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Benefits of Yoga and Meditation


Yoga and meditation are not so trending these days, but both of them have been there since centuries, with Hatha yoga practices dating back as far as the 11th century in the Far East. During the 1980s, the western world caught onto the benefits of Yoga and Meditation; both of them became popular. There have been many studies that have been devoted to highlighting the benefits of these practices.  Yoga is not only a practice of physical exercise but also a core. It has both spiritual and meditative ground.


Yoga and meditation act together, both are different practices both are grounded to spirituality and benefits the mind and the body. Yoga helps you to improve flexibility, balance, endurance and physical strength. While meditation it helps to keep the mind sharp and the clear. It relieves one from stress and improves overall well-being.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness or focusing their mind on a particular object, thought or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.

As per Wikipedia


Meditation refers to a type of mental exercise and reflection that people do about something in particular, whether spiritual or physical. It is an activity that can be done by anyone.

Meditation refers to a group of techniques known to enhance specific skills such as concentration, conscious state regulation, and self-awareness. The disciples of Buddhism and Yoga traditionally followed meditation techniques and were used to upgrade personal development and spiritual growth. Thus, meditation has been more intimately associated with the system of religious and philosophical beliefs in India and East Asia.

Benefits of Meditation:

  • It will improve your physical and mental health.

It will improve your physical and mental health.

  • It strengthens the immune system, reduces pain, improves the circulatory, digestive and muscular systems and helps in fighting depression.

man disturbed

  • Reduce stress, anxiety and improve mental well-being, and help you improve the day from a state of alert.

anxiety issues

  • Fight insomnia, falling asleep will be much easier, enjoy more rest and feeling full of energy when you wake up.

Man writing

  • Improves concentration and memory, improves your ability to focus, also producing an improvement in your memory.

happy family

  • Indicate to maintain a more positive attitude towards life, accepting and facing the challenges of day to day, even the most difficult, as part of the continuous process of personal growth, decreasing the negativity.

Meditation will make you happier, and you will feel more fulfilled in life

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. Yoga is one of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophical traditions.

As per Wikipedia


Yoga is a word that comes from the Sanskrit language and means the union: The union of body, heart, and spirit.

The roots of yoga are found in India and go back several thousand years. It is a series of ancient exercises that are practiced a lot today. The goal of it is to achieve a higher level of concentration through meditation. The connection of the mind with the inner self and realizing that desired inner peace.

Yoga means “union.” A union of the body, mind, and spirit of the human being but we also consider yoga the set of disciplines and physical techniques that allow us to discover the nature of the human being.

Benefits of Yoga:

  • Inner Peace: The most immediate results of the practice of Yoga have to do with inner peace. Yoga gives us this experience and develops the right attitude.Heart
  • Cardiovascular Improvement: The practice of Yoga contributes to improving the heart and lung. The rhythm of breathing activity that the body needs for the functioning of a healthy heart is nourished

heart beat

  • Blood and Oxygen Circulation: Yoga postures and movement, helps improve circulation efficiently and helps the oxygenation of the body’s cells.

yoga positions

  • Flexibility Improvement: Yoga improves flexibility and mobility and increases the range of motion. With practicing Yoga daily, the muscles stretch more efficiently and the joints increase their elasticity.

Happy lungs

  • Better Breathing: This facilitates the recovery of the most critical function for the human being, complete natural breathing.

Weight transformation

  • Weight loss: The practice of Surya “Namaskar” and “Kapalbhati” are two of the different practice yoga offers for weight loss.

How do they differ?

Meditation is an element of yoga which is concerned with mental relaxation and awareness of thoughts as well as breathing. It brings conscious of breathing, automatically organizes the thinking process and thus calms down mind completely.

Meditation is a nonphysical activity as compared with yoga. Done by employing relaxation techniques, controlled breathing, and concentrated relaxation techniques. Meditation constitutes “stilling” the mind. Yoga is a phsyco-physical regulation which focuses on the physical postures also known as asanas.

Yoga vs meditation

Yoga is all about the different postures, there are many postures you can find in yoga, but in meditation, they only use the energy that flows and focuses on it to bring that peace in our body and mind. Yoga needs many physical activities, and you need a trained yoga trainer to perform so that you don’t end up injuring yourself and in meditation, as you have to do is sit in one place feel the flow of energy, you don’t need a trained advisor.

In the end, Yoga is Union of All and therefore you need to meditate after yoga to stable down the vibrations.

Written by – Harsh Naik and Aditya Dhir

Intermittent Fasting, The ‘Diet’ that has become a Trend


Intermittent fasting is not actually a diet in the strictest sense of the word, but a food habit that you can include in your daily routine to lose weight, get ripped and above all, improve your health overall.

Morning walk
Staying Healthy is key to all

Fasting, as its name suggests, consists of not eating during a constant number of hours. Moreover, this is nothing new; It is something that always been practiced before. Also, when animals are sick, they usually decide not to eat. We, however, assume the habit that we need to have breakfast or have a snack or something between meals and have to eat, eat and eat.

How does it Work?

During the first 6-8 hours of your fasting, the glucose (sugar) levels in the blood will drop, at this point the glucagon levels rise which means that when we do not consume foods rich in glucose, the body begins to use its reserves of glucose, which stored as liver glycogen.

Intermittent fasting
How does Intermittent Fasting work

This keeps your body in a “Catabolic state.” where your body has no food or resources for energy, so it starts to get energy from excess fat. During the period of fast, there are several changes in your levels of hormones in your body; the insulin goes down during fast while the growth hormones increases which result in burning the fats.

After several days of fasting, all the cells of the body begin to break down the proteins. That releases amino acids into the bloodstream, which can be converted into glucose by the liver. Since part of our muscle mass is made up of protein, the amino acids that the body needs will take them from the muscle tissue.

How does it Help?

