In this type of mental illness, the patient shows symptoms of lack of initiative, mental retardation in speech and action and stupor. Some of the major types of motor disorders seen in mental illness are psychomotor activity, seen often in manic states; catatonic excitement, mainly characterized by stereotypy [such as monotonous repetition in speech, mannerisms, and movements]; and passivity feelings [whereby the patients believe in their impulses or feelings and are controlled by some outside agency].

Major categories of mental illnesses

There are three major criterions of mental illness:

1 The Psychosis – This consists of schizophrenia, manic depression, paranoid illnesses, the organic psychoses and psychoses associated with physical disorders;

2 The Neuroses – This consists of anxiety and phobic states, obsessive-compulsive disorders, hysterical and depressive neuroses.

3 The Personality Disorders – This includes alcoholism and drug dependence, the behavioural disorders of childhood, and a group of anomalies or deviations of personality that are not the result of psychosis or any other illness.

So, we see there are numerous types of mental disorders prevailing among mankind today, of which a layman is not even aware of. A person may seem perfectly fine, but he may be suffering from one of the other mental illnesses like depression, split personality, bipolar, etc. But most of the mental disorders have been identified by biologists and analysts, and proper treatments are available, though it may be time taking and persistent.

Also, these illnesses have a tendency to reoccur at the slightest disturbance. So, to tackle these abnormalities, patience, dedication and will power is very important together with appropriate medication and counselling.

All you need to know before you shift to Croatia !


Before you plan to shift to Croatia, you must know that before moving abroad, you should have proper knowledge about that country, the standard of living of that country, lifestyle, rules, and regulations. Here’s all you need to know before you shift to Croatia. It has all the necessary information about the Republic of Croatia, which you need to know before shifting to Croatia.

So, are you planning to Shift to Croatia?

Croatia or Republic of Croatia is a country located in the South-Central Europe and  Mediterranean region on the Adriatic Sea. The neighbouring countries to Croatia are Slovenia, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro. It is the newest addition nation of the European

shift to Croatia

Union. Along the coastline, this country has a pleasant Mediterranean climate, and towards the interior, it has a continental climate. The coast experiences mild spring and autumn while winter is cold and snowy in central and northern regions. It has flat agricultural plains along the Hungarian border and low mountains and highlands near the coastlines of Adriatic Sea.

The nation’s capital city is Zagreb, and it is the largest city in the country. Another famous town in the country is Dubrovnik, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The most memorable show, The Game of Thrones, filmed in some places of Dubrovnik.

More about Croatia

To shift to Croatia is a wonderful experience. You can explore and appreciate the ways of living in a new country and make the best of it by giving Croatia a chance.

Facts about Croatia

  1. Croatia is the 127th largest country in the world.
  2. It is the home of world-famous dog breed Dalmatians.
  3. It has 1246 islands, isles, and inlets.
  4. The Game of Thrones Kings Landing is, in fact, Croatian Dubrovnik.
  5. Two Croatian’s names are there on the map of the moon – Scientists J.R. Boskovic and A. Mohorovicic.
  6. Croatia invented the necktie.
  7. Almost 10% of Croatia covered 11 nature parks, eight national parks, and two nature reserves.
  8. The Republic of Croatia enjoys 2,715 hours of sunshine a year.
  9. Scientist Nikola Tesla was born in Croatia in the village of Smiljan.
  10. Croatia has the most number of UNESCO Intangible Goods of any European country.
  11. Croatia has the highest collection of remains of Neanderthal people in the world.

Entry requirements in Croatia!

Croatia is a part of the Schengen Agreement, but it has not yet implemented it. Nationals of almost every non-EEA countries do not need a visa for entry and can stay in Croatia for 90 days in 180 days. Citizens of EU and EFTA countries can enter Croatia using only their ID card, and others need a valid passport for entry.

How to enter Croatia?

 shift to Croatia

  1. By Sea– Rijeka (HRRJK) and Split (HRSPU) are the most significant seaports of Croatia.
  2. By Train– The rail network connects Croatia to almost every neighbouring European countries.
  3. By Bus– Dubrovnik, Split and Osijek are the main destinations of International buses.
  4. By Road– To enter Croatia, you need to carry a driving license, a vehicle registration card, and insurance documents.
  5. By Air-Zagreb (ZAG) and Dubrovnik(DUB) are Croatia’s biggest gateways, and Lufthansa is the largest international carrier that serves them. Croatia Airlines is the national flag carrier.

Croatia Language:

The official Croatia language is Croatian, and it is the 24th official language of the European Union. English, Italian, Czech, Hungarian, Italian, Ruthenian, Serbian, and Slovak are also spoken in Croatia.

Croatia Religion:

St Donatus,Church Croatia
St Donatus,Church Croatia

Croatia has no official religion. Freedom of religion is a right of every citizen, defined by the Constitution of Croatia that defines all religious communities as equal before the law and separates from the state.

Croatia Currency:

Croatian Kuna

The currency in Croatia refers as Kuna (short form “Kn” and code is HRK). It is an issue by the Croatian National Bank, and coins made by Croatian Monetary Institute. It comes in the dominations of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 as notes and 1, 2, 5 and 25 as coins.

Croatia Law and the Judicial system:

Croatia has a civil law legal system in which the law arises from written statutes where judges serve as implementers, not as creators.

Croatia Healthcare:

Croatia has a Universal Health Care system, rooted in the Hungarian-Croatian Parliament Act of 1891. The Croatian citizens are cover by a basic health insurance plan provide by statute and optional insurance. There are hundreds of healthcare institutions in Croatia, including 79 hospitals and clinics with 23,967 beds.


The tap water in Croatia is safe to drink; but, if you prefer bottled water, then it is expensive here. The legal age for drinking in Croatia is 18 years. Wines, beers, and spirits are top-rated in Croatia among alcoholic drinks.

