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Many Different Autisms: One Autism Spectrum


Autism a word commonly heard today with so many myths revolving around it that creates a state of panic for the affected and the family members. Millions of people around the world are affected by Autism. Autism is nothing but a spectrum disorder. It is a complex neurobehavioral condition that results in difficulties in social interaction and developmental language and communications skills with rigid and repetitive behaviour.

An autism spectrum disorder is defined medically as “group of development disorders” that “includes a wide range of symptoms, skills, and levels of disability”. In 1 out of 68 people autism can be found. The common things in all types of autisms are the following characteristics:

  • Repetitive behaviours and limited interests
  • Symptoms that are usually found in the beginning years of life
  • Symptoms that affect the abilities to function properly in social aspects of life
  • Ongoing social issues that make it difficult to communicate with others

People who are autistic may either mildly have these symptoms or severely.  The three types of autism spectrum disorders are as follows:

Autistic disorder

This type of spectrum is also known as “classic “ autism. People affected by this have significant language delays, social, and communication challenges, and unusual behaviours and interests. They are also affected by intellectual disabilities. It is the most common and most severe type of autism. These autistic people have issues with being touched by other people, perform restricted or repetitive behaviours, experience sensory overload and have issues in communication. The other types of autism have the same issues but this has these symptoms much more severely.

Asperger’s Syndrome

Photo by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash
Photo by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash

It is the milder type of autism spectrum disorder. They experience the same disorder as other autism cases but it is milder. People with this type of autism have unusual interests and behaviours and also experience social challenges. These symptoms tend to be most difficult, as they do not have issues with language or intellect. Thus it is the symptoms need to be sorted to help the autistic person.

Pervasive Developmental Disorder

teen on the autism spectrum decides to get a girlfriend
A Netflix show about a teen on the autism spectrum decides to get a girlfriend, good watch

This is also known as “atypical autism”. This type is characterized by the criteria of the other two types but does not have all the characteristics. The ones who are affected with PDD- NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder) experience mild and fewer symptoms. The ones affected with PDD- NOS suffer from social and communication challenges. They are the highest functioning autistic types and do not fit in any other category of autism spectrum disorders.

The three types of autism and understanding about it will help you to understand people affected by it in a better way and help them and their near and dear ones to live a better life.

5 Easy Recipes For Curing Hangovers At Home


A night of excessive drinking bout, without keeping oneself hydrated leads to a bad hangover the next day. Drinking on an empty stomach or over the top is an invitation for a deadly hangover

Hangover is a condition in which due to heavy drinking the body gets dehydrated and loses vital minerals and antioxidants to keep it balanced and functioning properly. Symptoms of a hangover are unpleasant conditions like nausea, dizziness, stomach upset, blurred vision due to light sensitivity, headache and general uneasiness. Dehydration is a very common cause because alcohol tends to deplete the body of water and minerals. So it also causes fatigue.

The hangover has been there since time immemorable and man has tried to find various cures for it. But there is no magic pill found till now but limiting your alcohol consumption is the best way. Withdrawal of alcohol from the body makes one disoriented and causes discomfort.

Common folklore floating around is having a glass of pickle juice or rubbing a lemon in one’s armpit before drinking will prevent a hangover. Protein-rich breakfasts and watermelons which contain fructose also help in flushing out the alcohol.

Here are 5 Food recipes that help in curing a hangover:

 1. Curd Rice

Curd Rice

The curd is a very effective element in cleaning all the acid built up in the stomach because of alcohol. And rice provides support to the system. Recipe for curd rice.

250gms-curd or yoghurt
250gms-white rice which is cooked over a bit
Green chillies chopped
Ginger chopped
Cilantro chopped finely
Salt to taste
Ingredients for tempering;
½ tsp mustard seeds
3-4 curry leaves
A pinch of asafoetida


Mix yoghurt, cilantro, green chillies, ginger, salt to the overcooked white rice and gently roll it together. Heat oil for tempering and when it comes to almost smoking point add the mustard seeds. When the seeds start spluttering add curry leaves and asafetida and take it off the burner and pour it over the rice mixture. Leave it to cool off a bit and is ready to eat as a cure for the hangover.

2. Lemon Green Tea/Lime Juice:

Lemon Green Tea

This is also a very effective method for curing a hangover. The properties of lemon help in absorbing and incorporating the alcohol and provides relief in case of a deadly hangover. It can be drunk first thing in the morning on an empty stomach or even if you have an upset stomach. The recipe is as follows:

1 cup of water
1 green tea bag
1 lemon
1 tsp honey

Bring the water to a boil and take it off the burner. Dip a bag of green tea in it and swish it around a little bit. Take it out and add a juice of 1 lemon and 1 tsp of honey in it and is ready to have. The lemon juice maintains the ph balance and loaded with vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, calcium it helps to hydrate and restore vitality during a hangover.

3. Coconut Water

Coconut Water

Alcohol drains your body of water and vital chemicals. Coconut water is rich in electrolytes and minerals which helps in restoring the internal balance and hydrating the body as well. The recipe for coconut water-

1 tender coconut/any raw coconut
1 tsp lime juice
1tsp honey

Pour coconut water into a glass, add lemon juice and honey. Stir it and have it immediately. It improves the immunity and acid content after a night of hard boozing.

4. Banana Smoothie

banana Smoothie

2 bananas chopped
1 tbsp of honey
250 litre of milk

Blend all the ingredients in a mixer until it comes to a smooth consistency and pour it in a glass and is ready to drink. This concoction has the perfect balance of a lot of minerals and vitamins which is helpful in regaining energy. It has a soothing and calming effect on the stomach and cures hangover.

5. Orange Juice

Orange juice

Oranges contain vitamin C which prevents the body from losing glutathione (it is an antioxidant which helps in flushing out alcohol from the body)The honey increases the fructose level and makes it healthy.

4 Oranges
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp honey

Squeeze the oranges and add honey and lemon juice to it. Stir it well and drink.

Oranges contain vitamin C which prevents the body from losing glutathione (it is an antioxidant which helps in flushing out alcohol from the body)The honey increases the fructose level and makes it healthy.

These food recipes go a long way in curing a hangover after a hard night of partying and excessive boozing. They are healthy and increase the vitamins and mineral content in the body. They are hydrating and increase the body immune system.   

50 Dance Forms in States of India


India has always been a country full of heritage, be it dance and be it music. Dance is the creativity, an imagination, an art which is celebrated across the world and in India, it varies according to the states, different cultures, customs, etc. International dance day has been celebrated across the world on 29th April to celebrate this art form.

Different Dance Forms in India with States

Jammu and Kashmir

1. Kud Dance

It is one of the most memorable dances performed in Jammu to honour the Gods as a thanksgiving ritual. The local farmers perform this dance frequently and people join from nearby villages in the celebrations. Everyone is in their best attire and dance through the night and honour in a festive spirit. It is performed by a group of 20-30 people.

2. Dumhal Dance

This is the most prestigious dance form practised in Kashmir valley. The costume is very lovely with lively coloured robes and conical caps which are generally studded with beads.

3. Rouf Dance

Rouf dancers | by ramesh_lalwani Rouf dancers
Rouf dancers | by ramesh_lalwani Rouf dancers

Rouf is yet another traditional dance form of Kashmir which is recited on festive occasions like Eid and Ramzan usually presented by a group of women standing face to face each other.

Himachal Pradesh

4. NatiNati - Folk Dance of Himachal Ppradesh

This is the most famous dance form of Himachal. This folk dance is normally performed at every festival of Himachal. This is the chief dance form of Himachal.

5. Dandras

It is basically performed in Chamba district in Himachal. This dance form is also performed at the time of celebrations.

6. The Ghurehi

This dance form is functioned by the ladies of Chamba in festivals wearing ethnic clothes or jewellery.


7. Bhangra Dance

Bhangra Dance

It is one of the most familiar dances of Punjab performed during Baisakhi only by the men in Punjab. Bhangra is performed on the drum beats and on Punjabi ‘bolis’, words such as hoay, hoay; or Balle, Balle, which not only inspire themselves but also others for the dance. People from all social classes join the dance.

