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7 Effective Ways to Send Follow up Emails to Clients Who Are Not Responding


There are times you are deeply invested in the new client and are very excited to work on their project; you have the confidence that you can deliver the best results compared to others. The whole of the excitement turns in to confusion, followed by annoyance when you release that the prospective client has not reverted anything back to you in the past many days.

1. Clients Don’t Respond At Once

When you meet a client and showcase your work, they seem super excited to work with you but later they neither approach you nor they respond to your emails. The reason behind this wired behaviour is that they have their own business to run and their clients to deal with. Further, with so many different emails appearing in their mailbox that they completely forget about your proposal. Let’s take a look at the do list that one should follow while sending a gentle follow up email sample.

2. Be Determined but Not Annoying

Clients are very busy people, most of the time they read emails but then forget to respond. You need to send then a few samples to follow up email to a prospective client but don’t seem too annoying. At the same time do not bother the client too much on the call. If the client sounds busy then it is not a good move to keep the client engaged on call for long, instead; if you wish to gather or inform small details then to drop a precious polite follow-up email sample or text them. Also, try to avoid requesting them for repeated face to face meeting.

3. Be Open to Pick Up the Call

Usually, professionals prefer to interact or share information solely on emails. In the majority of cases, it works perfect, but when it comes to dealing with an unresponsive client, then emails may not be the approach to reach. This is so because emails can be easily missed or ignored. In this situation making a small phone call will make them remind of you and that you are waiting for relevant information for them.

Some businesses prefer making cold calls over emails or any other marketing tactics. Cold calling is a marketing process in which you create a list of prospective customers along with their contact numbers and then approach them through phone calls. People who opt for cold calling are advised to make use of best cold calling software. This makes the task convenient and more effective in achieving output.

4. Automate Things

It’s not that only clients are busy, in fact, you are also very busy in running your business, and if you experience that you are chasing a lot to keep up with different customers, then automation can be of great help. In simple words, automation can save a lot of time spent on sending emails to different clients. In some situation, the CMS system or some of the best lead generation tools can be used for sending follow up emails to clients.

How the question that arises in the mind of the majority of people is how these tools work? Well, these tools regularly track the emails that have received a response and keep on sending follow up emails for which response is pending.

You can set the interval between two to follow up emails; this should be done very smartly to avoid making the follow-up emails look annoying. There are some of the best telemarketing software available to make this task easy.

5. Keep the Clients Informed

For streamlining the process, it is suggested to make the client informed about every progress made on the project. Sending a precious email informing the client helps in keeping a record of communication. This way if any improvement or alteration is required then clients can spot that at an early stage.

This will eliminate the need for rework. Make sure that the email must be precise so that the client doesn’t feel that reading emails is consuming a lot of time valuable time, but at the same time, it should cover all the essential information.

6. Follow Up Only When Required

There is a situation when the client sends a response to your email, but it may get stored in some other folder like spam/trash, or you miss out the email. Sending follow up emails to clients who have already responded to your email will create a negative impact on the client. Hence, before sending the email makes sure that you check your emails very carefully. Also, send follow up emails when it is required don’t just send emails just for the sake of it.

7. How long should one wait before following up with the clients

It is not easy to identify a fixed time interval after which one should start sending follow up emails. No two businesses or no two clients have the same attitude or requirement, then how the same time interval can be decided for sending the follow-up emails.

You don’t want to lose a protective client by making him/her feel that you do not have much interest in the project. At the same time sending emails one after the other will make you look too desperate and client get annoyed. Let’s take a quick look at some of the basic guidelines:

  • The first and the foremost deciding factor that follows up must be designed keeping the fact that how far the proposed client meeting is scheduled. One can do a follow up immediately if the meeting is scheduled the same day or can do the same in the next two to three days depending on the meeting spot.
  • After you have sent the proposal to the client give them at least a week time to analyse the proposal and then revert back to you.
  • Ensure that the email must be written in a very polite way, so that client doesn’t feel offended. Also, the format of the emails must look very professional in gaining the client’s confidence.

Keeping these simple tips in mind and following them helps in creating an effective follow-up email for prospective clients.

13 Useful Apps That Every Entrepreneur Must Have


The modern entrepreneur has great sources of information, connectivity and resources at hand thanks to the internet. This level of access has helped to generate a new renaissance of entrepreneurship by the hand of young or experienced people who manage to obtain the tools they need to create ideas, execute plans and refine their strategies. However, not all of these tools are known. With millions of applications available in the market, how to know which existing platforms on Apple and Android are available for men and women who have their own business?

Applications may not seem significant enough to have a big impact on daily tasks, but when you find that application that only resolves the weak points you did not even know you had, can increase your efficiency and productivity. In this note, we give you some of the best productivity applications that are essential for entrepreneurs and business owners.

So here we bought 7 apps for entrepreneurs. We are sure that these apps will help you a lot in your hectic schedule and It will help you a lot with time management

1. Pocket


Pocket is a bookmark application, which makes it easy for users to store articles and videos to improve their conversion. In addition one of the great advantages of this application for entrepreneurs is that you do not need to connect to the network to return to look at the files already marked. The best of all is that Pocket will synchronize across all your devices, providing users in a simpler way to resume reading your corporate content.

2. Evernote

Evernote is on the list for a simple reason, besides being your little notebook to write your thoughts: its free version is available for Web, iOS and Android. Stay organized on all your devices. Synchronize files, save web pages, capture photos, create task lists and record voice reminders. What else do you need? Apart from all this, you can also search your tasks on the fly.