Croatia Tourist registration:

All tourists in Croatia need to register at a local tourist office. The non-EU tourists need to register at the police.

Croatia Food:

Croatian food

The food in Croatia is varied, fresh, local, and tasty. The continental Croatian citizens eat a lot of meat while the coastal Croatians have a diet based on fish and other seafood.


Croatia is a very safe country. The crime rate in Croatia is meagre and almost no violence. But, it is the responsibility of every person to take care of their belongings while using public transport.


Internet in Croatia is available. The Wi-Fi coverage is pretty good. Many towns offer free Wi-Fi hot spots at prominent places. The internet speed in Croatia is not so fast.

Every nation has its pros and cons. If we neglect the disadvantages, then we can have a great time in that country throughout our living.

Chandrayaan 2: India’s Second Mission To Moon!


The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) recently launched its second mission for lunar exploration, the Chandrayaan 2. Chandrayaan is a Sanskrit word meaning moon-craft. After the successful mission of Chandrayaan 1 in 2008, this mission carries with it around 2 tonnes of payload with alongside myriads of expectations to the unexplored South Pole region of the Moon. ISRO has always been known its low-budget but first-attempt successful missions like the Mangalyaan or Chandrayaan 1.


History Of The Mission!

The mission initiated on the 12th of November 2007 as representatives of Russian Federal Space Agency, Roscosmos and ISRO signed an agreement stating the collaboration of both agencies on the Chandrayaan 2 project. According to the deal, ISRO had the prime responsibility of the orbiter and the rover while Roscosmos would provide the lander. The Indian government, chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, approved the mission on 18 September 2008. The design was ready by August 2009 and was undergoing a joint review by scientists of both nations.

ISRO finalized the payload as per schedule but the mission was postponed to 2013 and then 2016 because Russia was not able to develop the lander in time. Roscosmos later withdrew in wake of the failure of the Fobos-Grunt mission to Mars. Russia then cited its inability to provide the lander even by 2015. India decided to make the lander by itself making this mission a fully Indian mission without support from any other country.

The Journey!

The GSLV Mk III in the sky with the Chandrayaan 2 module onboard
The GSLV Mk III in the sky with the Chandrayaan 2 module onboard

The Chandrayaan 2 module has started it’s a journey on a Geosynchronous Launch Vehicle Mark III (GSLV Mk III) from Satish Dhawan Space Centre on Sriharikota Island on 22nd July 2019 at 09:13 UTC (14:43 IST). Initially scheduled on 14 July 2019, the launch was postponed due to some technical problems. By the time of writing this article, the Chandrayaan 2 module has completed its 2nd orbit around the Earth.

Landing on Moon
Landing on Moon

The craft will initially revolve around the Earth while slowly increasing its orbit. And it will then enter the ‘Earth to Moon Transfer Orbit’ (also referred to as Lunar Transfer Trajectory). This orbit will end as the module will get captured in Moon’s orbit (expectedly on 14 August) and will start revolving around it. It will then reduce its orbit to near the lunar surface. Once the required orbit is achieved, the Vikram Lander will detach itself from the orbiter and move further towards the lunar surface by decreasing its orbit. Before landing on the surface, it will perform necessary checks on the landing site and then safely “soft-land” on the lunar surface using its rebooting engines. The expected landing date is 7 September. After landing, the Pragyan rover come will come out from the lander and will initiate its lunar exploration.

ISRO, Land Rover.
ISRO, Land Rover.


According to ISRO, Chandrayaan 1 was one of the first to discover traces of water on the lunar surface. With Chandrayaan 2, ISRO aims to demonstrate the ability to soft-land and operate their rover on the lunar surface. The scientific goals of the mission include studies of lunar topography, mineralogy, elemental abundance, the lunar exosphere, and signatures of hydroxyl and water ice. The orbiter, which will be used for communication with the rover, will map lunar surface and help in making 3D maps of the same. Chandrayaan 2 will also find the location and abundance of water on the Moon.


The main payload of the launch vehicle is divided into three main components important for the mission – the orbiter, the lander (named Vikram), and the rover (named Pragyan).

The Orbiter

Chandrayaan 2 Orbiter.
Chandrayaan 2 Orbiter.

The orbiter, structured by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), will be orbiting the Moon at an altitude of 100km. Weighing around 2379 kg, it will able to generate electrical power of 1000W. It is equipped with five instruments out of which three are new while two are improved versions of those flown on the Chandrayaan 1. The Orbiter High-Resolution Camera or ORHC present on the orbiter will conduct high-resolution observations of the landing site prior to the separation of the lander from the orbiter. The mission life of the orbiter will be a year in the lunar orbit.

The Orbiter at the integration facility
The Orbiter at the integration facility

The Lander

What is the Chandrayaan 2 Lander Name?

Vikram Lander

As the orbiter is in the lunar orbit, the lander named Vikram Lander will detach from the orbiter to descend to a smaller lunar orbit of 30km ×100km using its 800N liquid main engines. The lander is named Vikram is after Vikram Sarabhai who is known as the father of the Indian space program. Once Vikram is in the desired orbit, it will perform a comprehensive check of all its on-board systems along with scanning the landing site before soft-landing on the lunar surface.


After Vikram has landed on the landing site which is SLS54 (70.90267°S 22.78110°E) or alternatively on ALS01 (67.87406°S 18.46947°W) on the southern region of the Moon, it will deploy the rover and then perform scientific activities for the next 14 days. Vikram is equipped with a high-resolution camera, Lander Hazard Detection Avoidance Camera (LHDAC), Lander Position Detection Camera (LPDC), an 800N throttle-able liquid main engine, attitude thrusters, Ka-band radio altimeter (KaRA), Laser Inertial Reference & Accelerometer Package (LIRAP), and the software needed to run these components. All these equipment are domestically built in the Space Applications Center (SAC), Ahmedabad.

