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Haunted Places in Kolkata: A Glimpse into India’s Colonial Haydays and Modern Marvels


The feeling of being ‘haunted’, scary as it may be, has now almost become a source of the business world over. Nowadays, in the era of entrepreneurial energy, everything could be turned into a business idea, but to turn it into a successful one, is a whole different ball-game. The question remains, why would people “enjoy” being haunted after all? Places like Scare USA and Fear Town Haunted House give people just the right amount of chill in their bones. In this article, we will find out about most haunted places in Kolkata.

haunted places in Kolkata
haunted places in Kolkata

There’s perhaps a psychological explanation to the attraction humans face for haunted place and experiences- whether it is the thrill of the unknown, closure on a personal bereavement, or a strange pleasure out of the eerie discomfort.

“We’re all of us haunted and haunting.”

-Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby 

People across the world are quite prepared to shell out some heavy money to experience these taboo thrills when paying to visit haunted houses or curated paranormal tours. However, if we look closer home, there is an array of ‘haunted’ locations lying right here in the city of Kolkata, India, waiting for an explorer to give it its due recognition. Whether or not one might choose to believe the tales of the paranormal associated with them, these locations surely provide a testament to the erstwhile glorious Colonial architecture and the ravages of time, as well as modern architecture that is rooted in loneliness despite enduring the footfall of hundreds every day.

Most Haunted Places In Kolkata

The Royal Calcutta Turf Club

The Royal Calcutta Turf Club

A complete race freak, George Williams lived in the region around what is the Royal Calcutta Turf Club. Interestingly, George won practically all his matches, and his golden egg was Pride- a snow-white horse who was the star of the show whenever she ran. One day, Pride was found lying dead on the tracks- after faltering and losing the Derby.

The Royal Calcutta Turf Club, also known as the Race Course, on moonlit Saturday nights, reportedly witnesses the phantom figure of a white horse racing through the tracks. The sharp contrast of the dark sky and the white flowy horse, with the moon casting an ephemeral glow- the vision is perhaps as eerie and fascinating as one might imagine. This occurrence is so common that the staff there casually refer to “Sir Willams’ white horse”, in passing. Unfortunately, whether it is an elaborate prank that has passed on through generations, or something truly paranormal goes down the tracks- there is no way for an outsider to know for sure.

Rabindra Sarobar Metro Station

Rabindra Sarobar Metro Station

Right amid all the hustle-bustle of the busy South Calcutta streets of Tollygunge, lies the Rabindra Sarovar metro station, around which revolves many a tale of the paranormal. Despite being one of the most crowded stations, the air is heavy with a tinge of unexpected silence, and occasional gusts of strong winds incite goosebumps.

Perhaps the stories about the Rabindra Sarovar Metro Station being haunted started doing the rounds when the suicide rates across the city’s intricate underground railway system began to be analysed. Rabindra Sarovar recorded the highest rate of suicides committed and attempted. Soon reports started surfacing of disembodied shadows, by the dozen. Once the crowd subsides and the station is somewhat deserted, late-night commuters and the Metro personnel reported seeing shadows, apparently belonging to those who killed themselves here. Who knows what the reason may be for so many people attempting to take their own life at this station- perhaps the feeling of being lost and anonymous in a crowd of hundreds? Whatever it may be, The Rabindra Sarovar Metro Station is deemed to be one of the most haunted places in the city.

Wipro Office


The swanky and modern Wipro Office in the locality of Salt Lake seems like a symbol of the new, practical, and workaholic generation. One would seldom expect tales of the paranormal associated with such a structure. However, one would be in for a surprise once they dig deep enough into its past.

The Salt Lake area, before urban development set in, was a wetland region. The plots on which the Wipro Office was built, specifically, contained a graveyard. Naturally, the place began to be associated with a chilly and eerie atmosphere owing to it being built on top of a graveyard. However, housing some of the most tech-savvy and rooted-in-reality professionals from across the city, hearsay would never be taken as fact. Evidence- noises of heavy objects falling and other unrecognised sounds have been heard by the staff while taking the elevator or stairs to the upper floors, reports by guards on duty at night reporting strange sounds and seeing dark apparitions- soon flooded in. In light of the public hysteria and proof of being “haunted” Wipro was forced to shut off the entry to the third floor of tower three of this building.

National Library of India

National ;library of a India

National Library of India, the largest library in the country, is nestled in the old colonial capital of India- Calcutta. A treasure trove full of any book in circulation within the nation, and beyond, the National Library attracts people from all over- scholars, bibliophiles, tourists… and horror enthusiasts. A strange combination? The ghost stories surrounding this magnificent colonial structure,  are as old as the Library itself and Thrilling. The phantom of lady Metcalf still roams the corridors of her erstwhile residence. Lady Metcalf was reputed to have had a very volatile temper, and the lore amongst students over the generations is that it still flares up if she sees displaced books. There have been repeated instances when people have reported feeling like they are being watched.

The tragic incident during renovation effects that caused the death of 12 workers.within the heritage monument remains unsolved. Consequently, this portion of the building was officially shut down by the Archaeological Survey of India.

Calcutta, or Kolkata as it is known now, is peppered with old, dilapidated structures and modern architecture, all co-existing together. It is a melting hodgepodge of various cultures. The city almost transcends time, to bring together elements of the past and present, and with it a sense of loneliness- whether it is in a gust of wind or whiff of perfume in an old colonial structure, or the air-conditioned and glass-walled modern offices. These strains of nostalgia and drive for modernisation, make for the perfect scenario for the brewing of exciting tales of horror and the paranormal. These four instances are just a few such places that can deliver upon your need for a horror fix.

5 Tips To Help You Achieve Your Goals In 2019


To achieve your goals in life and create your dream life, you must set goals for yourself. It is said that our brain is a goal-seeking device. Whatever goals you set, your subconscious mind will work on those until they are fulfilled!

But merely setting goals isn’t enough. It’s a kind of wishful thinking. If you are serious about achieving your goals, you must take a few necessary steps.5 Tips To Achieve Your Goals in 2019

“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.” – ANDREW CARNEGIE, the richest American in the early 1900s.

The 5 Steps to Achieve any Goal

5 Tips To Help You Achieve Your Goals in 2019

1. Set A Specific Goal

There is a difference between a wish and a Goal. A wish could be “I want to be slim”. And if you believe that to be a Goal, you’re wrong!

Lazy Cat
Years might pass, and you could forever hold that wish without any result!

On the other hand,  if you say that ” I will weigh 55 Kgs. by 1st June 2020″ you are setting a goal for yourself.

Be as specific as possible with your goal. What exactly is that you want? If it’s a dream car, then do mention the make, model, colour, etc.

Success Coach Jack Canfield warns ” Remember,  vague goals produce vague results.”