3. Any.do: To do list, Calendar, Reminders & Planner

Any.do To do list

Any.Do can be considered as a to-do list application designed to help you plan your day. It helps you plan your life, both in the business and personal, by introducing the tasks in its interface. I know that there are many times that you do not have time to know what time you have to do or close matters. This application for entrepreneurs will facilitate the organization of your tasks to focus them in a more productive way.

4. Mobile Day

Few entrepreneurs work exclusively from a fixed office. You go to work from home, coffee shops, customer offices and faraway places. MobileDay helps you not lose important meetings, even if you are far from your office. Organize your plans, notify you that a meeting is about to begin and allow you to call the meeting. If you are going to be late, the app helps you send the attendees a note.

5.  Audible

Have you ever wondered where entrepreneurs get their ideas from? Surely, they are not born with them! Any established entrepreneur you meet is probably well read. Suggestion: take the opportunity to read books and acquire knowledge to animate your mind. To help you do that on the road, try Audible. It allows you to listen to books without having to really concentrate on reading while you are travelling or just doing homework.

6. Datascope


With DataScope, companies can create forms of work, application forms, inspection, reports and receipts in digital format that can be validated with the signature of the person who fills in the data. One can use the application from iOS or Android. If you manage a company and want to supervise a job, for example, you can send a form for your workers to send signed reports and photographs of the evolution of the same.

Datascope keeps an online record of all documents. It allows generating automatic reports that indicate, in real time, the evolution of a project or the performance of a group of workers.

7. Uber


If you are not taking advantage of Uber for your business, you should start doing it now. Essentially a 2 peer taxi service, Uber helps you move around the city. If you are a startup and you have little money, Uber X offers transportation at a lower cost.

It also offers a “Black” service with vehicles to get to business meetings and make a very good impression. You can even take advantage of it to bring clients to your office. It’s like limousine service, but much cheaper. There are other services such as Easy Taxi and Cabify that can also solve transportation problems.

8. Google Task

Google task

If you are an entrepreneur, then it is must for you to set your daily tasks and to complete them. So for this purpose, you could use google tasks. We have selected this app because of its clean interface, and it is easy to use. You can add your daily task here and once it is completed click on it and it will go on the completed task list.

Trust me once you will complete your all task then you will get the best sleep because your mind will be satisfied that you have completed your all works. So from now start setting up your daily tasks using google tasks and complete them and see the results. This app genuinely deserves the first ranking on 7 best apps for entrepreneurs list.

9. Alarmy


Do you want to wake up on time? So this app is for you. You might be setting alarms, but due to your laziness you always turn it off and then go back to bed again, but this app will not allow you to go back on the bed. You might be wondering how? You can set tasks in this app like mathematical calculation from easy to hard. So if you have to turn off the noisy alarm then you have to solve those problems then it will turn off. While doing this calculation with the conscious mind and with that loud sound, your sleep will surely go away.

So this app is going to be very useful if you aren’t able to wake up in the morning or your desired time because being an entrepreneur you must have a routine and to follow the time of wake up this app will help you.

10. Headspace


Do you want peace of mind? Because being an entrepreneur you have to follow your tight schedule, and you might become exhausted. So you should do meditation daily but doing meditation might be complicated for you. So with a guided meditation of headspace, meditation will become very easy for you.

Just plug earphone or headphone in your ear, Sit for 10minutes and follow the mind-blowing voice of Andy Puddicombe (Founder of Headspace and He is a former Buddhist monk). Isn’t that easy? So from now start doing meditation daily for 10 mins with headspace. It will help you a lot.

11. Offtime


Do you get distracted by mobile? Do you waste your precious time in mobile? If yes then this app is for you. With the help of this app, you can restrict apps, calls, and messages. This app will kill all the app which waste your time but wait. What if you have to use your essential apps? For this, you can select the app which you need to use during this period, but you can only use those chosen apps.

Even you can choose whether you want to disable call and messages. Can I turn off restriction in an urgent situation? Yes you can do it by long press and it will stop the restriction within a minute but if you are the one who will use this feature in a wrong way to end the restriction because of some mobile addiction then you can increase hurdles by going on edit profile and then basics after that You can disable manual off means you can’t stop offtime from restricting your apps, calls and message in an urgent situation or You can do long press and wait for 15minutes means after a long press you have to wait for 15minutes.

You can also track your mobile usage with the help of this app. I think is the app is going to be the best apps for entrepreneurs because It will save your time from mobile.

12. Google Keep

google keep

Have you noticed that many entrepreneurs always keep notebook and pen with them because there is no specific time when they get an innovative idea and to write it down they must carry something like notebook and pen but what happens when you get a creative idea, but you have no notebook and pen to write it down? In this case, there is an app called Google to keep in which you can write that idea.

We have selected this app for note because this is very simple to use. You can take different types of note like with normal text, a voice note, handwritten notes, a list note, and a picture with a camera. You can pin your important notes so that it will display on top. You can set a reminder for your notes. You can export your notes to google drive. This is among very useful apps for entrepreneurs who forget their notebook and pen.

13. LastPass Password Manager

Password manager

If you do a lot of work on the internet, then you must have a lot of accounts on different site, and you must have faced the issue of managing password of all accounts. You can create the same password for them, but it is not safe at all because if someone hacks your one account then there is a chance that others would be hacked too but imagine if you create different passwords for all of the platforms then you will be in a mess, and there are chances that you would forget your password.