Rover Pragyan on the ramp of Lander Vikram
Rover Pragyan on the ramp of Lander Vikram

Testing of the lander was done in Challakere in the Chitradurga district of Karnataka, where roughly 10 craters were built on the surface to help assess the ability of the lander’s sensors to select a landing site.

The Rover

Pragyan rover
Pragyan rover

The rover is named Pragyan, which is Sanskrit word meaning wisdom. With a mass of about 27kg, the solar-powered rover will be able to make electrical energy of around 50W. It will cover a distance of around 500 m on the lunar surface with a speed of 1 cm per second while performing on-site chemical analysis and sending data to the lander which will relay it to the Earth station. The life expectancy of the rover is around 1 lunar day equivalent to 14 Earth days. Its electronics are not expected to endure the frigid lunar night. However, its power system has a solar-powered sleep/wake-up cycle implemented, which may result in longer than expected service.

Push & Pull Toy
Push & Pull Toy

It has two one-megapixel monochromatic NAVCAMs (NAVigation CAMeras) in the front which will provide a 3D view of the surrounding terrain. IIT Kanpur has contributed in the light-based maps generation and motion planning for the rover.

Bali, The Paradisiacal Island


The island is full dense jungles and villages with a wonderful culture. It is located on a chain, with Java to the west and Lombok to the east. It is one of the most enriching places in the world. The island is a unique blend of exceptional culture, beautiful landscapes, tropical beaches, tropical climate and rock bottom prices.

Bali is part of the Lesser Sunda Islands. The highest point of the island is Mount Agung with 3.142 m of height, volcano inactivity, that erupted for the last time in March of 1963.

History Of Bali

Mountain tops at Bali
Mountain tops of Bali

The first reports of the existence of Bali appear from the 8th century. However, it is known that by the end of prehistory, Hindus arrived in the area through the Indonesian Peninsula, Java and Sumatra. Presence of Chinese culture in the seventh century. Bali was independent until the thirteenth century when it came to depend on the kings of Singhasari, a kingdom of Java. At the end of the 16th century, a time of instability began, with internal wars favouring the birth of various territories in Bali.


Bali is one of those paradises full of beautiful beaches, but in my opinion, the difference lies in the culture and the sympathy of the people. Balinese is characterised by humility and simplicity, with religion playing a powerful role in their daily lives.

The Balinese are mostly Hindus, approximately 95% of the population, while in the other islands of Indonesia the majority is Muslim. The Hinduism came to Bali from India. It is one of the four great religions of the world and lives very well with Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism.

Why Should You Go To Bali?

1.The Art

door art Bali

On the island of the gods, you can find almost everything related to art. Excellent naive paintings, figures in metal, also glass, excellent carvings and works with wood, good batik, hand-painted etc.

2. The Sunsets

sunset at Kuta Beach Bali
Sunset at Kuta Beach in Bali

Observe the sunset. It is a total spectacle here. Be it listening to live music from the beach of Double Six or witnessing the sun hiding behind the islet of Tanah Lot .there are many other places which are a treat to watch

3. Dance

bali dance

I would say that his movements are strange, his expression is almost ghostly and the music is challenging to interpret, however as a whole the Balinese dance is hypnotic and watching one of these traditional shows is something that every traveller should give it a chance. Every night Ubud dancers go up on stage, trying to tell stories to the public through their gestures, above all their hands and eyes. Right in front of the royal palace, there is an information point where you can pick up a sheet with all the shows, where they are, the schedules and their price. Price approx: 100,000 IDR (Indonesian currency-IDR).

4.Good FoodFood at Bali

It is a pleasure to be able to go to so many restaurants in which one can eat everything on the menu! And in Ubud, there are not only dozens of vegetarian and vegan restaurants, but many of the places offer dishes whose ingredients are mostly organic. They are everywhere, you do not need to look far to find them. I will recommend The elephant (a little away far but has a beautiful view), Herb Library and Atman Cafe. Explore the nature of the island of Bali.

Most Attractive Places To Visit In Bali

Rice Paddies

rice paddies at Bali
Rice paddies in Bali

The centre of Bali from the sky must look like a huge rice field crossed by narrow and bustling roads. Rice fields are almost everywhere, that is the landscape that accompanies one in his excursions around the island, so it is not necessary to go to any of the tourist terraces. The Tegallalang Rice Terrace (price: donation) left us quite indifferent (even with a bad taste after seeing the poor state of several civets kept in cages in some stores terracing in trying to sell coffee Luwak. However the terraces of Jatiluwih They are impressive and worth the travel time from Ubud, a massive expanse of fields with beautiful views (40000 IDR)

Beaches and Waterfalls

Panati Purnama Beach
Panati Purnama Beach

The beaches of Bali do not stand out for their beauty and are eclipsed by many spectacular places like the Gili (consider making a visit to the Gili if you are looking for a paradisiacal beach ). The waters of Bali is quite a popular spot and especially many Aussies come here to surf. Most of the activities involving the waves are at the south, especially in Uluwatu, Canggu or Kuta. If you want to see a black sand beach, get closer to Pantai Purnama, east of Bali. It is not a place where you can swim by strong currents, but it is surprising to see sand so dark and at the same time, so subtle. It is a stunning landscape. And if you want to see waterfalls, very close to Ubud is Air Terjun Tegunungan.


temple in ubud bali
Temple in Ubud Bali

The temples of the streets of Ubud are marvellous that can be found by the rest of Bali but, honestly, in this city, you never know what you are in front of a sacred place. Taking a walk one ends up stumbling with altars, offerings and temples. Saraswati is the Hindu goddess of knowledge and here also the name of a beautiful temple with a pond full of lotus flowers:  Pure Taman Saraswati Temple. In the same street but a little further away you can also visit the Pura Dalem Puri.

