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5 Omega-3 Rich Foods for Vegans & Vegetarians


Omega 3 foods are one everyone’s lips…If not it should be. You have that passion to shed your skin’s upper epidermis i.e the fat. You work hard in the gym. You club squats and jumping jack sessions. To strive to get rid of the fat. The inner goal is to achieve the milestone of a healthy and good looking body. But What a second? You don’t want the good fat right? Do you? Here is a hint to pay attention while you are during your weight loss regime. You should be aiming to cut of omega 6 bad fats and refill the energy tank of the body with omega 3 good fats. Carbohydrate for energy is a bonus. Curious to know more about the source for this good fat?

Omega 3 rich foods are the source of “the most essential fat”.And the bad news is your body is quite not eligible to manufacture the good fat. Whereas junk foods assist your body to store the bad fat after the break down of protein and carbohydrate in the stomach cavity. You have to shed the bad skin fat and compensate the shedding by providing yourself with an alternative with a good one after the metamorphosis. Stay put while you get exposure to the real gem of foods indispensable for you.

Omega 3 vegetables and fruits benefits

  • Immunization from heart disease
  • Anti-inflammatory food for cell repair
  • Protection from poor blood circular leading to mood swings and depression
  • Fatigue

Inquisitive enough to get more? Well! Let’s get started with the five major sources of the getting omega 3 inculcated in the diet.

1. Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds

Vegans would love this. It is “the most”  healthiest food on the planet. But there comes a bonus too. You are going to load your body and brain with the nutrients. And guess what the calorie intake is quite low. You might confirm with an app: “Lose It” These are the tiny black seeds from the plant “Salvia Hispanica” a relative of the mint family.

Chia seeds are capable enough to increase both “good “HDL cholesterol and omega 3 level in blood and decrease triglycerides.

It can be quite illusionary to believe the power profit of such little seed. But don’t be fooled.

One ounce (28 grams) servings contain more than enough for the daily requirement with a whopping  4915 mg 

  • Fibre (11 gms)
  • Proteins (4 gms)
  • Fat (9 gms)

Ways to intake:

  • Nutritious chia puddings
  • Sprinkling chia seeds as a salad topping, yogurts or smoothies.

2. Flax Seeds

Flax seeds

The richest plant-based source is the power for your mitochondria of the cells. They are also an excellent source of omega 3 fats. Vegans and vegetarians would find delights to know that flax seeds are the replacement for chia seeds. You can get the seeds coupled with water or milk for a vegan egg replacement. With the deposition of bad fats, people get vulnerable to high Blood pressure. Intake of flax seeds helps to shed the extra fat and lower blood pressure.

One ounce (28 grams) of flaxseeds contains 6,388 mg of ALA omega-3 fatty acids, surpassing the daily recommended amount

The contents:

  •  Fibre (1.9 gms)
  •  Carbs( 2 gms)
  •  Fat ( 3 gms)
  •  Protein(1.3 gms)

You can get innovative in engulfing this:

  •  Adding them to oats, cereals or salad
  • Substitute eggs with flax seeds to any vegan recipe

3. Leafy greens

Leafy greens

Who could ignore the rate of returns in terms of health benefits in the case of greeneries? The pragmatism of the green is fresh. This all-rounder is a good vegetarian source for omega 3 too. Broccoli, spinach, kale, and romaine all contain some of the essential alpha-linolenic acids that the body needs. The vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids act an antioxidant. You want to detoxify the body first before the bad fat melts and gift yourself the good ones.

Ways to inculcate :

  • Morning Smoothies and salads
  • Make a lettuce wrap with your favourite ingredients, bake up some crispy kale chips, sauté your greens for a savoury side dish

4. Hemp Seeds

Hemp Seeds

A plant product from the northern hemisphere.Although a relative of the family of marijuana, but both are quite different from tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content. The chemical responsible for elevating cognitive properties is found in traces in hemp seeds. The giver of alpha-linolenic acids (ALA) is a major source of omega 3.A very good alternative for a fish substitute.

One ounce (28 grams) of hemp seeds contains 6,000 mg of ALA omega-3 fatty acids, or 375–545% of the daily recommended intake. (3)

The nutritional gift:

  • Protein (9 gm)
  • Carb (2.6gm)
  • Fat(14 gms)
  • Fibre(0.001 gm)

Ways to get it inside the body:

  • Homemade hemp seed granola bars
  • Hemp seed oil
  • Sprinkling hemp seed on yoghurt

5. Walnuts


Walnut is a replacement for interim meal hunger pangs. It is comprising of 65% fat totally is an absolute source for good fats. A powerhouse for omega 3 and ALA is an exclusive source of brain booster. Along with that, the monounsaturated fat helps to form a protective sheath. The bonus is its antioxidant property and VIT  E offerings. These are raw nectar if coupled with some almonds with a little roasting. This snack is going to keep you full for longer hours. Just one serving of walnuts can fulfil an entire day’s requirements of omega-3 fatty acids, with a single ounce (28 grams) providing 2,542 mg.

The nutrients:

  •  Protein (4.3 gm)
  •  Carb (3.8 gm)
  •  Fat(18 gms)
  •  Fibre (1.9 gm)

Recipe coupling ideas:

  • Add walnuts to your homemade granola, sprinkle pieces on top of yoghurt
  • Eat the snack cereal on a handful to increase your ALA intake.
  • Taken in powdered form with milk.

The Bottom Line

You have to accept this that it’s quite formidable for a vegan or vegetarian to get adequate omega 3 naturally. But strategic planning is possible. You have to innovatively incorporate it within the diet. A very essential step for safe and healthy weight loss. Are you losing weight the safe way?

7 Protein Rich Breakfast Ideas for Weight Loss


Losing weight and staying fit has been a mantra among people these days. Everyone wants to have a fit body. That is the reason they decide to hit the gym and plan on eating healthy food. Even though exercises help in losing weight, the real fact is that “You are what you eat”. When fitness and Weight Loss is in your mind, there is no room for eating unhealthy and junk food. However, there are days when we normally tend to think about junk food and binge on unhealthy stuff which would definitely cost us a lot in terms of maintaining a healthy body.

However, to make your weight loss journey an exciting one, how about eating healthy yet tasty snacks? The snack ideas mentioned below are the best as they can be made quickly and are filled with various nutrients, because of the low calories in it, you can be certainly relaxed and enjoy your journey towards weight loss. Here are some lip-smacking breakfast ideas for the people who want to achieve Weight Loss.

1. Tasty Corn Snack

boiled Corn

Corn can be consumed in roasted or steamed and even in grilled form. Corn is the best source for instant energy. It contains a good amount of fiber as well as is extremely beneficial for your digestive system. Apart from this, it contains a good amount of phosphorous, manganese, magnesium, zinc, selenium, iron and copper.

Steamed corn tastes delicious and can be turned into an instant snack. All you need to do is to steam the corn to perfection. Once it is steamed well, you can add spices of your choice but don’t forget to add salt. You can use a chilly powder with lime and some salt, pepper powder with some butter, salt or lime or just salt and butter. You can add your desired spices and turn this into an enjoyable snack.