Always set a deadline. Your goal must have a time period. Be realistic about this period, though! Aim high but use some common sense. If you set a goal of earning ten times what you are obtaining now within a year, it would not be a realistic goal. You can either lower the ceiling of your earnings or increase the time-span. Give yourself the time to sit alone and set the goals.

2. Write Your Goals

The easiest way to achieve your goals is by writing them daily. The difference between a millionaire and a billionaire is that the billionaire writes his/her goals down twice a day!Writing When you write down your goals every day, your Subconscious mind will know what to work on. It will bring opportunities, resources and people in your life that would help you to reach the goals. Also, take the time to read your goals several times a day! Mainly you must read them before going to sleep at night and after waking up in the morning. These are the times when the Subconscious mind is most impressionable.

3. Create a Plan

Now that you have made your list of goals and have also started reviewing them daily, you must take the next step. You must plan because without any plan. A goal is nothing!Laptop Spend time researching your goals. Google about your goal, ask a teacher or a friend or maybe a random person for information and inspiration. Read some books related to your goals. Find some people who have already done what you want to do. Just ask them! Ask and enquire a lot! Then think.

If you want to reach a certain Financial goal, maybe you need to find a freelancing opportunity along with the main job. Maybe you need to do some wise investments and also consult an investment planner. Or you have to start an entrepreneurial venture. Think and jot down all ideas. In this way create a workable plan for your goal.

4. Take Consistent Actions

After you have completed your planning, it’s time to take the necessary steps towards your plan. Most people sabotage themselves in this stage. They know what they want, they have figured out the plan but now they start to procrastinate!

If you are serious about achieving your goals, if you are committed to creating your dream life, you must be willing to do the hard work.
Now the thing is most people view their goal as a vast mountain and want to climb the top in a single day! And then they feel the fear and do nothing. Yes, they stop pursuing their goal. But you have to change your mindset. You have to realise that your goal needs the time for its fruition. Each goal has a time-frame.CONSISTENT ACTIONS CREATE CONSISTENT RESULTS

For some goals, you need to hone your skills or join a class. Some goals like health-related ones often need a lifestyle change. You have to put your time, energy and effort to pursue your goals. Some of your goals might take a few weeks to complete others might take years. You must be willing to persevere to reach your goals.

Instead of seeing your goal as a colossal iceberg, chunk it down! Split your goal into small actionable pieces.

For instance, if you want to make a career in singing, take small steps towards that. Join a class, start a YouTube channel, attend music workshops, keep in touch with other struggling artists etc. etc. These are just examples, by the way! You might not want to do any of these. Just chalk out your own action steps and start doing them.

Also, you must take action daily! Consistent action however small, towards a specific goal would always yield results.

I would also suggest you practice the Rule of 5. This is the amazing rule is mentioned by Jack Canfield in his book, “The Success Principles. According to the Rule of Five, do five specific things every day that moves you toward your goal!

5. Practice Affirmations And Visualization

To confirm your success, practice affirming and visualising your goals. If you have never heard about these techniques, allow me to elaborate.

Celebrities like Jim Carrey, Will Smith, Oprah Winfrey, Jay – Z, Lady Gaga, Tyler Perry, Kanye West, Arnold Schwarzenegger, LMFAO, Steve Harvey and many other super-successful people have admitted to having used affirmations and visualization to achieve their goals! An affirmation is a statement that describes your goal in it’s already completed state. For instance, your body-weight goal could become something like this – ” I am feeling so happy at my perfect body weight of 55 Kgs.” You have to repeat the statement again and again.

But How Do Affirmations Work to Achieve your Goals?

Fact is, we all have been conditioned in our childhood with thoughts, beliefs and ideas of our parents, teachers, peers and several other people. These are acting as our ‘internal programming‘. Many of these programs are negative and harmful to us. So, if you want to create a new life, you must as well change your limiting plans.

You cannot become a millionaire with a poverty mindset imprinted in your Subconscious. Similarly with all other goals!

Affirmation is a technique to bombard your Subconscious mind with new thoughts and ideas that would push you towards your goals! You must speak, read and listen to affirmations repeatedly.

Visualization is the technique in which in your mind’s eye, you see and feel that your goal is already achieved.

Visualization focuses our brain by programming it’s Reticular Activating System (RAS) to notice available resources that were previously unnoticed. By visualization you will attract people, resources and opportunities needed to achieve your goals.

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” – ALBERT EINSTEIN

Water Drinking Schedule | Best Times To Drink Those 8 Glasses Of Water


We all know that water is one of the essentials for all living things. It is said that drinking water is like taking a shower on the inside of your body. It will cleanse your system, hydrate the body, decrease the caloric load, and improve the functioning of all your tissues. The benefits of this fantastic drink are countless. So you need to have a water drinking schedule.

water drinking schedule

Still, this amazing drink is often neglected and occupies a tiny part in our routine. Unhealthy beverages like soft drinks and artificial fruit juices often dominate our water intake.

Water is a magician. It is capable of improving your overall health and fitness and makes you ready for a hectic routine every day. Before we move on to our inspiring water time table, let’s first understand why water is supposed to be our chief drink.

What Does Water Do For The Human Body?

Our kidneys get rid of all the toxins and waste materials from our body. But for our kidneys to work properly, water is essential. Every day, our kidneys filter around 120-150 quarts of fluids. So, when we don’t drink enough water, our kidneys will not be able to filter out toxins efficiently. It leads to fluid retention in the body and build-up of waste materials internally. No one would want their body to become a garbage dump. But that is what will exactly happen if you don’t drink enough water.

Also, our skin cells need to stay hydrated. Hydrating our skin cells with the help of water will give us spotless and healthy-looking skin. Water also regulates your body temperature and helps in the creation of saliva. The more water you drink, the more effective your blood oxygen circulation will be.

benefits of water

If you think of water as a dreary drink, then spare yourself some time to get sick. Water is prevention for many diseases and health issues like kidney stones, renal failure, and constipation. So, don’t say, ‘What’s the big deal if I don’t drink water?’ Water is supposed to be your chief drink.

If you make water your primary drink, instead of sodas and soft drinks, your skin, hair, mind, and body will thank you. “Drinking eight glasses of water per day is essential for the proper function of the body.” You must have heard this sentence a million times. Though it is true, we should be aware of how to drink water for maximum effectiveness. Here’s a fact. While water is the healthiest drink on this planet, the timing for drinking water plays a vital role in your health. Here is a time-table that will tell you what is the best time to drink water eight times a day.

Best Times To Drink Those 8 Glasses Of Water.

water drinking schedule

6:00 am-7:00 am: 2 Glasses Of Water

Start your day with two glasses of H2O. Your body feels dehydrated throughout the night. So, in order to recharge your organs, rehydrate your brain and to kick start your metabolism, you need these two glasses of water on an empty stomach after you get up.

water drinking schedule

This water intake will also stimulate the digestive system and help in free bowel movement. Start your day with W. W for Water and not Whatts app!