Monkey Forest

Ubud monkey forest
Ubud monkey forest

The Sacred Sanctuary of the Monkey Forest, or Ubud Monkey Forest, is the heart of the city of Ubud, a green space in which to flee the traffic and the burden of the centre and enjoy nature. It is incredible that at the end of one of the busiest streets there is a jungle. The monkeys that inhabit it are the real protagonists, hundreds of naughty macaques that actually behave rather better than in other places we have visited. Anyway, walk with an eye because they are still animals that go crazy when they see food. Entry price: 50,000 IDR.

Ubud Palace

Ubud palace Bali
Ubud Palace Bali

If you have come to Bali in search of the most relaxed or cultural part,  Ubud is your destination. If you avoid its two main streets, which are busy almost any time of the day, and you stay in a quiet area overlooking the rice fields. The fact is that in this town you can still find rest. Take a couple of days at least to visit your points of interest without being overwhelmed and to pamper your body with massages, yoga classes and healthy food.

In the heart of Ubud, right at the intersection of the two main and busiest streets of the city is the  Puri Saren Agung or Royal Palace.  There is not a single thing which you can afford to miss from this complex. Every corner, door or mouldy stone which is full of engravings and figures that entertain tourists and catch every photographer’s eye. With a bit of luck while walking around you will stumble upon a group of young dancers who practice Balinese dance, a show that can be enjoyed live every night. Free entrance.

Best Time To Visit:

The best time to visit is July and August. August can be exhausting, stressful and consumerist, but if you have patience and know-how to move on your own you will enjoy everything it has to offer.

Temples of Bali

Unlike the rest of the islands of Indonesia, Bali is Hindu since this religion came through Java. Thousands of offerings at the entrances of homes, restaurants and businesses are responsible for reminding us at every step that we give the importance of faith in the lives of the Balinese. Its temples are scattered throughout the island and they can be found in the most surprising places, mainly lakes, cliffs, at the foot of the mountain or in the jungle. Below we list the most popular and most visited temples, it is adviced that in most of them you have to cover your legs up to your knees and when you enter, they will provide you with a sarong to cover yourself with.

Pura Besakih

Pura besakih Bali
Pura Besakih Bali

At the foot of Mount Agung is the Mother Temple of Pura Besakih, the largest, most important and sacred for Balinese Hindus. It is a complex of several buildings (23 to be exact) spread over six levels and located at a thousand meters of altitude. The entrance costs 60,000 IDR and at the doors of the temple, they will offer you immediately the services of a guide, keep in mind that it is not obligatory to access.

Pura Ulun Danu Bratan

Pura Ulun Danu Bratan
Pura Ulun Danu Bratan

How to get to Pura Ulun Danu Bratan?

It costs a few curves to climb up to the Pura Ulun Danu Bratan that seems to float on the waters of Lake Branden, but the picture-postcard is well worth the traffic there is to get here. The view of the mountain of the same name (when it is seen) makes this place the centre of the island and even more beautiful, By the way, it is somewhat cold due to the altitude it is at. 50,000 IDR (+2,000 IDR of the parking).

Tirta Empul

Tirta Empul bali
Tirta Empul

Even the stone pools of Pura Tirta Empul invite believers to purify the soul in a ritual that consists of placing themselves under the jets of water coming from the subsoil. Nowadays, due to their fame, there are many tourists who, surely convinced by their guides, rather than by faith, decide to get in and take a dip in its sacred thermal waters. Price: 15,000 IDR.

Tanah Lot

Tanah Lot temple in Bali
Tanah lot

In a small islet that can only be accessed when the tide is low and allows it is the Tanah Lot temple. As in many other places in Bali, the environment manages to eclipse the temple, although the constant flow of believers makes us always keep in mind that it is a sanctuary. It is worth observing the place from its top and if the water and waves allow it to also approach the islet. 6,000 IDR entrance and 2,000 IDR parking.


Saraswati temple in Bali
Saraswati temple in Bali

This beautiful temple in the centre of Ubud boasts a couple of ponds filled with floating lotus flowers and thousands of fish inside. Pura Taman Saraswati honours the goddess of knowledge, teaching and the arts, hence the name of the temple. It is located in Jalan Raya Ubud, is the perfect place to escape from the crowd that almost always occupies the main streets. Admission is free and Balinese dance shows are performed at night on the inside stage.

There are many other temples to visit –

  • Goa Gajah

  • Uluwatu Temple

  • Pura Taman Ayun

Markets and Purchases

Ubud Market

Ubud market in Bali
Ubud Market

The Ubud Market may not be a quiet place to go for a walk but if you want to buy a souvenir in this market, you will find everything: batiks, keyrings, fridge magnets, incense sticks. If you manage to cross its streets and not die in the attempt will discover dozens of posts, yes, with many things repeated and under the insistence of its inexhaustible sellers.

Guwang Art Market

Guwang art market in bali
Guwang art market

An excellent place to buy a piece of art is the Guwang Art Market, it is situated in town with many stalls where you will find paintings and sculptures by Balinese artists. To observe the paintings, masks and figures is worth the visit even if you do not have in mind to buy anything.

Pasar Seni Sukawati

Pass Seni Sukawati temple in bali
Pass Seni Sukawati temple

Very close to the previous one is the Pasar Seni Sukawati, a local market where day-to-day items are available. It is not a tourist place, but it will show you a piece of the most real island, the day to day of the Balinese. Do not be surprised if you find lingerie in the middle of the stairs or food stand on the floor.


