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Mind-controlled weaponry: A looming worldwide threat?


DARPA, The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is a wing of the United States of America’s Department of Defense tasked with devising, employing, improvising and utilizing state-of-the-art and pioneering technologies for military purposes.

The organization has commissioned to pay researchers to devise ways to promptly read soldiers’ minds (in real time) through implements such as genetic engineering of the human brain, nanotechnology, and infrared radiation.

The ultimate destination of this entire exercise – in – finesse and ambitious experimentation shall be the development of thought-controlled weapons, deployable in the form of hordes of mini-drones that can be dispatched into the sky solely via a single thought

“Imagine someone who’s operating a drone or someone who might be
analyzing a lot of data,”

These are the words said by Jacob Robinson, Assistant Professor of Bioengineering at Rice University stated.  He’s leading one of the participant research teams, probing and pondering upon the challenge.

“There’s this latency, where if I want to communicate with my machine, I have to send a signal from my brain to move my fingers or move my mouth to make a verbal command, and this limits the speed at which I can interact with either a cyber system or physical system. So the thought is maybe we could improve that speed of interaction.”

“When you try to capture brain activity through the skull, it’s hard to know where the signals are coming from and when and where the signals are being generated,” Live Science quoted Robinson as saying. “So the big challenge is, can we push the absolute limits of our resolution, both in space and time?”

Surgical manipulation and liaison of the brain would be too invasive and violate susceptible passages, posing a sizeable risk of intruding with vital processes and channels, in some cases irreversibly. Patch Electrodes were devised in order to circumvent standing this risk but they are of questionable accuracy and poor refinement in the receipt of brain activity signals.

A custom-built “helmet” applies a magnetic field to select neurons, the setting the magnetic core into motion and exerting pressure upon the external shell to produce an electrical signal that triggers to stimulate the neuron. This also works the other way round i.e. electrical impulses from triggering neurons are interpreted into minuscule magnetic fields that are then detected by detectors present in the headpiece.

It broaches obvious but attending long-term concerns and raised ethical considerations regarding lack of incentive to work, over convenience and vulnerability to the whim and arbitrarily. Will our thoughts finally dictate the world’s pace and our moods set its tempo?

Future of Augmented Reality


Augmented Reality, or AR as it is commonly known, is the science of blending graphics, sound, and touch feedback with the environment of our natural world. This creates an augmented or enhanced experience for the users. People often confuse AR with VR or Virtual Reality, but the two are not the same.

VR vs AR

While VR requires us to design and create an entirely virtual environment, AR uses your natural environment and overlays it with virtual information helping you to maneuver the same in your current environment.

In a dynamic and technologically superlative world like ours, there are multiple examples of AR that one can refer to. One of the most popular AR apps is Google SkyMap. When you point your phone towards the sky, the app puts its augmented reality features into play. Information about the constellations, stars, and planets passing above your head is overlaid onto your phone.

People using Google SkyMap to view the NightSky

It literally creates a picture of the heavens above for you from the ground level. In all, there are about 2000 plus AR Apps available on the iOS app store and another 200 more in the Google play store.

History of AR

The first augmented reality technology was curated by Ivan Sutherland, a Harvard computer scientist in 1968. While Sutherland, also referred to as the ‘Father of Computer Graphics’, is credited with the creation and use of the first AR head-mounted display system, it was Thomas Caudell, a Boeing researcher, who coined the term ‘Augmented Reality’ in 1990.

Thomas Caudell using first AR head-mounted display system
The first AR head-mounted display system

The first commercial application of AR was seen in 2008 when a German advertising agency used it to cast magazine ads onto computer screens. Post this, the following decade saw an upsurge in the usage of AR technology with companies like National Geographic, Coca-Cola, and Disney using it to enhance their products and services.

This uphill trend has led many to believe that there will be more than 1 Billion users of AR technology worldwide by 2020. If one has to analyze the factors that have contributed to the success of AR, three aspects stand out – the creation of meaningful content, realistic interaction, and blending of the real and virtual elements of AR, and increased value addition when compared to other technologies.

Future of AR

As stated above, AR is going to be one among the leading technologies to dominate the world in the coming years. In this decade, we will see the presence of AR in almost all fields. A few promising areas include teaching and education, ‘on the job’ and ‘off the job’ training, automobile industry, the field of medicine, and of course the film industry.

NASA uses Microsoft’s HoloLens
NASA uses Microsoft’s HoloLens

All of this brings us to the question of ‘what would be different about the AR technology of the future as compared to now’. A few potential features that have been suggested are as follows –

  1. Screen-less future – there is a strong possibility that we would have a world where we do not need a screen to project our augmented reality. The interaction between our natural environment and the augmented/enhanced environment would be so seamless that it would be hard to tell the difference between the two.
  2. Visualization of data – users can have unlimited access to centralized data irrespective of place and time with the onset of AR technology. The same can be used in mapping places, law enforcement, to further enhance the Emergency Response services, and even in the Armed Forces.
  3. Gestural Interface – this is the use of bodily gestures to control technology. This relationship redefines and changes the nature of human-computer interaction. While speaking to your air conditioner and requesting it to turn itself off comes under AI, merely looking at your air conditioner to turn it off would be something that AR technologies would certainly be interested in in the near future. This is also where the idea of ‘Extended Reality’ meets AR.
  4. Haptic technologies – The emergence of haptic or kinesthetic technologies that work on the basis of the touch feedback between the user and the device has paved a new path for UI and UX designers working in the field.