So here we bought an app called LastPass password manager for you which will manage details of your account. Once you will login on any site it will save the details and when you will try to login again then it will fill those detail and the best part is that your user id and password will be sync on every device like your pc, mac, ios and android. You can add 2-factor authentication too. So this app is best if you want to manage your account details and don’t want to be in a mess.

Hope these seven apps for entrepreneurs will help you a lot and it will take your productivity to the next level. Try these apps once, and we are sure that these apps will make your hectic life easy. Being an entrepreneur is not a difficult task if you will do smart work and using these apps you can do smart work.

Blog written by: Komal Jha & Priyanshu Sinha

The Secret to Deep State is Revealed!


Official political debates look interesting when politicians have to deal with many undeniable talks. They have to answer many questions which are asked by the organizations on behalf of society. There are liable candidates consists of organizations from different streams for better functioning of the government.

White house

There is a term ‘’DeepState’’ which can be unknown to many individuals. But, DeepState plays a very significant role when it comes to managing the government. This term is not known to many nations, but it has gained huge popularity in the United States just a couple of years ago.

What does ‘’DeepState’’ means?


An organization of underground researchers and intelligence officials from different governments fields form a type of republic government and collect secret information of politicians. This organization comprises the individuals from the military, armed forces, secret agencies, police, secret commanders, and ex-government officials. The government servants are also included in this organization.

The DeepState members are not the selected candidates; they form a union and have the right to be a self-governing organization. The Deep State organization was first started in Turkey and then flourished in other respective nations. The Deep State came into existence in 1932 by Turkish Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Currently, the Deep State is more popular in the United States after President Donald Trump came into existence.

The members of Deep State organization secretly collect in-depth information about government policies, democratic politicians and mysterious happenings behind the scenes.

How Deep State came into the United States?


Donald Trump became the respective president of America in November 2016. There were some unusual secret activities after the new president inauguration where the Deep State organization gained popularity. The Deep State is a buzz for many political websites and debates on news channels. The Deep state is also known as shadow government which was just a secret useless content for Hollywood and underground agencies.

But, after the Trump administration, the American citizens and Trump followers also believe that there is an existence of shadow government. The supporters of Obama and Deep State members oppose every policy composed by Donald Trump. The Deep State came into limelight after the appropriate investigation made by their respective member Robert Mueller related to unusual activities between Donald Trump and Russian authorities.

There is always a fierce argument between Donald Trump and Deep State member which leads to criticism of the US president.

Why American citizens started support Deep State organization?

It is uncommon that American citizens have started believing in Deep State organization after they came into limelight related to the Russia investigation. The citizens also came across many websites and news which opposes various government policies initiated by Donald Trump.

There are many citizens criticizes the president due to indiscipline to work. The Deep State investigation was taken to social media accounts which created a lot of rumours and news. The Trump supporters have already replied on Twitter and other social media regarding allegations. The American citizens found that the investigation was more prominent and the existence of Deep State is real and true.

Game Of Thrones Season 8 Episode 2 Quick Recap!


Although the premiere episode of Got didn’t give us the chills as was expected but the second one surely served the purpose. The second episode of the season was full of suspense with the whole episode unfolding truth at every point. The whole episode revolved around the Winterfell story.

There were less action and more of interaction and revelations in the whole episode. Still, a bit of action was seen in the episode with Arya stark the little stark girl having a bold scene with Gendry. Weird though but that what GOT is all about breaking beyond our expectations. 

Jamie Pledge to Fight Against the Dead

So the episode displayed all the lost characters we thought have died somewhere but they all got in with us guessing who was who and how they all fit in together. It started with the Queen Daneris asking Jaime Lannister to prove his loyalty and as usual, Jamie brother Tyron stepped in to defend him. But Jaime, unlike her sister/ lover, has managed to make some good friends who stood by her in the house to defend his loyalty to the queen.

Another highlight of the episode was seen when both the opposing ladies Sansa and Daneris tried to sort out but once again iron throne came in between. Also just after that John revealed to his lover Daneris that he is not a bastard but the real owner of the iron throne, the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark to which the queen was shocked and didn’t agree on.

Comedy bits were also seen in the episode with Tormund Giantsbane cracking up the story of how he got the name Giants bane. The story is very ironical with everybody drinking together who once were after each other’s life precisely presently sitting in Winterfell these are those people who fought against the starks but now they are all together to defend the Starks castle. 
The little Arya who is now fully geared up is rocking the show with her full badass mode. She has become the fighter stark girl, now she is fully trained to throw daggers with style. Although the little girl with those wittiness is gone we are surely loving this fighter Arya.

Finally at the end everybody was seen enjoying the night before they die, they wanted to reveal and experience everything before this night with Arya not wanting to die a virgin, Brienne not wanting to die as just a lady, and Sir Jaime wants to die with a clean slate leaving Cersies sins behind, Sam proving to be the right heir of House Tarly by fighting in the war and not hiding behind and the King of the north John pouring his heart out to The Queen.

So that’s how the episode ended with some revelations. Waiting for the Next episode to see the White Walkers army marching towards the Winterfell.

5 Must Visit Cafe’s in Manali


Manali is a famous and beautiful hill station in the Himalayas on the northern state of Himachal in India. It is situated on the banks of Beas River. It is one of the top honeymoon destinations for Indian couples. This beautiful destination is a food paradise for tourists.