Without a doubt, Bali is one of the best-known destinations in Indonesia. This small “island of the gods” is famous for its temples, rice fields and its waves but it is not usually among the favourite places of backpackers because of its reputation. It is a tourist spot and an ideal wedding destination. Bali is not a very large island and does not require many transfers. If you are clear about what you want to see or which area, you can choose a destination or two and then move calmly.


Five Best Camping Places in Himachal Pradesh, India 


India is a land of diverse culture, you all had must have heard of it, but the diversity of the country is not just bounds till here instead it expands to the variation one can figure in its geographical structures. Thousands of tourists visit this beautiful land every year, to quench their thirst for scenic site gazing be it forest, mountains or desert. Not only do the people of the country visit these beautiful campaigning locations but also people from other countries visit India to have adventures of these fantastic treks.

Five Best Camping Places in Himachal Pradesh

While some travellers seek for fascinating views, some of them look for some thrill and adventurous activities like camping. Camping in technical terms is called a place used for an overnight stay in an outdoor area. There are ample locations in the country which can offer you with camping sites, but to make your visit worth, here we have listed five best locations for camping in Himachal.

Spiti Valley – Himachal Pradesh

Spiti valley is a very beautiful valley which is situated in the district Keylong of Himachal Pradesh and is one of the ideal campaigning spots for the ones who love trekking. The place is ideal for camping, it is the perfect gateway for your vacations to get relieved from Your busy schedule.

Five Best Camping Places in Himachal Pradesh
Camino a Spiti valley, Himachal Pradesh by Carlos Adampol Galindo

The best time to visit this place is from May to June when the weather is clear but yes definitely people who love adventure got spitty all the year-round especially our country biker group going all the way round to the place to have amazing biking adventure, One can definitely go for a bike expedition when here to allocate nearby locations.

Five Best Camping Places in Himachal Pradesh
Camino a Spiti valley, Himachal Pradesh by Carlos Adampol Galindo

But I suppose opting for impromptu area camping here would be not a good idea because the environment there is not in favour of this. It is a desert in the mountains and is called as ‘Middle Land’ by local dialects. While some may go just to see the beauty of mother nature. And people who have less budget for going on a trip, this location will suit your purpose.

Solang Valley in Himachal

Five Best Camping Places in Himachal Pradesh
Solang Valley, Manali, Himachal Pradesh, India

Another famous location which attracts the visitors to the beautiful hills of Himachal is the Solang Valley, which is located in Manali which lies between Solang village and Beas Kund. Not just the visitors get amazed with the astonishing views of the place but also the valley is filled with tremendous adventures like river rafting, paragliding. The valley is considered as the best place for adventure sports.

Five Best Camping Places in Himachal Pradesh
Paragliders at Solang Valley, Manali

It is also a hub for a variety of adventurous activities. And it is the best place for camping at Himachal Pradesh.  The valley is often termed as the land of adventures, the valley is a blend of both adventure and peace, it will give you the solitude you want along with it you can get the best thrills if you are an adventure enthusiast.

Activities to do at Solang Valley, Manali
Activities to do at Solang Valley, Manali

On the way to Manali, you will get so many adventure sports like river Crossing, River rafting, also not only the adventure spots but you will surely love the views along the road which, it is absolute bliss to be in that place and fell beauty of nature.

Manali campaigning will give you an experience full of surprises at every step, it not just putting a tent on the riverside and viewing the sunrise, its a lot more than that. Along with the breathtaking views and the trecking experience you can feel the adrenaline rush your veins with the chilling weather. happy Trecking in this beautiful valley.

Chandertal Lake of Himachal Pradesh

Five Best Camping Places in Himachal Pradesh

Who doesn’t love campaigning along the riverside?  Well yes the lake of the moon, Chandertal Lake welcomes you to lie in the lapse of the beautiful nature. It is located in Spiti district of Himachal Pradesh and is the best trekking and camping destination which attracts a lot of tourists all the year-round.

You can start the treck from two ways that are from the Batal as well as from Kunzum La Pass. You can cover this amazing treck from mid-June to mid-October. The treck is 8 km long and takes  4 hours to complete, then you can view the Chandertal Lake which is walking distance from Kunzum.

Chandertal Lake of Himachal Pradesh

It will cost you around 8000 bucks to complete this whole trip but believe me everything would be worth the money spent will see some amazing scenic views all along the way. Heres a tip carry your essentials along, all the eatables and necessary medicines as there are very fewer facilities on the way.

Kheerganga Trek in Kasol

Five Best Camping Places in Himachal Pradesh

Well, Kasol being famous for all the other reasons, people are not much aware of the fact the place has some amazing trekking locations with the best panoramic views possibly one could see in the country. The place records the highest foreign tourist who is in love with the place.
Kheerganga Treck in Kasol
The Kheerganga trek in Kasol has some amazing hot spring, beautiful meadows, and lovely weather. The trek in Kheerganga is located deep in Parvati Valley. You can take a bus till Bhuntar which is the village from where the road diverges for Parvati Valley. You will surely thank us after reaching the beautiful Paravati valley relaxing in your tent.

Triund Trek of Himachal

Triund Treck of Himachal
Campers gathered for Triund Treck of Himachal

Yet another treck giving your eyes a beautiful delight with its beautiful scenic views. You will experience a walk above the clouds in this treck, which is situated in Dhauladhar range of Himalayas and lies 18 km away from McLeod Ganj.

Triund Treck of Himachal
Campers base on Triund Trek
The trek starts from Dharamkot, and then you have to walk all the 8 km to the reach Triund the main place where you can start your campaigning. You will witness all the stars string at you and the clouds falling in your lap. It is something magical which you will experience in that place.

Need for Data Protection Laws in India.


Due to the extensive use of information and data, and for almost everyone being constantly connected to the internet, today’s 21st century has been described the age of information.  Data analysis has become a distinct entity where analysis of a large and complex set of data is studied as a specialized science. It is known as the ‘Big Data’ analytics providing never before insights in the field of digital information.