2. Foxnut

Fox nut

Foxnut is a powerhouse of potassium and it also helps in regulating the blood pressure in the body. If you want to lose weight, but can’t control your hunger, foxnut is something that you should include in your diet. You can roast the foxnut in a little ghee and can later on go ahead and add the spices or herbs of your choice to make a delicious snack. 100 grams of foxnut has about 20 grams of protein which is quite a great option for the gym freaks.

3. Roasted Potatoes

Roasted Potatoes

There are days when you want to dive into junk food and one of the common snacks that come to our mind is French fries. However, the fries are too oily and unhealthy if your only goal is to lose some weight. Here is one version of a potato snack which tastes awesome and can satisfy your craving for French fries. All you need to do is to thinly slice some potatoes and add spices like chilly powder, cumin powder, asafetida, and salt. Later on, mix in some cornflour and coat it well with semolina. Thereafter these can be transferred to a heated pan by roasting it in very little oil. Tastes undeniably delicious! You can also have this along with your meal.

4. Peanut Bars

Peanut bars

Peanuts are essentially high in protein and are a favourite among the weight watchers. 100 grams of peanuts normally has 26 grams of protein which is absolutely great. Peanut bars are easily available in the market these days. However, making them on your own gives you immense satisfaction. Peanut bars made with jaggery tastes wonderful. All you need to do is heat the jaggery and make a thick syrup. You can also choose to add some cardamom powder for better taste. Later on, add crushed peanuts and spread the mixture on a tray. Later cut them in the shape of bars and you can relish them whenever you need. This can be considered a great after gym snack.

5. Spicy Raw Mango


This raw mango snack is for those who want to binge on something sour and spicy. The snack can be prepared quickly and it is also one of the popular street delicacies. All you need to do is to chop the raw mango into bite-sized pieces and add some salt and chilly powder. Later on, you can add a teaspoon of whichever oil you prefer. Raw mango helps in giving an instant energy boost and it is also beneficial in treating various hormonal issues. The weight watchers can definitely enjoy this snack anytime.

6. Brown Bread sandwich

Brown bread sandwich

This is indeed a quick recipe of sandwich and brown bread makes it all healthy. It is a wonderful way to incorporate some vegetables into your diet. You can choose to either toast or grill them. In between your brown bread, you can choose to add sliced onion, sliced tomato, sliced boiled potato, lettuce, some roasted broccoli or any vegetable that you like. You can season it with pepper powder and salt and also add some cheese and tomato ketchup if you like. You can have this anytime as it provides with maximum nutrition.

7. Quick Semolina Pancake

Semolina Pancake

Semolina is an amazing ingredient to make a quick snack. It has the right amount of carbohydrates and proteins to satiate your hunger. This semolina pancake can be made quickly and is tasty too. Wash about a cup of semolina and add a half cup of curd to it, add some chopped green chillies and chopped ginger, three teaspoons of wheat flour, little sugar and salt for taste. You can also choose to add a mashed banana for better paste. You can also season it with spluttered mustard seeds. Mix it all well with required quantity of water to make pancake batter and enjoy this healthy snack.

These snack ideas are delicious and can be easily made. Even if you are a newbie in cooking, you can start with these recipes and turn out to be a great cook. It is important to remember that good health begins in your kitchen. You would certainly keep a watch on the ingredients used and try to maintain a balance of calories which is definitely a plus. So get started by implementing these snack ideas and maintain your weight in a healthy way.

How to use Instagram on Laptop or Mac


Instagram is a social networking mobile application, is designed for mobile-only. Instagram is first and foremost designed as a mobile application. You are supposed to upload from your phone, and in real-time. Sometimes it happens that you want to edit your photographs and wants to use Lightroom, or you want to upload photos or videos taken on devices like a camera or maybe you don’t like to type long captions on your phone and prefer to use the realtime keyboard. It can be a very cumbersome and tedious task to send images from computer to phone and then upload it on Instagram.

Official page of Instagram on Desktop
Official page of Instagram on Desktop

Much third-party software is available to schedule your Instagram Posts, but the approach gets only halfway there and doesn’t bypass the need to use your phone to do actual posting. it just acts as a reminder service. Buffer and Sendible are similar in that sense.

Following are the several ways to use Instagram from your PC without using your phone. It includes third-party apps and browser tricks. Some are available free of cost which works well for both Mac and Windows whilst some are paid. Each app or service available is different with its own pros and cons.

Some Important Points to Keep In Mind before using Third-party Apps.

Instagram encourages users to upload images from their mobile devices, and it is not unheard for the accounts to be flagged or it may also close if uploaded from other sources. if you decide to use third-party software.

If you use some third-party software to interact with Instagram and post on your account. you may require your login details. Some of the apps listed below haven’t had any such consequences. Some safest options are to use a user-agent spoofing method where you don’t have to hand over your login details to third parties.

How to Use Instagram from PC

1. Web Browser

When you open the Instagram site in your desktop’s web browser you get a stripped -down version of the site which allows you to do comment on photos but it doesn’t include a way to create new posts.


Several new browsers have a function that can be used to make Instagram site think you are using it from mobile devices so that the posting features become accessible. This is also known as User-Agent spoofing. It has some advantages like it is free and doesn’t require installing a third party app or plugin. It also does not require you to hand over the login credentials to the third party. Further, it has got some disadvantages too, not all Instagram features are available.

2. Flume for Mac

Flume is full of the features required for Instagram Client. Flume is available on Mac. It is a free version with basic features, but if you want to upload photos or videos directly from the personal computer or manage multiple accounts, you will need to upgrade to the paid version of the software.


It has a slick Mac Style interface with quite a bit of flexibility in the display. It supports multi-image carousel posts, which also includes filters if you are using the pro version. It lets you manage activity on your account and also manage your profile. It does include scheduling. Flume was developed by Mac, but Apple got it kicked off the store for violating Instagram’s term of use. A developer of the application have made their own website and it is exclusively available.

3. LR/Instagram

Light Room for Instagram

It is a new option for people to use works on Lightroom. It is a plugin that enables you to publish to your Instagram account. If you are already using Lightroom. It is very much convenient to be able to post directly with the need to export the files and upload them as a different process.

you can use features like crop and add padding with Lightroom’s normal editing tools, and there is no need to open a web browser or other application. You are free to add captions and hashtags from within Lightroom. It doesn’t allow some synchronization option that published services typically offers you do not edit the photo or caption and republish it. However, you are not provided with access to Instagram Built-in features.

3. Instagram on Windows store

Instagram for Window's Store


Instagram does have an Instagram Modern app in the Microsoft Store. It’s essentially just a port of the Instagram mobile app, so while it’s nothing special it does get the job done. After installing the app, sign in and you’ll see your feed like normal. To post on Instagram, you’ll need to click the Camera icon in the upper-left corner. You’ll need to Enable Camera Access and Microphone Access to add a new image.