There is no doubt that AR is the future when it comes to harnessing the sensory perceptions of human beings as feedback for the systems.

Further, AR has a deep connection with AI or Artificial Intelligence which is almost the driving force behind AR. Coagulation of AR (to some extent VR) with AI would be an interesting field to study and test. The day is not far when all you need to do to buy a product or read a book is to just think of it.


New Diet Plans on the Block for Weight Watchers


The new age millennia is always in a rush with no time to spare. Unhealthy food habits, no exercises, intake of alcohol increases the toxins in the body resulting in weight gain. Lifestyle diseases are on the rise.

This puts pressure on them to lose weight which is one of the reasons for increasing diseases. Also with raising awareness, people want to be in line with their counterparts who are slim and trim. Weight issues are the topmost in the mind of today’s generation. Everybody wants to ace up their personality and want to shed the extra weight. There is a constant tug of war between weight gain and loss.

Lady standing on weight machine checking her weight.

With increasing, exposure and availability of stuff people have various options in hand. Different kinds of diet plans are afloat which helps them in taking the correct decision. According to their lifestyle and dietary patterns they can opt for the appropriate diet. This should be chosen carefully for it to sustain for a longer time. Some of the new diet fads are listed below.

The Atkins Diet

This approach is an intake of low carbohydrates and concentrates on maintaining the insulin levels in the body. A very popular plan among dieters involving a low carb, high protein and fat regimen.

This kind of low carb diet decreases your appetite. Which leads to weight loss. This is a very effective diet for reducing stubborn belly fat – the most difficult part of weight loss program. It also brings down the risk of catching diseases like cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.

It works on two levels – First, a very low level of carb under 20 gms is taken per day for two weeks. In the second level, as you reach your desired weight loss, your diet is incorporated again with a controlled amount of healthy carbs. It has been absorbed that Atkins diet leads to faster weight loss than other low-fat diets.

The Dukan Diet

The proponents of this diet claim it to have a high weight loss in fewer days. It is a high protein low carbohydrates diet plan divided into 4 parts. The first two parts are focused on weight loss and the next two parts on maintaining the lost body weight.

The diet includes cutting carbs totally and eating a high protein food (as per your cravings) and oat bran which is compulsory. Then the next part involves introducing some nonstarchy vegetables and little carbs and fat. Gradually, the protein level is reduced with another nutritious diet to maintain the desired weight.

Intermittent Fasting

This approach to weight loss involves regular cycles of fasting and eating. Without cutting down on any form of food it restricts the timing of eating. It is a kind of an eating pattern and curbing your hunger pangs and eating only at particular times.

The dieters can make their own timings which is convenient for them but generally, a fast period of 16 hours is advised. So an 8 hour eating period can be taken which would mean skipping dinner and breakfast completely. This is an effective way to control calorie intake unless you eat too many calories during your eating period.

This generally brings in a weight loss of 3 – 8% over a 3 – 24 weeks period. Health benefits include less cholesterol, blood sugar, less muscle loss and increase in metabolism levels. So it is indeed good for weight watchers.

The Ketogenic Diet


Followed by a number of celebrities in India, this plan leads to a very quick weight loss. In case you want to lose weight fast as well as not remain hungry you can opt for this dietary plan. It is a very low carb high-fat diet quite similar to Atkins and low carb diets.

The carbohydrate intake is almost brought down to nil replaced by good fats. The body gets into a state of being called Ketosis because of the reduction of carbs. The fat which is eaten is broken into ketones to provide energy.

Numerous health benefits like Alzheimer’s disease, certain cancers, diabetes, and epilepsy. Keto diets lead to quick weight loss for people looking out for long term solutions to their chronic weight issues.

So this is a low down on a few effective diet plans in fashion today. Not only fast weight loss is gained, but they also help in curing lifestyle diseases and have enormous health benefits. People having less time and not able to go to gyms but have a willingness to reduce weight can opt for some of these diets.

New Diet Plans on the Block
Source: Wikipedia

All diets don’t work for everyone. One has to look into his lifestyle and his daily eating patterns and then select wisely the diet plan which will work for him. So go ahead and have a go. Happy dieting and happy weight reduction.


Weekly Tech RoundUp! #2 (26 May to 1 June)


Hey there! Welcome back! We’re here again with some interesting tech news from around the globe and this time on time. Yeah, I know I was late last time and that was because the review of the article and then publishing it took time. But from now on we have sorted that problem out to give your Weekly Tech RoundUp! On time. So, lets a have a glance at what happened in the previous week. And I have thought of adding some extra content as Bonus each week starting from next week.

Weekly Tech RoundUp! #2 (26 May to 1 June)

T-series becomes the first channel ever to have 100M subscribers!

Starting off with some positive news, the famous Indian music label T-series now has 100 million subscribers on YouTube. It’s main competitor PewDiePie aka Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg (around 96M subs) tried hard to get on the throne first but failed. His followers did many kinds of criminal offences to get him to the 100M mark first. This incident also proves what the Managing Director of T-series, Mr Bhushan Kumar, says no amount of spamming will be able to hold back the power of good music. T-series’ was founded by Mr Gulshan Kumar on 11 July 1983.  You can read more about the rivalry here.