8. Jhummar Dance

This dance form is happiness for men, so performed only by men. Jhummar is performed mostly during the melas, weddings and other major functions and celebrations.

9. Luddi Dance

Luddi Dance

Luddi Dance is also a male folk dance of Punjab and it is celebrated as a success that is gained in any field. This is truly the dance of slow movements and is similar to bhangra.

10. Dhumall Dance

Dhumall Dance is a form of a folk dance but has not been able to achieve the popularity of Bhangra. It is a male dance and, likewise,e it is danced in a circle on the drum beats.

11. Dhankara

This form is also called the Gaatka dance. This form is often performed in a marriage celebration.

12. GiddhaGiddha

It is founded from West Punjab. This dance form is acquired from the ancient style of ring dancing.

13. Samm

The tribal inhabitants of Punjab perform the Sammi Dance, which is popular in Sandalbar, which now is in Pakistan.

14. Kikli Dance

This dance form is generally recommended within the young girls. The girls compose as they roll around with bright ‘orhnis’ or ‘daupttas’ streaming from their heads and their anklets present tinkling melodies.

15. JaagoJaago

This folk dance is presented on the night before the wedding, the female relatives of the bridegroom prepare a ‘Jaago’.girls dance through the village streets carrying a pot (gaggar) adorned with lightened candles and composing jaagu songs.


16. Barada Nati

This dance is a grass-roots dance form in Dehradun district. The folk dance is conducted on the eve of some religious festivals. Both boys and girls take part in the dance and are dressed in colourful traditional costumes.

17. Chancheri

This is an association dance of Bageshwar District in Kumaon. Both the men and women dance in a semi-circular structure.

18. Chhapeli

This dance form is executed by couples with the female leading a mirror in her left hand and a colored handkerchief in the other. The male performs a Hurka, Manjira, and Flute. The dance form is a duet that describes the joys of romance.

19. Choliya Dance

The Chholiya Dance has its origins in the warring Khasiya Kingdom of Khasdesh, When marriages were performed at the point of the swords.

 Choliya Dance

Keeping the old tradition alive, the Rajputs dance this at their marriages as a part of the marriage procession itself, led by the male dancers who go on dancing till they relinquish the bride’s house.

20. Jagars

This form falls in the category of spirit and religious worship, in the form of a folk song or at times blended with dances. Sometimes, Jaggar may also be in the practice of Puja folk songs and are sung in .honour of the various gods and goddesses.

21. Jhora

It is danced at fairs to the harmony, of singing that grows with the dance. This dance form is performed both in the morning or evening, they are danced at the coming of spring, mostly at fairs, but also to celebrate weddings.This is a community dance to throw away all the boundaries ofthe cast.

22. Langvir Nritya

This is an acrobatic dance and is presented by the men populace only. In this dance, a large bamboo pole is arranged at a place. The dancer-acrobat rises to the top of this pole and then balances himself on his stomach on the top. This dance is celebrated in the Tehri Garhwal region.

23. Pandav Nritya

Pandav Nritya

This dance form is very prominent in Garhwal region, which is related to the story of the Mahabharata.. Pandavas Nritya is nothing but a simple description of the story of the Mahabharata in the form of dance and music. It is mostly portrayed on the occasion of ‘Dussehra’ and Diwali. Pandavas Nritya is popular in Chamoli district and Pauri Garhwal.


24. Swang Dance

Swang Dance

It is a traditional dance form of Haryana, reflecting its history in a true sense. A group involving in even numbers such as ten or twelve persons performs it. The dance is mainly showing religious stories and folk tales that are performed in unrestricted places and can last for 5 hours. Some of the male participants dress as women to perform the female casting in dance.

25. Khoria Dance

This dance is a collective form of a variety of the Jhumar dance style & steps. Women perform this dance solely. It is popular in the central region of Haryana, and is correlated with the daily affairs of the people and with the most prestigious events like the harvest, agricultural work, etc. This is performed by men and women carrying manjiras.

Uttar Pradesh

26. KathakKathak

This dance form trace back to Hindu text ‘Natya Shastra’. Its originated from traces of temples and ritual dances.


27. Ghoomar DanceGhoomar Dance

It is usually performed by the women of the house, out for showing the love bonds for their men. This dance form of Jaisalmer has gained international recognition.

28. Kathputli Dance

Rajasthan is important for the puppet-playing tradition. String puppets are used in these forms and executed with hands to show their movements.


29. Garba

This dance form is introduced in the state of Gujarat. The name arises from the Sanskrit term Garbha (“womb”) conducted during Navratri. The dance expresses that God, in feminine form in Garba, is the only constant in a constantly changing world.It is usually performed before Aarti in the honor of the Goddess.garba dandiya

30. Dandiya

It is the most common folk dance of Gujarat. It stages a fight between the Goddess Durga and Mahishasura, the mighty demon-king. Dandiya is achieved after Garba as a part of the celebration.


31. Bidesia

Bidesia rama ho rama/ batohi kalkata

It is a case based dance on some features of social evils like child marriage. It has components of drama introduced in the dance. In it, female roles are played by male actors.


32. Paika


In Paika martial art is fixed with some other dance forms that is why it is only performed by the male actors. In it sword is used in one hand and shield in the other. It is performed for welcoming guests in various functions.

West Bengal

33. Chau DancePaika

It is one of the most renowned tribal dance forms of India. It is originated in Purulia district in Bengal.

34. Ghambira Dance

This dance form compliments the beautiful culture of the state by their colourfulness and festivity. Its is the devotional dance form of te state.

35. Santhhal Dance

This is the dance form of the Santhal tribe found in Bengal. Its members are basically te devotees of Thakurji.


36. Singhi ChhamSinghi Chham

It is the traditional dance form which is also known as the Snow Lion dance. Actually, the associate five peaks of the sacred Mount Kanchenjunga forms a snow lion which is an important cultural symbol of the state. The snow lion is depicted in this dance form of Singhi Chaam.


37. Cheraw


This is a major dance form loved by the Mizo people and verbally it is referred to as bamboo dance. They use long bamboo sticks to perform this dance. The dance form involves rhythm and absolute precision. Girls wearing colourful costumes step out and in between the bamboo beats. The clapping of these bamboos generates a sound which serves as core rhythm of Cheraw dance.

38. Chheih Lam

The dance form called Chheih Lam is performed in accompaniment with rice beer. It is performed to denote completion of a day’s work. This dance symbolizes the spirit of exhilaration and joy. The dance is performed with a song which is sung with bamboo tube and drum beats. The dancer is surrounded by people sitting in a circle around him.


39. Manipuri DanceManipuri Dance

It is also known as Jagoi, is one of the major Indian classical dance forms, named after the region of its origin. This dance is also performed to themes related to Shaivism, Shaktism and regional deities such as Umang Lai during Lai.


40. Bihu dance

Bihu dance

It is a group dance where males and females dance together. It is performed to traditional bihu music. done to express  to express the desire to feel both pain and happiness.

41. Jhumur Dance

It is a traditional dance form of “Adivasi” or Tea tribes community of Assam. The dance is performed by young girls.


42. GariaGaria Pooja

This dance form is celebrated at the time of ‘Garia Puja’ which continues for seven days in the worship of their beloved deity.


43. Wangala

Wangala Dance

It is the most popular dance form of the state. It is generally performed during the harvest festival. Both married and unmarried girls and boys perform it.


44. Odissi


It is performed predominantly by women. It is a dance-drama genre of performance art, where the artist(s) and musicians play out a mythical story, a spiritual message or devotional poem.

Andhra Pradesh

45. Kuchipudi


It is one of the eight major classical dance forms of India. It is in the form of dance drama which mainly created awareness of the evil power that existed in the world.

Tamil Nadu

46. Bharatanatyam

It is a solo dance performed by South Indian women which expresses their religion. The costume for this form is silk saree with gold zari embroidery design


47. Kathakali

This dance form depicts a story, it is presented in the form of story play. This dance form witnesses colourful makeup, costumes and face masks that the traditional male actor-dancers wear. It is originated 500 years ago, is a combination of dance and drama.