  • It controls the Insulin level. So what is insulin? It is a hormone produced after a meal by your pancreas and which allows the carbohydrates that you eat to be able to enter your cells and provide energy. So yes your insulin levels will be lower during the fast, but the insulin will regenerate after your meals.
  • It is reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.  Cholesterol? It is a kind of fat that can come from your diet or be synthesized by your liver.
  • You are cleaning the body and the digestive system.
  • Weight loss because of eating less lead in reduction if weight.
diet food pressure
Food pressure in most diets can be too much.

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting?

  • One of the great benefits of signing up to this practice is that we feel more energetic since it increases our adrenaline.
  • Another benefit that is important to highlight is the self-cleaning of the digestive system that we get with it. During the time it lasts, a periodic cleaning process is activated whose function is to sweep and clean the intestine of the remains coming from the digestions, so it prevents the appearance of gases, the bacterial overgrowth and helps to improve possible indigestion.
  • Third, it increases the sensitivity to insulin, reducing anxiety and retaining muscle mass in possible weight loss. It also strengthens the immune system, stimulating autophagy (a natural mechanism of our body that occurs at the cellular level, regenerating, and which is related to a lower risk of contracting diseases and a longer life expectancy), increases metabolism and improves mood in general.
  • Reduced risk of diabetes
  • Decreased cardiovascular risks
  • Reduction of obesity
  • Positive effects on the level of bad cholesterol in the blood
  • Regulation of weight and satiety (hunger)

Types of Intermittent Fasting?

  1. Possibly you are already performing some kind of fasting unconsciously, at the time of sleep. Thus, a fast of 12 hours is not complicated if you finish dinner at 9:00 p.m. and do not eat anything until 09:00 p.m. the next morning. Along with this, you can do Fasts of 14 hours, 16 hours, 24 hours and, even, there are people who arrive up to 3 days in a row.
  2. The most recommended is the 16-hour fast, which is not very complicated, but it does require some adaptation. For that reason, the best thing is that you start with one of 12 hours and go adding, little by little some hour more, as the days advance. It can be done once a week or when you think it is necessary. In the event that you want to do it every day, without a doubt, you will need the help and supervision of a professional.

Intermittent fasting


The most popular way to do it is to fast from 8:00 p.m. until 12:00 p.m. the next morning but you can follow this diet with any pattern you select just keep in mind to eat after every 4 hours if you have an eating period of 8 hours and if you have less say 6 hours you can eat after every 2 hours.

When you break you’re Fast  You can have 2 eggs with 2 brown bread and Black Coffee or Herbal Tea without sugar.
After a few hours 4 chapati with one bowl of bhaji with salad and one bowl of rice with one bowl of dal
Before your Fast starts Dry fruits with a bowl of fresh fruits and Yoghurt


  • If you are vegetarian, you can have idli/Upma/Poha after your eating window starts.
  • For non-vegetarians, you can have chicken in place of bhaji.
  • And when you are fasting make sure you are hydrated and for coffee consumers, you can have 2 cups of black coffee whenever you feel hungry or else 2 cups of green tea.
  • Make sure to have some heavy eatings before you fast starts so that you stay full till the end of the day.

” Make sure that this Intermittent Fasting is not a diet, it is an eating pattern but that doesn’t mean you can have junk foods too.”

5 Easy Ways to Become a Morning Person


You have heard that the early bird catches the worm. According to a study by the Guardian, most executives of big companies are up by 5 am.  Waking up increases your productivity and enhances mental fitness among other great benefits. A report by the University of Texas shows that morning larks had a GPA of 3.5 on average compared tonight owls that had 2.5.

Similarly, According to Professor Christopher Radler of the University of Education in Heinberg, morning people are more proactive than evening people. If you are an evening person, do not fret. The good news is that you can change your chronotype. Chronotype is whether you are an evening or morning person and takes about two weeks to change. But how exactly do you become a morning person? Here are five easy ways.

1. Get enough sleep

Adults require 7-9 hours of sleeper night to function at their best. This might seem obvious but it is essential if you need to wake up early. In other words, you may have to give up late nights. If you are a night owl, refraining from surfing or doing some activities here and there deep into the night can be quite challenging. So you have to convince you to mind that everything can wait until tomorrow. Go to bed earlier and you will be able to wake up early the next day.

Sleeping for about 6 hours will make it easier to wake up early. So, you will have to adjust. For instance, you need to keep your work and laptop away from your bed. Getting enough sleep helps with cognition such that you will feel rested even before the alarm goes on. Once you get used to it, you might not even need the alarm anymore. Your body will adjust and know when to wake up.

Enough sleep an essential part of our health.  Enough sleep does not only increase our production and motivation level it enhances metabolism, lowers blood pressure, increase memory consolidation and elevates concentration and mood. However much we want to succeed there is no way 7 hours of sleep is not attainable.

2. Workout in the morning

Morning workout

We are conditioned to reach peak alertness around mid-morning. Exercising the first thing in the morning wakes up your body.  The best way is to exercise in bright light. Morning exercises boost the morning energy surge. Hence you will have increased adrenalin levels and elevated body temperature. Work out in the morning refreshes and enables you to be ready for the day. Once the morning workout routine is in order, the tired, sleepy eyes will go away. In addition, it lowers blood pressure, reduces stress and anxiety.

Exercising before breakfast helps in more weight loss. Exercising in the morning makes you more inclined to eat healthier.

3. Get into a Routine

Our circadian rhythm is designed to wake us up at dawn and sleep when dark. A routine helps our body to prepare. However, on the weekend you may feel the temptation to sleep in. Sleep in confuses the body rhythm and messes up your body clock. To keep the momentum going you should maintain the same schedule all through.

It is imperative that you follow sleep schedule and make it a routine so that your body can get used. After some time you will find that you can wake up almost the same time even without the help of an alarm. That is your internal clock. A consistently waking up schedule makes it progressively easier to get out of the blankets. Set your alarm at the same time every day including the weekends. Waking up early on consistently does not only help avoid confusing your body but also feels great even if you not going to a job!

4. Start Slowly

Set daily routine

To make a morning person switch, you should be realistic. You should revamp your morning routine incrementally. For instance, you can aim to wake up 15 minutes earlier every day. A sudden switch might not hold in the long run. Pick a new time to wake up and work gradually toward it. If you want to wake up at 6 am but you are still stuck to 7 am you can start by waking up at 6:45. Keep up the increment until you reach your new goal.