T-series' Logo
T-series’ Logo

The Redmi K20 and K20 Pro blew everybody’s mind!

Xiaomi recently pulled off the cover from its recent flagship smartphone the Redmi K20 and K20 Pro with a price tag of a budget phone. The device is currently launched only in China, but Xiaomi India has plans to bring it to India soon as said by Xiaomi India head, Manu Kumar Jain. This is the phone which Xiaomi is calling its flagship killer 2.0. OnePlus recently launched its flagship smartphone, the OnePlus 7 Pro which has the same processor as the K20 Pro but there’s a huge difference in price. When the Chinese prices are converted into INR, it can be clearly seen that this power-packed device has a jaw-dropping price. The K20 starts from around 20k INR and the K20 Pro starts from 26k INR. For fully detailed specs, tap here.

Redmi K20 and K20 Pro
Redmi K20 and K20 Pro

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Do You Want A TikTok Smartphone?

TikTok – the wildly popular app

The owner of the widely popular TikTok app, ByteDance, is reportedly planning to launch its own smartphones. The founder of ByteDance, Zhang Yiming, had long dreamt of launching a phone. The smartphone will have all ByteDance apps pre-installed including TikTok, Vigo Video, BuzzVideo, and some others. Byte Dance is also even working with T-series to launch their own music streaming app.

Another Death From Playing PUBG

Furqan Qureshi
Furqan Qureshi

Recently in Bhopal, a class XII student died from continuously playing the wildly popular online Battle Royale game, PUBG for 6hrs. This happened on the 26th of May when Furqan Qureshi, a student of Kendriya Vidyalaya, was playing PUBG.

After playing the game for 6hrs, he was complaining of an acute headache and then he slumped on his bed. His family members took him to a cardiologist, Dr Ashok Jain but he declared that Furqan was dead.

According to the cardiologist, the reason for the death was possibly a severe cardiac arrest triggered by a sudden but deep shock. He added that it is like what happens when a die-hard fan is watching a nail-biting soccer match that causes him a deep shock leading to cardiac arrest.

Is It Huawei’s Android Replacement? (+Screenshots)

This May wasn’t good for the world’s second largest smartphone manufacturer, Huawei. After the US govt. effectively banned Huawei from buying technologies from US-based companies, many companies started cutting their ties from Huawei starting from Google which canceled Huawei’s Android license. Due to the 90-day-exemption, they got three month’s time to bring out their own new OS named ArkOS. For some registration purpose, Huawei has shared some screenshots of the ArkOS which are leaked. (Find them below)

Huawei’s Android Replacement ArkOS screenshot 1
ArkOS screenshot 1
Huawei’s Android Replacement ArkOS screenshot 2
ArkOS screenshot 2

WWDC: Three days to go!

WWDC 2019

Apple’s annual event the WWDC which stands for World Wide Developer Conference is going to be held on 3rd of June at McEnery Convention Center in San Jose, California, USA. Well, I’m really excited about the release of MacOS 10.15 which is rumored to be named Runtime. The latest versions of iOS (iOS 13), tvOS and watchOS will also be released. You can enjoy the live stream at 10:30 PM IST (10 AM PDT) at Apple’s US website. (Apple.com)

Oppo Reno And It’s 10x Zoom Variant Launched!

Further Your Vision with Oppo Reno 10x zoom

Oppo launched it’s Reno and Reno 10x Zoom variant in India recently. The Oppo Reno 10x zoom’s main attraction is the new and innovative shark fin pop-up front camera and up to 10x optical zoom which is lossless zoom which means the 10x zoom will not decrease the image quality.  The device features a 6.6” AMOLED display, triple rear camera set-up (48+8+13MP), single front camera (16MP) and is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 with up to 8GB RAM. The price of the device starts at 40k. Learn More about it here. You can pre-order it here.

Amazon Unveiled Its Echo Show 5 @₹9000

The e-commerce giant Amazon showed its Echo Show 5

Amazon recently showed its new Alexa powered smart speaker named Echo Show 5. The device features a 5.5” screen which you can use to watch videos from Amazon Prime videos, do video calls check and even connect a camera to see what’s happening in another room. You will be able to listen to songs from a lump of apps that are supported including Amazon Prime music (obviously), Hungama, JioSaavn, Ghana and some others. You can also connect your Phillips Hue smart bulbs to control them but the device. The device also has a 1MP camera (720p HD video recording) which can be manually closed for privacy with a slider. Powered by a MediaTek processor, the price of the device is ₹9000 INR.

Google adds Huawei View 20 back to its list of phones getting Android Q

Android Q
Android Q

As the US govt. gave Huawei a 90-day exemption from the ban, Google has added back the View 20 to the list phones getting the Android Q. The main reason for the 90-day exemption is to continue their uncompleted business with US companies. Huawei is also preparing for the launch of its OS named ArkOS, which will be their android replacement after the 90-day exemption.

Goodbye, iTunes!

Apple is reportedly removing its iTunes app. Reports suggest that the iTunes app will not be included in the newer versions of Apple’s OS including iOS 13 and macOS 10.15. The website will also be removed. Apple is removing iTunes as they will now launch separate apps for music (Apple Music), Podcasts (Apple podcasts), and TV (Apple TV). Apple has started removing iTune links which were iTunes.apple.com/… to music.apple.com/

iTunes logo
iTunes logo

Short But Interesting!