48. Mohiniyattam

This is the popular dance form of the state got popular during the Chera reign from 9th to 12th century. It has a wonderful costume, fabulous jewellery and alluring make the culture representing of Kerala. It is very popular for a graceful symphony of the hips and eye movements.


49. Fugdi


This dance is performed in the Konkan region of Goa. It is an important art form as it was contrived so that women can take a break from their daily routine. It is usually delivered in August and September. It requires women dancers forming circles or rows. The dance starts at a slow pace and gains momentum gradually.

50. Dhalo

It is a popular folk dance from Goa. It is completed in the month of Pousha (a month in the Hindu calendar) just before the arrival of winter. This dance form serves as a prayer as women perform it hoping that it would bring happiness and good health to their family members, especially their husbands.


I Fell She Flew


I fell in Love.

My life has been Unique, to say the least. Where normal Lads are scared of Women and stay away from them, I have been Surrounded by the Ladies all my Life.

Hi, I am Kush and this is my Remarkable Story. I belong to a Joint Family. We boast a massive population of 25 people living in our house most of them being Girls. I had Nine Sisters growing up, and they taught me everything I know. Growing up in a house filled with Girls makes you a shade Expert on them.

From a Significantly Young Age, I discovered what to say and what not to Women. I learned from my Eccentric Aunts and later Sisters how to Foretell Mood Swings and how to cater to their Unique needs. In short from a young age, I was the Perfect Boyfriend material (not my words).

Hence, it should not come as a surprise that I was quite Popular with the Ladies throughout School and even now in College. Though sadly I Promptly fell in Love many times and each of them had many twists and turns in them.

I Present To you some Significant Experiences I had.

First Love

My first Love was my Teacher
My first Love was My Teacher.

Typical to every Adolescent boy in the World my first Love was my Teacher. I undoubtedly remember the first day I saw her. Oh, what a Sight she was. I was in 6th standard sitting in my class when she walked in. Ms Joanne V Sullivan, even her name was Beautiful. Joanne Ma’am was our English Teacher.

The whole day after first setting eyes on her I naturally spent Daydreaming about her. She became my Sole reason for coming to School. Being a little forward and forewarned about Women it didn’t take me long before I was her Favourite Student in the class.

I regularly Complimented her; I Assisted her and the Solitary reason for my time in school became getting Praise from Joanne Ma’am. I remember one day I saw Charlie (my Best friend back then) speaking to Ma’am. This made me very Curious (and a little Jealous) as Miss had never spoken to him before.

He was sitting comfortably, eagerly Devouring my delicious lunch at Recess. I went up to him and asked, “how come you were talking to Ma’am.”

Charlie was taken aback, to say the least. He made a Face, before answering in his general Smug tone, “ why were you getting Jealous.” I genuinely wanted to Strangle the Shrewd look off his face but controlled myself. After much pleading and a Glorious promise to willingly share my Excellent lunch for the following month he ultimately answered.

“I started taking Tuitions from Ma’am. Ergo, I was talking to her.”

This was like a Beacon of renewed hope for me. You can’t imagine the astonishing Speed at which I sprinted towards the staffroom. I was so Overjoyed  I missed a turn and smashed face-first into an Innocent girl.

“Don’t you see where you are going” She screamed?

I got up and Sprinted off without a second look at her. My Excitement not Damped a bit. I found Ma’am outside the staffroom.

“Kush what are you doing here” she seemed amazed to see me.

“Ma’am I want to Promptly join your tuition classes” I Babbled before losing the nerve “I just heard about them from Charlie. I want to Join.”

Ma’am looked at me with a strange look, “Ok here take my Number.” She tore a small piece off her diary.” You can come on Monday. That’s my next class. Charlie will tell you the proper address” she rumpled my hair and walked stealthily away missing the rare look of bliss this brought to my face.

“You don’t need Tuition.” My Mum thundered “that too in English, Definitely not.”

I stood fully dressed going for my First day of Classes with Ma’am while my mum Ranted at me Squandering my time. I repeatedly glanced at my watch. It was precisely 3:30 PM if I didn’t leave Promptly I would be late.

That my friends would not be a Pleasing Impression to portray on a Crush.

“Ok, Mum I Promise I’ll get 90% in English this term if you Allow me to go” I pleaded my case. “Also, none of my other Marks will come down.”

This seemed to Instantly get my Mum’s Attention. “Let him go if he Eagerly wants” my Dad chimed in.

This is how I began my daily Tuitions with my Crush, my First Love. We were 10 students in our batch. I was a late Entrant, so Ma’am Urged me to arrive half an hour early to make up for the lost Time. Initially, it was half an hour of Study but slowly it became an hour of Calking and Chatting with Ma’am.

I Loved every minute of my Time with Ma’am. She was Bubbly Cute and Caring. Ma’am taught me more about Life than Literature. She Enlightened me about the Society the Societal norms and everything. I enjoyed these Walks so much I started staying for a part two after the Tuition ended. This brought a fresh Debate at my home, but I didn’t Budge or regret my Choice.

For two Memorable Years, my One-sided charming Love Story blossomed with Ma’am. By class 8 I became her Main Confidant. One day I remember Ma’am and I were sitting by a Pond. The sun was about to set. The Radiant sky had a Beautiful Orange Glow. Both of us were keenly Enjoying the distant Chirping of active birds and Quaking of the returning Ducks.

Joanne Ma’am looked at me with a soft Smile, “I have some News for you.” I sat up straighter Bestowing my utmost Attention upon her. “I want you to meet Someone.”

“Who,” I asked. Surprise clear in my voice.

“Someone special” she answered Mysteriously.

The entire Class after that I was only Pondering over the identity of the Mysterious person. By the time the Tuition ended, I was ready to Pluck my hairs apart.

We went our routine walk. The silence was Palpable. I noticed we were on an unusual Route than usual. I was about to Ask when Miss took a turn and promptly entered a House. I followed her in Quietly.

From Inside, I could hear familiar sounds of Musical Laughter coming. I gradually entered the Room all to find my Ghastliest Nightmare. Ma’am was Hugging a man in the middle of the room. I was floored. I stood there like a Gilded Statue.

They ended their Hug, but the Man, the Vile Van had an arm around Miss’ waist.

“This is Kush. My best friend. And Kush this is David, my fiancé”. Ma’am introduced us.

Her words Scorched me to my core. That night I could not Sleep. I was Numb. For countless hours I stared Wistfully into the Impenetrable Darkness of the Windless night. It Mirrored my Heart’s Misery. Finally when feelings returned the first thing I felt was Wetness. I was Aloof to the fact that I had been Crying in Agony. This Realization brought forward the finality of my One-sided Love. This, in turn, led to more Tears. The Frigid Night inevitably passed in a continuous flow of Burning Tears and Heartache.

For the succeeding week, I was a Zombie at school. The sole reason for my Attendance had been Snatched off. I remember the next time I went for Tuition I was purposefully late by 10 minutes just to skip our Walk. I noted the look of Hurt on Ma’am’s face, but my Heartache made me Indifferent to it.

After the class, I bolted off without any Plausible Excuse. She didn’t stop me. This continued for a month before Ma’am Confronted me.

I was Bolting away when “Kush please stay back. I have something I want to Talk to you about.” I heard Ma’am. The Coldness in her voice Struck me to my core.

Miss smartly walked passed me as I Trudged behind her for our walk. We walked in Silence. My head was in shambles. I could not decide what to do what to say. Suddenly I noticed we were not on the Road anymore but in a Field.

The field was Glowing. On further Examination, I noticed Thousands of Fireflies flying about. It was a Heavenly scene. The lights were like little Stars shining all around us. Miss led me to a Rock, and we sat down.

“I know you are naturally Upset” she began with a Defeated voice. It Wound my Heart to hear her speak with such Misery. “I’m sorry”.

I felt a small Tear roll down my eye. We sat in silence looking at the Beauty surrounding us. The Darkness of the night and the Starry lights of the bugs produced an Ominous but exquisite scene.

“Ma’am, I am sorry.” I finally began. Miss Looked at me, “I should have never Crossed my Line. I am Ashamed of my Behaviour. You thought of me as a Reliable Friend and I could not Honour our enduring Friendship.”