This advanced step towards data has helped the country to get rid of societal problems relating to the areas of health, food security, transport, urban planning. It is to the point where governments are also launching specialized directed programs focused on a digital revolution like the one Government of India launched called ‘Digital India’ initiative.

Need for Data Protection Laws in India.

The people are connected to the internet, whether it is the private sector or the public sector, both are amassing personal data which seems to be generated ceaselessly. Although this vast use of data has led the country to some beneficial conclusions like centralization of data, profiling of individuals and increased surveillance. But it has also led the people of the country to great concerns like the invasion of privacy of the individuals and the ability to impact public opinion on a pressing matter or the matter of national security.

And it is not like these negative effects are not bad as many countries have been over the years trying to come up with such strategies to counter or control the negative effects of digital aggregation. Different countries are taking up different approaches to the privacy of people and personal data. Europe has taken an approach where the privacy of an individual is their right and personal privacy is the central pillar of their method of data protection.

The US is a laissez-faire culture has taken state out of the individuals right, state has no relation with personal right of the people and there is legislation made regarding the personal data of an individual being processed by the government, in this the processing of personal data by the private sector has been left by a notice and individual choice. Whereas China has adopted a centrally controlling and dominant model where the personal data and information is being perimeter and regulated by the country by the government through legislation on the grounds of national security.

India, on the other hand, is not a part of any of the UN conventions on the protection of personal data which is just as important as the GDPR and data protection directive. But India has adopted other international conventions such as conventions of Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which recognizes the right to privacy.

But the reality is bad enough,

India still has not enacted any law or specific legislation, India is in need of data protection laws
India still has not enacted any law or specific legislation, India is in need of data protection laws

However, there has been some basic legislation and which are being amended according to the time like recent parliament amended the Information Technology Act (2000) (“IT Act”) to include section 43A and 72A which gives a right to compensation to the individuals when they get affected by improper disclosure of their personal information.

The Indian government also issued a new act called the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011 (the “Rules”) under section 43A of the IT Act, Later after it’s misuse and wrong implications a clarification of the above rules was issued by the government on 24 August 2011 (the “Clarification”).

The rules have imposed additional requirements on the commercial and business entities in India relating to the disclosure and collection of personal and sensitive data or information which is similar to the guidelines provided in the GDPR and Data Protection Directives. But there’s no doubt that this personal data protection directives which were issued by the government in 2011 still face hardships in being imposed and implemented to restore the essence of data protection in this legislation.

There is still a need to come up with better plan to control and regulate the data created by people of the country privately and publicly because from this generation onwards there is going to be a large amount of data information being made ceaselessly.

8 Reasons Why You Should Stop Using WhatsApp!


In 2017, WhatsApp announced that its user base has grown to more than a billion active users out of which Indians users account for a considerably huge number. This has made WhatsApp the most used instant messaging app all over the globe. But what Facebook does not understand from this is that with such a huge consumer base it has even greater responsibilities.

WhatsApp is brimming with loads of problems including poor management, fake news, privacy, and more. All this leads me to think that it’s the time when we should ditch WhatsApp to use other apps although having better features are striving to be the competition due to less consumer base.

#1 WhatsApp risks your Privacy!

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in F8 2019
” The future is private. ” But it doesn’t seem to be so

There have been several cases where Facebook has admitted that their users’ private information including their usernames, email addresses, phone numbers and preferences have been leaked or kept without encryption. If you don’t know what encryption is, let me tell you it is just kind of a lock. If your data is encrypted, then even if a hacker gets it then he can not decipher it without the key.

This means Facebook employees can see your private data, something which should never happen mainly because this data contains something more than just your phone numbers or email addresses. Facebook knows you deeply. It’s always tracking you and even further, It knows what you like and what you don’t.

There is also a deep fake video of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg that got trending on Instagram. Although the video is fake you should think about it.

#2 No Edit Message Option!

In WhatsApp, you can’t edit the message you’ve sent. The ability to edit a message lets you correct your message in case it has a misleading unintentional typo (typing mistake) that may be due to your keyboard’s autocorrect. Currently, in WhatsApp, if you want to do so you’ve to copy the message, delete it, reinsert it, correct it, and then send it. This can be really inconvenient. Many WhatsApp competitors have options to do so. The best example can be Telegram or Skype.

#3 Deleted Messages Can Be Easily Read!

WAMR app lets you read deleted WhatsApp messages
WAMR app lets you read deleted WhatsApp messages

Just imagine you are sharing some of your private information to your family members via WhatsApp but mistakenly you send the message to a friend or any other WhatsApp contact you didn’t intend to send it to. You quickly try to delete the message as fast as you can so that the recipient can read it. Huh, you deleted the message before that two blue ticks came. But wait is your message truly removed from the recipient’s device or from WhatsApp’s servers? Well, apologies because it’s not. You thought you deleted the message and it vanished? When you delete a message, WhatsApp doesn’t remove it instead hides the message and covers it with a label that says “? This message was deleted.” The message stays on the recipient’s device and a simple tool named WAMR (WhatsApp Message Recovery) can be used to read that deleted message with ease. Think the ‘Clear All Chat’ option will save you? It will not. All deleted messages are also backed up to the cloud, where it stays forever.

#4 Your Chats Are At Risk!

Facebook announced ‘end to end encryption’ this year in March. In a 3,200-word blog post, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg discussed some major privacy issues on Facebook. Facebook said that it’s chat messages will from now on be encrypted. This means no one else can read your conversation with a particular person. And no one includes Facebook officials and government. He also planned to eliminate the permanence of messages, which means, messages in Facebook will now be deleted after a specific period of time unless the user prevents it from doing so. But most of these Mark’s announcement never really to come to us. For example, Anonymous Login, a feature Facebook announced in F8 2014 isn’t still available. And we’re still waiting for the ’Clear History’ button that was announced this last May.