5. Let in light

Light tells the brain that the day has begun. Consequently, the brain sends a signal to the body stopping it from producing melatonin which is the hormone that aids regular sleep. You can use both artificial and natural light. In other words, you should draw the curtains to let sunlight inside your room. Similarly, you can also use artificial light by using bright indoor lights. A bright light is one of the things that can force your body to wake up in the morning.

Our bodies are sensitive to light and temperature. That is why we do not get a good sleep a certain time in the morning even if we went to bed way past our sleeping time. A good arrangement is purchasing a light box. All we need is a little light to reset our body block. You can as well keep the blinds open during the night. Also, take a walk and find the sun for some few minutes. Your body needs some vitamin D. Walking out to give to a good dose of the same and exposes you to natural light. You can also consider brushing outside.

Overall, If you are stuck to waking up late, do not fret. You can adjust slowly using the ways discussed above. However, you should be patient because it will take some time. Start by looking forward to something daily. Whether it’s a meeting, job or family, look forward to something gives you the energy to wake up early every day. Go to bed when tired and avoid using screens in your bedroom. They delay your sleeping schedule. Once you get up, you should get the thing going as soon as possible. You should leave the bedroom immediately, wash your face and start exercising. Follow these simple steps and you will be an early person in no time.

5 Best Sweat-Free Wireless Earphones for Gym


Who doesn’t like listening to their favorite music? But while working out or carrying out any sports activity you cannot rely on wired earphones or wireless headphones as they are complicated to handle. So these sports earphones listed below will come in handy making your sessions more comfortable and carefree.

Why not Regular Earphones or Headphones?

Generally, wired earphones have a wire of length 1 meter and can anytime come in between your workout or can get tangled anywhere around and some of them can even pop out of your ears while working out. Headphones on the other side are not easy to handle while running since they are best for traveling and moving. We have to adjust every time in our workout routine because it does not stay in a place like while running or jogging.

Collar’s Up

1. Sennheiser CX SPORT

Sennheiser CX SPORT


  • In-line mic and remote for call and music control.
  • Quick charge: 10 min for 1 hour of play time.
  • Up to 6 hours of battery life
  • Sweat and splash water resistant.
  • Two years warranty


  • Little Expensive

Price: Rs.9990

Available at Amazon/Flipkart

Sennheiser CX Sports In-Ear Wireless headset are a lightweight, splash, and sweat resistant design that can be worn around the neck. It has Bluetooth 4.2 technology, it sets you free to experience high-quality sound as you move. With 6 hours of battery life, you can enjoy music for long hours and it also gives 1 hour of playback with 10 minutes of charge. You can even attend a call with In-line microphone and In-line buttons to control call and music

2. Sony MDR-XB50BS



  • Extra Bass
  • 8.5 hours of playback
  • Comfortable Fit
  • In-line controls
  • 1-year warranty


  • Big Ear-piece
  • Average Mic quality

Price: Rs. 4,790

Available at Amazon/Flipkart

Let your ears experience the EXTRA BASS technology with this earphones, Sony MDR-XB50BS are comfortable and lightweight so it can sit perfectly into your ears. These earphones are IPX rated so you can mind taking them in light rain or in your workout sessions. They are tough and durable with a battery backup of 8.5 hours.

Buzz with Buds

3. Jabra Elite Active 65t

Jabra Elite Active 65t
Jabra Elite Active 65t


  • 4.5 hours of playback time with additional charging pouch which gives more 5.5 hours of playback time
  • App integrated to check heart rate, rep count etc
  • Waterproof and 3 years warranty for sweat damage


  • Not loud enough
  • Expensive

Price: Rs 18990

Available at Flipkart/Amazon

Jabra Elite Sport wireless earbuds feature best sound quality for music and calls. Independently proven to deliver the best call quality of any true wireless product using four-microphone call technology. This design includes two microphones in each bud that work together to filter out background noise, ensuring that only your voice is heard clearly. It uses advanced wireless connectivity to deliver true performance. The charging pouch is something special about this true wireless earbud which gives extra 5.5 hours of playback

4. Bose SoundSport Free

Bose SoundSport Free


  • 5 hour of playback music
  • Sweat and Water Resistant
  • Great design


  • Expensive
  • Little Heavy

Price: Rs 17091

Available at Flipkart/Amazon

Get clear, powerful sound from this earbud, Bose SoundSport Free. Truly wireless in-ear headphones which are comfortable and engineered to stay in place. They are packed with a lot of feature like real-time heart rate sensing, and portable charging case which gives extra charge of 10 hours so you can push your workout to the next level. You can check your stats by an official app of Bose which has lots of features in it.

5. Sony WF-SP700N

Available at Flipkart / Amazon


  • Digital Noise Cancellation
  • Ambient Sound Mode
  • IPX4 Certified
  • Extra Bass
  • 3 Hr Battery Backup


  • Expensive
  • Big in size compared to normal

Price: Rs. 10,009

Available at Flipkart/Amazon

Get the most out of every workout with the truly wireless Sony WF-SP700N headphones. Has Noise Cancelling technology that blocks out distractions to keep you focused, while Ambient Sound Mode lets you enjoy your music and still hear your surrounding with an easy hands-free button you can receive any call with ease and can stay in your ear for long hours. Google assistant is enabled so you don’t have to take out your phone every time comes with a charging pouch which gives you an additional 6 hours of charge.

How Screen Cast is Different from Screen Mirroring


Screencasting is popular these days. it allows the user to play content from one device to another, like playing a movie from a phone or a table onto a TV. It allows the user to watch shows, movies, and other content on the big screen. Screen mirroring is it allows to mirror their screen display. It connects two devices together and one screen is copied to another. It can be tricker sometimes, especially for someone who does not have information. There are so many factors that are at play in the technology, and it needs to learn, like video streaming.

screen casting

Video streaming allows the user to watch what they want when they want. hence it has got really popular as an option against the traditional method. it is very tiresome to watch content on phone or tablet, hence people like to watch content on television or screens. Options are to buy smart tv which is quite expensive and another option is to use chrome cast which supports cast screen and Screen Mirroring.