I got up and Walked a little into the Light in hope of Enlightenment. The scenery was Captivating.

“I want to ask you Something.” I heard a distant Whisper.

I slowly faced Miss. She ambled closer, “Will you come to my Wedding?”  She gently took my hand “It would mean a Mighty lot to me”.

I looked at the Hope, the small light of Hope in Ma’am’s eyes. I instantly decided that what may be I Sincerely Love her and I will do everything to give her Happiness.

“Obviously, I will be Scandalized if you don’t Invite me” I replied promptly with Mock anger. Miss voluntarily gave a small Soul lifting laugh.

Again that Night I could not sleep. But this time I had a Noble Purpose. I had made a Promise to myself. A promise to make Miss Happy and I intended to withhold it.

The next 2 months saw me Visiting Ma’am quite often. I was in charge of many Wedding Rituals. Ma’am was Married on 6th October at 11 am in our field. She had decided it would remain her Special Place. I was Bestowed upon the Honour of walking Ma’am down the Aisle with her Father on the other side.

It was a Magnificent Ceremony. The Bride and Groom were in Love, and it showed. Their sealing Kiss Bathed the Ceremony with Glorious Love.

Before Miss Left for her Honeymoon, she led me aside and Hugged me.

“Bless you for everything you did. I know you genuinely Love me.” She whispered in my ear. “I promise you will Invariably find a way better Innocent Girl than me. But I want you to Cherish our Relationship.”

She slowly Straightened and looked into my eyes, “I want you to never change.” She gently inclined forwards and tenderly Kissed me on the plump cheek. “And I urge you to Study.”

It has been Years since that Memorable day. I am still in good contact with Ma’am But the last Smile she willingly gave me before getting into her Car is etched in my heart. I can never forget that.

That’s all I can write for today. However, Don’t worry my miseries do not end so soon. Next Month I’ll Narrate the Tale of a Massive Heartbreak. This one will be more Relatable, I promise.

Please Comment. Also Share, my misery may Help Someone Else. You Never Know.


So, Keep loving.

Keep living.

Au revoir.

How to Enable Latest Google Chrome Features


Google’s Chrome web browser has made its way to become the world’s top web browser. I personally prefer and recommend chrome to anyone using the internet. It is feature loaded, clean and safe. If you are reading this article then, there are many chances that you also use Google Chrome either in your phone or PC/Mac. Google has also released its developer version on the Play Store.

Upcoming Google Chrome Features

The Chrome developer brings the features that are in the testing stage to the practical use of developers. The features which will release later in Chrome can be found in Chrome Dev. This time the Chrome Dev has got a new revamp. The new UI is different from the chrome everyone is used to, but at the same time, its more feature loaded. The Google Chrome Dev shows how future updates of Chrome will look like. This article also has a trick for Chrome users to make their experience better.

Chrome Dev: What’s changed?

The Chrome Dev has got a total to revamp. It has a got a bar in the bottom of the window while the buttons on the top bar are removed. Now, the top bar only shows the website’s URL. The bar at the bottom has 5 buttons, which are home, share, search, tabs, and options (three dots icon). With this, you don’t have to take your finger to the top of the screen much because most of the options are at the bottom. This makes it perfect for smartphones with a big screen. Now, let’s see what these buttons on the bottom bar have to offer.

Upcoming Google Chrome Features

  • The home button takes you back to the google search page which is the homepage of chrome. The home page hasn’t changed, it’s the same with a google search and recommended articles.
  • The share option lets you share the webpage’s link on various platform. You can also use it to copy the webpage’s link or to print the site.
  • So that you don’t have to take your finger to the top of the screen every time you want to change the URL or search term, you can use the search button on the bar, which does the same work as tapping the URL bar.
  • Next button is the tabs button, which shows you how many tabs you have opened, this screen listed is called the tab switcher. Clicking the button will show you the tabs you’ve opened in a vertical scroll. When in the tab switcher, the bottom bar will only have a plus button which will add a more tab upon clicking it. Besides the plus button, is the options button (three dots icon) of the tabs switcher which upon clicking will show options to make a new tab or a new incognito tab, close all the tabs, and open settings.
  • The options button (three dots) on the bottom bar (not the one in tabs switcher) will show you all the normal options that chrome already has.

With this, I’ve also included some tricks tome your chrome experience better, which are

1. Vertical Scroll To Horizontal Scroll (for both Chrome and Chrome Dev)

By default, in both chrome and chrome dev, the tabs switcher section has vertical scroll like shown in the picture below.

New TabI don’t like the vertical scroll because You can make it horizontal by following the steps given here:

Step 1) Tap the search button in the bottom bar in the Chrome Dev and in case of Chrome tap, the search bar

Chrome tap, The search bar

Step 2) Write in the search bar ‘ chrome://flags ‘ without the quotation marks. It will open Chrome’s flags page.


Step 3) There, in the search bar type ‘horizontal tab switcher’

chrome://flags ‘horizontal tab switcher’

Step 4) In the first result, tap the drop-down arrow beside the default written in a box. It will show three options click Enabled

Step 5) There’ll be a Relaunch Now option. Tap that

Vertical Scroll To Horizontal Scroll

Step 6) Open the Tab switcher and see the changes

2. Back and Forward Navigation Gestures  (Currently only for Chrome Dev)

If you have ever used Chrome on a Mac then, you know you awesome and useful is the double finger back and forward gesture. These gestures are only available for Chrome in macOS. But with Chrome Dev, you can use it on Android. With this, you can swipe from the left edge to go back to the last opened webpage and swipe from the right edge to forward. This feature can be pretty useful and considered as one of the perks of using Chrome in macOS. To enable it on android,

Step 1) Open the Chrome Dev’s flags page. (for how to open flags page, check above)

Step 2) There, in the search bar type ‘Overscroll history navigation

chrome://flags Overscroll history navigation

Step 3) Enable the first flag shown.

chrome://flags Overscroll history navigation

To use it, while browsing the web, swipe right from the left edge to go back to the last opened page and swipe left from the right edge to go back to the site you closed. This can be pretty useful.

Chrome Back and Forward Navigation Gestures

3. Dark Mode For Website (Only for Chrome Dev)

Dark Mode is a feature that is being introduced in may software. Firstly, introduced in macOS 10.14 Mojave, then Samsung’s new OneUI and it is supposed to be launched in iOS 13 in June this year. Chrome Dev has got Dark Mode support for websites but not from native pages like the New Tab Page. This is how it looks.

Dark Mode For Website (Only on Chrome Dev)

Yeah, I know it looks like someone has forcefully made the dark theme for mobisium.com site. Some text combinations are unreadable due to the background image. And, Overall, doesn’t seem as good as expected. Look at the screenshots of Flipkart and facebook, Their logo and the background aren’t matching at all. But still best out of all of them is Twitter, I mean neither any logo background mismatching nor any other thing that would make it look weird.

Twitter Dark Mode works Seamlessly
Twitter Dark Mode works Seamlessly

I think Google Chrome just changes the color of all the places where white is there. Still, if you wanna turn on and try the dark mode in Chrome Dev, here’s how to.

  1. Go to the chrome dev’s flags page. (for how to open flags page, tap here)
  2. Search for dark mode and enable it
  3. To relaunch chrome and open any site

This article was to inform you about the new features that will come in the new Google Chrome updates and enable the not-so-good (or actually weird) Dark mode in various websites. If you liked the article, make sure to drop a line in the comments section below and I’ll make sure to check it out.


Menopause : How it Affects Skin and its Treatment


An important factor in skin aging for women is the onset of menopause that time in a woman’s life when her body stops manufacturing estrogen and when ovulation and menstruation cease. Menopause is a rite of passage now affecting millions of women.

Impact of Menopause

Menopause : How it affects Skins & Treatment

The effect of menopause on the lives of women varies a lot. Some women find the transition “no big deal”, whereas others find themselves suffering months. Perhaps years, of physical and emotional discomfort.  Symptoms can appear at any time in what is technically called “the period-menopausal process”: premenopause, when periods become irregular and lighter or heavier; menopause, when the periods stops; postmenopause, the process can begin in the early forties or in initial fifties, but by age 55, around 95% of women will be postmenopause.