There are a lot of finer dining options with the best scenic views. Also, like every other state of the country, Manali is famous for its exotic street food. You can stroll the beautiful streets of Manali enjoying the variety of its delicious street food. There is a lot of tasty street food which is not to be missed when you visit the place like babru, trout, bhelpuri, bhey, patande and many more. So let’s make your stay worth remembering with this remarkable list of places.

1. Casa Bella Vista

Casa Bella Vista
This restaurant has many chains in north India. It is one of the exotic Spanish restaurants of Manali. It is situated next to the thick pine woods in Old Manali and is famous for its amazing pizzas. This place with its amazing scenic views and its food would be worth your time and money.

  • Location – Log Huts Road, Manali, Himachal Pradesh 175131
  • Timings – 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM

2. Fat Plate Cafe

Fat Plate Cafe
As good and unique as its name is the ambiance of the place. This place would delight you with its lush green gardens and colorful flowers. The bacon wrapped chicken and mustard chili trout are quite recommended of the place. Oh, let’s not forget it’s a perfect place for beer and wine lovers.

  • Location – Naggar Rd, Shuru, Manali, Himachal Pradesh 175131
  • Timings – 11:00 AM to 10:30 PM

3. Johnson’s Cafe

Johnson’s Cafe
It is an old Manali institution which is best known for its baked trout with almond sauce. The local flavor added in the food would delight your mouth. They offer a multi-cuisine menu which includes continental, Mughlai, pan Asian, Italian. The cafe is also famous for its live music. So enjoy the mountains with the touch of good food and music in this amazing cafe which is situated at Circuit House Road.

  • Location –  Circuit House Road, Siyal, Kullu, Manali, Himachal Pradesh 
  • Timings – 9 am to 11:30 PM

4. Drifters Cafe

drifters cafe
This beautiful cafe situated in old Manali would surely lift up your mood with cool mountain views and breezes. The menu depicts the history of the cafe. The cafe also has an open-air terrace sitting where you can enjoy the delicious food served. The Indian and Continental cuisine is what the cafe is famous for and let’s not forget the play board games you can enjoy with your food.

  • Location – Manu Temple Road, Old Manali, Manali
  • Timings – 9:00 AM to 11:00 PM

4. Martin’s Cafe

The Manali Martini’s cafe situated in the Shanag village is famous for its Martini Sunday brunches. It is a very economical place for chicken lovers but they have a very unique and limited time of opening the cafe. This cafe is opened on Sunday’s just for brunches. There are enough dishes you can try on apart from their delete chicken like their smoked trout and pizzas. So yes if you are passing by Manali on Sunday’s don’t forget this amazing place.

  • Location – Leh Manali Highway, Manali, Manali Tehsil 175103, India
  • Timings – 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM on Sunday

5. Chopsticks

As cheerful as its name is this cafe located in Mall Road of Manali. Its best place for Chinese lovers, they serve a good mix of Chinese and Tibetan food. The decor of the place has an authentic Tibetan touch. They have photos of Dalai Lama, laughing Buddha and a snow lion flag draped on the wall depicting the Tibet culture. Its a must visit place for people having a love for dip noodles, tofu, chicken and boiled eggs. Enjoy your visit with its tasty cuisine offered.

  • Location – Model Town, Siyal, Manali, Himachal Pradesh 175131
  • Timings – 9:30 am to 11:00 pm

How To Tackle Problems in Life and Become Resilient


What is your reaction to the difficulties? Are you one of the people who, in the face of adverse situations get discouraged or depressed? Would you like to be resilient or stronger emotionally?

Resilience is the ability to overcome the difficulties, obstacles or adversities that could happen to us in life, assuming it with a positive attitude, overcoming the situation, coming out graceful and strengthened, without forgetting our goals and dreams. But first let me tell you, how one can solve problems in their life.

How To Solve Your Problems?


Maybe at this moment, you are overwhelmed by personal problems, work, etc. Discovering how to solve a problem can become very difficult if you are not in a position to organize your ideas, change your attitude and decide to do everything possible to solve it.

But do not worry, you just need a little guidance. Follow these steps to solve a problem, they will surely help you a lot.

Step 1: Change Your Focus

Do not focus on all the bad things that are happening to you right now, while you pay more attention to all the negative things, they will expand and then it will be much harder to get out of that problem that you have because what you focus on it expands

Do not look at the problem, keep your attention on how to solve the problem and you will find a way to achieve it.

Step 2: Keep Positive Attitude

Keep a positive attitude to the problem and you will see how everything fades, if you say that you are very bad I assure you that you will continue, but if you say that everything will be perfect then it will be like that. You cannot imagine how much the resolution of a problem depends on this.

It has been proven that positive thoughts are 100 times more powerful than negative thinking.

Now if you are going through one of the worst moments of your life and if you think negatively, it is certain that things will get worse. What you have to do is keep that thought that everything is and will be perfect, you have to go for the positive and not the negative.

Step 3: See Problem As An Opportunity

Another very important point is to see the problem as an opportunity to grow as a person, seeing its positive side of each problem will help you find solutions.

You have to be aware that everything has its solution and you do not have to give up until you find a solution.

If we did not have problems then life would be very boring, that’s why there are obstacles and you have to use them to our advantage to be better every day. Work on this dear reader and show the problem that you are bigger and smarter than him, that your ability is immense and you will not let yourself be defeated. Because you, you can do it all!