Both cast screen and screen mirroring have a singular primary purpose of allowing to see content from devices like a phone, a tablet, or a computer, onto another device, usually television or a projector. both cast screen and screen mirror connect two devices together allowing for content to be shared between them. but the way they work is different.

How it works

Screen Mirroring allows the user to mirror the screen display by connecting to devices together and the content of the screen is shared to another screen. it shows everything that goes onto the screen display. It is useful when screencasting is not supported by devices. It is also beneficial to view local content such as personal photos and videos. Most of the applications do not support local content. screen mirroring does not have that issue.

People can use Miracast or chrome cast to cast mirror apps and screens. the primary way to cast or mirror the screen is used Miracast and in many devices, it does not support Miracast. other devices like chromecast and others are there which allows to cast or mirror their screen. Screencasting is popular it allows users to play content from one device to another, for example playing a movie from a phone or a table onto TV. this allows users to watch shows on big screens.

Comparison between Screencasting and screen mirroring

Cast Screen Screen Mirroring
It Allows only one to play content from one device onto the other Mirror the device’s screen, so that the same thing is visible on another screen
The two screens show different things The two screens show the same thing
It allows only content to be played Everything on the screen is visible
The primary device, i.e. phone screen can be used to do something else, i.e. multitask No multitasking is there, it duplicates the screen
primary device’s screen can be blacked out If the screen of the primary device is blacked out, the secondary screen also blacks out
Not all apps support casting of screen Nearly everything can be viewed by screen mirroring
Typically it does not support local content It Supports local content such as personal photos and videos.

Limitations of Screen Mirroring

Limitation of screen mirror is it shows everything that is going on screen to the other. it includes settings, the home etc. if phone or table times out screen goes blank while it is connected to some screen of the television. screen mirroring requires the phone to be constantly open, which also drains the battery of the phone. screencasting does not have this issue. once the content is cast the phone can be used for other work also. it can be used for other things.

Limitations of Screen Casting

Both have their own limitations, while Screencasting is better in the sense that it allows one to multitask. It is also limited since all apps do not support Screencasting. it is not the problem with screen mirroring. If the phone can do it, it will show on tv. Still, its limitation restricts the phone from doing anything else other than screen mirroring.

5 Best Omega 3 Rich Vegan Food


Omega 3 is one of the important essential fats that our body cannot make on its own. Consequently, it must be supplied in the diet. Diet is a broad topic which has attracted varying opinion from different quarters. One of the prevalent debates is about vegan and vegetarians. Vegans and Vegetarian do not from consuming all types of meat including chicken and fish.


Vegetarian or Vegan?
Vegetarian or Vegan?

The difference between the two groups is that while vegetarians diet includes eggs, yoghurt, milk, cheese, honey and butter vegan do not consume any animal product. Omega 3 is mostly found in fish oil. These essential fats regulate several aspects of metabolism including fluid balance and cholesterol levels. Other benefits include

  • Reduce the risk of heart disease
  • Improve mental health
  • Improve the strength and appearance of hair, nails and skin

Lack of Omega 3 can cause depression, fatigue impaired brain development in infants, heart problems and dry skin. Different authorities suggest varying amounts of Omega 3 that our body needs. For instance, the Food stands Agency in the United Kingdom recommends only 3 grams per week. However, most experts are inclined more towards 2-4 grams daily!

Important Brain Foods
Important Brain Foods

If vegan and vegetarians do not consume meat which is a rich source of omega 3, how do they acquire these fatty acids? Simple answer; by eating plant-based Omega 3 rich vegan food. In this article, we will explore five foods that are rich in omega 3.

1. Chia Seeds

In the recent past, Chia seeds have attracted mainstream attention thanks to the presence of significant amounts of Omega 3 in these tiny seeds. An ounce of Chia seed contains 4915 mg of Omega 3 fatty acid. It actually contains more Omega than salmon. In fact, This Omega 3 rich vegan food is referred to as Superfood especially in the marketing sphere.

Chia Seeds
Chia Seeds

Additionally, Chia seed contains proteins, zinc, Calcium, Iron, manganese fibre and other nutrients. As if that is not enough they are palatable and easy to incorporate in your diet.  They are touted to provide benefits surpassing just nutritional value such as improving gut health and reducing cholesterol.

Chia milk with berries
Chia milk with berries

There are health claims that these seeds reduce weight and appetite, improve sugar levels and lowers triglycerides. They are also superb ingredients. Hence you can make Chia pudding, salad or mix with milk.

2. Walnuts

It is not surprising that Walnuts have made it in our list. They pack the right amount of Omega 3.  Each cup of walnuts contains 3.356 grams of ALA.

It is no wonder why this Omega 3 rich vegan food is revered for their health benefits. Walnuts are a rich source of essential fats in our body including Omega 3 fatty acids. You can decide to have Walnuts on their own, or you can mix with other food including salad and snack bar.

walnut dry fruit mix
Crushed form of walnut dry fruit mix for making Pajeeri

To get the right amount Omega 3, you need more than 30 grams of walnuts each day. Walnuts are a great source of monounsaturated fats and Vitamin E. Also, This Omega 3 rich vegan food provides enough energy to keep you full for hours.

3. Seaweed

Seaweeds are an ideal food for vegans and vegetarians. Not only do they produce relatively large amounts of Omega 3, but it is the only vegan source that contains DHEA and EPA.  Practically, each tablespoon of Seaweed contains 58mg Of Omega 3 and 88mg of Omega 6.

Seaweed salad with sesame seeds
Seaweed salad with sesame seeds

Blue-green algae which come in pill or powder form is also a great source of omega 3 in addition to nutrients like vitamins, iron and minerals. As if that is not enough, seaweed contains antioxidant and antidiabetic qualities.

Organic Spirulina Powder
Organic Spirulina Powder

The best choice of seaweed is Spirulina and Wakame. If you are a vegan, be sure to include this Omega 3 rich vegan plant into your salad or snack.