Problems of Menopause

All should be aware of the potential physical problems of menopause conditions such as hot flashes, headaches, heart palpitations, fatigue, insomnia, weight gain, dry skin, hair loss and vaginal dryness that can mean painful intercourse. Emotionally, there can be increased anxiety, irritability, “fuzzy-mindedness,” changes in sexual drive, and mild to deep depression which can compound the stress in women’s lives. On top of all this, there can be women’s increasing concern about their physical appearance and general attractiveness and the fear of “looking old”.

Menopause : How it affects Skins & Treatment

Affecting the Skin

The hormonal changes that take place during menopause do affect the skin though compared to other problems, dry skin and occasional acne can seem like the least of your worries. Still, for many women, the wrinkles that begin to appear more apparent as they enter menopause are the most visible tangible signs of aging. There are also other skin changes that are hormonally related like increased dryness, loss of skin elasticity and for many women the appearance or reappearance of acne.

Hormonal Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Hormonal Replacement Therapy

Many women are attracted to hormone replacement therapy in hopes of achieving younger looking skin. HRT refers to replacing the estrogen and progesterone depleted by menopause. Deciding whether or not to take hormones and for how long is a very individual decision that should not be made only on the basis of skin appearance. It is a decision to be made in consultation with your doctor, hopefully, a physician who is knowledgeable of menopause, HRT, etc. There are different kinds of hormones and number of ways to take them – orally, vaginally, rubbing them into the skin or via a skin patch.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the only estrogen was prescribed for menopausal women, and by the mid-1970s, reports were indicating that women on long term estrogen replacement were showing increasing evidence of endometrial cancer(cancer on the lining of the uterus).
Menopause : How it affects Skins & Treatment

Menopausal Treatment

One of the newest developments in menopausal treatment is the use of natural forms of estrogen and progesterone.  They are derived from soybeans and wild Mexican yam by massaging the cream into the skin. There are few side effects which are reported of such creams. Many health practitioners are finding that the progesterone cream alone helps relieve menopausal symptoms and is it an effective alternative to HRT.

Menopausal women are also finding that ancient Chinese herbal medicines like dong quai and ginseng relieve hot flashes and vaginal dryness. There are quite a few other alternatives to hormonal supplements available through acupuncturists, homeopaths and herbalists who are knowledgeable about menopause. These treatments may be useful for those who don’t want to take hormones or who have poorly reacted by taking them.

A Tour to the Heart of Jainism


It is one of the three major religions of early India, which has been continuously followed around the middle of the first millennium BC. Jainism emerged in India about the same period as Buddhism. It was founded by Mahavira ( 599 – 527 BC) in about 500 B. C. Mahavira was born around Patna in which is now known as Bihar state. Mahavira was called ‘Jina’ meaning the big winner and from this title was derived the name of the religion.

Jainism is related to Buddhism. Both were developed as discord to the Brahmanic philosophy that was imperative during that period in north-east India. Both share a belief in incarnation which eventually leads to freedom.

A Tour to the Heart of Jainism

Jainism is procured from the word Jina, meaning ‘liberator’ or ‘victor’, referring to religious rather than material conquest. Jains firmly believe (as do Buddhists and Hindus) in a cycle of birth and rebirth, influenced by the effects of the individual’s behaviours and attitudes this concept is known as ‘karma’.

The final goal of the believer is to divide the cycle and attain liberation. To aid them to achieve this goal, Jains worship a group of 24 liberated souls called Jinas or Tirthankaras they were ‘those who ford the river’ between the material and spiritual worlds, who serve as teachers and role models to the followers.

Jainism springs with a solemn concern for the human soul in its relationship with the laws overseeing existence in the universe, with other living beings, and to its own eventual state in eternity. Firstly, it is a belief of the heart: the golden rule of which is Ahimsa or nonviolence in all parts of a person– mental, verbal, and physical.

Jains have deep empathy for all forms of life. Jainism offers a quiet, overwhelmingly earnest way of life, a cultural emphasis on kindness, a society of ethics that has dramatically transformed the world and will remain to effect change. Jainism is an ecologically responsible way of life which is peaceful in thought, action, and accomplishment.
A Tour to the Heart of Jainism

Features of Jainism:

Truth and Non Violence

It is based on two principal concepts: Nonviolence (ahimsa) and truth (satya). These are essential not only for individual enlightenment but also for social welfare and affluence. All the twenty-four Tirthankars taught nonviolence and honesty for spiritual advancement as against divine rituals. Nonviolence is based on the virtue of life and love for all living beings. Truth clarifies the mind. Speaking pleasant and nutritive truth is nobler than silence.

Human Peace

Jain ethics deals with interpreting human peace problem. Jainism, owing to its complete and accommodative view, is well-equipped to resolve the predicament of world peace. Jainism addresses the multiplicity of perspectives which is called anekantavada.

Universal Religion

One of the unique qualities of the Jain religion is that it can be adopted as a ‘universal religion’. If a person who is not even a supporter of the Jain religion works dharma which consists in becoming free from attachment and aversion, they are a Jain in the true sense. This shows the kindness of Jainism. There is a concept of asocca kevali” in Jainism. This concept in the Jain religion gravels the way for it being accepted as a universal religion, It is indeed a “Non- parochial religion”.

There are over 4,000,000+ followers of Jainism with majority of population residing in India

The Caste System

In the Jain religion, the notion of caste is contemplated unreal. It does not give any refined importance to caste by birth. During the period of Lord Mahavira, the Vedic tradition concocted much strain on caste. Lord Mahavira elevated his voice toward this. He said ‘Brahmana, Ksatriya, Vaisya and Sudra are all classified according to their performance and not according to their caste’.

A single person can belong to all four castes in his life. When a person guards their country against enemies, he becomes a Ksatnya. When he does several businesses, he becomes a Vaisya. When he performs a service, he is a Sudra and while teaching he is a Brahmana. Lord Mahavira does not give any refined attention to caste, he was totally fronting the practice of untouchability. According to him, to judge anyone untouchable on the grounds of caste was violence. He has always lectured that he says, “No hine, No airitte.” which implies that , “No one is inferior, no one is superior.”


Jainism has always supported equality. Lord Mahavira assigned equal value to men and women. Mahavira was the primary person who inducted women into his order. Mahavira went abreast the dominant social norms and uplifted the fair sex, as a result, that nuns outnumbered monks. Historical documents show that there were 14000 monks and 36000 nuns in Mahavira’ s order.

The Ontological View

The ontological view of Jains is regarded primarily with life and survival rather than the conception of the universe and the conception of God. Jainism, however, cannot be viewed as agnosticism or metaphysical nihilism. It is to the honor of Jain thinkers that they assembled a philosophy and theory of truth out of the negative path. Jainism does not contradict reality. Jain philosophers adopted an intermediate course by propounding a theory that the world consisted of two infinite, uncreated, synchronizing but sovereign categories of substances.

The Concept of Godhood:

The true God is not the God as the architect of the cosmos, nor the God who tides over our economic problems or panders to our vanity by fulfilling our wishes, but it is the God who appears within and through our value-sense, pulling us up and through the developing ideas and with whom I may perceive myself to be united in the profound bonds of love. Jain preaching’s said a man is mounted to Godhood and God to man.

The 24 Jain Tirthankaras (or Jinas). Jaipur Circa 1850
The 24 Jain Tirthankaras (or Jinas). Jaipur Circa 1850

Teachings of Jainism

Mahavira did not consider in the existence of God. He considered that God is the biggest, the stateliest and the comprehensive manifestation of all the powers which lie latent in the soul of man. The teachings of Mahavira were uncomplicated. He based his teachings on three thoughts which were as follows:

  1. Right Faith (Samyak Darshana): Right faith implies hearing, seeing, feeling, and sensing everything right and to steer clear of conjecture and notions that can get in the way of seeing the truth.
  2. Right Knowledge (Samyak Gyana): It means having a methodical and satisfactory knowledge of the universe. This includes having information of the 5 substances of the universe, however having this knowledge with the right mental state. A person who has accurate knowledge will be simply freed from these things and by doing that will achieve peace of mind.
  3. Right Conduct or Action (Samyak Charitra): means conveying your life in the right way according to the Jain rules, and to not wreck any living thing, or to be fastened to properties.  Jains believe that a person who has the right faith and right understanding will be motivated to have right conduct. They also believe that a person without right faith and knowledge will not be able to deliver the right conduct. This means there is no use of following the reality and rituals to impress someone.