Tips For Solving Problem

In addition to how to solve problems in general, it is important that you know how to resolve more specific or specific conflicts. Here you can find some tips to deal with personal and work problems.

1. How to end fights and arguments:

A discussion for a banal topic can become a great conflict if it is not stopped in time. If you are one of those who does not know how to stop or how to limit a fight to prevent it from becoming bigger, it will be very positive to follow these tips.

2. How to take advantage of all situation

One of the keys to success is to capitalize on everything that happens to transform it into something positive. In this way, problems cease to be problems and become opportunities or new challenges.

3. How to overcome fear and worry

Fear in the face of conflict or in the face of change can be very paralyzing. If you are in that state, you should know that you have to leave yes or yes, because it will not take you anywhere. Discover how to get it

4. How to be resilient

If you are a person who has difficulty overcoming failures, you need to develop resilience; that is, the ability to easily recover from problems and move on. Follow these tips to achieve it.

Different Types Of Intelligence According To Psychologist


1. Linguistic intelligence

Among the capabilities involved in this type of intelligence is the ability to understand the order and meaning of words in reading, writing and, also, speaking and listening; it stands out among political or religious leaders, poets, journalists, vendors and writers.

2. Musical intelligence

In this type of intelligence highlights the ability to listen, sing, play instruments; if you develop it, you could become a great musician, composer or music critic.

3. Mathematical logic

Those who possess this type of intelligence are able to identify models, calculate, formulate and verify hypotheses, use the scientific method and the inductive and deductive reasoning. You could become an economist, engineer, scientist or mathematician.

4. Space intelligence

This intelligence has the people who can make a mental model in three dimensions of the world or failing to extract a fragment of it. This intelligence has professions as diverse as engineering, surgery, sculpture, navy, architecture, design and decoration.

5. Intrapersonal intelligence

This type of intelligence allows us to form an accurate image of ourselves; it allows us to understand our needs and characteristics, as well as our qualities and defects. This type of intelligence is functional for any area of life.

6. Interpersonal intelligence

It is based on the ability to handle human relationships, empathy with people and recognize their motives, reasons and emotions that move. It characterizes administrators, teachers, psychologists, therapists.

7. Naturalist intelligence

This type of intelligence is used when observing and studying nature. Biologists are the ones who have developed it the most. The ability to study around us is a way to stimulate this type of intelligence provided by looking at the natural aspects with which we live.

12 Ways to be a Resilient Person in Life


1. Learn from the Difficulties

All human beings go through problems and difficulties and although at the moment they do not seem to have anything positive, if you analyze the situation you will realize that there are qualities that you can develop and improve despite the difficulty you are experiencing. Being positive will motivate you to get up after falling, to be persistent and always have a plan “a, b and z when undertaking a project or solve any difficulty.

2. Assimilate Failure

No one is exempt from failing, but the failure is not definitive, it is not synonymous with loss or death, it just did not work, but you can try it in another way. Sometimes in some cases, you have to learn to leave, accepting what happened. See the failure as an apprenticeship, that will help you to have a positive attitude, when the difficulties come to you, or when we cannot change the circumstances.

3. Accept Changes

Being resilient is related to flexibility, a resilient person adapts to changes, does not remain paralyzed complaining about the difficulty, but continues on. Strong people do not avoid negative emotions, but when they arise, they assimilate and accept them and use them in their favour. The resilient people of each change, of each episode, be negative or positive, extract the best to develop.

4. Focus on the Solution

After going through a difficult circumstance people tend to focus on the problem and not on the solution, on what happened and not on how to solve what happened, if that energy you use in complaining and lamenting and keep thinking about the problem, what you use to find the insurance solutions that will work best for you. To be resilient you must focus on solving problems, on solving.

5. Live in Present

On several occasions I have spoken to you about the importance of living in the “here and now” because when you are aware of what you live in the present you concentrate more on what you feel and do, you enjoy life more and that helps you build a better future, it makes you better and stronger.

6. Exercise

Exercise not only strengthens us physically but mentally and emotionally, when we have control of our body we acquire more security and self-esteem, it is beneficial because it helps us to develop self-control and self-motivation, if you want to be resilient you can start exercising or practising some sport and if you already do it, it continues because the benefits are multiple and you will become stronger emotionally.

7. Control your Emotions

We tend to act impulsively when we feel some negative emotions, a very effective exercise to develop resilience is to control those emotional impulses, control complaints and claims directed at ourselves and others, the idea is to take a deep breath and wait a few seconds for that we can react assertively and develop our strength.

8. Evaluate your Progress

The resilient person evolves with each experience, takes from the negative the best, therefore it develops. I invite you to take some time to evaluate how much progress you have made and in what area you have grown. Nobody better than you to know if you could overcome certain weaknesses and develop others. This activity will help you to know if you grew up in some field, to improve your self-esteem, to develop your strength of will and to be surer that you will get out of difficulties because you have achieved it before.

9. Develop your Creativity

When we go through difficult times have activities that allow us to develop creativity helps us to drain all the frustrations and recover faster and continue with our lives, activities such as painting, writing, playing music, singing etc.

10. Cultivate your Spirituality and Surround Yourself with Good friends

Refuge yourself in your beliefs so that you can grow your faith, carry out spiritual activities since that helps you to stay joyful and busy, it will foster a positive attitude in you, and while a person cultivates his spirituality he develops good qualities that help him to be resilient.