4. Flaxseed

If you need to boost the amount of Omega in your body, Flaxseed should be part of your diet. It is one of the best vegetarian sources of omega 3. Though very small, these great seeds contain about 50 per cent of alpha-linolenic acid. One ounce of flax seeds contains 6388 mg of Omega 3. Better still you get an additional 1655 mg of omega 6.


Essentially this helps to keep on check the ratio of omega 3 and omega 6. If you need a more significant boost, be sure to use flax seeds oil. A tablespoon of flaxseed packs in 7196mg of omega 3. Surprising, isn’t it?

In addition to being a rich source of Omega 3 to vegetarian and vegans, they reduce inflammation, drop LDL cholesterol levels and provide beneficial effects on cardiovascular diseases. Flaxseeds contain protein, magnesium, manganese, fibre among other nutrients. You can easily incorporate flaxseeds into your diet by mixing with oatmeal, morning smoothie, sandwiches or soup.  They are a great alternative to eggs for vegans.

5. Hemp seeds

Hemp seed boasts a significant quantity of omega 3. One ounce of Hemp seed provides 1100 omega 3 and 2700 omega 6. The ratio balance of omega 3 and omega 6 is important for heart health and reducing inflammations.

Hemp Seeds In Spoon On Table
Hemp Seeds In Spoon On Table

In addition, these seeds are rich in proteins, fiber minerals and antioxidants which are essential for health optimization. According to studies, hempseed is essential for heart, skin and digestion. Try some hemp seed next time you preparing a salad. You can also go for hempseed pesto or hemp seed hummus. Hempseed makes a stupendous topping for yoghurt, oatmeal and cereals.


Getting enough Omega 3 fatty acids can be quite challenging for vegans and vegetarians. However, with some strategic planning, you can get the right amount of essential fats by focusing on whole and nutrient-rich foods. If you experience inflammation or can’t get the required amount of omega 3, it is advisable to take omega 3 supplements.

Krill Oil, contains Omega 3 Fatty acids, and antioxidants for coronary health, Dietary Supplement
Krill Oil, contains Omega 3 Fatty acids, and antioxidants for coronary health, Dietary Supplement

The most popular supplements include Krill oil, Algae oil, Fish oil and cod liver oil. It is worth noting that hempseed, flaxseed and Chia seed only contain Omega 3 ALA. Hence they do not contribute to healthy Omega 3 and Omega 6 balance. There are other non-meat sources of omega 3. However, the five foods discussed above is a great place to start.

5 Benefits of Drinking Herbal Tea


Herbal tea is one of the healthy drink you would ever have. In fact, Chinese and Egyptians have used herbal teas for aeons. Made from herbs, leaves, seeds roots, flowers and spices mixtures they have an array of medicinal benefits. While benefits of herbal teas are just starting to gain mainstream attention most people have been using them as alternative medicine.


If you are looking to start your day without caffeinated and sugary drinks, herbal tea is an ideal solution. Approximately 3 billion people consume tea globally according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States report. Similarly, 158 million people in the United States drink tea every day. This depicts a considerable demand for tea. Surprisingly, herbal tea is not actually made from the tea plant. Some of the most popular herbal teas include chamomile tea, green tea, and Elderflower tea. Also known as tisanes, herbal teas have incredible therapeutic qualities.

So why should you drink herbal teas? Well below are some of the five remarkable benefits of drinking herbal tea.

1. Improves digestion and prevents stomach problems

Stomach Pain

You will agree with me that stomach upset can ruin your day.  There are several drinks and food that can ease the pain. If you are suffering from stomach upset, bloating indigestion, vomiting herbal tea is an ideal solution. It speeds up breaking up of gases and fats in the digestive system. They also relieve digestive problems such as constipation hence facilitating faster waste removal. Studies have shown that peppermint soothes many stomach problems including pain, cramps, flatulence, and aches. Lemon Verbena is also a great digestive aid because it helps to break down fats in the digestive tract.  Other great, excellent herbal teas to settle your stomach problems and give you a calming effect include Ginger tea, chamomile tea, spearmint tea, Basil tea, licorice, and green tea. Herbal tea is an excellent option for temporary stomach issues and discomfort. If you have the problem persists, you should seek medical advice.

2. Have anti-aging qualities

Skin Benefits

Everyone or most people instead would like to look younger. Won’t you? Herbal teas have antioxidants that have shown that they slow down the anti-aging process. Herbals teas may increase your life span. Ideally, they reduce the aging of body cells and prohibit damage by free radicals. Green tea leaves protect the body from aging by strengthening the tissue cells. Similarly, the antioxidant properties in Rooibos tea prevent diseases and aging signs. According to a study from Mexico in 2016, elderly adults who consumed chamomile experience a decreased risk of death.

3. Relives stress and anxiety


With the hassles of life and problems cropping up every day you are bound to experience mental, physical and emotional pressures. It is quite challenging to deal with stress and anxiety. It’s no wonder that more and more people are going natural in a bid to deal with stress since medication puts them in risk of adverse side effects. Herbal tea is a great stress buster. It relieves anxiety and stress by relaxing and calming the mind. If you have insomnia drinking herbal tea before going to sleep could be very useful. One of the best teas for relieving stress and insomnia is Chamomile.  According to experts flavanoids in this sedative tea act induce sleep and tranquility.

The comforting effect act as a mild antidepressant since it stimulates the brain to lower depression. Lemon balm tea is also an excellent treatment for depression, restlessness, anxiety and sleep disorders. Other herbal teas which are great stress reliever include peppermint, passion flower, and green tea. Peppermint contains menthol which is a natural relaxant while green tea has caffeine to keep you alert and polyphenol to combat stress and anxiety.  Next time you find yourself tossing in the bed at odd hours you know what to do.

4. Boost the immune system and lowers blood pressure

Herbal tea

Herbal teas have vitamins, and antioxidants help to fight infections thus improving your immune system. These teas can keep illnesses at bay with some like Ginseng being said to prevent cancer. Licorice and Dandelions help to flush toxins from the body and hence saves your body systems functioning optimally.