Other Alternatives

Instagram on Pc via Bluestacks

Bluestacks for PC

Blue stack is an android mobile emulator that runs from your computer. It can be installed like a mobile application and can run the Instagram app. Although it doesn’t work on Mac properly.

Direct Messages for Business Profiles

Direct messages popularly know as DMs are an option in Instagram that allows you to send the message privately to the Instagram user or to a group of Instagram users. You can send messages, photos and videos while the applications on our smartphones make things very much easier for us it doesn’t mean its as ease typing on a keyboard on a large screen. If you want to use your computer to check your direct message you can use your web browser or install Instagram for Windows from Windows Store.

All these programs will help you to use Instagram on Personal Computer and direct messages for business profiles and also will help you to upload images.

11 Best Living Room Design Ideas


A living room is a vital component of any home. People often try different ways to augment the look of this integral portion of their home. It is the first thing that the guests notice. Hence, time and care should be taken to decorate the living room graciously. It is important to carefully decide on the do’s and don’ts and then finally design your living room in the most sophisticated manner. You just cannot stuff all the things you love in your living room. A careful decision is vital as it creates an impression in the minds of guests about you.

Here are a few important tips that can be followed to decorate your living room. These tips can be followed easily and require a minimum investment.

1. Use Contrast Colours

Contrast Living room Ideas

The colours of the walls depict your taste. You can choose colours that suit your personality perfectly. The colours should be well-balanced and should create a positive impact when you enter the home. You can use contrast colours. If you are a fan of wallpapers, you can choose something like motifs so that it will bring a modern and sophisticated touch. Some attractive stencil designs can also be used in places to bring in attractiveness. It is also vital to choose good quality paint so that it withstands any internal or external factors for wear and tear.

2. Stylish with Modern Equipment

Modern Kitchen

Some of the integral modern equipment that should belong to your living room is television, music system, AI equipped smart home gadgets etc. These are purely meant for entertainment purpose and actually helps in bringing a family together. Apart from the entertainment factor, it should also be pleasant to the eyes. Good quality modern equipment will undoubtedly enrich the look of your living room. This brings a lot of richness and is definitely a thing that you can be proud of.

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3. Elegant Electrical Fittings

Wall ceiling electric fitting

Electrical fittings such as fans, lights etc. should be fixed in the right places. We are very fortunate to find a lot of options considering in the market these days. The electrical equipment not only serves the purpose but also helps in increasing the appearance of your living room. Stylish and colourful equipment can be got easily that goes well with the look of your living room. So make sure to buy such equipment that goes well with the appearance and colours of your living room.

4. Attractive Flooring

Wooden Flooring

There are a lot of flooring options that you can choose from such as concrete, vinyl, ceramic tiles, hardwood floors of varied colours, marble etc. It is upon you to choose what complements you and your home. It is important to choose the one that is extremely comfortable and sustains the varying weather conditions.

5. Striking Carpet

Carpet Ideas

Placing an elegant carpet definitely brings in a lot of difference. The dimension of the room has to be considered before buying it. To get the best carpet for your living room, it is essential to know about different styles, quality and materials so that you can be sure about comfort and durability.

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6. Antique and Collectibles


Placing antique articles in your living room definitely brings in a lot of richness. A small antique closet, furniture or pot can bring in immense difference. So choose the right article that looks great for your living room.

7. Modern Furniture

Modern Furniture

Furniture for your living room such as TV stand, end table, coffee table, sectional, sofa or couch should be elegant and should provide with maximum comfort. These should be such that it can be cleaned and maintained well. The colours of the furniture should also go well with the appearance of your living room. The furniture should have good finishing and the work has to be flawless.

8. Elegant Curtains


Elegant curtains can be used for balconies attached to the living room or for windows. It is better to choose light coloured curtains so that the room is bright always. Make sure to buy the best quality curtains and these should also complement the walls of the room. Good looking curtains with great designs will definitely help in elevating the appearance of your living room.

9. Indoor Plants

Indoor plant Ideas

Placing some indoor plants brings in a lot of positivity and helps in bringing a progressive environment. You can choose a particular portion of your living room for placing such plants. Some kinds of indoor plants that can be used for this purpose could be cactus, succulents, foliage, creepers, ferns, bonsai plants etc. Maintaining these plants well is extremely important. Also, make sure not to keep more than two plants.

10. Lucky Charms

Dream Catcher

You can choose to place some lucky charms too. This is said to bring in good luck and also helps in getting a wonderful look to your living room. Some Vastu plants can be placed for a fresh appearance. Apart from this, wind chimes, laughing Buddha, horseshoe charms can also be considered good options.

11. Artistic Pieces

Wall Art

You can choose a particular focal point in your living room and place an artistic piece. When such a piece is placed it will augment the look of your wall in the best way. It could be a beautiful painting that you have always adored or any craft that is made beautifully. You can keep changing the look of your living room once in a while to make a huge difference. Even minute changes would create a huge impact. If you want to have a small aquarium with goldfish, even that can be done. This helps in creating a lively environment. However, timely cleaning and maintenance is an essential aspect and you can never run away from it. Make sure to keep only those things that are really essential in your living room.

Implementing all of these ideas could be a little difficult or could also prove to be overcrowding. So you choose the best ones that go well with the space of your living room and the ones that give a graceful appearance. Even without the help of an interior designer, you can design your living room elegantly and also without a hole in your pocket.

How TikTok App has Taken the World by Storm


TikTok is is a social media app for creating and sharing videos and live broadcasting for 15 seconds. TikTok is also known as Douyin in China. Alex Zhu co-founder of Musical.ly merged with TikTok on August 2018. This app is owned by bytedance media company which allows users short videos for 15 seconds. The name TikTok means the sound of a clock. This app is compatible with both Android and IOS mobile. The company Bytedance combined two apps into one single application called TikTok. It also runs buzz video and Vigo video. This app has more than 200 million active users. The app has numerous viral trends and celebrities around the world due to its immense popularity and social influence.

TikTok Userbase is Gigantic and Growing

The number of Musical.ly active users in India is 15 million whereas in the US it’s 20 million in which 70% are women. With TikTok, life’s more fun when you live in the moment and explore the world. This app makes you easy to discover and make awesome videos by capturing funny and memorable moments to the world. TikTok is available in 150 markets and in 75 languages. It is the worlds most downloaded app in 2018. Currently, TikTok has reached more than 500million active users worldwide and 150 million in China alone. The TikTok mobile app allows users to create short videos and feature music in the background with a wide range of genre from hip-hop to country and many more.

Top Features of TikTok

Tik Tok offers you most relevant interesting fun and head-turning videos that you will never stop seeing. Millions of creators are on TikTok showing their talents and knowledge. You can easily edit your videos with millions of free music and you can also add your favorite music too. There are 100+ emojis and stickers for free which can take your videos to next level.