Since I was not able to cover every news in detail, here are some interesting headlines if you wanna read more.

  1. Redbook 14 launched in India
  2. Xiaomi’s gaming phone, Black Shark 2 launched in India
  3. Apple updated iPod Touch with A10 chipset
  4. Pune dwellers will soon be able to file complaints against autorickshaw drivers to Pune RTO through WhatsApp
  5. Uber will partner with Indian Oil to provide oil to its drivers at cheap rates
  6. Play Store’s new guidelines include those apps with loot boxes (which means apps where people buy something like a box which may yield anything) to disclose odds of each thing
  7. Samsung Galaxy M40 will have a punch-hole display (which Samsung calls Infinity O display) and a processor from the Snapdragon 6 series (Confirmed by Samsung)

Meet You Next Week With Even More Amazing Content!

Oppo Reno Vs. Oppo Reno 10x Zoom : What’s the difference?


Hey there. The Oppo Reno and Oppo Reno 10x zoom variants have been launched in India. The main attraction of the phone is the shark-fin styled pop-up selfie camera module. So, in this article, we are gonna check out the differences between the Oppo Reno and it’s 10x Zoom variant.

Oppo Reno in Jet black and ocean green variants



Oppo Reno 6.4" AMOLED display

The Oppo Reno has a 6.4″ AMOLED display with a pixel density of 402 PPI. The Reno 10x has got a 0.2″ bigger display with a pixel density of 387 PPI. Rest is same, both devices have a screen ratio of 93.1%.

Rear Camera

Oppo Reno 48+5MP camera set-up

The Reno has a 48+5MP camera set-up with an aperture of f/1.7 and f/2.4 respectively. While the Reno 10x has a 48+8+13MP camera set-up with an aperture of f/1.7, f/2.2, and f/3.0 respectively. The 10x zoom as its name suggests supports 10x lossless optical zoom.

Camera Modes supported in both of them: Photo, Video, Expert, Time-lapse, Pano, Night, and Portrait

Rear Camera Video Capabilities

Both of them supports the following.

  • 4K@30fps
  • 1080P@60fps/30fps
  • 720P@60fps/30fps

Except that the Reno 10x variant also supports 4K@60fps.

Front Camera

Oppo Reno 16MP lens hidden inside the shark-fin styled pop-up

On both devices, the front camera is a 16MP lens hidden inside the shark-fin styled pop-up camera. The aperture of the front camera is f/2.0.

Front Camera Video Capabilities

Both of them supports 1080P/720P@30fps video recording.


The Reno has a Snapdragon 710 processor with 8GB RAM and 128GB internal memory. The GPU is Adreno 616.

The Reno 10x zoom variant has a much more powerful Snapdragon 855 processor paired with up to 8GB RAM and 256GB internal memory.


Oppo Reno has a 3765mAh battery while its 10x zoom variant has a 4065mAh battery. Both of them supports VOOC fast charge 3.0.

In The Box

Oppo Reno

  • OPPO Reno
  • Adapter
  • Headset
  • USB-C Charge Cable
  • Important Info. Booklet with Warranty Card
  • Quick Start Guide
  • SIM Card Ejector
  • Protect Film
  • Case

Oppo Reno 10x zoom

  • OPPO Reno 10x Zoom
  • Adapter
  • Headset
  • USB-C Charge Cable
  • Important Info. Booklet with Warranty Card
  • Quick Start Guide
  • SIM Card Ejector
  • Case

Other Important Feature

Both devices have the In-display fingerprint scanner.

Colour Variant

  • Jet Black
The Jet Black variant
Jet Black
  • Ocean Green
The Ocean Green variant
Ocean Green


Oppo Reno

  • 8GB RAM + 128GB Storage – 32,900 INR (amazon)

Oppo Reno 10x zoom variant

  • 6GB RAM + 128GB Storage – 39,990 INR (flipkart)
  • 8GB RAM +256GB Storage – 49,990 INR (flipkart)


Science 101: Newly Discovered “Black Hot-Ice” Maybe The Worlds Most Common Form Of Water.


Shock-compression had enabled scientists to forge a novel form of water, a black, hot-ice. The elusive, not-so-elusive form of ice is believed to be quantitatively single most prevalent, constituting a predominance on all of the Solar planets.

Science 101: Newly Discovered "Black Hot-ice"

The Laboratory for Laser Energetics in Brighton, New York, one of the most potent lasers in the world blasted a minute drop of water, generating a shockwave that pressurized the water to millions of bars, and crescendoed its temperature to thousands of degrees. X-rays that irradiated upon the droplet in the same instant offered our first view of water under those enigmatic extremities.

Science 101

You hear the shot, and right away you see that something interesting was happening.

The water didn’t stay liquid, as a superheated liquid or transition to a gaseous state, but instead froze to a form of crystalline ice, just as the onlooking (monitoring) scientists had expected.

This form of ice is counterintuitive and oxymoronic: black, hot and four times heavier than the usual, common ice, found everywhere from your refrigerator to the North Pole. This peculiarity of a state is termed as “superionic ice”.

It had been theorized in the late eighties but was not seen by humanity until now. Researchers reckon it might be among the most abundantly-occurring natural forms of water in the universe.