These three instructions are called Triratna or Three jewels. Apart from the three jewels, Mahavira preached his disciples to follow the five principles which are as follows:

  1. Ahimsa – not to hurt any living beings
  2. Satya – to speak justice
  3. Asteya – not to steal
  4. Tyag – not to own property
  5. Brahmacharya – to lead a righteous life.

Jain Councils

The description of the three Jain councils has been given below:

Name Year Place King Purpose
1st Council 3rd century BC Pataliputra now (Patna) Stulabahu At this council, they gathered the sacred knowledge and put together the eleven Angas.
2nd Council 5th century AD Mathura and Vallabhi Skandila It was called to continue the transmission of sacred knowledge after famines.
3rd Council _  Vallabh  Svetambara Jain monks This Council appeared to reduce down to writing sacred texts (JainAgama) that had so far been transmitted orally.

Jain literature

Lord Mahavir’s teaching was personally organized by his disciples into many Sutras (texts). Collectively these texts are called Jain accepted or Agam literature. he Ang-agams are the former religious scriptures and the backbone of Jain writing. The twelfth Ang-agam is called Drastivad. The Drastivad consists of fourteen Purva subjects, also known as Purvas or Purva-agams.

Jain Literature also called as Jain Agamas. They are official texts of Jainism based on Mahavira’s teachings. There are in all 46 texts.

  • Purva: It is one of the well known Jain literature. The contents of the Purvas was so vast, that the culture holds that, the first one is written by the pamphlet of the ink that is commensurate to the size of one elephant. Another one is two times larger, and the third one is two courses larger than the second one and so on. It was said that all efforts to express the knowledge of Purva in words were in trivial.

It provided specific information about six kinds of reals or substances, all kinds of living creatures, the things which were to exist for infinite time, those which were to come into actuality for a fleeting time and their time of extinction, five kinds of knowledge, truth, soul, karma, mantra, benefits of self-discipline, the lifestyle of monks and householders, birth, death and a comprehensive description of the whole universe.

Kalpa sutra-Jina's mother dreams
Kalpa sutra-Jina’s mother dreams

There are in total fourteen Purvas containing several descriptions and details:

  1. Utpaad Pūrva: Living (Jiv), non-living (Ajiv), and its modes (Paryäya)
  2. Agrayaniya Purva: Nine realities (Navtattva), six substances (Shad-dravya), etc.
  3. Viryapravada Purva: Relating to the energy of the soul, non-living, etc.
  4. Asti Nasti Pravada Purva: Multiplicity of views (Anekāntvād), Saptabhangi, etc.
  5. Jnana Prāvada Pūrva: Five types of knowledge and three types of ignorance, etc.
  6. Satya Pravada Purva: Relating to the truth, restraint, silence (Maun), speech, etc.
  7. Atma pavada Purva: Analysis of soul from different view points (naya)
  8. Karma Pravada Pūrva: Theory of karma, its bondage, influx, its nature, fruition, shedding
  9. Pratyakhyana Purva: Giving up (Pachchhakhän), restraint, vows, detachment, etc.
  10. Vidyā Pravāda Purva: Expertise (vidyä), exceptional abilities, practice
  11. Kalyana Pravada Purva: Spiritual alertness (Apramäd) and laziness (Pramäd)
  12. Prana Pravada Purva: Ten types of life substances or vitalities (Prän), life span, etc.
  13. Kriyā Visala Purva: Skills, 64 arts of women, 84 arts of men, etc.
  14. Lokbindus ā Purva: Three parts of the universe including heavens and hells, mathematics, etc.
Samavasarana of Tirthankara
Samavasarana of Tirthankara

Agama: These are handbooks of Jainism based on the discussions of the Tirthankara. The discourse delivered in a Samavasarana (divine preaching hall) is called Śhrut Jnāna and covers twelve angas which are as follows:

  • Ācāranga sūtra
  • Sūtrakrtanga
  • Sthānānga
  • Samavāyānga
  • Vyākhyāprajñapti or Bhagavati sūtra
  • Jnātrdhārmakathāh
  • Upāsakadaśāh
  • Antakrddaaśāh
  • Anuttaraupapātikadaśāh
  • Praśnavyākaranani
  • Vipākaśruta
  • Drstivāda

Jain architecture

Jain architecture is a by-product of Hindu and Buddhist styles. In the initial years, many Jain temples were made appending the Bhuddhist temples following the Buddhist rock-cut architecture. Initially, these temples were largely sculpted out of rock faces and the use of bricks was almost negligible

Ranakpur Temple
Ranakpur Temple

The enrichment of Jain art to the mainstream art in India has been considerable. Every phase of Indian art is designed by a Jain version and each one of them is worthy of scrupulous study and understanding. The magnificent Jain temples and sculptured monuments of Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Rajasthan are world-renowned. The most magnificent of all Jain temples are found at Ranakpur and Mount Abu in Rajasthan. Deogarh (Lalitpur, U.P.), Ellora, Badami, and Aihole also have some of the valuable specimens of Jain Art. Features of Jain architecture are as follows:

  • As exposed to solitary Hindu temples, Jain temple architecture are mostly found in the form of ‘temple-cities’. These temple-cities are magnificent temple compounds, which contain huge numbers of an individual or interconnected temples and shrines.
  • Most of the Jain pilgrimage sites were built on hilltops which include Palitana temple in Gujarat, Sonagiri temple in M.P. etc.
  • The cells of these temples have pointy domes and wherever there is a dome, the shafts are omitted to create an octagonal space within.
  • Jain temples are noted for the use of rich materials like marble and ornamentation.
  • Domes or shikharas on the top are usually miniature than the ones found in Hindu temples. These versatile dome points, reaching toward the sky give a very distinct appearance to Jain temple cities.
Dilwara temple
Dilwara Temple
  • Jain temples have numerous pillars having a well-designed structure, forming a square.
  • The squares thus formed constitute chambers or chapels which contains the image of a deity.
  • These pillars and roofs of the temple are richly carved and well decorated.
  • Unlike Buddhist Viharas, the Jain viharas do not have the assembly or prayer hall surrounded by cells.  The cells of Jain viharas are small and plain, intended to observe rigorous asceticism by Jain monks. The doorways are also small and one has to stoop or crawl to enter a cell.
  • Jain temples were mostly constructed on platforms or terraces, generally referred to as “Jagati” or “Vedi”. Even rock-cut cave temples have platforms. This was done to elevate the temple above the surrounding surface and create a distinct sacred area.
  • Jain temples are enclosed by free-standing high compound walls, called as Prakara.
  • Structurally speaking, a Jain temple is formed on a square plan with openings in four cardinal directions, each of which could lead to the image of a Tirthankara. The Chamukh temple of Lord Adinath is a typical example of the four-door temple.

5 Amazing Apps To Learn a New Language


Austrian Philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein quoted that still rings true today. Language learning helps you to establish critical thinking skills and problem-solving when you are deciphering a language’s vocabulary, grammar, sentence Structure, meaning, sounds and orthography.

According to the research from Pennsylvania State University, Juggling can help you to build better minds as one can easily switch between different Structures. So, It is always better to learn about some new language which can help you to build critical thinking skills and problem-solving.

It is understood Mobile applications can be the great solution for mastering a new tongue or brushing up the old school days skills since they are portable, convenient and relatively low cost.

1. Babbel


Babbel is a mobile application which is a subscription based application. you will find first less free. you get an option to select from the 14 languages with listen and repeat words and then you can give the test of what you have learned. you can disable the microphone and just hear the words spoken to you along with the brief quiz at the end.

After you have finished all the lessons, you can view the vocabulary lists and then you can choose from the flashcards or writing exercises to review about your learnings. And If you are serious about learning another language, you should not mind the subscription price because Babbel is among the greatest choice.