Surround yourself with mature people spiritually and emotionally, so that you evolve and imitate their qualities, the bible says that “iron with iron sharpens”. When you are with people who have your same beliefs and are emotionally strong, it is easier for them to understand you and seek to support you, since you will have them when you need them most.

11. Use your Constructive Approach, Facing Problems

Do not see crises as something insurmountable. What you need to be stronger emotionally, is a total change in your attitude to life, because the important thing is not so much what happens to you but the attitude you assume in those situations that allow you to grow, mature and improve yourself as a person. Remember many of the problems that are presented to you will not last forever, they are temporary situations.

12. Look for mental Referents

Study, analyse those people who have overcome adversity and have come out of those experiences, learn from them, what were their spiritual and emotional strengths, see what you can copy from their example of what served that person not to lose your joy, hope and purpose in life.

By these ways one can help themselves from getting out of problems whether it be family problems or problems at the workplace, you will be able to solve it by being resilient.

Game Of Thrones Season 8 Episode 1 Quick Recap!


So the ever so waited series Game of Thrones is back with its premiere season. So the season started with a little flashback of the past seasons. (Spoilers Ahead)

Then the season 8th episode one opened up with John Snow, Daenerys along with their massive army moving towards the Winterfell.

They were also accompanied by Tyrion Lannister and Varys who enjoyed each others company and continued their perpetual jokes on each other on their way back to Winterfell. Then comes the overwhelming moment when the Stark family meets after long, john snow meets his sister Sansa and Arya and brother Bran after long.

Before John left the north he was crowned as the king of the north and he came back with Daenerys by giving her his crown by bending the knee in front of the queen for his people. John snow is indeed a king who stands by his people but coming back to his land with queen Daenerys, John made his countrymen stand against him.

Then started the meeting of the council at the great hall of Winterfell, where it was clearly seen that even if it was said to Daenerys that the Winterfell is your nothing in the council meeting portrayed so. Sansa Stark the lady of the Winterfell still leads the council with all the fingers pointing at John snow as to why he left the Winterfell when they needed their king. All the fingers pointed asked the new queen as to how will he be able to feed this big army along with his dragons. The lady of the Winterfell was curious as to what these dragons feed upon.

Sansa and Danny face off for the very first time

It was a full cold war between queen Daenerys and Sansa Stark with John snow stuck in between the two Iron ladies. John discussed this issue with his little sister Arya stark who favoured her elder sister Sansa quoting her as the wisest person alive. But, Arya is the only person who is not fighting johns girlfriend. There is a wholesome of family drama when the starks meet the queen Daenerys of the house Targaryen.

Heading towards the south there is this another drama going in the empire of Cersei with Euron Greyjoy showcasing his love for Queen Cersei. Euron Greyjoy entered King Landing with his army of Mercenaries and horses which he promised to the queen but fell short of his elephant promise.

Euron being the evil he is didn’t do anything for free, he wanted the queen in return but Cersei being the evilest of all still won the argument by passing the comment. After getting what he wanted from Cersei, he promised her to put a prince inside her. He is an evil dramatic character of the series.

So the game of thrones will never change its basic theme that is the excessive adult scenes with Bronn enjoying with the prostitutes while Cersei wanted him to do something important than that, well the queens order has to be definitely commanded she wanted Bronn to head North to find her brothers and asked him that if they survived the white walkers, to kill them with the same crossbow that killed their father.

Samwell Tarly meeting Jon Snow and telling the truth

So at the end of the episode the best thing what happened when John got know about his real dad and that he was not a bastard but the real deserving king who deserved the iron throne. All this was delivered to john by Sam his best friend, so here the episode ended on a big note. Let’s wait for the next episode to see how the story rolls

10 Tips to Save Time and Increase productivity at Work


Every entrepreneur, every person wants to get more out of their day. But unfortunately, the strength of will begins to exhaust if you continue to put more things to do. Many times the big problem is not whether you lack the time or not, but in knowing how to manage priorities, in managing our time.

If you are going to try to do more things in your work without a plan and without priorities it is almost impossible that you will obtain good results and less you will be a productive person. However, it is still possible to open your way to increase productivity. Here are 10 tricks to save time and increase productivity that will allow you to get more out of your day:

1. Organize Your Desk and Environment

The disorder can be extremely annoying and even stress-inducing. If your to-do list is a mile long, plus a disorganized desk your work environment will only get worse. File documents put everything back in place, put documents in desk drawers, move empty coffee cups and reduce clutter. When you do this work and everything is in place instantly you will feel more organized and less stressed. The key is to be organized.

2. Identify Peak Hours

At what times of the day do you feel more motivated? Identify those moments and schedule the most important tasks for those hours. In my case, my productive moments were after 12:00 am. Now, with so much time in the morning and having to find something to do to avoid sleeping, this productivity soared in the morning hours. This can change for anyone at any time, but initially identifying your peak hours will allow you to score another couple of points on your productivity scoreboard.

3. Morning Exercise

Exercising in the morning can help you to increase productivity. Although some might argue that exercise really depletes your energy, the release of endorphins alone seems like a good enough reason to take a quick jog or walk on a treadmill first thing in the morning. Exercise can help eliminate stress, puts you in a better state of mind and increases your efficiency and productivity.

4. Make List of Things to Do Before You Sleep

Think and make a list of everything you have to do the next day, the night before. Prepare all the tools that you will use in advance. This will not take more than 10 to 15 minutes and will help you get excellent results in your work from the beginning or since the beginning of the day.
If you are going to do the to-do list the night before, it will also put your subconscious mind to work while you sleep. And the moment you wake up, you will have immense clarity about what you have to do next.