8:00 am-9:00 am: 1 Glass Of Water.

One hour after having breakfast, gulp down another glass of water. This intake of H2O acts like an immunity booster shot. It neutralizes the pH levels in your body, hence preventing acidic burns in your stomach. Also, your joints and cartilage will be lubricated so that you are geared up for a long day ahead.

water drinking schedule

11:30 am-12:00 pm: 1 Glass Of Water

Those of you out there who are on a weight loss journey- you will love this part! Research indicates that drinking a glass of water half an hour before lunch will burn extra fat. Good news, isn’t it?

Women abs

Also, drinking water during this time will boost metabolism for the next thirty to forty minutes. It will also promote better digestion of food and speedy release of energy.

01:00 pm-02:00 pm: 1 Glass Of Water

Water solves all problems. Explicitly speaking, drinking a glass of water an hour after lunch prevents premature aging. So, you will not have to worry about looking like a 60-year-old woman while you are still in your thirties or twenties. Water is a boon for your skin.

water drinking schedule

You can forget about all your skin concerns if you make sure that you drink water during this time of the day. Besides this, there will be an increased production in the number of blood and muscle cells. There you go, boys! Grow those muscles!

03:00 pm-04:00 pm: 1 Glass Of Water

By this time of the day, there will be an increased level of acid and toxins in your body. Having a glass of water during this time interval will minimize the acid reflux in the body and will also help in the removal of toxins. Your body will feel reenergized, and your body temperature will be regulated.

best time to drink water

6:00 pm-8:00 pm: 1 Glass Of Water

You can have this glass of water half an hour before dinner. Having it before dinner helps to reduce the risk of overeating. Researchers suggest that water intake prior to your evening meal reduces the risk of colon cancer by 45%. It also prepares the body to absorb nutrients and prevents constipation.

water drinking schedule

9:30 pm-10:00 pm: 1 Glass Of Water

This glass of water is the final glass in your water time table. A significant benefit of this water intake includes replenishment for any fluid loss in the body. Doctors believe that having a glass of water half an hour before sleep avoids stroke or heart attack.

water drinking schedule

Also, it promotes the better working of sleep hormones, and hence, you experience a night of peaceful and sound sleep. So, give an endnote to your day with a glass of H2O.

water drinking schedule

Treat and heal your body with water therapy. Always remember that water is the worlds first and foremost medicine. From complexion to constipation, from weight loss to stress reduction, there is nothing that water cannot treat. The more water you drink, the more quickly the energy flows. So, make water your new best friend. Follow the water time table. Make it a part of your daily routine and I am sure its the best time to drink water.

Drink your way to better health. Drink water!

How to get rid of Skin Dehydration? | tips for dehydrated skin.


Wondering why your skin feels itchy, dry, and stretchy all the time? How have dryness and dullness replaced natural radiance?

It is due to lack of skincare. Yes, your skin is craving for its nutrients that will help in bringing back its charm. This article will give you some amazing tips for dehydrated skin. Various factors like change in weather, busy schedule, laziness, etc. prevent us from taking care of this god’s gift which leaves our skin dull, dry, itchy that may sometimes lead to some skin problems.

So how to get rid of skin dehydration?

Here are some of the tips for dehydrated skin that you can add to your daily skincare routine that will keep your skin hydrated, preventing it from any skin problems.


The human body is 60% water. Access in this percentage will be extracted, but deficit can create problems. Consuming an adequate amount of water gives smooth, soft and glowing skin. We lose the right amount of water while sitting in an air-conditioned room, passing urine and perspiration, vomiting, etc. throughout the day leaving skin water deficit.

tips for dehydrated skin

Water is a natural detoxifier that keeps your skin glowing,  hydrated, nourished and healthy keeping it away from fine lines and wrinkles.  For a healthy body, it is preferred to drink 2 litres of water every day.


Moisturising plays a great role in keeping skin hydrated. They create a protective layer above your skin which protects it from stubborn dry spots and rough patches. It also prevents skin from dehydration. It is recommended moisturising your skin twice a day to keep it healthy and hydrated.

tips for dehydrated skin


It is recommended to wear sunscreen on an exposed area like hands, face, neck, forearms, legs, etc. before going out regardless of weather or season.  It prevents your skin from skin cancer, photo-ageing and prevents it from dehydration.

tips for dehydrated skin

It is a myth that sun exposure occurs only through sunlight. But it can occur through clouds, glass windows of our houses and cars. Choosing the appropriate sunscreen can prevent your skin from tanning, dullness, and dehydration.


It is recommended as the first step of daily skincare. A cleanser helps in removing dirt, sweat and other debris that are harmful to skin and allow the skin to repair, breathe and renew itself. It is also used as a makeup remover.

tips for dehydrated skin

Using appropriate cleanser can do wonders to your skin. For example- Gel cleansers are considered bets for oily and combination skin and cream cleansers are considered good for dry and sensitive skin and so on.


The quality and number of hours of sleep affect your skin’s health. During sleep, our body gets healed, restores and removes toxins from the skin. It is also found that during sleep, your body’s hydration level balances and recovers extra moisture.

tips for dehydrated skin

Lack of sleep also slows down our complexion’s PH level, which creates ph imbalance leading o dull and dehydrated skin. So one must never compromise on sleep.

Take vitamins:

If your skin does not respond properly to above daily regimes and still shows signs of dehydration, then it needs something extra. There are many supplements available in the market that can help the skin in sustaining hydration levels. Here are some of them:

tips for dehydrated skin

  1. Vitamin E– Vitamin E keeps your skin moisturised and act as inflammatory to relieve dryness, itchiness, redness of the skin. It can be taken orally or in some packs, creams, etc.
  2. Vitamin D– It has been noted that lack of especially vitamin D3 results in lower levels of moisture in the skin although it gets absorbed in the skin but required a proper amount to keep skin healthy and nourished.
  3. Zinc– It has many anti-inflammatory benefits supports immune-system and prevents skin problems like eczema that can cause dry, itchy and red skin as a result of skin dehydration.

Similarly, there is evening primrose oil, fish oil and many more supplements that prevents skin dehydration and keep your skin subtle and nourished.

Following the above remedies will surely leave your skin hydrated and healthy. So get ready for a groomed skin.

How SAFE is It To Take Expired Medicine?


“It’s not right to take expired pills”, This is what you might have heard from many people around you. But have you ever wondered how SAFE is it to take expired medication?


Expiry date decides the fate of medicine, whether it will be thrown or used. Expired medicines are thrown, and remaining are kept for use. In other words, the Expiry date is the final date till that a manufacturer guarantees the safety and effectiveness of a medicine.

