Home Tech Apps 6 Best Workout Apps for Personal Training at Home

6 Best Workout Apps for Personal Training at Home

6 Best Workout Apps for Personal Training at Home

Many beginners believe that mobile home exercise apps are capable of replacing a professional trainer. And yes, for now, it may seem crazy, but … do I tell you a secret? We are getting closer and closer to this happening.

For this type of applications offer exercise routines to train different muscle groups, all from the comfort of our homes. If you want to improve your figure without spending a fortune on gyms monthly payments and your time on the road, then this article is for you. Now the pretexts like “It’s getting cold outside” or “I do not feel like leaving the house,” will no longer count.

In my case, I have had the fortune to try several fitness applications, so I took the boldness to make a selection of the best apps to train at home. Let’s see.

1. Sworkit Lite


Let’s start with the simplest one; Sworkit Trainer, one of the most recommended apps for seniors because it has a low impact exercise routine. For me, in this list, I could not miss Sworkit. Why do I say it? Well, because this is one of the fitness applications that have the most video tutorials (at least among the apps I know). One of the features that most like this application are that its functions allow you to choose the time you have to exercise, whether you want to train only 5 minutes or an hour. But, what most falls in love is its division by categories of exercises, since it will teach you to do strength exercises for the upper and lower train, abdominal, stretching, even yoga.

This is one of the favorite apps for those who want to train at home because these exercises do not require materials or accessories. It is enough to have a sofa or a chair to make them. Sworkit Trainer is available for both Android and iOS. Of course, to access all its functions you must pay a quarterly subscription of $30 or $80 per year.

Sworkit Lite available for Android and iOS

2. Nike Training Club

nike Training club

The Nike Training Club application was created especially for women, so men can move on to the next one. To start, you must select the type of training, and according to that, you get access to an infinite number of exercises. Each session contains several different exercises that are accompanied by a step-by-step guide with photos or videos.

Nike Training Club is available for Android and iOS

3. Workout Trainer

Workout Trainer

This apps is wonderful. What’s more, having a Workout Trainer on your mobile device is like taking your own personal trainer everywhere. The only difference with this app is that you can select the exercises and combine them as you wish. And not only that, Workout Trainer puts video tutorials at your disposal that explain step by step to perform the exercises from almost anywhere, either inside or outside the home. Without counting that it is compatible with Android or iOS devices. Now, what exercises are shown in your video tutorials? The following: arms, legs, lumbar, abdominal, elasticity, cardio, etc. So with this app, you can strengthen your muscles, gain elasticity and lose those extra pounds. Not only that, if you combine all these exercises you will achieve high-quality exercises intensity and allow your body to burn more fat than with the most common exercises.

Finally, my analysis of this application would be incomplete if I do not add that it also incorporates several programs to combine each of these exercises that I mentioned.

Workout Trainer is available for Android and iOS

4. Fitbit Coach

Fitbit Coach

Would not be surprised if you have heard about this application, and that Fitbit Coach is one of the star apps of the fitness world. So you must already imagine how excellent this app is. But what do you love most about her? Well, you will have the possibility to connect it with your Apple Watch. So you will not have to carry the mobile device in your hands while you exercise. This is undoubtedly something that is very practical and will free you from the risk of your mobile phone falling to the ground during training. With Fitbit, you will be able to keep track of your physical advances and the goals you set daily, such as recording everything you eat to improve your diet, including the number of daily steps, and you will also have the chance to compete with your friends.

Sincerely this is the ideal application to overcome your challenges or challenges. So if you have an iPhone and you want to train hard from home, I recommend using Fitbit with your eyes closed.

Fitbit is available for Android and iOS

5. Home Exercises

For me, in this list, I could not miss the Home Exercises app. Why do I say it? Well, because it offers benefits that you will greatly appreciate. The first thing I must emphasize about this application is that it allows you to create alarms so you can schedule your workouts and do not overlook your exercise routine. Second, as you already know, this app was designed especially for those who prefer to exercise at home. So it puts explanatory information at your fingertips on how to do exercise routines at home, attaching images that show the correct positions to perform the activity properly. And third, Home Exercises not only teaches you the routine you can do at home but also offers a warm-up guide and how to stretch to relax your body after training.

This last feature makes this application a unique option that can help you avoid possible injuries. Make no mistake, many people do not usually warm up before starting to train and do not stretch when finished.

Homer Exercises is available for Android and iOS

6. Freeletics Bodyweight

I assure you that with this application you will be impressed from the start. As it gathers multiple training plans with different levels of difficulty that will allow you to work all the muscles of your body. The good news is that to do the exercise routines that the app includes, it is not necessary to have any material and you will not have to go to a gym.

On the other hand, I must stress that with Freeletics Bodyweight you can compare your marks as you progress in training, you will even have the chance to compete with your friends. Something you will also appreciate is that all the information about your progress can be saved in Apple Health (of course, if you have an iOS device), such as calories burned, training duration, date … You will not miss anything. The only downside is that if you do not have an Android device you will not be able to save this data and, to enjoy all its functions, you will have to pay a subscription of 3, 6 or 12 months.

Download available for Android or iOS

Tell us! Do you really want to get fit without the presence of a personal trainer and without leaving home? Choose any of the apps we analyzed in this post. This will surely help you work out at home without spending a single penny.


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