Science 101: Newly Discovered "Black Hot-ice"

The solar system abounds with superionic ice occupying the innards of the quasi-identical Gas Giants Uranus and Neptune. The discovery of superionic ice settles the decades-old conundrums about the interior (physiochemical) composition of these ice giants.

The usually encountered hexagonal lattice cage of water molecules found comprising common ice is known as “ice I-h”. Besides ice I, which exhibits two forms, Ih and Ic, the rest are numbered II through XVII. Superionic ice or Ice XVIII is exceptional, a breakaway from the succession, is part solid, part liquid. Individual water molecules split to their respective constituent ions. The oxygen atoms form a cubic lattice, but the hydrogen atoms flow out away, free, flowing akin to a liquid through the inflexible cage-lattice of oxygen atoms.

7 Essential Meeting Strategies


The meetings become embedded in the daily life of a company. There are various reasons why they can be put in place. Your challenge, make them productive and captivating! It must be clear that attending meetings is not an objective in itself, a meeting aims to resolve an issue (or issues) that otherwise would not be possible or would be more expensive: neither by phone or by email, etc.

On the other hand, during the time that we are together our usual workload will not decrease but on the contrary, it will increase with the emails that we have not been able to read or deal with and with the topics that we have not been able to develop during the duration of the same.

For all these reasons it is necessary to hold the meetings in the most effective way possible and here are 7 Meeting Strategies to achieve it:

Be Punctual.

Every day more, it costs to be able to make an appointment for a meeting: it is necessary to square several agendas of different people, the volume of work is considerable, for that reason not to invest the time to other people in waiting for us to arrive is something very important.

Respecting the start time will lead us to finish even earlier and be able to take advantage of the time much better and we will avoid starting the session with a slight tension due to our lack of tact with respect to the rest of the attendees.

Notify In Advance

Notify In Advance.

The meeting occupies a large place within the company. It is still necessary to inform in advance and not on the day itself so that everyone can attend. What usefulness can we find if no one is available at this time or if everyone is in a hurry? Any! Giving the date before makes it possible to organize this one well and to take the necessary time. Do not wait until the last moment!

Define Real Objectives

Define Real Objectives

Establish a clear and defined scope for the meeting and also that can be covered during the duration of the meeting:

Before calling a meeting, we must be clear about what the objectives of the meeting are and we should be able to list them.

Trying to solve an exaggerated number of objectives can lead us to resolve none: it is preferable to be restrained in scope and to be more executives.

In the call of the meeting, we must notify the objectives to those summoned to it, so that they can know them, know what issues have to be prepared and know what we are going to restrict.

Invite The Right People

Invite The Right People

Participants attending the meeting must be the minimum number necessary for it to be done quickly and productively.

We must invite one person for each of the parties involved who have to contribute their vision and/or approval to at least one of the topics of the meeting.

If we did not do so, we could have to end the meeting without reaching our goal for missing the opinion of absent persons, not being able to take advantage of the time invested.

Summoning an excessive number of people is also a problem since it forces us to have more shifts of words and more opinions that could alter the agenda. Unfortunately, more opinions do not always imply that they are based on what being able to manage and control many participants, their shifts of words, their replies and against aftershocks can be a titanic task that overly extends the duration of the meeting and that we prevent reaching the marked objective.

Respect The Turn Of The Word.

A meeting must have an alternate conversation dynamics and without acrimony, where each party listens to the other, being able to defend their arguments with vehemence but always with respect.

Therefore, it is very important to respect the speaking time of each of the parties that are in dialogue, facilitating in this way the understanding of the positions that are exposed, allowing to get to know the arguments of each party and helping to maintain above all a Calm tone without promoting aggressiveness or positions on the defensive.

Limit The Duration Of The Meeting.

An hour or an hour and a half are more than enough time to deal with normal topics in a meeting. If a meeting is excessively extended, it can lead to a deterioration of the positions we are defending and even to the erosion of the person.

Moreover, it can lead to the participants disconnect from what we try to argue and lose interest in the issues we are dealing with, connect with their laptops, tablets, smartphones and start to perform other tasks that should be dedicated to It is the agenda of the meeting.

Go Back

At the end of the meeting, it is useful to provide a summary of the major points discussed as well as the changes that will be put in place. Appoint a person at the beginning of the meeting who will have to take down the necessary information before starting. He or She will send it to each participant. Everyone will be informed even those who have not been able to go there. A good account summarizes both the positives and the negatives. Do not hesitate to take advice on the meeting, but also on the clarity of the report. You can send an email or ask directly to the participants, to know their feelings about the meeting and implement improvements according to their feedback. If they cannot find fault, perfect! Your meeting remains a real success!

We hope you can test these 7 ideas for good meetings. Surely in a short time, you will realize how they are improving the meetings in your company. 

Redmi K20 and K20 Pro : Detailed Look!


Xiaomi recently unveiled its Redmi K20 and K20 Pro in China. The phone which Xiaomi calls its Flagship Killer 2.0 (didn’t get it? you’ll have to read about it here). The launch event was in Chinese so many people didn’t bother to watch it. The leaks around the Redmi K20 Pro were here from quite some time now and we now finally have it. So let’s get a quick glance around the two devices.