Manufacturers, to be on the safer side, will never recommend taking medication after the expiry date.

Also, these dates themselves say “do not use after…” or “discard after…” etc.

The constancy of a drug depends on its storage factors like heat, humidity, light or cold, etc. A stability test under good manufacturing practices by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decides the expired date.

Many times people take expired medicines due to certain factors like lack of knowledge, high cost of medicines or lack of insurance.

An expired medicine may or may not respond well to the problem.  It can also prove to be toxic or make you sick like eating rotten food.

Took an Expired Medicine, What Now?

Fewer people know that expired medicines can be taken in some cases. It depends on the purpose of medicine made.

expired medicine
  • Solid form medicines like tablets and capsules seem most stable even after their expiry date. Drugs in the liquid form or which require refrigeration may not have much efficacy if used when outdated.
  • Painkillers are not harmful, if taken after expiry date but may not give results like an unexpired medicine.
  • Low potency can be a problem in treating an infection with an expired antibiotic. Medicines that looks cloudy, precipitant or gets discoloured should never be used.
  • Medicines like anti-hypertensive and anti-diabetic can be used up to a few months only and that too under medical supervision.
  • Expired medicine that contains preservatives, such as ophthalmic (eye) drops may be unsafe for use after their expiry date is over.
  • EpiPen auto-injector is not safe to use after their expiry date as they play a crucial role in treating various allergic reactions to food, drugs, insect bites or other things. One can try in case of emergency only if the solution does not get discoloured, precipitates or becomes cloudy.
  • Medicines like Insulin used to control sugar levels, and Oral nitro-glycerine (NTG) used for treating chest pain are not advised to take after their expiry date.
  • Dried up ointment or creams, strong smell from medicines, Powdered or crushed medication should be discarded.

How to Increase the Efficacy of Medicines?

The place or the way medicines are stored can increase the efficacy of the medicines.

  • A medicine kept in the fridge is better than keeping in cupboards or bathrooms as they may lose their efficacy due to excess moisture, heat or humidity.
  • Do not leave your medicines in freezer, cars or glove box. It can change the effect of the medication on treatment.
  • Always keep the medicine bottle tightly closed.
  • Many medicines contain drugs that are harmful to kids and pets. Keep them away from pets and children.
expired medication

Intake of expired drugs can be risky. Also keeping expired medicine at home may affect the health of family member who may take it by mistake. It is also not safe to keep these drugs for kids and pets. If you are unsure about the medicine or what to do when expired, prefer to take advice from your physician rather than risking the life of your loved ones.

Hope this write-up must have cleared your doubts about side-effects and low-effects of expired medicine.  Always remember- ‘it’s better to be safe than sorry’.

8 Must Read Books If You Are A Mystery Lover


A good book will move you to tears, make you laugh, and might give you a whole new perspective about life. But, a good ‘mystery’ book will move your body, make your heart beat a thousand times faster and will give you goosebumps all over.

Novels full of unexpected twists and mystifying suspense have always enthralled readers. From shocking murder mysteries to psychotic husbands, these suspenseful stories will keep you up all night. Here’s an edit of the most exciting mystery books that will keep you turning the pages.

8 books that you should read if you are a mystery lover

1. The Girl On The Train: Paula Hawkins

This gripping thriller begins with bitter and helpless Rachel Watson, who has lost her home, her job and her husband Tom to another woman. Still, she rides the commuter train to London every day. When the train stops at the station overlooking her old home, she sees a couple who represent to her the perfect love-life that she once had before it crumbled spectacularly.

The couple, Megan and Scott, live a few houses away from Rachel’s old home. When Megan goes missing, Rachel’s world, which is already terribly messy becomes worse. What happens to Megan? How does Rachel end up being the central piece in Rachel’s missing case? This book will give you goosebumps until the very last page.

The Girl On The Train: Paula Hawkins

2. Before I Go To Sleep: S.J.Watson

A psychological thriller, this novel is an exciting story of Christine Lucas who survives a vicious attack but ends up with anterograde amnesia. She wakes up every day with zero knowledge of who she is. She does not remember her marriage, doesn’t recognise her husband Ben and gets shocked to realise that she is a middle-aged woman.

The novel follows her as she tries to connect her memories with the help of her doctor, Nash and from a journal that she has been keeping. Who is Christine Lucas? Is Ben hiding some facts from her? This book will satisfy all your thrill and mystery cravings.

Before I Go To Sleep: S.j.watson

3. Silent Child: Sarah.A.Denzil

This novel is a thrilling tale about Emma Price, whose six-year-old son, Aiden wanders away from school during an awful flood, falls into the river and drowns. His body was never recovered. Ten years after this tragic incident, Emma is married, pregnant, and is in total control until Aiden returns. The scars on his body speak volumes about the trauma he has endured for a decade. Aiden was kidnapped and tortured. Who, in Emma’s small village, could be capable of such an outrageous crime? Only Aiden can answer the question, but he is too mortified to speak.

How does Emma find the answers, and what are the answers? Turn over the pages of this electrifying thriller to know.

Silent Child: Sarah.a.denzil

4. The Thinnest Air: Minka Kent

If you are a beginner to the mystery genre in books, this novel is the perfect choice for you. Meredith Price is the most fortunate woman on this planet. Her husband, Andrew Price, is a bloody wealthy financial broker and is limitlessly charming. Meredith lives in a posh neighbourhood of a mountain resort town and has two stepchildren. Her life seems to be perfect- until the day she disappears. Her car is discovered in the parking lot of a grocery store- keys in the ignition, her purse, and phone undisturbed in the passenger’s seat and no sign of struggle.

Her desperate sister, Greer, arrives and starts investigating on her own while Andrew relies on the police. What happens to Meredith? How can a person vanish into thin air? Read on to find the answers.

The Thinnest Air: Minka Kent

5. Gone Girl: Gillian Flynn

The must-read-mystery-books list is incomplete without this novel. It’s the fifth wedding anniversary of Nick and Amy Dunne. Gifts are being packed, and plans are being made when Nick’s clever and gorgeous wife disappears from their rented mansion. Amy’s diary reveals disturbing facts about her and Nick. With the police and the media continually pressurising him, Nick becomes a spectacle with his endless lies, deceits, and inappropriate behaviour. Nick is an elusive and ambiguous individual.

But, is he a murderer? If not, where is his beautiful wife? And what is inside the silvery gift box hidden in the back of Amy’s bedroom closet? This book will take you to that darkest place where a marriage has gone wrong. The combination of toxicity and wit creates a nerve-fraying thriller that will stupefy you at every turn.