This image depicts the process of encryption
This is what we call an end-to-end encryption

Although WhatsApp says that their messages are “end to end encrypted” most of them are still not encrypted. If you don’t know what end-to-end encryption is, it can be understood just as a feature that translates your message to a language that can not be deciphered without a key. This protects your messages in case a hacker gets his hands on your chats. But since most WhatsApp messages are kept un-encrypted, they’re vulnerable.

The WhatsApp app even encourages its users to back up all their chats on third-party cloud services. The app should ask you whether you want to backup your chats or not but instead, it asks you how often do you want to back up your chats. You can go to settings and select “never” as the frequency of backing up chats. But most users will choose one among the options displayed there and not bother about this.

#5 Even If Messages Are Encrypted, Your Meta Data Is Shared!

Let’s assume WhatsApp’s messages are encrypted, but what about metadata? WhatsApp shares it`s users’ metadata with Facebook and other companies. It is the information such as the person with whom you chat, how often you chat and which group chats you are a member of. It is also kept on your device unencrypted. A German Der Spiegel notes that this information gives hugely valuable information about your network of acquaintances and the patterns of your life.

Metadata are even more valuable than the message’s content. Mainly because it already comes with computer-readable tags like sender, recipient, time, etc. With it, companies can even work the interrelationships of millions of people. This computer-readable metadata can be more helpful because to extract information from the message’s content, the whole message has to be parsed, something at which machines are still bad. More technical people can understand metadata as structured data.

#6 And How Can Anyone Forget?… Fake News!

One of the most widespread problems with WhatsApp is that it has become a hub of fake news. At the time of writing this article, I came across a WhatsApp message that said that the Modi government is blocking some WhatsApp users who are inactive on their accounts. The message asked the readers to forward the message to 5 contacts to show that they are active users of WhatsApp. The users who don’t forward the message were told to be classed as inactive and Facebook authorities will charge them some cost to use WhatsApp. The message got spread so fast that in a single day I received it from about 7-10 different contacts.

Although, WhatsApp now marks are forwarded messages as ‘forward’, this feature isn’t sufficient to control the fake news that’s flooding everywhere because unlike Telegram this feature doesn’t tell us who initially wrote the message. WhatsApp has also restricted the forward feature to only 5 contacts at a time.

Today, many people are smart enough to detect if a piece of news seems to be fake. But most are not. I’ve personally experienced people who give their private details such as credit card numbers etc. to a third-party website that looks like a government website. We need to confirm the authenticity of a piece of news before sharing it or taking another action. WhatsApp authorities have also denied adding a report message option to the app something which is a necessity for all chat apps.

#7 WhatsApp Is A Tool For Terrorism!

  • In December 2015, it was stated that the Islamic State terrorists had been using WhatsApp to plot the November 2015 Paris attacks.
  • In March 2017, U.K. Secretary of State Amber Rudd said encryption capabilities of messaging tools like WhatsApp are unacceptable, as news reported that Khalid Masood used the application several minutes before perpetrating the 2017 Westminster attack. Rudd publicly called for police and intelligence agencies to be given access to WhatsApp and other encrypted messaging services to prevent future terror attacks.
  • In April 2017, the perpetrator of the Stockholm attack reportedly used WhatsApp to exchange messages with an ISIS supporter shortly before and after the 2017 Stockholm attack. The messages involved discussing how to make an explosive device and a confession of the perpetration after the attack.

#8 WhatsApp Scams!

The malware WhatsApp gold
  • In May 2016, some WhatsApp users were reported to have been tricked into downloading a third-party application called WhatsApp Gold, which was part of a scam that infected the users’ phones with malware.
  • Another application called GB WhatsApp is considered malicious by cybersecurity firm Symantec because it usually performs some unauthorised operations on end-user devices.

What’s The Problem with Facebook?

The main problem with Facebook is the lack of competition. Just think about it for a second. Which social network is head to head with Facebook? Your answer may be Instagram or WhatsApp. But do note that Facebook bought Instagram in 2012 for $1 billion dollars. And two years later, it bought WhatsApp for $16 billion.

Facebook bought two of its major competition and the major competition left now is not as big — Snapchat, and Twitter. Both of which have a relatively lower user base. _The Verge_ says that Facebook broke off and Instagram and WhatsApp will be in tight competition to each other. And since they are allowed to compete, they will be getting improved more frequently with more features.

Is the Huawei Ban Lifted? – All Details!


The world’s second largest smartphone manufacturer seems out of the trouble as the American President has some trade concessions with China in the recent G20 Summit in Osaka, Japan. But Huawei continues to remain on the US Entity List. Continue reading to learn more.

Huawei Trade Ban
Huawei Trade Ban cost it a loss of almost $30 bn

A bit of history on the ban

I’d recommend you to skip this sub-topic if you know the history of the ban already.

The main story began in May this year when the US President Donald Trump signed an executive order that allowed the US government to blacklist some companies that posed a threat at national security. All the companies that got blacklisted were restricted to do business with any US company. Huawei was also included in the list.

Followed by this was the cutting of ties of US companies with Huawei. Starting off with Google, which snatched Huawei’s Android license and later put Huawei P30 Pro out from the Android Q beta list (Google later added it back). 

This brought losses to Huawei as their laptops were removed from the Microsoft store. They were no longer allowed to use microSD cards on their devices. And, most recently a Fed-Ex refused to deliver Huawei phones into the US.  But some time later, the US government gave Huawei a 90-day exemption from the ban to complete their incomplete deals with some US companies.

The ban prevented Huawei from using microSD card on their devices
The ban prevented Huawei from using microSD card on their devices

Since then Huawei has been rumoured (and sometimes caught) developing their own OS. This Huawei OS, which will be a substitute for Android on Huawei devices, is rumoured to be named as Oak OS, ArkOS or Hongmeng OS.