Herbal teas can even lower the risk of chronic diseases. The best herbal teas for improving your immune system include ginger, elderberry, licorice, and Echinacea. Also Instead of seeking medication, you can use herbal teas to lower your blood pressure. High blood pressure can cause stroke and heart problems. The best part is that you won’t have to worry about side effects like when using pills. If you wish to lower your blood pressure, you should try Hibiscus tea.

5. Reduces inflammation and improves skin health

Herbal Tea health benefits

Nowadays people who experience soreness are going the green tea way. People with arthritis experienced reduced pain when they start consuming herbal tea. Herbal tea provides relief from inflammation and rheumatic aches. These teas reduce tiredness in the joints, swelling, and depression. It is an ideal remedy for muscle and joint pain. One of the suitable choices is turmeric tea. It does not only have anti-inflammatory qualities that reduce symptoms of joint pain and arthritis, but it also lowers cholesterol, prevents Alzheimer’s disease and boosts the immune system. Peppermint is also a great alternative.

While there are medicines that treat acne, herbal teas prove to be a better choice because it does not cause side effects. You can decide to either consume the beverage or apply it directly on the skin. The best options for treating the skin include chamomile and Rooibos. Due to their antibacterial and antioxidants features. You can also use spearmint to reduce acne break out.

In conclusion, there are an array of herbal teas benefits. Whether you want to look younger, reduce muscle pain, relieve stress and stomach issues or boost your immune system, herbal teas got you covered. There are other great benefits of herbal teas which include curbing vomiting, nausea, and liver cleansing, reducing menstrual cramps, weight loss, and detoxification and fighting flu. Herbal tea is an excellent alternative to modern medication which could lead to severe side effects. Go ahead and try some. You will be glad you did.

Complete Guide for Beginners in Cryptocurrency Investment


Cryptocurrencies are tending. The first Cryptocurrency was launched in 2009 called Bitcoin, and it is still one of the best-known Cryptocurrency since that time many cryptocurrencies have come into the market. Bitcoin and Ethereum are the largest Cryptocurrencies out of the large pool.

What is Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrencies are virtual; they are physically not present. This virtual currency works on the cutting edge technology of Blockchains. The primary concept behind it is Cryptography. Bitcoin Inventor Satoshi Nakamoto released his paper that described the details of “How cryptocurrency works”. These cryptocurrencies can be used to perform financial transactions in a system which is entirely decentralised and operates in a trustless manner.

invest in cryptocurrency

Why Invest in Cryptocurrency?

There are various reasons people invest in cryptocurrency. Some want to make a good amount of money, and some want to get their money invested in assets. One should know why they are investing money in Cryptocurrency and what is their goal. There must be good knowledge about the cryptocurrencies and latest trends like which are more profitable and are followed by most of the people. In the present, the market of Cryptocurrencies are almost crashed, and the prices of bitcoin have gone down.

Many People have lost their money invested in Bitcoin thinking that it will rise, but the scenario is upside down. The price didn’t grow but fell. Various key points are important to know, and one should keep in mind before investing in Cryptocurrencies, and some of them are discussed in the following paragraphs.

Investing in Cryptocurrency is the same as investing in commodities. Commodities can be assets or Base metals. Cryptocurrencies are similar, and they are used in financial and insurance applications and investors can invest in cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency Trading can be compared with forex trading, It is the same but instead of selling and buying fiat currencies such as euros or US dollars, traders can trade on cryptocurrencies.

Limit Your Exposure

There are two concepts of limiting your exposure:

  1. Never invest if you are not willing to lose. You must be comfortable and make trade stress free
  2. Consider setting profits and losses orders

These limits are offered by many professional trading platforms and can automatically liquidate and “cash out” your position at predefined prices. Many market trading books and guides have specific chart rating techniques and patterns used by professionals to predict the market. The market does follow trends, but the outcome is not guaranteed. Cryptocurrencies are volatile. They are not as stable as currencies are.

Various points can affect cryptocurrencies:

a) Regulation

If a government makes some regulation that affects the cryptocurrencies, the price will decrease. For example, when China banned ICOs, the Ethereum fell by 41% in 15 days.

b) Influence from Media

Influence from Media significantly affects a cryptocurrency price, whenever some influential says something about cryptocurrencies some stores start accepting as a form of payment.

c) Changes to the technology

When a cryptocurrency core technology is affected, the cryptocurrencies price is also affected.

Advantages Of Trading Cryptocurrencies

Trading Cryptocurrencies can have advantages. Few of them are given below.

a) Cheap and Fast Exchanges

The transaction fees of the cryptocurrencies are less expensive than a credit card, bank transfer fees, and market trading fees are cheaper than forex trading fees.

b) Extreme Volatility

Many Traders make profits when the price of the cryptocurrency rises, and it experiences large price movements.

Before Investing in Cryptocurrencies

Before investing in Cryptocurrencies, One should decide the cryptocurrency to invest in and the amount. The amount is significant to know. For long term investments, one should do fundamental analysis. Generally, tokens that solve the problem are unlikely to fail then the others.

One should gain information about the market, market cap, and economics of their cryptocurrency. One should plan strategically before investing in Cryptocurrencies. The charts, graphs, and trends should be observed.

Is your ICO or Cryptocurrency Trustworthy?

The next thing that comes in is to find whether the ICO or Cryptocurrency is trustworthy to invest in. It is essential to find whether the cryptocurrency is worth for your money. According to Forbes.com, The only three people can find this, and those are a philanthropist, Billionaire, and Entrepreneur. The best indicators for long investors are ideas that have tangible solutions, positive improvements and the ability to work on complex ideas.

Some of the platforms that allow you to do cryptocurrency trading are Bitmax And Etoro.