Redmi K20 Pro with the In-display fingerprint scanner
Redmi K20 Pro with the In-display fingerprint scanner

Both devices have a 6.39″ (diagonally) AMOLED full-screen display with a resolution if 2340*1080 pixels and a pixel density of 403 PPI. The screen brightness of both devices is 600nit (HBM)/430nit(Typ). Both of them have a 256-step eye protection mode, low blue eye protection and Corning fifth generation gorilla glass along with some other features. Redmi K20 and it’s pro variant have an HDR supported-display. The two devices have the seventh generation screen fingerprint recognition.


K20 Pro is powered by the powerful Snapdragon 855
K20 Pro is powered by the powerful Snapdragon 855

The K20 is powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 730 (clocked to 2.2GHz) while the K20 Pro is powered by Snapdragon 855 (clocked to 2.84GHz). The GPU on the K20 is Adreno 618 while it’s Pro variant has the Adreno 640. The CPU architecture on the K20 Pro is Kryo 485 (7nm process) while that on the K20 is Kryo 470 (8nm process). The K20 Pro has Qualcomm’s first three cluster design which means the device will have an eight-core processor with one 2.84GHz super large core, three 2.42 large cores and four 1.80GHz small cores. The K20 Pro also has a 4th Generation AI engine which is said to deliver three times the usual AI performance that Snapdragon 845 gives.

Operating System

Both the devices as expected have MIUI 10 onboard. Both of them supports MI Turbo and Game Turbo 2.0.

Rear Camera

the triple rear camera setup
the triple rear camera setup

Both of the devices sport a similar but not the same triple-rear camera setup. Let’s first talk about the K20 Pro which has the Sony’s 48MP sensor (IMX586) with a FOV (Field Of View) of 79.4°, pixel size 0.8μm, an aperture of f/2.4 and AF (Auto Focus) as it’s main camera. The secondary camera is an 8MP telephoto lens (OV8856) with 2x optical zoom, pixel size 1.12μm, an aperture of f/2.4, a FOV of 44.6° and AF. While the third camera is a 13MP ultra-wide lens (S5K3L6) with a FOV of 124.8°, 1.12μm and an aperture of f.2.4.

Now its the time for the K20 which has Sony’s 48MP main camera with 1.6µm large pixel (four in one) and an aperture of f/1.75. Followed by an 8MP telephoto lens with 2x optical zoom, pixel size 1.12µm and an aperture of f/2.4. The comes the 13MP ultra-wide lens with 124.8° FOV, pixel size 1.12µm and an aperture of f/2.4.

The rear camera also has a lot of modes including intelligent ultra-wide-angle mode, ultra-clear mode, street shooting mode, moon mode, Handheld Super Night Mode and some others. The software is also feature packed with Dynamic Photo, AI intelligent slimming, ultra-wide-angle edge distortion correction,
photo face correction, custom watermark, body portrait mode, portrait blur adjustment, full-screen format, rear AI Scene camera
(27 labels), AI dynamic light spot, and AI studio light effect.

Rear Camera Video Capabilities

The video recording capabilities are almost the same except that the Redmi K20 can not record 4K video at 60fps.

  • 4K video capture – 60fps/30fps
  • 1080P video capture – 60fps/30fps
  • 720P video capture – 30fps
  • 1080P slow-motion shooting – 120fps/240fps/960fps
  • 720P slow-motion shooting – 120fps/240fps/960fps

Front Camera

The pop-up front camera

The front camera on both devices is the same. A single 20MP camera with pixel size 0.8µm, an aperture of f/2.2and sapphire glass cover. The front sensor also supports a fair enough number of functions including Front Panorama, Gesture Photograph, AI Scene Separation, Wide Angle Distortion, Correction Algorithm,  Front HDR, Front Screen Fill Light, Countdown Selfie, Facial Recognition,
Magic Mirror Function, Age Gender Recognition, Full-Screen Format, Dream Eye Light, Smart Beauty (Add Baby Beauty), AI Micro Plastic Beauty,
AI Nude Makeup, AI Portrait Mode, AI Scene Camera and AI Studio Light Effect.

Front Camera Video Capabilities

Both devices have the same capabilities for front video recording.

  • 1080P video capture – 30fps
  • 720P video capture – 30fps

Battery And Charging

the K20 Pro has 400mAh battery which supports 27W fast charging

The K20 and the K20 Pro has a 4000mAh built-in lithium-ion polymer battery with USB type-C double-sided charging interface. The K20 Pro supports 27W fast charge while the K20 supports only the standard 18W charger.


  • Redmi K20 – 191g
  • Redmi K20 Pro – 191g

Another Speciality!

Redmi K20’s Pro variant supports Dual-band dual-antenna GPS.

Both the devices have the 3.5mm audio jack

Price (in China)

K20 Pro

  • 8GB + 256GB – 2999 yuan (around 30,000 INR)
  • 6GB + 128GB – 2599 yuan (around 26,000 INR)
  • 8GB + 128GB – 2799 yuan (around 28,000 INR)
  • 6GB + 64GB   – 2499 yuan (around 25,000 INR)


  • 6GB + 128GB – 2099 yuan (around 21,000 INR)
  • 8GB + 256GB – 2599 yuan (around 26,000 INR)
  • 6GB + 64GB   – 1999 yuan (around 20,000 INR)

NOTE : All the information has been taken from the China launch of this device and its official website. The specifications mentioned here may change as per Xiaomi.