Trump’s Move!

President Trump and President Xi Jinping shaking hands
President Trump and President Xi Jinping shaking hands

The international G20 Summit was held recently, where US President Donald Trump met Chinese President Xi Jinping. They discussed trade issues that are prevalent among them. Trump agreed to reverse the recent sanctions against Huawei.

Their meeting was followed by a 74-minute news conference, where President Trump told the media that China will be buying US farm goods in exchange on flexibility on Huawei starting “almost immediately”. Details on specifics were disclosed while Chinese officials haven’t confirmed the order.

China’s Foreign Ministry quoted Xi as telling Trump that any “negotiations should be equal and show mutual respect.”

Trump said he would now allow U.S. technology companies to supply Huawei “equipment where there is no great national emergency problem with it.” He denied to elaborate and give details on this until he met with his national security team in the next few days.

White House economic advisor Larry Kudlow revealed more information in an interview on Fox News Sunday. Kudlow said the Trump administration would simply grant some licenses to allow U.S. companies to sell products to Huawei, under the proviso that sales pose no threat to national security, Kudlow said.

So Huawei Must Be Removed From the Us Entity List?

Surprisingly, NO. The US government has not yet removed Huawei from its so-called “Entity List” of companies. No formal decision has been made and discussions between China and the US are ongoing. Trump also said that Huawei is still a security threat in the US government’s views.

According to the BBC, Trump said “We had a very good meeting with President Xi of China, excellent, I would say excellent, as good as it was going to be. We discussed a lot of things and we’re right back on track and we’ll see what happens.”

Does this mean Huawei will be back into action as it was earlier?

Even if the ban is lifted formally next week, its effect will continue to be seen. The company said that it’s 2019 revenue will be $30 billion below the estimated target due to the disruption caused by the ban.

Huawei was also expected to beat Samsung this year to be the #1 smartphone manufacturer in the world but due to the ban, this target will now take some more time.

Huawei P30 Pro is going to get the Android Q beta update
Huawei P30 Pro is going to get the Android Q beta update

All Huawei phones will continue to receive expected updates and security patches. And the higher-end smartphone models to which Huawei promised to bring the Android Q beta will also get the beta update.

You May Need Licence to Fly a Drone in India


Drones are being used in India for quite a while now, but in the past two or three years, there has been a rise in the use of drones. Nowadays whether it’s a concert or a wedding or even a school’s annual day, a drone has become a must.

Which is why the government of India had to put certain guidelines and regulations in order to fly these unmanned and remotely controlled flying units. The Ministry of Civil Aviation has provided with these guidelines and hence if you’re planning on purchasing a drone, here’s all that you need to know.

The Ministry of Civil Aviation has categorised drones in the following manner-

  • Nano: Less than or equal to 250 grams (.55 pounds)
  • Micro: From 250 grams (.55 pounds) to 2kg (4.4 pounds)
  • Small: From 2kg (4.4 pounds) to 25kg (55 pounds)
  • Medium: From 25kg (55 pounds) to 150kg (330 pounds)
  • Large: Greater than 150kg (33 pounds)

    Registration is required for all but the Nano category.

Here are all the rules you need to know before buying and flying drones in India.

1. Unique Identification Number for All Drones

All Drones except those in the nano category are required to get registered and acquire a Unique Identification Number (UIN).

2. Drones Can Only Be Flown in Daylight

To begin with, the regulations that were passed on drones, the first one says that the drones can only be allowed to fly in the daylight, under the visual line of sight only. Under this regulation, there have been specifications as to where drones are allowed and where they are strictly prohibited.

According to this regulation area around airports, near the international border, Vijay Chowk in Delhi, State Secretariat Complex in state capitals, strategic locations and vital military installations as no drone zones. Drones can also not fly near “permanent or temporary Prohibited, Restricted and Danger Areas” and eco-sensitive zones.

3. The Requirement of Permit to Fly Drones.

Under the new regulation, if a drone is being used for commercial purposes, there needs to be a legal permit to do so.  This legal permit can be acquired 24 hours before the said purpose from the local police station.

This regulation excludes nano drones flying within the range of 50feet and microdrones flying within the range of 200 feet.

4. Regulation for Drone Pilots

There is a set of rules for the people who fly these drones remotely. According to these rules, the pilot must maintain a direct visual line of sight from the drone at all times. The pilot cannot fly the drone vertically for more than 400 feet.

5. Permit to Fly in Controlled Airspace.

While flying in controlled airspace the pilot needs permission, which can be obtained by filing a flight plan and obtaining a unique Air Defense Clearance (ADC)/Flight Information Center (FIC) number.

6. Foreigners Excluded From These Regulations.

Under these regulations, it has been stated that foreigners are not allowed to fly drones in India. And in order to fly drones for commercial purposes in India, they will be required to lease the drone from an Indian entity who will obtain the Unique Identification Number (UIN) and UAOP from DGCA.

7. No Permission No Takeoff Policy

There is a strict policy of No Permission No Takeoff which means that before every single flight, the pilots are required to take permission to fly from a mobile application. This mobile application is designed to accept or reject the application automatically. India calls this system as NPNT (No Permission No Takeoff) system.

Hence is a drone pilot tries to fly their drone without prior permission from the Digital Sky Platform, he or she will simply be not able to do so.

Digital Sky Platform on DGCA Website.

The regulations on drones were passed in December 2018 and the government has launched a Digital Sky Platform on the DGCA website. This platform is a one-stop to all the drone pilots in India.

This platform categorizes different drones and all the essential documents required from it. It is a digital platform to regulate the flying drones in India. Permission, permits and Identification numbers can all be acquired from this platform online.