Gone Girl: Gillian Flynn

6. Behind Closed Doors: B.A.Paris

Jack and Grace are a perfect couple. He has stunning looks and wealth. She has elegance and beauty. Jack and Grace are never apart. You might call this true love. But, is this true love? Grace never answers the phone. She never goes out alone for dates with her friends or neighbours. She cooks elaborate meals but looks malnourished.

One of the bedroom windows has bars. What’s going on behind those closed doors? A perfect marriage? Or the ideal hoax? This enchanting suspense tale will blow your mind away as you reach the climax!

Behind Closed Doors: B.a.paris

7. Living Dead Girl: Elizabeth Scott

If you are looking for a young adult mystery fiction novel, then this book ends your search. Once upon a time, there was a girl by the name Alice. Not that Alice who ended up in Wonderland. This Alice was taken away from her family, friends, and her life by Ray when she was ten. Now Alice is fifteen years old, and Ray still has her. She has given up the will to fight. All she wants now is an end to this nightmare.

But, does Ray have something more terrible than death in his mind for her? This story is unique- one which you have never heard. And it will haunt you even after you are done reading it.

Living Dead Girl: Elizabeth Scott

8. The Wife Between Us: Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen

A man, his jealous ex-wife who will go to any length and breadth to stop him from remarrying and his beautiful new fiancé are the central figures of a complicated love- triangle. The story is twisted, compelling, and successfully delivers the complexities of marriage, friendship, and possessiveness.

This book portrays love and marriage in a new light and will keep you turning the pages and guessing until the very last page. Does the jealous ex-wife succeed? Does the wedding happen? Find out for yourself!

The Wife Between Us: Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen

How Can Ayurveda Help In Balancing The Three Doshas ?


Ayurveda is an ancient science, but it is popular even today. In fact, in the current age people in India as well as outside India consider this field as an important alternative treatment. Ayurvedic treatments, therapies and medications are popular for treating a variety of diseases as in piles, hair fall, cancer, psoriasis, infections etc.

As per Ayurveda, there are three basic doshas, and they are Vata, Kapha and pitta. When the body faces an imbalance in any of these elements, then there are diseases and infections. It is therefore important to adopt an Ayurvedic means of living, which involves body cleansing, detox, lifestyle changes and special natural food diet.

The three doshas

Get An Idea About The Doshas

Ayurveda is based on five elements, and they are space, air, fire, water and earth. There should always be a balance in these elements. Out of these elements when there are issues with Kapha, vata or pitta, then there would be an imbalance in health condition. So, how to know that you will have to balance the doshas in the body? Well, you should be watching the body closely from within and understand that what is wrong with the same? If you face certain symptoms, then you will come to know what the problem is.

Symptoms That You Might have in Vata dosha, pitta dosha and Kapha dosha

Balancing the doshas are important in Ayurveda. This is because if there is an imbalance, then there would be health issues. Along with Ayurvedic medications and treatments, if you follow a certain special diet plan, then you will be able to get rid of the doshas. So, here’s an elaboration of what your prakruti is and what diet you should have for the same.

Vata Dosha

vata dosha

If you are a person with Vata prakruti, then you would be hasty in speaking and even in the movement of thoughts. Generally, it is seen that people with Vata dosha would have sleep issues and would have sensitive digestive systems. Also, they may have problems like arthritis, constipation and general pain issues. For them, daily exercise and walk routine would give benefits. Due to Vata, there would be cold and dryness in the body. So, it would be better to keep yourself warm with warm foods like warm soups, milk, hot rice dishes, freshly baked chapatti, extra sweet fruits, garlic, warm water, and so on.

Pitta Dosha

pitta dosha

People who have Pitta dosha will generally have more fire in them. These people are intelligent but impatient. They have strong digestion. But they should not overeat as it can cause discomfort in the stomach. Also, they should not rely on sour food items. They should avoid too much heat outside. They should have plenty of water or fluids throughout the day. Such people should have everything in moderation. They should rely on more green and leafy vegetables. This will provide balance to the system.

Kapha Dosha

kapha dosha

People with Kapha prakruti would naturally be calm and cool.  These people speak slow and would have radiant skin. But they are a bit lazy, and so they like to sleep till late. These people should take up the work or activities that would help in making their brain sharper.  Having fruits and vegetables in the diet can help. But it would be better to avoid sour fruits.So, when you meet a good Ayurvedic expert, he will help you in analysing these doshas and as per the nutrients that you lack or the dosha that prevails, you should make healthy lifestyle and dietary alterations. This will help in making your health perfect. You will bless the science of Ayurveda for being there to help.

How to Create Your Dream Life Using the Power of Your Subconscious Mind


We have two levels in our mind – the Conscious and the Subconscious. Our Conscious mind does the thinking and commanding. While our Subconscious is the obedient servant, working day and night following the commands of the Conscious. Although the Subconscious is more powerful than our conscious mind. 95% of our life comes from the Subconscious!sunlightThe Subconscious stores and retrieves each piece of information that it had collected from the beginning of our existence. Every experience, feeling, how other people behaved or reacted, what they told us – every bit of good and bad memories are all stored in our Subconscious. As we mature, the Subconscious help create situations in our life that matches the images and thoughts that have been imprinted in it, particularly during the first seven years of life!

We all have been conditioned in our childhood with thoughts and ideas of our parents, teachers, peers and several other people. These thoughts and ideas are acting as “programs” in our Subconscious mind. Our adult life is a printout of our childhood programming. 

The problem is that for most people, most of their programs are negative and limiting. Suppose a child gets to hear things like these from his parents –

  • Money does not grow on trees!”

    Gif via Tumblr
  • ” You have to have money to make money.”
  • ” You must work hard to get money.”
  • “Money is so hard to come by!”
  • “Where did the money all go?”
  • “It’s selfish to ask for more.”
  • “I can’t afford this.”
  • “Don’t spend so much!”
  • “I don’t have any money. “

So, could you guess this child’s financial programming? He is imprinted with a scarcity mindset. Now when he grows up, his Subconscious would always create situations and experiences that match his childhood programming. Same with every situation in our life! In whichever area you are struggling means that your program for that area isn’t supportive at all! Be it health, career, money, love, friendships or any other area.

With a poverty mindset imprinted in you it’s not possible for you to become a Millionaire, with a “love is fraud” mentality you cannot manifest a loving relationship either! And even if you earn a lot of money or manifest a loving relationship, you would unconsciously sabotage yourself. You will blow your money and screw up your relationship so that your situation remains true to your past programming!

The fact is though the Subconscious has magical powers and has the ability to bring fortunes and blessings in your favour, it can also bring misfortune and bad pieces of stuff to you because it cannot judge! Yes, the Subconscious mind does not realise the difference between real and unreal, good and bad, what’s beneficial to you or what is harmful to you.