Download: Babbel for Android | iOS (Free)

2. Bussu


Bussu is another mobile application which has boasted over 80 million users worldwide. You have a choice of 12 languages with the full course, exercise reviews from native speakers and accent training. you will get a good complete experience with Busuu. You can start with the placement test so that you start at the right level.

sometimes it is terrific if you are not a complete beginner but you want to practice language skills that you learned earlier. it also provides access, grammar tips and official certificates with its premium upgrade.

Download: Busuu for Android | iOS (Free)

3. Duolingo

Duolingo is the application with a bright and intuitive interface. Duolingo lets you to naturally progress at your own pace. you need to start with simple phrases and gradually move to more complex sentences. It will provide you with help at every step of the what as Duolingo points out mistakes and praises your efforts. Duolingo features reading, writing, and pronunciation by challenging you with a fun range of the activities. It is very amazing how fast you can pick up the basics without even realizing it. you can revisit your lessons and work on your weaknesses. it offers you an upbeat experience and lets you join clubs for healthy practice, and really does make learning enjoyable.

Download: Duolingo for Android | iOS (Free)

4. Memrise


Most of the students these days use flashcards which help them through their exams and Memrise follows the same approach. it starts off slowly. if you want to learn Russian, you will be guided through the Cyrillic alphabets. But, it doesn’t mean its a bad method. there are quaint and simplistic visual aids. Memrise has a friendly interface which is encouraging and attractive. if you are really interested to expand your language skills you can take a look at Memrise Pro which offers games, chatbots, and offline mode for learning on the go.

Download: Memrise for Android | iOS (Free)

5. Clozemaster


if you are looking for the gamified language learning experience with an old school look and feel. you should check out the Clozemaster application. it offers more than 100 languages and an option of the text-to-speech feature, and a free account for saving your progress. you can start with the most common words and you earn points for selecting the correct word missing from the sentence. and when you are ready you can take on the grammar challenges. Clozemaster is the good followup for testing the latest leaning or brushed up skills on a language you learned time back.

Download: Clozemaster for Android | iOS (Free)

if you are familiar with more than one language it will help you to improve your memory. it will enhance your perception and will give you greater command over your native tongue. it can help you to expand your business and introduce it to your new friends. it is a wonderful way to better yourself. with all these applications it is very easy to try ou to learn languages like Spanish, Gaelic, French or even Mongoli.

How to Jail break on iOS 12


Apple unveiled its new iOS 12. it is the next major iOS software update for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch in 2018 at WWDC in June. it includes several new features and improvements. Some of the new iOS 12 features are:

  • Improved Performace
  • Memoji: it allows users to quickly turn themselves into an Animoji. it comes with a variety of customization options as well.
  • Improvements in the Photos app.
  • Siri Shortcuts: that gives full automation workflows to users and lots more.

Despite so many improvements, there are many reasons to jailbreak iOS 12. Like, to install iFile, it is an application which gives access to file system, tweaks like Message Customizer. it lets you customize each aspect of the Messages app and ability to lock apps and folders using Touch ID and lots

Apple since iOS 12 introduction has released 6 updates for bug fixes and improvements.

Jail Break Ios12

How to JailBreak on iOS 12?

Some of the pre-Requisites are

  • You should make sure that no iOS 12 OTA files are downloaded in your iPhone or iPad. if it is there you can delete it from Settings —> Storage and then reboot your device.
  • with Cydia and Substrate compatibility is there, maybe some reports might not work due to an iOS 12 bug.
  • if you want to prevent future iOS 12 OTA updates, you can download and install tvOS 12 profile on it.
  • You make sure to Create a backup of all the important data on the Device.

Warning: Various people some time faces the boot loop issue. We recommend caution before proceeding.

if you have a device which is running on iOS 12.1.4 then you can downgrade it to iOS 12.1.1 beta 3 as it’s still being signed by Apple.

Guide to Jailbreak iOS 12 Using Unc0ver and Installing Cydia.

Unc0ver Jailbreak

Uncover Jailbreak is released with Cydia. Uncover jailbreak is added to zJailbreak. you can install it from zJailbreak and jailbreak your device with just a single tap. you don’t need a computer.


  • it is compatible with iOS 12 – 12.1.2. it is not available for higher versions. you can check the other solution of jailbreak if your device has higher versions.
  • It is available for A8X-A11 devices such as iPhone 7., iPhone 8, iPhone X.

Step 1: Download the Latest version of Unc0ver beta.

  • Download the latest version of Undecimus IPA which is the uncover application. it is available in iTunes with its latest version and Cydia Impactor for either of operating systems, mac or Windows.

Step 2: Connect your device to the computer via standard USB cable.

  • Connect your iPhone or iPad device to your computer and ensure iTunes recognizes the iDevice. if it doesn’t recognize, you need to establish a connection by tapping “trust” on your device and Continue inside iTunes.

Step 3: Quit the iTunes and launch the Cydia Impactor

  • MAC OS: if you are Mac OS, you need to mount the .dmg Cydia Impactor download and drag the program to your applications folder. you will receive an alert about not being able to open Cydia impactor because it was downloaded from the internet. you may need to check system preferences app -> Security and privacy.
  • Windows OS: your download will be in .zip format. you need to extract Cydia Impactor from the zipped file. it is recommended to extract the program at your desktop to make it easy to access. you don’t need to run the program as administrator, as it will disable the ability to drag files into the interface. it is a key iOS 12 unc0ver jailbreak.

Step 4: Verification of Device.

  • You need to verify that your iDevice is recognized by the Cydia Impactor. it is selected in the top drop-down menu. you can drag the Undecimus(uncover).IPA into the Cydia Impactor interface.

Step 5: You need to input your Apple ID and your password.

Step 6: Trust the Certificate.

  • Go into Settings ->General ->Device Management. you tap on the developer’s name and trust the certificate. Without doing this, you won’t be able to launch the unc0ver jailbreak application on your iPhone.

Step 7: Delete the OTA file.

  • Delete the OTA file .you can navigate to the Settings->General->iPhone Storage and find the software update. tap it and Delete update. next, you can download the tvOS beta profile to prevent OTA iOS software updates from loading.

Step 8: Jailbreak iOS 12 using Unc0ver

  • Open the Unc0ver and tap on the jailbreak button and wait for the application to do its job. Your Apple device such as iPhone or iPad will respring during the process. After it is over you will see the Cydia icon on your home screen.
  • if the application gets Stuck at the step “Extracting Cydia…”, you need to reboot your iPhone/iPod and then try to jailbreak it again.
  • After successfully jailbreaking your iPhone or iPad on iOS 12 with unc0ver jailbreak if you still face some issues you can comment below.

JailBreak iOS 12 Using Ziyu Repo Extractor.

Ziyu Repo extractor.

Ziyu is the jailbreak repository extractor for iOS 12. it works even higher versions like iOS 12.1.2,12.1.3 and iOS 12.1.4. It is a paid, you can download diamond versions for $29.99. it can be installed free from zJailbreak app store.

Ziyu Repo extractor
Compatibility: All iPhones having a 64-bit architecture including all the latest iPhone XS, XS Max, and XR.

Ziyu Installation Guide:

  • you can install Jailbreak. you need to provide your passcode to continue the installation.
  • you can open jailbreak and you can tap on Ziyu to install it.
  • you need to make sure that you have updated your device to iOS 12 or higher versions before installing the application.

How to Install Jailbreak applications iOS 12- iOS 12.1.4.

  • For installation of the applications, you can open the repo extractor.
  • you will get a Ziyu compatible repo list. You need to select the repo and tap the copy button.
  • now you can go back to the home page od Ziyu. After tapping the Extract repo button and paste the copied repo.
  • You can tap the extract button and repo will extract. It will display Jailbreak/3rd party apps. you can install any jailbreak applications by tapping the install button.
  • You can use the repo to install a special version of Cydia for iOS 12  and other versions running devices.

Instagram for business: The complete guide For Beginners


Instagram for business and how not to use? From the popularity growth of Instagram Stories to the most recent advertising expansion opportunities, it’s a good time to use Instagram commercially.