5. Have Plenty Of  Water During the Day

Most people do not get hydrated enough during the day. Drinking plenty of water will help you maintain your energy levels, and if your job requires you to sit at a desk all day, it will also be very good since you will often go to the bathroom or services, and that will be healthy in the end. You that way you will not be sitting all day long. You have to give your body what it needs and it will give you the resources you need to maintain your productivity.

6. Have a Day Off In a Week

It is important that you are involved with the project or work you are doing and many times you need zero interruptions to move forward with the project. But it is also highly recommended that you have a day off, a day off from meetings, a day off from everything, a day for yourself.

After a free day, it is safer that you will be productive, and you will do more things everything will start to flow. Because people need to do a STOP from time to time. We are not a machine to work without stopping if you do it is very likely that you will be fine for a short time.

7. Take Few Breaks During the Day

Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs are hard workers, and often do not want to leave their work to drink a glass of water, eat a chocolate bar or take some fresh air. However, it is perfectly healthy to take a break, since your mind is not really designed to work at full speed all day.
It may be worth experimenting with different techniques, to achieve a healthy balance. You need to set a reminder to take regular breaks, which will allow you to distribute your energy more efficiently.

8. Create Calendar for the Day

Many people have to-do lists. However, not everyone thinks of planning their days in advance. It is possible that you have a pretty good idea of the pending tasks that you have to do in the day, but in reality, you do not know or you have not thought about how much time will be assigned to each of the tasks.

It is easy to identify the loss of time if the monitoring of your activity is clear and when you have everything planned on a given day. Certainly, you may have to allow a certain margin, but if you are constantly distracted or procrastinating in the tasks you have to do, you may want to reconsider your approach.

9. Follow the 10 Minute Rule

10 minute rule

One must use two – minutes rule to determine whether to complete a task immediately. If it takes less than two minutes, then do it immediately. This creates a simple structure for productivity since it does not require any tools or software. The moment a task comes in, you decide if you are going to do it now or save for later.

10. Delegate and Hire Virtual Assistant

virtual assistant

Do you have too much work to do? Are you giving a lot of your time to low-level tasks that are not making the best use of your skills? If so, you may want to consider outsourcing or delegating and hiring virtual assistants. You can train another person to do the job or you can hire a virtual assistant to take care of many of the routine tasks, necessary but repetitive so that you can devote more of your time to strategic and more important activities of the project.

If you want to be productive, you have to be good at prioritizing and eliminating some jobs or tasks. It is more than likely, there are a lot of things that you do not necessarily have to be done by yourself, but you can automate, delegate or eliminate that work altogether.

Increasing productivity is not about doing one or two things and forgetting about it. Usually, there will always be ways to improve your efficiency and carry out things in better ways. Remember that you must always remain flexible. Productivity is all about developing effective habits, and habits can take time to put into practice. Some of your experiments may not filter out, but as you continue to try new and different things, you will be able to find what works for you and what does not work.

5 Things You Must Do In Japan


It is known as the land of the rising sun. It is also known as the nation that excels in CDs, DVDs, walkmans, Nintendo video games, Instant Ramen noodles and the Bullet train. They have invented it all, the Japanese. They are a nation of cherry blossoms. Of terraced paddy fields, of austere monks and avid gamers, not to mention pagodas. They are a nation that produced a film-maker called Akira Kurosawa and a writer called Haruki Murakami.

It is a nation where people are incredibly punctual and immensely polite. Japan straddles the traditional with the modern with supreme ease. There is niceness in the Japanese air. Oh-so-contagious niceness! Here are five must do things in Japan, if at all you get a chance to visit this beautiful country.

Toky Skytree

This is the world’s highest lookout piercing the sky at 634 meters. The Tokyo sky tree is often called the world’s highest lookout. Hold your heart as the elevator whooshes up at 600 meters per minute. That’s like going up a 181 storeyed building before you can sing half a song. You can go up to 634 meters but peer through the 5-meter glass windows of Tembo deck (350 meters) for a spectacular view of Tokyo’s skyline.

Tourists wait in line for up to a week to scale the world’s tallest tower in Tokyo.

On a clear day, the view stretches to 70 miles. Spiral another 100 meters up to Tembo gallery consisting of a sloping spiral ramp which gains height as it circles the tower. That is the world’s highest skywalk. Look carefully for a cheeky sign: World’s Highest Toilet. Perhaps calls for a piddle in the sky!

See, Eat, Use Gold

In Kanazawa, everything that glitters is gold. Literally. In the city that produces 99% of Japan’s gold leaf, you can buy candles with a hint of gold flakes in it; a mask made of gold that would probably turn a Medusa into Cleopatra in a jiffy, edible gold flakes packed into tiny boxes that can be sprinkled on cake or added to a drink.

Gold leaf ice cream cone in Kansawa
Gold leaf ice cream cone in Kanazawa

There’s storehouse with walls embellished with gold leaf. If you want to get arty, learn the 400-year-old gold leaf art. But do not be fingers and thumbs. The Kanazawa gold leaf is 1/10,000 mm thin. That is 10 times thinner than a strand of human hair. Try holding that with a bamboo tweezer!