So, the question is do we always have to follow our patterns and programs imprinted in our Subconscious mind, when we were unaware and young?

The answer, No.

The good news is that you can reprogram your Subconscious mind. The beliefs and ideas that are not serving you could be replaced!

You Might Ask How Do We Identify These Limiting Programs?

And if we identify them, how do we re-program those? Let’s start with the first question.

So, how would you identify which are your harmful, limiting programs? Observe your life! Which are the areas in your life that are going great, and which are the areas where you are struggling? The areas where you are sailing smoothly indicates that you have supportive subconscious programs for those while the areas where you are facing challenges and difficulties points that you don’t have the appropriate programs to assist you in those. 

Now that you have identified your problem areas in life, you must start to reprogram your Subconscious. You have to replace your negative conditioning with positive thoughts and ideas. These new thoughts and ideas would change your belief system and ultimately change the programs in your Subconscious mind. Now your Subconscious mind will gradually work towards bringing the resources, opportunities and people to support your goals and desires. 

The usual Categories of thoughts
The usual Categories of thoughts

There are several ways to re-program your subconscious mind, from Psychotherapy to Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) to a whole lot of other sophisticated techniques. I would here suggest to you the Five simplest techniques that you can use to impress your Subconscious mind with new ideas and beliefs.

These Five Techniques Are:



Affirmations are positive statements in the present tense that act as an instruction to the Subconscious. You can say these aloud, mentally, write them up and also record in your voice and listen. The main thing is to practice affirmations, again and again, every single day! Repetition is the key.workAffirmations could be used on any subject ranging from money to health, business, success, creativity, relationship, spirituality etc. For instance, “I am in good health” is an affirmation to restore health condition. You must make your affirmation such that you have already achieved your desire!



This is another powerful tool for re-programming your Subconscious. In your mind’s eye see in detail your goal as already completed. Also, don’t just see but use your emotions to feel how it feels like when you have already achieved your goal!

sunset swing beach

The visualisation should be practised several times a day and particularly while going to sleep because the Subconscious is most impressionable at that time. 



Meditation has several benefits; the most important being stress and anxiety reduction. As we reduce our stress and anxiety, we stay focused on the present moment.couple meditationMeditation helps to train your mind and redirect your thoughts. You become more aware of your thoughts. So you start recognising the harmful and limiting thoughts which you can replace with good, helpful ones! Put, meditation helps you to redirect your thoughts towards the right direction. As a result, it reprograms your Subconscious mind.



You have to create an environment for yourself that is supportive of the life that you want to manifest. As the Subconscious can’t realise the difference between real and unreal, you must impress on it with a constant supply of positivity.a libraryWhether you want to be rich or want to become slim, want a Mercedes or the love of your life, you cannot bring these into your existence while staying in a negative environment. So avoid pessimists, read good books, listen to happy songs, go to places that inspire you, pursue a hobby, hang around with happy and positive minded people.

The more you immerse yourself in happiness and positivity, the more your Subconscious will get the impression of such an environment. And being the unquestioning servant, it will bring such experiences and people in your real life.



There’s a saying that “Fake it till you make it! “ This could be applied to our subconscious mind. As the Subconscious can’t realise the difference between what’s real and what’s fake, we can already act as if we have achieved our goal! The Subconscious takes this as real and creates more situations like that in your life! To be precise, you are now presented with experiences that you were expecting to have.

good looking girl

For example, if you want to be rich, start acting as a rich person now. Walk and talk with confidence, think that your money is just arriving and you’re already abundant! Wear good clothes, practice gratitude. Also, offer some money to a charity. You might say that you’re broke and you can’t afford charity right now. But remember that it’s your old program making you think like that!

You don’t have to buy things on credit to prove that you are rich! Make some little upgrades in life. Donate a small amount of money so as to feel abundant already! Remember you can’t manifest money from the state of feeling poor and broke. You must first feel and act like a rich person, to become one in reality!

The Amazon Rain Forest an Analysis on the Dying “Lungs of the Planet”


The Amazon Rainforests, for those who were less than attentive in your geography classes back in school, is a tropical rainforest encompassing the Amazon Basin in South America, covering a whopping nine nations topographically.

Amazonia, map the forest covers around 7,000,000 square kilometres of land
Geographically, the forest covers around 7,000,000 square kilometres of land and accounts for more than half of the world’s tropical rainforest cover.

Why are the Amazon Rainforests so Important?

Rainforests: Facts and Figures
By Sandra James on Visualy

Environmental matters are generally looked at from an angle of the macrocosm, to provide greater clarity when it comes to long term benefits or lack thereof. The Amazon Rainforests are indispensable when it comes to its contributions in regulating the environmental conditions on Earth, and consequently, sustain human existence.

Choking “Lungs of the Planet”?

amazon rainforests

Carbon dioxide is one of the most potent greenhouse gases prevalent in the atmosphere, and if unchecked, may give rise to abnormally high temperatures. It is a fact that the Amazon Rainforests help in lowering the high carbon dioxide emissions by absorbing its excess amounts and utilising it for sustainable life processes of the plants, such as photosynthesis.

Not only carbon dioxide, but these rainforests are also known to be a major fulcrum for carbon production. A huge section of the rainforests, particularly the floral components, are structurally composed of carbon, and hence, any damage to them would exacerbate the carbon production, and in turn, global warming.

amazon rainforests

Considering the “lung” analogy to be valid, the Amazon Rainforests also help in the production of an incredible amount of oxygen. It is estimated that 6-20% of the Earth’s total oxygen is generated as a by-product of photosynthesis by the flora of the Amazon Rainforests.

Wet Wilderness

amazon wet wilderness

Precipitation and humidity is as significant a determining factor in sustaining the extent of the rainforest, as optimum temperature. It is a known fact that the enclosed vegetation of the rainforest is quintessential in trapping travelling clouds, thereby modulating the water cycle in general, and desired rainfall to be specific.

The Amazon River plays a significant role in directing ocean currents, in ways- some known, whereas most unknown, especially that of the Atlantic Ocean. Moreover, indirectly, these ocean currents are known to bring and pass phytoplankton along the course of their motion, thereby directly sustaining basic ocean life.

Boundless Biodiversity

It is statistically observed that the Amazon Rainforests are home to at least 9-10% of the world’s total biodiversity. A new species of either flora or fauna component is discovered here every 3-4 days. The latent knowledge that these rainforests entail is truly admirable.

amazon river

Among the floral components, the Amazon Rainforests is believed to house certain anti-malarial and anti-cancer drugs that would otherwise take years to make and perfect in the laboratory, even under ideal conditions.

These rainforests are known to support at least one-third of the total animal species found on the planet and produces at least 10% of the total biomass on earth. A plethora of animal species survive and thrive within these rainforests, which further contributes to the growth and proliferation of the region. For instance, a frugivorous bird would help in seed dispersal and pollination, and would thus contribute to the growth and propagation of the floral attributes of the forest as well.