How can you make the most of Instagram advertising for business? I have covered everything from starting and creating a content strategy to developing your brand and driving results. But before we start, we want to make you clear. Why should we have an Instagram account for Companies?

If you are an SME or a large company having an Instagram account for companies opens the doors to the metrics of your audience. Who follows you? What demographic data do they share? How do they interact with your community? Anyway, this is not the only benefit that this type of account will allow you to have. One of the best benefits to project a reliable, business and uniform image to increase security in your followers. Anyway, this and much more we will talk in more detail below.

How To Set Up An Instagram Account For Business

How to setup Instagram account

  1. If you still do not have it, getting Instagram for business is very simple.
  2. Download the app on your mobile device from the Apple Store or on Google Play (it’s free).
  3. If you do not have an account you can create it from the app, or log in from your Facebook profile.
  4. Once you are in the application, you can switch to Business Mode in the settings menu.
  5. Once you have the business app you can include important information such as office hours, location and a phone number.

Here are some tips to optimize Instagram’s profile for business.

Your Username And Biography

For an easy search, your Instagram username must match the username of your other brand profiles on social networks. The only additional information that appears on your public profile is your website (a URL, which you can change to promote campaigns or new content) and a short biography.

Use your biography to explain what your company is about and what people can expect from your Instagram profile. You should also include branded Hashtags that you want your followers to use. Check our publication, including any advertising hashtag that you want your followers to use. Visit our publication Ideas for Instagram biographies for business and start your social strategy today.

Profile Picture

Instagram profile photo should be your company’s logo. Making your other profile photos coincide will help you to be recognized since the people who follow you on Twitter or Facebook will immediately recognize your brand.

Dominate Instagram and grow your online presence

Your Instagram profile photo will be cut in a circle in the app, so you should make sure that the image you select looks good in that way. Although the profile picture will be 110 pixels in diameter in the mobile application, select a larger image, as it will look larger on the Internet.

Connect With People

To boost the presence of your company on Instagram, you must follow many users. Find influencers in your industry, clients and other relevant people for your brand and follow them.

The demographic sectors of Instagram vary widely, so make sure you know who you’re addressing exactly. Search hashtags of the sector and make your presence known by commenting on photos and following people who participate in these conversations. You’d be surprised how quickly this can increase your number of followers on Instagram

Promoting Instagram Account For Business

Add your Instagram user for business to your web properties and other social profiles to promote the account. In addition, you can send a message or two in which you ask your followers of your other networks, who also follow you on Instagram.

Managing Your Social Media Presence Along

Hootsuite makes it easy to manage and grow your presence on Instagram. From the same board that you are already using for all your other networks, you can monitor comments and hashtags, interact with your audience, measure results, and schedule or publish photos directly to Instagram.

Setting Goals On Instagram Business Account

All your Instagram efforts should be based on strategic goals. What does your company hope to achieve when using Instagram? Establish goals that relate to the goals of departments or the company in general. For example:

  • Increase product sales
  • Generate traffic to your website
  • Increase brand recognition
  • Increase customer satisfaction
  • Attract the best talent
  • Identify and establish relationships with influencers

No matter what you try to achieve, your Instagram goals must be specific, measurable, feasible, relevant and timely (or SMART, if you prefer acronyms).

How To Create Content Marketing Strategy For Instagram

Surfing sporadically on Instagram, liking a few photos and posting a picture of your dog’s face for the fourth time in the week works well for a person using the platform. But you need to have a more conscious marketing plan on Instagram for business if you want to create a solid community and real results for your company. Your strategy must comply with 4 key aspects.

1. Frequency and schedules to publish

You should have a publication calendar, but do not fill your publications followers. The smartest way to find out what works best for your business is to test the publications at different intervals and schedules in order to track the results. Once you have deciphered the best pace, a shared content calendar is the best way to control what will be published and when.

2. Content topics

Varying the different content topics will allow things to remain interesting for your followers, and allow you to achieve different goals. For example, an institute of higher education, whose objective is to increase recognition and attract new students, could use competitions, stories of graduates and life within its facilities as its main content topics.

3. Style guidelines

Do you use emojis in your captions? Are there grammar rules that your brand follows? What hashtags do you use? What kind of public photos? Are there visual indications to which each publication should stick? Your style guidelines should cover all the ways in which your brand differentiates and maintains consistency. We will see more in detail how you can define these aspects in the next section.

4. Rules of interaction

These rules should cover how and when your company should interact with other Instagram accounts, from liking and commenting on other people’s photos to managing incoming comments on your own account. Professional advice: Do not automate your interactions. We have tried it and it does not work well.

Creating a Brand Name for Instagram Account

The visual aspect of Instagram prevails, for the most part, so try to create a consistent and recognizable brand identity. These are some ways you can do it:

1. Generate visual consistency

A WebDam report on the visual aspect of social networks found that 60 per cent of the best brands on Instagram use the same filter for each publication. If you use the same filters, again and again, you will establish a style that will become recognizable to your followers. Because your goal is to make Instagram users stop scrolling once they see your image, (in order to interact with it by liking or commenting on it), the more you instantly recognize your photos, the better.

Mobile photo editing applications such as VSCOcam or Enhance can offer additional filters or editing options to help you discover your style. Even photos that have been edited or filtered in other applications can also be imported into Instagram.

2. Choose a specific theme

At a visual level, you must decide on what content your publications will focus on. In some cases, the content will be obvious: a clothesline will show clothes, a restaurant will post pictures of their dishes.

You do not need to have a lifestyle brand to publish content of that type. Hootsuite is a social media management solution, but our Instagram news section publishes photos and videos of our staff, our dogs and our offices.

3. Be honest with your audience

Your company will not succeed on Instagram just by mimicking the strategy of other brands. What works with Starbucks or Red Bull will not necessarily work with a financial institution or nonprofit organization. Focus on your audience and make sure you meet their interests and expectations. Analyze what works with your company on other social networks, the content that your audience shares on Instagram and how they interact with your competitors or similar brands.

4. Use creativity with your Instagram content for businesses

Take a photo, add a filter and publish it immediately. It is not like this? That could have worked when Instagram took its first steps, but the platform has matured and now gives many opportunities for companies to share different types of interactive and eye-catching content. These are some ways to blow your imagination and be creative with your Instagram content.

5. Do not neglect the comments

Instagram is all about visually appealing content, but do not neglect the comments that accompany each photo, these represent a great opportunity for your company to tell a story. Instagram comments allow you to explain an image, give context and even make your followers laugh (especially if you are a professional with emojis). You can also link an image back to your company. Check out these 12 tips to write the best comments on Instagram.

6. Use photo and video albums

You can add up to 10 photos and videos in a single Instagram post, which gives users the opportunity to browse and view each content individually. These albums offer companies a way to combine photos and videos to tell stories and convey information in a highly attractive way. Here are five ways you can use Instagram albums to create interactive publications for your company.

7. Take a chance with Instagram stories

Instagram Stories have quickly accumulated 250 million average users per day, and it seems that companies will not stop using them. Content removal features and live streams make Instagram Stories the perfect vehicle for companies to take creative risks and create photos as well as eye-catching videos. For more information, see our publication on how your company can use Instagram Stories.

8. Collaborate with influencers

Identify the influential people in Instagram that are relevant to your brand or industry and start creating a relationship. Give them control of your account for a day for a takeover, or ask if you can provide sponsored content on your own account. This could be a huge benefit as they will expose your brand to your huge Instagram community. While many influencers charge a lot of money for their services, even small and medium businesses can use this tactic when associating with local influencers. Learn more about this strategy in our guide for influential marketing in social networks.

Improving Business Results With INSTAGRAM Ads

Social media ads have proven to be an effective means of generating new business, and Instagram ads are no exception. It does not matter if your goal is to generate brand recognition, get more visits to the website or increase downloads of your mobile application, Instagram ads can help you access a huge and participatory audience. Learn how to make the most of them in our Instagram advertising guide.

Use Hootsuite to save time managing the presence of your Instagram and share Instagram videos, schedule posts and monitor your efforts. Try it for free today.