Features of Bitmax

  • You can trade Cryptocurrencies with large liquidity for bitcoin and up to 100%leverage on margin trading
  • Fees: it varies
  • It is supported worldwide with exceptions
  • Deposit is done through Bitcoin

Features of Etoro

  1. It copies the trades of leading cryptocurrency investors on this social investment platform
  2. Fees: Spreads
  3. Supported in various countries
  4. Payment methods are through Credit cards, Paypal, Bank Transfer

Know Major Crypto Investors and Players

Crypto Market is one the volatile Market, One wrong step can make you lose all your money. It does not harm to find or know about the major Investors or the players investing from long back and have earned money or even become a billionaire. Many Crypto Investors and Advisors Say that you should invest money if you are ready to lose. You must be willing to lose money since you cannot be sure whether your money will rise or fall.

There may be people of both categories who became millionaire and people who lost all their money.

Market Cap given by coinmarketgap.com at the time of writing

Right Amount to be invested

Investing an amount is very easy, but it is tough to invest money properly. Suppose you invest money and found that all the money you spent have gone, you won’t be able to pay your bills, So it is critical to determine the amount in the right way and properly

Are You Going to invest for a long or short term? If you are investing for a longer period instead of investing money in one time, then it won’t be a great Idea. You should incrementally invest in cryptocurrency and have average value. The Cryptocurrency market is volatile and it is tough to predict the future prices. It is the market which never stops working. Taxes are reduced when you pay for long term

Step By Step Buying and Selling

You should never sell the cryptocurrency at one go, you should try to build a ladder by selling at an incremental way, but when prices go down sell when prices go up. Some people see the trend and find that it is at peak, so they buy at the high price, and when it falls the value goes down, so it is always considered to buy at low price

Stocks Market vs Cryptocurrency

If you find some cryptocurrency company is not performing well, you can sell the stocks and buy off some other company, but this is not in the case of the cryptocurrency Market. You can never predict whether you will gain and loose, for example in the case of bitcoin people invested a lot when it was at its peak but now the prices have really gone down, and people are regretting. Stocks move slowly as compared to Cryptocurrency. Investing in Cryptocurrency is very trickier than to invest in the Stock Markets.

Tips before putting your money:

  • Investors should create their portfolio and should work on it regularly, Invest in only things that you understand and have knowledge.
  • Stay Away from Leverage. Leverage is the money that brokers give as a loan. It is highly advisable to stay away from leverage until the time you have learned everything and making trades with your own money. Leverages can help you to make huge profits but at the same time, you may lose. Though it amplifies winning and your losses.


Trading Cryptocurrencies work almost the same as trading fiat currencies, and it will benefit you greatly to learn the theory behind the currencies. Though profits are not always guaranteed at the time of trading, you can take steps to avoid yourselves from heavy losses and improve the understanding of the market’s move.

This writes up focuses on the Introduction to Cryptocurrencies and Various key Points and Strategies to follow before investing in the cryptocurrencies. This write up will help people to get an idea about the investment in the cryptocurrencies, Some of the various cryptocurrencies are IOTA, LiteCoin.

5 Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting


Good news for weight loss watchers. Instead of cutting back calories every day you can shed pounds following the ongoing trend of Intermittent Fasting. It is a powerful weight loss approach which is becoming highly popular over the past few years. Following it, you can lose weight and improve your health with a simpler lifestyle.

What exactly is Intermittent fasting?


Intermittent fasting is a diet regimen which includes fasting for a few days followed by eating on other days. The root of this concept has basically emerged from traditional fasting which is used for health and spiritual benefits in earlier days. This type of fasting promotes the change of body composition (fat and cholesterol) and improves the factors linked to a disease. In addition, it also has powerful effects on the body and brain and also helps to live longer.

Moreover, a low-calorie diet for the long term can cause many physiological changes which therefore causes calorie restriction and prevents weight loss. Through Intermittent fasting, this issue can be resolved as a low-calorie level for a brief interval followed by normal eating to prevent these body adaptations.

How Intermittent Fasting Works

The concept works following the common method of fasting on alternate days or for whole days with specific time intervals or within some time frame.

  • Alternate Days Fasting—No food restriction on few days along with a meal on some days fulfills nearly 25% of the daily calorie requirements.
  • Full day fasting or 5:2 diet—Every week either fasting for 1-2 day or fulfilling 25% of calorie needs.
  • Restrictedfeeding—Setting a meal plan within a time frame for fasting such as eating in the morning time and fasting the rest of the day.

Working on these plans makes you avoid food for some hours or a few days and eating food the other times. It can be up to 24 or 36 hours or the 5:2 Fast Diet following which you get only about one-fourth of your regular calories intake.

How It Affects Your Body

Health benefits

When you fast then various things happen in your body.

  • The body cells start repairing and remove dysfunctional proteins that are build up inside cells.
  • Changes in Gene expression cause protection against disease.
  • The level of HGH (growth hormone) increases which aid for fat loss.
  • Level of insulin drops which makes stored body fat more accessible.

All these changes feature the health benefits of intermittent fasting.

Health Benefits

Studies have shown that intermittent fasting has immense benefits for weight control and overall health.

Some of the important health benefits of intermittent fasting:

  • Weight loss: It helps to lose belly fat and shed off excess pounds.
  • Insulin resistance: It reduces insulin resistance which results in lowering blood sugar and protect against diabetes.
  • Inflammation: It causes a reduction in markers of inflammation.
  • Heart health: Intermittent fasting promotes heart health by reducing “bad” LDL cholesterol and prevent cardiac diseases.
  • Prevents Cancer
  • Boost Brain health
  • Anti-aging: It can extend lifespan and helps you to live longer.
  • Makes Life Simple: Healthy eating is good for overall well-being. Following Intermittent fasting makes things easier for you as there is not much planning needed for cooking the meals. Thus, fasting improves your health and simplifies your life as well.

A word of Caution

Intermittent fasting causes hunger and sometimes you may feel weak too. This temporary change needs to be adopted by the body for accepting a new meal schedule. If you have any medical condition, you should consult with your doctor before trying it.

1. Good Weight Loss Tool

Weight loss

If you are on a weight loss regime, then intermittent fasting is best for you. Through eating a few meals it leads to reduced calorie intake. Furthermore, it changes hormone levels to promote weight loss.