Systematic Destruction of the Rainforests

The human desire for expansion has led to the annihilation of these rainforests over a few decades. Since the late 1970s, more than 750,000 kmhave been demolished.

amazon fires

Historically, deforestation is the primary cause for the demolition of a good part of the Amazon Rainforest area. What was initially a crease made by farmers yearning for some profit, turned into a crater in the late 2000s when industrialisation entered the premises of these rainforests. Be it for ranching, or construction of roads; the Amazon slowly started projecting into its current predicament.

Amazon Rain forest Fires

Amazon Fires – What is Happening?

fire at amazon forests

Social media has exercised its powers by ensuring that the present predicament of the Amazon Rainforests has reached every nook and corner of the world. What initially seemed to be a wildfire caused by natural calamities, soon turned out to be something much more than what met the eye.

How Common Are These Forest Fires, and What is Causing It?

amazon wildfire

It is a harsh reality that people have accepted the forest fires to be a regular annual event in the rainforests, which eventually led to the lackadaisical approach of various authorities that would otherwise be solved much more efficiently. Forest fires in these areas are “common”, either due to exaggerated frictional forces acting along the drier regions of the city, or due to anthropogenic reasons- for clearing areas for farming, industrialisation, and the like.

The primary reason for these fires are still the smallholders, or farmers, who have felt the need to dismantle the forest cover to pave the way for their cropland. These illegal activities are quite common in the region, and it is also assumed that illegal land-grabbers practice this as a means to seize and claim these barren lands- to be sold at exponentially higher rates eventually.

However, an estimate suggests that the fires have been at an exponentially higher rate as compared to previous years, as high as 700-800% as compared to last year!

How Accurate Are Social Media Accounts of the Fire?

On the one hand, social media failed to prove its worth (unlike other cases where news travels like wildfire) by either being too behindhand in passing information or bypassing incorrect or irrelevant information altogether.

Some articles have suggested that social media has been redundant, as most have circulated photographs from last year, along with various conspiracy theories of large scale venture businesses perpetually having a role in igniting and orchestrating the wildfires.

However, some accounts have also painted a more realistic picture of the numbers involved in these fires, and have also claimed that a large part of the areas that faced the wrath of the fires was in fact, part of the protected areas. However, it also claims that most of the fires are, in fact, from deforested areas. For instance, recent images revealed by NASA made the sorry state of the forests evident.

How Alarming is the Real Situation?

As opposed to the general idea about the 20% oxygen contribution by these rainforests, there is another school of thought that claims that these figures are highly exaggerated and that the actual contribution of oxygen is not more than 4-6%, and hence it is not as alarming as most technical jargons would claim otherwise.

The other argument in favour of the aforesaid idea is that, according to those scientists, the oxygen production of crops, if grown in those areas, would far surpass the mislaying amount of oxygen lost due to the fires (on paper) dissipated into the atmosphere, or converted into unusable forms.

Repercussions of the Disaster

The unmanageable extent and the infuriating intensity of the fires was truly a sign of nature’s wrath when clouds of smoke could be seen hovering over Sau Paulo for weeks. Despite anthropogenic reasons being the root cause of the fire, only natural causes could help ameliorate the situation- as when Brazil and the neighbouring areas experienced rainfall after what seemed like aeons.

quote of mahatma gandhi by amazon aid foundtion

This is an alarming sign for things to come- for if the man does not mend his ways and keep letting avarice have its day, nature will soon fight back with its indignation.

How To Apply For Passport Online In India – Passport Online Application


A Passport is a fundamentally the one of the most significant travel archives for the individuals who are going aboard for family visits, training, in travelling industry, medicinal participation, business, journey, and another reason.

It isn’t important that you need an international ID just in the event that you are going aboard; however, you can likewise utilize it as a fundamental personality and address evidence.

The Indian visa was issued by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) Government of India under the identification demonstration 1967. It guarantees the holder’s way of life as a native of India by birth or naturalization and guarantee that he/she can make a trip to outside nations under the Indian Government assurance. In India, international ID administration gives through Central Passport Organization (CPO) and Passport Seva Kendras (PSKs).

Indian visas are issued at in excess of 93 international ID office situated crosswise over India. As indicated by Wikipedia, in 2015, India issued an aggregate of 12 million travel papers and roughly 65 million Indians held a substantial international ID toward the part of the arrangement. To satisfy this expanded need for a visa the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) propelled the Passport Seva Project (PSP).

How To Apply for Passport Online

Ways To Apply For Indian Passport

There are two distinct approaches to apply for the visa in India is on the web and disconnected strategy. Anyway the online is the best mode as the application method is effectively done and less tedious.

So as to apply for another identification or visa-related administration, you should need to book an arrangement at the Passport Seva Kendras or Reginal Passport Office. You can without much of a stretch book an arrangement online by signing into the official site of Passport Seva, you have to fill the international ID application and present the imperative expenses to affirm your solicitation. After your arrangement is reserved effectively you have to printout the ARN receipt and visit the spot when the arrangement is booked for identification application.

On the off chance that you need to apply for identification online in India, at that point you have to pursue a few stages are portrayed in subtleties beneath. In the event that you don’t have a record on identification India site, at that point first you have to make another record and after that sign in to your record.

Passport India Registration Process

Stage 1: First, go to the official site of Passport Seva www.passportindia.gov.in. On the left side, you can locate the four distinctive shade of boxes in Green, Yellow, Blue, and Orange.

Passport Seva Landing page for sign up/sign in

Stage 2: To make another record click on “New User? Register Now” choice accessible in Orange shading.

Stage 3: In the following screen, you have to fill the structure to finish the enlistment procedure.

Register to apply at: By default, the “International ID Office” choice is chosen and select “CPV Delhi” choice on the off chance that you need to apply for Official/Diplomatic at consular, Passport and Visa (CPV) Division, Delhi.

Passport Office: In this field enter the name of the city as the private location.

Given Name: Enter your first name and centre name (Maximum 45 characters are permitted and remember Dr, Col, and so on kinds of words are not permitted)

Surname (Optional): Type your surname (Maximum 45 characters are permitted)

Date of Birth: Enter your introduction to the world date as appeared in birth testament (Type birth date in DD/MM/YYYY design)

Email ID: Enter your perpetual email id

Do you need your login id to be same as Email ID?: Tap on yes to create your new login id same as the email id

Login ID: Type any content in this segment, after that snap on check accessibility to check if it’s accessible or not

Password: Type solid secret word of least 8 characters and a limit of 14 characters which contains at any rate one capitalized letters in order or lowercase letter set and in any event one number

Confirm Password: Re-enter secret word for affirmation

Hint Question: Select any inquiry from the drop-down menu

Hint Answer: Type the appropriate response of chose indication question in the separate box

Enter Characters Displayed: Type the content as shown in the picture and snap on “Register” catch.