Tik Tok Features

There are so many editing tools like trim cut merge and duplicate videos. There are endless video categories like dance, food, comedy, DIY, etc to discover new videos. You can add special effects filters, fun stickers, music and much more. There are millions of videos you can watch like and share. You can make awesome videos so quickly and easily to discover memorable moments to share with the world.


TikTok is hugely popular in India and is one of the best 5 apps of 2018. The app allows users to keep their account private and allowing only people they approve to view it. They can allow either their friends or only one person they choose to share, comment or like. The duet feature allows users to film a video aside another video. There are a variety of trends in TikTok like lip-synced songs, comedies and fun. Also, Duet features allow users to add their own videos to an existing one.

TikTok is Available on All Platforms

TikTok is available worldwide for both ios and android. TikTok is liked by all age groups but teens love it the most. The special effects added to the video make them more unique. You can also cross-post the content on other platforms to share it with more people.

Children’s TikTok Account Safety

Parents have made concerns as it uses inappropriate languages which affects the children. By default all accounts are public so anyone can see what your child shares. Like Facebook and Instagram, it has digital well-being elements which restrict users from inappropriate content. With the private account, we can approve or deny users to followers only. So how you can keep your Tiktok’s account safe:

  1. Talk to them about cyberbullying
  2. Keep their account Private
  3. Make sure they are share aware so they protect themselves
  4. Get familiar with the community guidelines to be informed about what they can or cannot do
  5. Be aware of explicit songs on the app
  6. Turn on digital wellbeing settings
  7. Set the account to restricted mode

TikTok Encourages Users to Become Creators

TikTok enables everyone to be a creator and encourages users to share their creativity and passion through videos. Share precious moments to the world direct from mobile. I would definitely recommend to download this app and explore the world with your knowledge and passion by creating a 15-second video.  This is a great app for the musical social network with added cool features by which you can create videos in minutes. Parents can talk about the terms and social network and how to use it appropriately.

Overall, I really enjoy TikTok! It’s fun to use and its lipsync with inbuilt music and millions of features to customize the video with emojis and stickers add the entertainment the next level.

Healthy Snack Ideas for Weight Watchers


Small Changes Can Make Big Difference

Weight loss always requires continuous effort and commitment. The good news is that you can easily lose weight through lifestyle changes, exercise, diet and medications. It can make a huge difference to your health and how you feel. For a weight loss program, you can consult your doctor to help you with some tips that can help you reach your goals. Make sure you start slow for a big change that can work for you for the long run.

Tackling obesity and following modern lifestyle along with healthy living must be considered public health priority. You should make a proper energy balance between intake of calories and the number of calories used. For attaining this goal, you should limit the energy intake by consuming unsaturated fats, increasing fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains and nuts in your diet. In addition to this, physical exercise is very necessary for the overall utilization of calories which in turn gives the energy for a healthy body.

Being overweight has become a global health concern nowadays. With a fast pace of life, many of us follow the sedentary lifestyle. Usually, we eat whatever is easy and quick to make and end up gaining fat. The excess fat once gets accumulated cannot be easily lost. But the good news is that proper food choices can shed off your extra calories and help you lose weight.

Proper diet and exercise are important for removing excess calories from your body. The weight can easily be lost when you burn more calories than you consume. Moreover, there are foods that can increase your fat burning potential and also help you feel full for a long time. All you need to include those food items in your diet to get slimmer and healthier in no time.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

It is a great natural bile stimulant and acid reflux preventer. Consuming it can increase feelings of fullness and make you eat fewer calories for the rest of the day.

2. Cinnamon


Along with enhancing the flavour of your breakfast, it helps to balance blood sugar levels and reduces bad cholesterol.

Also, Read Nutrition-Based Diet for Weight Loss

3. Brown Rice

Brown rice

Many of you might love to eat rice but once you are on the weight loss plan, you avoid eating it as it’s a carb and increases your calories. But do you know that brown rice is good for you? It can help you lose weight as it is absorbed more slowly by the bloodstream than white rice.

4. Oatmeal 


This is one of the food with plenty of benefits. It is rich in fibers, stomach filling and healthy as well. You can consume a bowl of oatmeal to satisfy your hunger and improve your metabolic health.

5. Beans 


These are high in fibers and helps to keep you feel fuller. Beans are fairly low in calories which can increase the nutrient intake, lowers body weight, reduces LDL cholesterol and risk of cardiovascular disease. You can have them in homemade veggie, soups or salads.

6. Avocado 


Avocados are loaded with healthy fats and contain a lot of fibers as well. Eating avocados tend to lower BMI, body weight and waist circumference. Though these are higher in calories the fat and fibers in it help you slim down. You can have it in your salad, sandwich etc.

7. Fruits


 Fruits are full of vitamins, minerals and fibers. Some fruits such as Apples contain a high amount of fibers. Thus, it can aid you in weight loss by helping you feel fuller for longer.

8. Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous Vegetables

 Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage etc. These veggies are packed with vitamins and minerals along with high fibers content. Eating these veggies can help you prevent weight gain providing good nutrition of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

9. Leafy Greens 

Green leafy

Leafy greens make up a perfect plate for a weight loss diet. You can include kale, spinach, collards, Swiss chard etc as these are loaded with fiber and are best for your meals.

10. Yoghurt


Yoghurt has lots of probiotics which are good for your gut health. It keeps the gut bacteria happy and maintains a healthy metabolism. Thus, it reduces the appetite and increases satiety. You can take plain yoghurt with fresh fruits to enhance its benefits.

So, if you really want to shed off your excess fat and lose weight then forget adding up calories instead try to reduce it. Focus on the food items you consume, follow a healthy lifestyle, exercise and follow the commitment to lose weight. Stay motivated and committed, surely you will get the best results.

Small Changes Can Make Big Difference

Weight loss always requires continuous effort and commitment. The good news is that you can easily lose weight through lifestyle changes, exercise, diet and medications. It can make a huge difference to your health and how you feel. For a weight loss program, you can consult your doctor to help you with some tips that can help you reach your goals. Make sure you start slow for a big change that can work for you for the long run.

Tackling obesity and following modern lifestyle along with healthy living must be considered public health priority. You should make a proper energy balance between intake of calories and the number of calories used. For attaining this goal, you should limit the energy intake by consuming unsaturated fats, increasing fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains and nuts in your diet. In addition to this, physical exercise is very necessary for the overall utilization of calories which in turn gives the energy for a healthy body.

Living an optimum lifestyle is not as easy as it once was. Well, making it easy depends entirely on the changes made by you. It’s taking charge of your well-being and learning the facts about nutrition, physical energy and hydration in order to make sensible choices that support good health.

For a healthy life, balance is the key and that applies to foods you eat, too. So, there you have it. Remember, you are what you eat. So fuel your body with the right foods, and it will reward you for making healthy choices. Healthy food leads to a healthy body, which, in turn, increases your odds of a longer, happier life. Feeding your body with healthy food or eating good reduces the risk of chronic disease and improves the overall health. It, on the other hand, has a direct correlation of how you look, feel and sleep. Yes, you can feel the significant differences both internally and externally. Therefore, it makes you look and feel good which boosts up the confidence and you can enjoy your life at fullest.