Snow Corridor

Carry your snow boots and pack some adrenalin. In the 56-mile long Tateyama-Kurobe Alpine Route, also known as the roof of Japan, adventure acquires a new meaning. The Alpine route is not merely about snow and the surreal landscape, but, it is about a journey that includes 7 forms of public transport with 5 modes funicular, bus, trolleybus, aerial tramway and walking. In summer, the big joy is walking through 500-meter snow corridor flanked with snow walls as high as 8 meters.

A pair of Rock Ptarmigan
A pair of Rock Ptarmigan

Make a gigantic snowman, glide through the slopes and etch your name in the snow. Keep an eye out for ptarmigan, the rare snow goose.

Toyota Museum

Did you know that the first Toyota passenger car rolled out on the streets in 1937? The model A. A. and colour black. The price, 3,350 yen, equivalent to four years of a freshers salary in 1930s Japan. The first Toyota truck tyres came attached with brooms so that the pedestrian was not inconvenienced.

The Toyota Automobile Museum
The Toyota Automobile Museum

The Toyota commemorative museum of industry and technology in Nagoya narrates the story of a group’s textile and automotive innovation and creation. In the museum, you can spin a yarn out of cotton. Make a car and watch a robot play the violin. Mellifluously.

Gassho Architecture

Have you ever seen thatched roofs that appear like human hands raised in prayer? In the world heritage sites of Shirakawa-go in Gifu prefecture and Gokayama in Toyama prefecture, architecture melds seamlessly with nature. Slanted at 45-60 degrees, the Gassho roofs can withstand heavy snow.

Gassho Architecture

Walk through the village with 300-year-old homes, where only the ground floor was used as living quarters. The two-storeyed attic was purported to rear and store silkworms. In the 300-year-old Wada house, which is open to the public, pay attention to the lacquerware and hay boots and clothes.


5 New Diet Plans on the Block for Weight Watchers


The new age millennia is always in a rush with no time to spare. Unhealthy food habits, no exercises, intake of alcohol increases the toxins in the body resulting in weight gain. Lifestyle diseases are on the rise. This puts pressure on them to lose weight which is one of the reasons for increasing diseases.

Also with raising awareness, people want to be in line with their counterparts who are slim and trim. Weight issues are the topmost in the mind of today’s generation. Everybody wants to ace up their personality and want to shed the extra weight. There is a constant tug of war between weight gain and loss.

With increasing, exposure and availability of stuff people have various options in hand. Different kinds of diet plans are afloat which helps them in taking the correct decision. According to their lifestyle and dietary patterns they can opt for the appropriate diet. This should be chosen carefully for it to sustain for a longer time. Some of the new diet fads are listed below.

1. The Atkins Diet

Atkins Diet

This approach is an intake of low carbohydrates and concentrates on maintaining the insulin levels in the body. A very popular plan among dieters involving a low carb, high protein and fat regimen. This kind of low carb diet decreases your appetite. So, in turn, leads to weight loss. This is a very effective diet for reducing stubborn belly fat – the most difficult part of weight loss programme.

It also brings down the risk for catching diseases like cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar etc. It works on two levels – First, a very low level of carb under 20 gms is taken per day for two weeks. In the second level, as you reach your desired weight loss, your diet is incorporated again with a controlled amount of healthy carbs. It has been absorbed that Atkins diet leads to faster weight loss than other low-fat diets.

2. The Dukan Diet

The proponents of this diet claim it to have a high weight loss in fewer days. It is a high protein low carbohydrates diet plan divided into 4 parts. The first two parts are focused on weight loss and the next two parts on maintaining the lost body weight.

The diet includes cutting carbs totally and eating a high protein food (as per your cravings) and oat bran which is compulsory. Then the next part involves introducing some non-starchy vegetables and little carbs and fat. Gradually, the protein level is reduced with other nutritious diets to maintain the desired weight.

3. Intermittent Fasting

This approach to weight loss involves regular cycles of fasting and eating. Without cutting down on any form of food it restricts the timing of eating. It is a kind of an eating pattern and curbing your hunger pangs and eating only at particular times. The dieters can make their own timings which is convenient for them but generally, a fast period of 16 hours is advised.

So an 8 hour eating period can be taken which would mean skipping dinner and breakfast completely. This is an effective way to control calorie intake unless you eat too many calories during your eating period. This generally brings in a weight loss of 3 – 8% over a 3 – 24 weeks period. Health benefits include less cholesterol, blood sugar, less muscle loss and increase in metabolism levels. So it is indeed good for weight watchers.

4. The Ketogenic Diet

Followed by a number of celebrities in India, this plan leads to a very quick weight loss. In case you won’t lose weight fast as well as not remain hungry, you can opt for this dietary plan. It is a very low high-fat diet quite similar to Atkins and low carb diets. The carbohydrate intake is almost brought down to nil replaced by good fats. The body gets into a state of being called Ketosis because of the reduction of carbs.

The fat which is eaten is broken into ketones to provide energy. Numerous health benefits like Alzheimer’s disease, certain cancers, diabetes and epilepsy. Keto diets lead to quick weight loss for people looking out for long term solutions to their chronic weight issues.

So this is a low down on a few effective diet plans in fashion today. Not only fast weight loss is gained, but they also help in curing lifestyle diseases and have enormous health benefits. People having less time and not able to go to gyms but have a willingness to reduce weight can opt for some of these diets.

All diets don’t work for everyone. One has to look into his lifestyle and his daily eating patterns and then select wisely the diet plan which will work for him. So go ahead and have a go. Happy dieting and happy weight reduction.