Stage 4: You will see an enrollment affirmation screen with a message like “Thank you for enlisting in the international ID Seva entrance”.

Stage 5: Currently, your record is inactivated. To enact your record you have to tap the connection in an email sent to your email id.

Stage 6: You will get an email from passpopt.admin with the subject of enlistment affirmation as appeared in underneath picture.

Apply for Register Mail

Stage 7: Scroll down and tap on the connection. When you click on the connection you will be diverted to the international ID seva site.

Stage 8: Here you have to enter your client id and snap on the submit catch. That is it your record has been effectively activated on Passport India site


Procedure To Login To Your Account

When you create an account on passport India site, utilizing the particular login id and secret phrase you can sign in to your record.

Stage 1: First, visit the official site of the Passport Seva www.passportindia.gov.in.

Stage 2: On the left side, you can locate the four distinctive shade of boxes accessible in Green, Yellow, Blue, and Orange.

Stage 3: To login to your record click on “Existing User? Login” alternative is accessible in Green shading.

Login Page on Passport Seva Site

Stage 4: Enter your login id and tap on “proceed” with a catch to login and enter your secret phrase.

Choose Application Type

Stage 1: After effectively signed in the snap on the “Application Home” tab accessible at the upper left corner of the screen.

Stage 2: Inside the application home, there are such huge numbers of choices accessible. To apply for another international ID you have to tap on the “Apply for Fresh Passport/Re-issue of Passport” choice.

Apply for Fresh Passport/Re-issue of Passport on Passport Seva

Stage 3: There are two elective choices accessible to apply for a crisp international ID or re-issue of identification is given beneath.

Alternative 1: Simply fill the application structure on the web.

Alternative 2: Download the delicate duplicate of the structure, fill it disconnected and transfer the filled structure.

Stage 4: If you need to apply it online at that point click on the alternative “Snap here to fill the application structure on the web”.

Stage 5: Select the state and your region to be indicated under the Present Residential Address segment of the application structure.

Change Your Present Residential Address Details on Passport Seva

Stage 6: In the next screen, you have to choose a few alternatives as given underneath.

Applying for: Select the “New Passport” alternative. On the off chance that you need to re-issue, at that point select the area choice.

Type of Application: Select Tatkaal alternative in the event that you need visa quick generally select the ordinary choice.

Type of Passport Booklet: Select any 36 or 60-page alternative as per your prerequisite.

Passport Type in Passport Seva

Stage 7: After you select the above alternatives click on the Next catch and enter the candidate subtleties.

Applicant Details

Application Details to Apply For Passport on Passport Seva

Given Name: Enter your first name and middle name (Maximum 45 characters are permitted and remember Dr, Col, and so on kinds of words are not permitted)

Surname (Optional): Type your surname (Maximum 45 characters are permitted)

Gender: Select from Male, Female and Transgender

Have you at any point been known by different names (nom de plumes)?: If you are known by different names at that point select yes and enter the name. Generally, select no choice

Have you at any point changed your name?: If you changed your name in past then select yes generally select the no alternative

Date of Birth: Enter your introduction to the world date as appeared in the birth declaration (Type birth date in DD/MM/YYYY design)

If your birthplace is out of India?: If your origination is out of India at that point select yes generally no

Place of Birth (Village/Town/City): Type your origination

State/UT: Select your state

District: Select your locale

Marital Status: Select your conjugal status from widow/single man, separated, single and isolated

Citizenship of India by Select your citizenship from birth, enrollment/naturalization, and plunge

PAN Number (Option): Enter your skillet number if accessible

Voter id (Option): Enter your voter id card number if accessible

Employment Type: Select your present work type from the various alternatives reasonable to you

Is both of your parent (if there should arise an occurrence of the minor)/life partner, an administration hireling?: Select no generally select yes on the off chance that you are in

Education Qualification: Select your training capability

Is the candidate qualified for Non-ECR classification: Select alternative as indicated by your qualification

Visible distinctive imprint: Optional field

Aadhaar Number: Type your Aadhaar number

After that consent to the terms and condition by snap on the yes catch and snap on the following catch.

Family Details

Family Details for Passport Seva

On the next screen enter your father, mother or lawful guardian name if appropriate and click on next catch.

Present Residential Address

Fill the subtleties, for example, is your present location outside of India, house number and road name, town/town/city, state/UT, region, police headquarters, stick code, versatile number, email id and tap on the following catch.

Emergency Contact

You will be diverted to the emergency contact page and enter your name and address, portable number, phone number and email id of other individuals.

Identity Certificate/Passport Details

In this page select the choice for various fields is given underneath.

Have you at any point held/hold any personality endorsement

Details of past/current conciliatory/official visa

Have you at any point connected for visa however not issued

Other Details

In this page, you have to choose the diverse alternative as per your profile as appeared in beneath picture. On the off chance that you are applying international ID just because, at that point select no for all alternatives.

Passport Details Verification

Presently check your subtleties, for example, your name, address, date of birth, and so on. This demonstrated subtleties are imprinted on your international ID. Ensure all entered subtleties are right. When you confirm all subtleties click on next catch.

Self Declaration

Self Declaration on Paspoert Seva Site

In this page, you have to choose the confirmation of birth, verification of present private location.

On the off chance that you need to enlist for the international ID Seva SMS administration, at that point select yes choice and it cost you Rs.50. After that concur terms and condition and snap on the submit structure choice.

That is it your application structure has been submitted effectively and you will likewise get the application reference number (ARN).

Pay and Schedule Appointment

Stage 1: Now you have to plan the arrangement by snap on the “Pay and Schedule Appointment” alternative.

Pay and Schedule Appointment on Passport Seva

Stage 2: Select the instalment mode from two unique alternatives is given underneath.

Online Payment (Internet Banking, Credit Card, Debit Card)

Challan Payment (Pay in real money at SBI branch)

Stage 3: Select the “Online Payment” choice and snap-on next catch. Select the arrangement standard > select the ideal identification Seva Kendra or international ID office and snap on the following catch.

Stage 4: After that snap on “Pay and Book Appointment” catch and you will be diverted to the state bank of India multi-choice instalment framework to finish the instalment.

Stage 5: Select your method of instalment, adhere to the guidance cautiously and make your instalment. (Kindly don’t revive the page while instalment is preparing)

Stage 6: After your instalment effective, your arrangement will be reserved consequently for the chose identification Seva Kendra or visa office.

Stage 7: Take a printout of the application receipt (ARN) and convey it along while visiting the international ID seva Kendra on the given arrangement time and date.