Health and wellness bring about a drastic improvement in the overall quality of your life. So, start making small changes in your dietary habits to reap the fruitful benefits. Good physical, mental and emotional health makes you look good, feel good about yourself and thus makes your life happy. Make right and mindful food choices to maintain ideal weight and lead a healthy life.

Don’t Focus on how much you eat, focus on what you eat.

Nutrition Based Diet for Weight Loss


Health is wealth – an old saying. It’s true and we all are striking hard to achieve it. A large number of gyms in and around your residential area proves it. Gyming alone can’t help to achieve proper health. Along with Gyming, we need a proper diet. Some people face gastro problems after waking up.

Man facing gastro problems
Man facing gastro problems

They can start their day with Gum tea. Below is a regular plan that we can opt for. It will help in you to make a proper diet plan as per your taste. Please ensure it’s a generic plan. For speedy weight maintenance, you should visit a nutritionist. S/he will do your tests and then based on your health conditions, blood type and nutrients need of your body will suggest a proper diet plan. Normally 80% of Indians are low on vitamin D and some minerals like potassium, calcium etc. The lack of minerals in food also sometimes become the reason for weight gain and some other health issues.

vitamin D
80% of Indians are low on vitamin D

The need for proper examination is a must before starting any diet plan. Banana and coconut are a good source of potassium and calcium. For vitamin D best source is early morning sun rays. But it’s difficult to absorb sufficient amount desired by the body due to hectic schedules and modern lifestyle. For this, we can have tablets or injections as prescribed by the nutritionist.

Banana and Coconut shavings
Banana and Coconut shavings provide potassium and calcium

Vitamin C is volatile and thus if you are having foods rich in victim c after keeping them cut for a long time. It will lose its value. Victim c helps in developing immunity. So try to eat raw tomatoes and oranges instead of having it in juice form.

If you are low on iron you will feel exhausted. In this case please add iron-rich foods in your diet and for proper absorption of iron in your body plz add lemon before consuming the food. For example, if you are having spinach, squeeze a lemon in your bowl of spinach before having it. It will increase the absorption of iron.

The iron and vitamin c connection
The iron and vitamin c connection

There are also many small things which we need to consider while cooking and having food for maximum nutritional output.

Diet Plan for Weight Loss

1. Start your day with gum tea. In order to make tea powder, you first need to roast gum in ghee and then grind. Store the powder in an airtight container. Also, keep freshly ground cumin powder. In boiling water add a spoon of gum powder and a pinch of cumin powder. Drink it when hot. Alternatively, others who don’t have gastro problem can have fresh coconut water without coconut cream(malai).

2. Later Have some fruit after 30 minutes. Like apple/papaya/pomegranate /orange etc. Don’t consume fruits high in sugar.

3. After 1 hour you can have your breakfast. At breakfast, you can have the following-

  • stuffed vegetable parantha without oil and butter.
  • Upma with lots of veggies
  • Poha
  • Vegetable Dalia
  • Boiled vegetables–carrots, peas, cabbage, broccoli, beans tossed with half spoon vinegar and olive oil. Can sprinkle oregano or pepper for taste.
  • Boiled eggs without yellow York and two slices of brown bread.
  • Vegetables chill a without oil.
  • Oats and milk with lots of almonds and walnuts.
  • Wheat sprouts.
  • Vegetable sandwich

4. After 2 hours have Green tea or buttermilk along with 2 almonds and 2 walnuts. If you don’t want to have any dry fruits then you can have 2 Marie biscuits too.

5. Before 30 minutes to lunch have one plate of salad.

6. In lunch have one wheat roti, one bowl of vegetables and one bowl of curd. No need to add sugar or salt in the curd.

7. After 2 hours you can have a cup of green tea with a bowl of fruit salad.

8. After 1 hour or so you can have a glass of buttermilk.

9. Before dinner have a plate of salad. In dinner have 25g of paneer, a bowl of curd.

10. If you are staying awake for long and feel hungry then at night you can have a glass of milk.

Make sure you drink lots of water the whole day and stay the hydrated full day.

Best Budget Laptop Under 30000 Rupees in 2019


In this digital era, one of the most important items used by almost everyone is the laptop. A laptop is a personal computer that can be carried easily at any location. Along with the portability, the laptop provides all the features like a desktop. You can easily do your work, surf the net, play the games or watch the movies by buying a laptop of good quality. Thus, the Laptop has become the most important electronic device nowadays.

Are you planning to buy a new laptop under 30,000? Well, there are plenty of options available in the market. These come in various designs, RAM, Hard drive, Processor and more. Some of the laptops have Windows 10 but some come with Linux or DOS. Choosing the best one that suits your pocket is a bit tricky. Before making the final buying decision you need to be aware of all the features in it. For your help, we have done in-depth research and made it easier for you. We have provided a brief review of each laptop with its specifications and pros cons.

Just check out our list of the laptop under 30,000 and pick out the ultimate piece you are looking for yourself.

Budget Laptop Under 30000 Rupees in 2019 Price Buy Online
HP 15q Core i3 7th Gen 28990 INR Buy
Acer Aspire 3 Core i3 7th Gen 30900 INR Buy
Dell Inspiron 14 3000 Core i3 6th Gen 28490 INR Buy
Lenovo Ideapad Core i3 6th Gen 26700 INR Buy
Asus X541UA-XO561T (Core i3 (6th Gen) 27250 INR Buy

1. HP 15q Core i3 7th Gen (4 GB/1 TB HDD/Windows 10 Home) 15q-bu040tu Laptop

HP 15q-bu040tu 2018 15.6-inch Laptop (Intel Core i3-7100U/4GB/1TB/Windows 10/Integrated Graphics), Sparkling Black

Product Description:

Ease your work with a stylish laptop made exclusively with advanced user-friendly features. 2.3GHz Intel Core 7th Gen processor offers reliable performance and long-lasting battery life. Easy to surf and stream this laptop is powered by Intel Core i3 Processor with 4 GB of RAM and has 1 TB HDD storage. Windows 10 Operating System has 64 bit OS Architecture and an ATA hard drive.


  • Intel Core i3 Processor (7th Gen)
  • 4 GB DDR4 RAM
  • 64 bit Windows 10 Operating System
  • 1 TB HDD
  • 6-inch Display
  • 3GHz Intel Core i3
  • ATA hard drive
  • 4 hours of battery life, 1.86kg laptop
  • 3 MB cache, 2 cores


  • Powerful processor with 8 GB DDR4 RAM
  • Ideal display size for everyday use
  • Light in weight, portable
  • Good Storage Capacity
  • Better RAM
  • Popular OS
  • 64-Bit Windows
  • High-Resolution Screen


  • Standard Battery life
  • Simple in appearance.
  • DOS used in OS.
  • Windows Genuine OS Missing.
  • No Anti-Glare Screen.
  • Fewer USB Ports.