Scientists Found A New State Of Matter Which Is Both Solid And Liquid At The Same Time.


Besides the classical triad of Solid, Liquid and Gas, the esoteric Plasma, Bose-Einstein Condensate, the Fermionic Condensate, and a few other elusive synthesis actions, exhaust the loose definition, defined as “Physical States of Matter”.

Water Ripples

Most of these latter discrete states are esoteric, merely crossovers of parametric thresholds that translate to the casually-inexplicable microscopic phenomenon, the muse of particle physicists, and typically involving contortions of or total departure from, normal, everyday behavior to becoming of niche interests. These warped extremes are just too twisted, for a layman, to wrap one’s head around, even superficially. However, the recent most discovery, albeit having intricate underlying, governing dynamics, is non-causally, property-wise much more lucid.

An avant-garde simulation machine with advanced machine learning paradigms were used in order to model the behavior of hundreds to thousands of potassium atoms, after deducing behavior and patterns from quantum mechanics and a few atoms-scale simulations.


“It would be like holding a sponge filled with water that starts dripping out, except the sponge is also made of water,” Andreas Hermann, a condensed-matter physicist at the University of Edinburgh and a co-author of the research study was quoted as having stated. The groundbreaking insightful probe conducted by a University of Edinburgh Physics & Astronomy Department team was elucidated to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, in mid-April.

The distinct and discrete existence of this state of matter and its suspected simultaneous exhibition of liquid and solid behavior was confirmed with the aid of Artificial Intelligence. The scientist was very particular and cautious about the disjointness thereof.

A bulk of such material, if and when procurable, has been theorized to seem a solid block leaking molten potassium with eventually all of it dissolving away, and running off.


In the early 2000s, scientists discovered that Sodium under very high pressure, as that deep-under the Earth, exhibited queer vagrancies from normal, losing its characteristic silver opacity to become transparent, and becoming a dielectric (insulator), instead of the usual conduction trait, salient of metals. This was owing to a radical rearrangement of its crystal structure, as discovered using X-Ray crystallography. This lattice inflection was then suspected for other metals of the family, like potassium, as well, and subsequently confirmed.

The computer models confirmed that between about 20,000 and 40,000 times atmospheric pressure and approximately 130 to 530 degree Celsius, the potassium entered what’s called a chain-melted state, in which the chains dissolved into a liquid while the remaining potassium crystals stayed solid.

This is the first instance that such a state was established to be thermodynamically stable for any element. The novel techniques used in the research shall also be of direct and proactive utility to future endeavors in geology and, stellar & planetary astronomy.

Quick Recap and Breakdown of the Finale Episode of Game of Thrones


Quick Recap !

The long awaiting season has finally come to an end. Fans across the world were quite anxious to know how the season finale is gonna end, focusing more on fate of iron throne and people of westoros from what we’ve have seen in the previous episode. So lets get into the breakdown of the final of episode of Game of thrones and we’ll see the if the ending is matched with the expectations of Tv shows Fans. Before Starting with the video, If you haven’t watch the season finale episode I’d recommend you watch the episode first as there are ton of spoilers coming up

So they say fate serves you really well thats how dany was served the mad queen got the return of killing thousands of innocents of kings landing. What she got in return was death in the hands of his lover. Although, john never wanted to kill dany but poor john couldn’t see the mad queen ruining the life of people of all the seven kingdoms. Here the call for duty surpasses the call for love, but john was not in fault here the mad queen was unapologetic for killing the people, the title of the queen was so overpowering that she forgot the main motive of mercy and a land of no slavery.

She admired the iron throne since she was a little girl but her all her dreams came to an end when john killed her in front of the iron throne. Although dany’s dragons didn’t harm john for killing her but burnt the iron throne for which their mother was killed. But the unsullied did not spare John for killing their queen they took him into the prison where tyrion was already sent for betraying the mad queenwho actually   betrayed his right hand that was tyrion by exploding kings landing even after when the mercy bells were ranged.

The so supposed wisest of all tyrion put the right things in john’s head about taking the iron throne from the mad queen and giving it to somebody who can handle this responsibility well. Well we think tyrion took the revenge of his siblings blood shed. So who was the happiest of all to see the mad queen loose the iron throne of the seven kingdoms yes you guessed it right it was Sansa who never liked Dany but somehow she was right in the thought that dany was not efficient to handle the throne.

Break Down of the Top 6 moments in the Finale of Game of Thrones

#1 The Aftermath

After destroying kings landing and killing half of the innocent peoples, we can see both jon and tyron walking past the ruined city and burned dead bodies. Tyrion seems to be annoyed and disappointed as danny killing thousands and thousands of innocents people who didn’t even took part in cersie’s war. Moreover, it made danny look like a Tyrant same as cersie as both were hungry for power over the seven kingdoms. Further, Tyrion sets a apart and head towards red keep.

Jon finds grey worm and tries to stop them from executing the captured Lannister soldiers but he fails to save the surrendered soldiers as Grey worm states that the orders are directly given by the new Queen. later, we can see Tyrion makes a horrifying discovery as he finds out dead bodies of his sister and brothers buried under the broken walls of red keep. It was truly a heartbreaking scene as he couldn’t save his own family from the rage and madness of the Daenarys.