Though it lowers insulin and increases growth hormone levels but increases secretion of the fat burning hormone norepinephrine. All these changes in hormones enhance your metabolic rate too.

Thus, by eating less and burning more calories, intermittent fasting proves to be a very powerful weight loss tool.

2. What To Eat and What not to!

What to eat

Though you can have any food when you are not fasting but it is always recommended to include healthy foods in your diet and avoid junk or processed foods. On the other hand, while fasting doesn’t have any type of food.

Though it’s not easy to reduce calorie intake completely for a few days so it is good to plan a balanced meal on your feast days.

3. Does It Really Work?


Many studies have shown benefits such as short term weight loss which resulted in doing the intermittent fasting for several weeks.

However, till how long the weight loss will be it is not yet clear.

4. Is Intermittent Fasting Always Good?

Well, you might be thinking what if you have or suffering from any medical condition? research shows that this type of fasting reduces asthma symptoms and improved the usage of insulin in the body. Still, it is always recommended to talk to your doctor before you try intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting recommends eating 500-600 calories on fasting days may work for a few people. It proved to be medically safe and easier than not having at all on fasting days. Make sure to drink lots of water on your fasting days to prevent dehydration. Also, try to have a healthy diet on days when you don’t fast.

To be noted here that this diet is not recommended for children, pregnant women or those having diabetes.

Bottom Line

Intermittent fasting is more effective than the other weight loss methods is still not clear. However, some people show a considerable change and show better compliance following this regimen.

Needless to say, intermittent fasting has an outstanding safety profile. Fasting does not affect if you are healthy and fit but if not then it might cause complications in your body. So, try to follow this method of fasting only if you are free from all the medical conditions.

Just get going and reap the benefits of this trendy Intermittent fasting to shed off those excess pounds of your body.

Top 5 Anime to Watch For Beginners in 2019


The world of anime is so vast that selecting only a few out of them among wouldn’t be justifiable. The anime world is a crazy place with some of the most inspiring characters and breathtaking storyline which you won’t find anywhere in the recent movies. Anime has its own fan base where people of all ages love to watch what happens next to their favorite character. The list can go on but I’ll stop for now. Anime which I have mentioned all belongs to different genres so that you can choose your favorite ones, to begin with. Also, all the anime’s listed are top-rated and have less than 100 episodes. So without further ado, lets jump right into the list.

1. Deathnote

Death Note

Deathnote is the kind of anime which will shake you to the bone with an amazing storyline and mind-boggling strategies which are used during the course of the story. The protagonist Yagami light is an all-rounder high school student. He found a notebook named “Deathnote” which claims to have the power to kill when someone’s name is written upon it. Light at first took it as a joke but eventually tests it and found it to be true and what follows is the story of how he uses death note to become a godlike character.

The antagonist L is one of the most iconic characters in the world of anime and you would be left imitating L’s way of doing things after the show ends. The anime is all about how having immense power destroys one power to be rational. Its a must watch for anybody who likes dark literature and is into detective and thriller stories.

2. CLANNAD: After Story


Clannad belongs to the romantic genre and is considered heart-wrenching and a masterpiece work of art due to its strong and heavily emotional storyline along with strong character background stories. The story revolves around two high school sweethearts Nagisa Furukawa and Okazaki Tomoya while they deal with problems of the real world after their sweet school days are over.

The anime would make you go cry like a baby and at sometimes towards the season end, you may consider leaving the show halfway because it’ll be unbearable to watch due to emotional content. This is a must watch if you and your Bae are both anime fans and are planning to watch something together. Don’t forget to shop for tissue boxes because believe me you’re gonna need them.

3. Tokyo Ghoul

Tokyo Ghoul

Tokyo Ghoul is a tale of Kaneki Ken, a sweet young boy trapped between two worlds after an incident which turns him into a one-eyed ghoul(Half human half ghoul). The world is divided into humans and ghoul and both species never misses a chance to go after the other plus there are secret societies, special police force, and more similar elements which makes it a must watch.

The show is not for the faint of heart and contains a boatload of violence, blood and character deaths. The anime is that good that You’ll be hooked from the first episode only. It only contains 12 episodes so one can also binge watch it in one night only (I mean if you want to and can).

4. Steins; Gate


There is a mad scientist named Hououin Kyouma (yeah! unpronounceable) who wishes to change the world with his inventions but fails miserably every time. The opening may sound pretty lame and cliche but the real deal starts about 5 episodes into the show after a certain incident where the protagonist accidentally creates a machine which can warp stuff through time.

There are a lot of references taken from the real world into the story such as mysterious time traveler John Titor and IBM 5100 Tragedy which makes the anime much more interesting to watch. If you can’t resist yourself from those watching those sci-fi movies and a fan of suspense and unpredictability, you need to watch this right now.

5. Kuroko no Basket

Kuroko no basketball

Kuroko no basketball is for the sports fanatics who want to get inspired and looking for some motivational content to watch. Kuroko is the phantom sixth player of the most famous high school basketball team in Japan. While being the part of the most elite club nobody recognizes him or yet his existence as he has no aura and is a superb stealth player. He joins an underdog team with a set of hardworking youngsters under their belt when they all get separated for higher studies, unlike his other ex-teammates who all went into the already strong clubs with good records.

He is a shadow player and engages himself with Tyaga Kagami who is a perfect match for him with his aggressive and robust play that shakes even the top-notch players and teams. The duo would definitely make the show a worth watch and it is a perfect blend of comedy, Defining moments, Romance and most of them all its breathtaking matches which gives you more thrill than the real one’s itself.

There is no right time to start something new and if you are wondering what anime is just some kind of cartoons made for kids then you’re dead wrong my friend. Anime is much more than just being Animation, The work that goes into making one anime is too immense to even compare it with some kind of creepy American cartoon. Sometimes there are stories which you would even not get to watch in Hollywood movies, But you are missing a whole bunch of great content just because of it being animated. Moreover, These shows have huge fan base globally and even have their own cosplay competition.

So what are you still doing here? Just go and download all five of them, grab some snacks and be ready to be glued to that screen of yours.