2.  Acer Aspire 3 Core i3 7th Gen – (4 GB/1 TB HDD/Windows 10 Home) A315-51 Laptop

Acer Aspire 3 Core i3 7th Gen

Product Description:

 This well-designed laptop has a delicate hair-line brush pattern that adds a unique touch to its design. It comes with a host of innovative features such as Precision Touchpad and Chiclet Keyboard that makes it a perfect choice to use for a long period of time. The laptop is embedded with the BlueLightShield Technology that filters out the blue light and helps reduce the strain on your eyes. The hard drive space of 1 TB allows the easy storage and organizing of data.


  • Wireless Antenna helps in maintaining a strong and consistent wireless signal.
  • Windows 10 Operating System powered by the Intel Core i3 Processor.
  • Crisp and vibrant visuals
  • 00GHz Intel Core i3-6006U processor
  • 4GB DDR4 RAM
  • 1TB hard drive
  • 6-inch screen
  • Intel HD 520 Graphics
  • 64 bit Windows 10 Operating System


  • Solid design with a good keyboard, Good connectivity
  • Decent battery life
  • Good Build
  • Nice Display
  • 7th Gen Chipset
  • Good Battery Backup
  • Value for money
  • better ram
  • Free OS


  • No DVD drive
  • Not suitable for gaming
  • Windows not installed
  • No Anti-Glare Screen
  • Fewer Processing Cores

Also, Read Dell Area 51m: World most powerful gaming laptop

3. Dell Inspiron 14 3000 Core i3 6th Gen – (4 GB/1 TB HDD/Windows 10 Home) 3467 Laptop

Product Description: Dell Inspiron 14 3000 3467 Core i3 6th Gen Laptop is powered by Intel processor which is made of 4 GB of RAM. It has 1 TB HDD storage which is used for processing and multitasking tasks. 1.96 Kg laptop has 14-inch screen has a resolution of 1366 x 768 Pixel. The visuals are bright and clear as it has HD LED Backlit Anti-glare Display. It has a clock speed of 2 GHz and 3 MB cache memory. It comes preloaded with Windows 10 Home operating system with 64-bit version on the 64-bit machine.


  • A laptop without Optical Disk Drive
  • Intel Core i3 Processor (6th Gen)
  • 4 GB DDR4 RAM
  • 64 bit Windows 10 Operating System
  • 1 TB HDD
  • 14-inch Display
  • 6th Generation Intel Core i3- 6006U processor (3M cache, 2.0 GHz )
  • 1TB 5400RPM SATA hard drive
  • 1 VGA, 1 HDMI out, 1 RJ-45, 2 USB 3.0, 1 USB 2.0, SD card reader
  • 6th Generation processor
  • Anti-glare LED-backlit display


  • Decent Chipset
  • Great Build
  • Lightweight
  • Dual Speakers
  • Nice Display
  • Good RAM
  • Durable
  • Long battery life


  • Heavy
  • Bouncy screen
  • Overheating issues
  • Keyboard backlighting is fuzzy
  • Boot-time takes longer than usual

4. Lenovo Ideapad Core i3 6th Gen – (4 GB/1 TB HDD/DOS) IP 320E Laptop

Lenovo Ideapad Core i3 6th Gen

Product Description: This laptop is exclusively made to fulfill all your requirements for browsing, working on documents and watching shows. Lenovo Ideapad 320E laptop comes with a 1 TB hard drive for storing the huge number of files, an HD display and dual speakers for the best audiovisual experience. The 6th generation i3 processor delivers fast performance makes it a powerful multitasking device. The 39.62 cm (15.6-inch) display is ideal for watching movies and videos. Also, this Lenovo laptop features two high-speed USB 3.0 ports, a USB Type C port, and a 4-in-1 card reader. This high-resolution display comes with an anti-glare panel that reduces reflections to give you an improved viewing experience.


  • 1 TB HDD
  • 6-inch Display
  • 2GHz Intel Core i3-6006U 6th Gen processor
  • Integrated Intel HD Graphics 520GB Graphics
  • Free DOS operating system
  • 4 GB DDR4 RAM


  • Good Build Quality
  • Sleek, slim, stylish
  • Decent Chipset
  • Windows 10 Installed
  • High Capacity Drive
  • Average Sound
  • Big Screen, Lots of Ports
  • HD Display
  • Dual Speakers


  • All ports are at one side
  • Only 2 USB Port
  • VGA Port, not present
  • HD screen
  • Starts slowly
  • Non-removable battery

Also, Read AMD’s new Radeon VII 7nm Gaming GPU

5. Asus X541UA-XO561T (Core i3 (6th Gen)/4 GB/1TB/39.6 cm (15.6)/Windows 10) (Silver)

Asus X541UA-XO561T

Product Description:

This multipurpose laptop of ASUS comes with enhanced Audio and Video for a delightful experience. It also lets you work without straining your eyes as it has eye care mode. This laptop is powered by the Intel Core i3 Processor that makes computing much easier. It has 4 GB of DDR4 RAM (expandable up to 12 GB). It also packs in the efficient 64 bit Windows 10 Home Operating System.


  • Intel Core i3-6006U processor
  • Dual Core 2.3 GHz Clock Speed
  • 4GB RAM
  • 1TB hard drive
  • 6-inch screen, Intel HD 520 Graphics
  • Windows 10 operating system
  • USB Type-C Portlets to transfer your favorite files
  • Chiclet keyboard ensures comfortable typing experience
  • Enhanced Battery Life


  • Decent Build
  • Good Storage Capacity
  • Good RAM
  • Windows 10 Preinstalled
  • Anti-glare screen
  • 6th Gen Processor
  • Multiple Connectivity Port
  • Comfortable keyboard
  • Good speakers
  • Full-HD display


  • Screen color banding, narrow viewing angles
  • Hard drive vibrations distracting
  • Build quality and finish could be better
  • Average Battery Backup
  • Few Processing Cores
  • No VGA port
  • Not very sharp screen

6. Dell Vostro Core i3 6th Gen – (4 GB/1 TB HDD/Windows 10) 3568 Laptop  (15.6 inch, Black, 2.29 kg)

Dell Vostro Core i3 6th Gen

Product Description:

This laptop has a display that fulfills your daily needs. It is powered by the processor, coupled with 4 GB GB of RAM and has 1 TB HDD storage. 64 bit Windows 10 Operating System has the graphics card to manage the graphical functions. Light and Portable laptop have good battery life and better storage.