#2 Danny’s Grand Entrance

Later into the scene, we can see the unsullied celebrating the victory alongside the dothraki army. Danny makes a grand entrance by landing a perfect shot with wings silhouetted by drogon and giving victory speech praising her brave soldiers who fought bravely to take over the city where once her ancestors ruled. Further she talks about her plans on prolonging the war to conquer the rest of the world and freeing every men, women and children. Later into the scene, we can Tyrion standing beside her as she finishes her victory speech. Danny talks about how Tyrion commits treason by setting free his brother to which he replies “I freed by brother, you slaughtered the city” and steps down from position as hand of the queen by throwing his pin. Later, Danny commands his soldiers to arrest Tyrion for committing treason and loses her another advisor at the time of need. We can see the transformation of Queen Danny becoming same version of her father, who would kill anyone,who’s not in his support.

#3 Jon visiting Tyrion

Further into the episode we can see Jon visiting Tyrion to seek his counsel for one last time before danny sentences him to death. They briefly speak about Danny goal and how it’ll lead to destruction on a global level but however, Jon defends at first saying “what happened can’t be undone now but the war is finally over” but after seeing the destruction caused by Danny Jon didn’t had any choice left even though he releases that Tyrion is right and there’s only one way to stop the Danny from becoming Mad Queen.

#4 Danny’s Final Moments

Jon finds danny inside the throne room admiring her efforts and all other things she has to go through to reach and conquer the iron throne. Jon confronts her by asking the why she killed thousands of innocents people to which she replied “I tried to make peace with cersie, she used their innocence against me” Further jon tries to convince danny to forgive Tyrion for his mistakes but all seems to go in vain. Danny tries to share his vision with Jon telling him how they both can make the world a better place and break the wheel together, when it looked like Jon agrees to work beside danny’s, jon takes out dagger and stab her, holding and weeping. In the end, Jon made an impossible choice by killing the woman whom he loved and pledged his eternal loyalty for the greater good for his family and for the world.

#5 Jon Becomes the Queenslayer

Standing all silent in guilt for killing his queen. Drogon reappears and stands face to face against the last targarayen who killed their mother. For a brief moment, everyone thought Drogon in pain of seeing his mother dead would kill the last standing Targaryen but he instead the burns and melts the iron throne which was symbol for ultimate power in westoros. Drogon is heartfelt as he tries to nudge her awake and screams in pain. Danny always referred the dragons as her own kids and seeing this moment was purely heartbreaking. After completely melting the iron throne, Drogon gently lifts Danny and safely flies away with her body.

#6 Bran The Broken

A week after Danny’s death, Tyrion is led out of his cell to face his decision made by the new council men. But before deciding tyrion’s fate, a new monarch has to be made. As the new council debates on who should become the new king of seven kingdoms, Tyrion drops his suggestions by telling them what unites everybody is the power of a story, then identifying the person he says has the “best story” – Bran Stark, who has journeyed beyond the Wall and back to become the all-seeing Three-Eyed Raven.

Everybody seems a bit stunned by this unexpected nomination – except for Bran. Tyrion states that since bran can’t have children, the next leader of westoros would be chosen by people’s vote rather than giving it them by birth right. The council agrees with Tyrion’s suggestion and names bran the broken, first of his name and the ruler of the seven kingdoms. In exchange, bran chooses Tyrion to be his new hand. Moreover, Bran’s ascension to the throne surprised many fans as his story isn’t that bright as compared to other characters. All we’ve seen bran doing this season is sitting around wheel chair and saying weird thigs based on people’s past. At the end, Bran seem to be better choice as king of westeros as he has all his father’s quality and will surely apply for the betterment of people.

#7 Queen of the North

During the council meeting, sansa request Bran the newly appointed king, that the north should remain independent and have its own territory. Since the beginning of season, Sansa has gone through a lot which made her a great leader as well as an intelligent strategist, She has always wanted north to be independent territory and should not fall under anyone’s rule further she even argued with danny to keep winterfell as an independent territory with its own monarch and wardens. Finally, Bran Grants her request and makes north an independent territory. But Thanks to sansa, Citizen of north will remember what lady sansa did to protect the north and its people

As the episode comes to an end so does the story of remaining characters.

#8 Happy ending for Starks

We can, Grey worm, sets off for Naath alone, still in anguish for losing missandei and his queen. Bronn gets what has been promised to him, lordship of high garden and is assigned as master of coins by Brans Administration. The small council comprises of Brienne, Davos, sam and Tyrion. Podrick Payne is assigned as Bran’s new Attendant and has been made the member of kings guard.

Further, Jon is sent back to Night’s watch and reunites with tormound and large group of wildling. Finally, the long waiting scene where every GOT fan was mad about finally happens. Jon reunites with his direwolf ghost and further they headout from castle black alongside with group of wildlings. As the story comes to an end, we can see all the starks scattered to various corners of westeros and beyond. Sansa is finally assigned the queen of winterfell. Arya boards ship and heads towards to the unkown lands west of westeros to learn what lies beyond the part of the world where the map ends. Jon accompanied by tormound, ghost and bunch of widlings head towards farth north.

Throught out the show, audience has been told that “Winter is coming” but since nightking is no more, we can say that the “winter is finally come to an end” and it seems that the new age has finally begun in the westeros. I think the story comes to a proper end with everyone’s stories being properly told and journey completed. So this was the breakdown of final season of Game of thrones.