  • Intel Core i3 Processor (6th Gen)
  • 4 GB DDR3 RAM
  • 64 bit Windows 10 Operating System
  • 1 TB HDD
  • 6-inch Display
  • 0GHz Intel Core i3-6006U 6th Gen processor
  • 4GB DDR4 RAM
  • 1TB 5400rpm Serial ATA hard drive
  • 6-inch screen, Intel HD 520 Graphics
  • Windows 10 + MS Office


  • Decent performance for daily usage
  • Light and Portable
  • Good Display
  • Better Storage and Memory Performance
  • Good connectivity options are available
  • Comes with anti-glare HD display
  • Good Battery life


  • Graphics processor is not up to the mark
  • The operating system needs to be installed manually
  • Chiclet keys make noise while typing.
  • Fonts on keys are dimly printed and lack visibility.
  • Only one LED which lights up while charging the laptop.

 7. Micromax l1160 11.6-inch Laptop (Atom Quad Core/2GB/32GB/Windows 10/Integrated Graphics)

Product Description:

Micromax L1160 is a sleek & portable device that runs in latest OS & has long battery backup. The Intel Quad-Core Processor (up to 1.83GHz) delivers fast, smooth and powerful performance. It has a good HD display and is easy to carry around, making it a good option for those looking to buy an affordable laptop for just general usage.


  • Pre-installed Genuine Windows 10 Operating System
  • Intel Atom Quad-Core Processor (4th)
  • 2 GB DDR3L RAM
  • 64 Bit Windows 10 Operating System
  • 6-inch Display
  • 83GHz Intel Atom Quad Core processor
  • 2GB DDR3 RAM
  • 32GB hard drive
  • 6-inch screen, Integrated Graphics
  • Windows 10 operating system
  • 72kg laptop


  • Very affordable
  • Good battery life
  • Compact and lightweight
  • Ships with Windows 10
  • Inexpensive
  • Sturdy build
  • Very long battery life


  • No USB 3.0 ports
  • Build not much good
  • Keyboard feels cramped
  • Only for the basic user
  • Poor viewing angles

8. Iball Compbook-OHD Laptop(2 GB/32 GB EMMC Storage/Windows 10/128 MB Graphics)

Iball Compbook-OHD Atom

Product Description:

The laptop has a very good display and superb sound quality which provides a really good

multimedia experience. Made of Intel Atom Processor, it has very good battery life and is very light and has a premium look.  


  • Intel Atom Processor
  • 2 GB DDR3 RAM
  • 32 bit Windows 10 Operating System
  • 6-inch Display


  • Good build quality.
  • Lightweight.
  • Good RAM and Storage.
  • Crisp FHD display.
  • The handy form factor of the machine.
  • Decent battery life.


  • Only 32 GB of internal storage.
  • Average overall performance.
  • Muffled audio.
  • Non -removable Battery.
  • Compact Keyboard and Average touchpad.

9. Fujitsu A Series Core i3 5th Gen – (4 GB/1 Tb HDD/Dos) A555 Lifebook Notebook

Fujitsu A Series Core i3 5th Gen

Product Description:

Fujitsu A series Core i3 5th Gen – (4 GB/1 TB HDD/DOS) A555 Lifebook Notebook (15.6 inch, Black, 2.2 kg kg) has display 39.6 cm (15.6-inch),Anti-glare display, 1,366 x 768 pixel.Weight may vary depending on actual configuration (including battery pack) Dimensions (W x D x H) 378 mm (14.88 inch) x 252 mm (9.92 inch) x 30.9 mm (1.22 inch) Run time battery up to 8h. Modular drive options as DVD Super Multi-Special features with anytime USB Charge function.


  • Intel Core i3 Processor (5th Gen)
  • 4 GB DDR3 RAM
  • 64 bit DOS Operating System
  • 1 TB HDD
  • 6-inch Display
  • Processor IntelCorei3-5005U processor,
  • RAM 4 GB DDR3 – 1600 Mhz, 2 Memory slot(s)
  • 1 x DC-in 1 x Audio: line-in / microphone 1 x Audio: line-out / headphone 1 x USB 2.0 total 3 (1 x Anytime USB charge functionality – depending on BIOS setting) x USB 3.0 total 1 x VGA 1 x HDMI 1 x Ethernet (RJ-45) 1 x Kensington Lock support Card Reader (SD/SDHC/SDXC) x Memory card slots
  • 6 cm (15.6-inch),Anti-glare display, 1,366 x 768 pixel
  • The hard disk drive 1 TB


  • Good value for money
  • Solid application performance
  • Laptop quality/specifications are good
  • Screen display and sound good
  • Core i3 5005U(5th gen) runs fast, cool and quiet.
  • 3x USB 3.0 and a USB 2.0 ports
  • 8 GB of ram


  • Size of the laptop is large and thick
  • Heavyweight
  • Weaker CPU performance than its precursor
  • Relatively thick casing
  • Screen’s low resolution, low brightness, poor contrast, and high viewing angle dependency

10. RDP ThinBook 1430-EC1 14.1 inch Laptop (Intel 1.92 GHz Quad Core/2GB RAM)

RDP ThinBook 1430-EC1 14.1 inch Laptop

Product Description:

The ThinBook 1130-EC1 has good design and hardware which is not only thinner and lighter but also faster than the other versions. This ultra lightweight portable laptop has impressive specifications that fulfill all the needs of the PC. It is powered by Intel Quad Core 1.92GHz Processor and has 2 GB of RAM that enables all the tasks easily. The accurate colours and wide angles make it a perfect operating system with its striking core features that include Cortana and Microsoft Edge & smart gestures. The exclusive power saving feature improves efficiency and enables a prolonged battery life.


  • Intel Quad Core Processor (Up to 1.92 GHz, x5-Z8350)
  • 1 inch HD Screen, Intel HD Graphics 400
  • Windows 10 Operating System
  • Light Weight Just 1.36 kg, 8.5 hrs Battery Backup


  • Sleek Design and Lightweight
  • Impressive Battery Backup
  • Inexpensive
  • Windows 10 Home Pre-Installed
  • Lots of RAM
  • Decent display
  • Quad-Core CPU


  • No Anti-Glare Screen
  • No VGA Port
  • Fewer USB Ports
  • Trackpad and keyboard need improvement
  • Windows performance is not very smooth
  • Poor audio

User’s Guide

Nowadays, the market is constantly upgraded with numerous electronic items and gadgets. The advanced technology has given rise to quality products with innovative features. One such device is Laptop which is available in many brands like Acer, Dell, HCL, HP, Lenovo, Sony, Samsung etc. Though all branded laptops are good still there are few features that differentiate one from other. Identifying the features can help you to take an informed decision to choose the one that suits your requirement. To buy the best laptop for your personal or professional use, you can follow this guide to make the best choice:

Type of Usage:

Light use: Net surfing, paying bills, email and social networking.

Moderate use: Streaming movies and music, document creation.

More use: Multitasking on different programs and apps, Graphic design, video production, programming etc.

According to the usage, you can choose the laptop on the basis of look. Check the lid and body to confirm whether they are adequately rigid and lightweight. Look for the keyboard’s spacing that allows comfortable typing. Make sure the mouse buttons let to solidly click, scroll and zoom without skipping.

Remember the laptop is as good as the company that stands behind it. Check out the various guidelines required before deciding what’s best for you to help you purchase the laptop that you need. We have listed all the possible criteria that will help you to find a laptop according to your requirements and budget. Knowing all the features can help you to make the best choice of laptops based on what you need and thus you can confidently make a purchase.

All you need to take some time and go through the above steps thoroughly. It will definitely help you to buy the right laptop according to specific requirements which are reliable and fits your pocket too! Still, if you are confused which can be the best one for you, you can go with the updated best picks given here for your convenience.


How to Properly Insert Images in Word Document


Microsoft Word is, probably one of the most popular writing software or application. Its advantage lies in how easy it is to use and the more current versions offer users a plethora of tools to enhance the files they’re working on.

insert image into word

Microsoft Word Terminology

1) Quick Access Bar

This gives a number of file saving options, editing and formatting tools, change how your document layout and even insert images and other media.

Microsoft Office Access Bar
Microsoft Office Access Bar

2) Blank Document Space

This is the empty area just under the Access Bar, where text appears as you type it. Towards your right, you’ll see the scrolling bar and at the bottom, you have the Zoom Controls

Microsoft Office Blank Document
Microsoft Office Blank Document

3) Status Bar

This offers you the current information on the document you’re working on. So here, you will see page numbers, word count on the left of this bar. On the extreme right, you have the document display settings, zoom slider bar.

Microsoft Office Status Bar
Microsoft Office Status Bar

4) Hidden Right-Click Extras

Right-click the Access Bar to customize this section of Microsoft Word. Do the same anywhere in the text areas to bring up commonly used text setting like formatting, fonts style type or colour and to look up words in the Dictionary.

Microsoft Office Right Click Features
Microsoft Office Right-Click Features

The plus point of Microsoft Word is that it allows you to insert media to enrich your document. This can be a graph, presentation, videos, photos, GIFs and images. Its an easy process too, usually just six steps in all, maybe even less if you’re using Windows 10. The instructions shown here are for Microsoft Word 2010, 2007 and 2003.

How to insert images in Microsoft Word

Step 1) Load or open the Word file you want to add images too.

Open new Microsoft Word document
Open new Microsoft Word document

Step2) Once you’ve done that, scroll down to the part of the file where the image has to go. If the file already has text, you may need to press the Enter key to create a space for the image.

the inserted image will appear exactly where the cursor is placed.
the inserted image will appear exactly where the cursor is placed.

Step 3) Go to the Quick Access Bar and look for the ‘Insert’ or ‘Insert Picture’ option usually given on the top right-hand corner. Click on it and a dialogue box will appear. This lists out all the drive and the desktop, look for the image, then click Insert to upload it.

Insert Picture
Insert > Picture

Note: This part differs slight across versions 2010, 2007 and 2003.

  • In Word 2003, choose the Picture option from Insert. Now click on ‘From file’ and finally the ‘Picture’.
  • In Word 2010 and 2007, you might have to go to ‘Picture’ given on an ‘Illustrations’ section under the Insert menu. Now, search for the image file you want; it might show up on the dialogue or you can type in the name of the file. Once you have what you need, click on it and press Insert.)

Step 4) Finally, modify and crop the image to fit your file. Click on the image to reveal the handing dots. Place the cursor directly on the edge of the image until it turns into a double cursor. Then drag the image vertically, horizontally.

Modify and Crop Image in document
Modify and Crop Image

Step 5) Done. To crop the image, go to the ‘Picture Tools Format’ in 2010 and then to the ‘size’ option. In 2003 and 2007, choose ‘Crop’ from the ‘Picture Toolbar’.

Extra Tips

  • If you’d like to remove an image, highlight it and hit the Delete button or right-click to bring up the Context Menu and select delete.
  • An easy way to place an image side by side with a caption/text description is to use a table with two columns. Place text in one cell and the image in the other. Then add more rows as needed. Remove the border and you have a neatly aligned word file.
  • When moving around an image inside, you’ll notice the text gets messed up. To prevent this, click on the image and look for the layout icon. This lest you decide how the text fits around the image.

Perks of Being a Solo Traveler


Okay so, here you are with your backpack by your side wondering where to go next but wait what if he/she (your mate ) doesn’t wanna go there. So now instead of being excited about visiting new places, you start to worry about whether you should be going or not. Believe me, if you travel a lot you must have faced this dilemma and wondered what if you were to travel alone. This is a common issue with travellers and the thing is that we the travellers want to be free and not bound by any rules, but often we have to hold back from exploring things, eating unusual food, sleeping in odd places, meeting strange people and many more things which might sound odd but really are the highlights of any journey.


The solution to all this is just simple, Be a Solo Traveler and never worry about anything other than handy cash and some shady looking dude who’s been following you for probably too long and will mug you the moment you may seem deserted. I was Just kidding, being a Solo Traveler is bliss and there may be downsides to travelling alone but try once and you’d surely be hooked.

Let’s look at some advantages of being a Solo Traveler:

#Follow the road not the map

Don’t worry if you haven’t thought of a plan where to go next as something good will always come up your way. Share the routes taken by some Chinese or Korean group of travellers or just hop inside any random bus and enjoy the ride and hope you reach someplace great. Otherwise, you had a story to tell how you managed to escape those hooligans and why not to board buses going random places on just a whim. Feel the rush of not knowing what would happen next.

#Meet interesting people

Who wants to end up being the loner or the guy nobody talks to? Nobody, right! so when you are a Solo Traveler, you look for people to spend some quality time with. In that search, you end up with people from different backgrounds, cultures, lifestyle, and thinking.you meet some amazing people and some bizarre ones too but that is what exactly makes it fun. You don’t get a lot of personal space when you are tagging someone along and you just miss
out on meeting some of the most amazing people.

#Enjoy a pinch of freedom

Enjoy exploring those hilly tops and barren caves without anyone bugging you around. Plus you get to spend as much time as you want there. So Sleep, eat or even start a family(please don’t ) because nobody cares and you get to decide what’s best for you.

#Save money (go cheap)

Travelling alone has one major benefit as you don’t need to spend a great deal of money and can always go cheap on things as who really cares. you don’t have a partner to maintain an image for. Eat from the street, live in Dharamshala or share basis and just enjoy the feeling of having those cheap thrills.

#Let loose of your cravings

Those street treats which you would avoid if you’re with a companion is ready to become your go-to snack for some time. Also, you just have to eat what you like and don’t have to adjust to anybody’s whims like no pepper, spicier or less spicy and so on.


Doing all these things like exploring those hidden magical places makes you more connected to yourself.you can never get to have the kind of knowledge and wisdom provided from these experiences from any book or literature. The person that left home days ago and the new you would be two different people. You kind of There may be a time when it is better to go in groups or with someone else(like honeymoons). But being on your own and exploring your potential to the maximum gives you other kinds of confidence. So ditch that friend, better half, boyfriend or girlfriend for a week and escape into the unknown realm of solo travelling. Adios amigos, till next time. evolve and it helps you  see things differently and make you a better person ultimately.